T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 444
It's high time I shared a little bit of modeling love. I've been doing styrene and resin models since I was about eight (that one was a model of the Space Shuttle, with a very lousy paint job!). And so now that I've got a new toy (the camera, not the model), I figure it's about time I posted some pics.
(I just got a Canon PowerShot G9, and I'm learning more about not using the "auto" settings. Plus, the pics were taken late at night, so that's why these are relatively dark.)
Member # 2010
Member # 343
Why so dark?
Member # 2010
"I just got a Canon PowerShot G9, and I'm learning more about not using the "auto" settings. Plus, the pics were taken late at night, so that's why these are relatively dark.)"
Member # 444
He could be referring to the paint job itself, too. I forgot to mention that. Funny story, that...
It started back when I got my model of the Enterprise-E. I was about 16 at the time, an absolutely lousy judge of color. Sure enough, I picked a shade of grey that was far, far too dark for the purpose. (I based my selection on some of the darker movie shots, but even for that, the paint was too dark.) I could've stripped off the paint, bought another can, and started over. But I kinda dug the dark color... it gave the ship an edgy, military feel.
Anyway, I've been using that can for a bunch of my models ever since. Not exactly Starfleet standard, but I like the look.
Member # 343
It's like Flinstones: The Next Generation...flying about in a stoneship.
Member # 2010
I think battleship gray is a nice color on a starship. Not good for TV, but a nice color. Why do you think all navies use it, besides the fact that it helps to blend in with the sea. Come to think of it, I think Starfleet should buy a chinese knock-off cloaking device for all their ships.
A jet black paint scheme with white,dots all over it.
Member # 343
That's not battleship grey. That's more of a Euro I Grey.
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
Not wanting to be critical, but have you thought about a stencil for the windows?
Member # 444
Heh; yeah, I've thought about that. The windows look quite fine when you're looking at the model from an average distance, so I never bothered. I think I probably should start doing that with the next ships that I get.
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
Man I got get into building models...
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
You got get English book
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
What you say?