So, I'm in a strange mood, and have sort of (maybe) decided to migrate from CorelDRAW to Illustrator. For the most part, I'm quite happy with it. But one thing that I don't really understand yet is how you can work with scale in Illustrator.
In Corel, you can quite easily establish a scale for your drawings, so the Enterprise fits on an A4 but is still 289 meters long, and you can measure things against it.
AI only seems able to stick to a 1:1 print scale. I guess I don't want to use a paper size of several hundred meters, and it appears there is no simple solution.
So.. assuming other people use Illustrator, what do you use to scale your work?
(Hmm.. maybe I'm slowly getting back into Star Trek? I've been away for a year or something I guess)
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
it's like crack, tatooes and blonds/lap dances... Where were you? o.O
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Well, away from Star Trek stuff.. not actually physically away.
Study. Warcraft (eek!). Other.. stuff? The Star Trek thing comes and goes with me, but it feels like its been ages now Posted by aridas (Member # 1051) on :
Scale is difficult in Illustrator, at least as compared with a CAD program and its entirely different way of doing things. You can create your own scale "yardstick" and use that, or rely on the ruler and/or grid, depending extensively on the info window for specificity.