T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 33
Took 'em long enough.......------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Member # 13
That must have been hard to do, considering David and Gillian don't even like each other.------------------ The Unknown Vulcan http://www.phix-it.com/~perseus/
Member # 36
Darn. I was hoping this would be a plot advancement, like Mulder getting a nifty new space fighter and attacking all those UFOs near the moon.------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
Well, it's been building up to this for a long time, I think it was inevitable that they would have to do this eventually. I just hope it doesn't change their relationship too much, after all that aspect was one of the great parts of the show.------------------ "But, it was so artistically done." -Grand Admiral Thrawn
Member # 138
Did anyone else think this episode came to early? I mean it would of made more sense to wait to air it near the actually millennium itself.------------------ Calvin: "I'm a man of few words." Hobbes: "Maybe if you read more, you'd have a larger vocabulary." Federation Starship Datalink - Starship site of the new millennium.
Elim Garak
Member # 14
As in... a little over a year from now? ------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
Alshrim Dax
Member # 258
AS I watched with great anticipation to THE BIG MOMENT, I was disappointed. The kiss didn't look like it meant anything.When they pitched this whole 'Kiss' thing, it was like it was the kiss to end all kisses!! I thought this would finally be the time where they express the feelings (My Gawd, I'm sounding like a Harlequin Romance novel critic) they've had the whole time. It was just a fromage (french for cheese) New Years/Millenium kiss. I had hoped for more. However, it does open the door for ... another ... kiss. ------------------ Alshrim Dax