I thought this season was disappointing, to be frank. Season 7 had some pretty dire content, but at least it didn't suffer from multi-part diahorrea.
The trilogy that opened the series deteriorated each week.
"Cassandra" was a glimpse back to classic Red Dwarf plots.
"Krytie TV" was confused, but funny at times. "Pete" Parts 1 & 2 was absolute PANTS!
Such a thin story dragged out over an hour (it felt like more). Endless apperences before Hollister to spout unfunny dialogue over & over & over...
I haven't seen the elusive finale yet, since the Beeb decided to show it early and unannounced.
The Rimmer/Lister banter was a welcome return to previous style, but the other characters were woefully underserviced.
The throwaway scenes in "Pete" about Kryten and his sentientpenis was just plain embarassing. I felt like switching channels, and I was watching alone! The Cat didn't do a damn thing all season.
I dunno, but judging recent work aganst the earlier seasons I conclude that Red Dwarf either needs new writers BADLY, or should be cancelled forthwith.
An unborn scream burst in my stomach,
and spread like cold mercury through my chest.
I covered my face with my hands, but kept looking through my fingers.
"Write that down!", he told the stick.
"Is visibly destroyed, yet unable to turn away".
- Blue Jam
The last episode had a very good ending.
but i won't spoil it for you. you've got to see it your self
Sorry you missed the Season 8 finale, which is a cliff-hanger.