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Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on :
Today (Sunday, 12 December 1999) I saw a half-hour promo for the new "Galaxy Quest" movie--- what made this different from the usual 'This is the greatest movie ever made!' hype was that the whole thing was a gag:

Instead of a behind the scenes making of the movie thing, it was a documentary about the beloved Galaxy Quest TV show (1979-1982) complete with in-depth interviews with all the stars and the creator of the show: originally a Western {West Quest}, it was changed to a Navy setting and then to a space setting---based on budget constraints.

this was such a send-up of Star Trek, made all the funnier by me seeing a 15-minute piece about hardcore Trekkies on the Arts&Entertainment channel about an hour later!

p.s. the movie might be crap; I don't know, but the way that they pretend to take GQ seriously struck me as damn funny, a la "This is Spinal Tap."



Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
This movie might be fun, if not too close for comfort. They have an interesting website ( which is supposedly a fan page for the actual TV show. It's got typos and inoperative links and everything.

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum


Posted by giskard on :
If you like Galaxt Quest, I found another "fan site" It seams to have mostly the same info as the site above, but with more pictures and a more in depth look at the characters. it is at

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