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Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Any other fans of the best sci-fi series out there?

Like, books, you know...

Faster than light - no left or right.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Ha ha ha! Very clever.

Sorry, it's my night to be cryptic.

Jeff K
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" and nothing at all will happen.


Posted by USS Vanguard (Member # 130) on :
Really, that stuff looks like crap...on the other hand so do most sci-fi books out nowadays. Give me some good ole fashioned classic heinlein thank you very much.

Signatures are for losers


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
You are talking to a 40 year-old Heinlein fan (atic).

Have you read the HH series - or only seen the cover art.

I'm telling you - this series is good.

Faster than light - no left or right.

Posted by USS Vanguard (Member # 130) on :
I must admit, i've only looked at the cover art and really have had no reason to pick it up...considering i've seen the same covers on multitudes of sci-fi books. What makes this series so good compared to the generic alien war novel.

Signatures are for losers


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I haven't heard about Honor Harrington. What sci-fi is it?

Aboot Heinlein, I read "Starship Troopers" because of the movie. It was good, had the same kind of "ahead-of-its-time" technological details that Dune feasted in. What would be the next step?

And is it pronounced Hine-lin?

"Babies haven't any hair;
old men's heads are just as bare;
between the cradle and the grave
lies a haircut and a shave."

Samuel Hoffenstein

Posted by USS Vanguard (Member # 130) on :
I never knew how they could turn a satire on fascism into Melrose Space.

Signatures are for losers


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Heinlein (yes, you pronounced it correctly (with a Kansas-Missouri cornpone accent if you want to be truly authentic) was the Dean of sci-fi - literally the author who lifted sci-fi out of its robots & rayguns era into literature, and against whom even modern sci-fi authors are mentioned (any time a new techno-fiction novel is published, the publishers manage to find SOME reviewer who will refer to the author as "The New Heinlein". I myself - and several persons I know - revere his works as the pinnacle of sci-fi.

Starship Troopers the novel was, of course, a far better novel that the movie was cinema. In fact, I watched the movie once - and won't again. As Van said, it can be seen as a satire on fascism - although I would argue that the government in the novel is in fact the ultimate in democracy. Heinlein was quite prolific as a writer - Starship Troopers is my favorite novel - but to be honest it was not his best. We can go into that in another thread if you like.

Vanguard & Nimrod:
The Honor Harrington novels are written by David Weber - arguably the best of his genre: The Techno (or HARD) sci-fi novels. They are as detailed and internally self-consistent as a Tom Clancy novel - but with a whole new universe to play with.

They take place some 100s of light years away from Sol, and almost 2000 years in the future - and are centered around the Kingdom of Manticore (a binary system colony of Earth) and its war with another, larger stellar 'Republic' of Haven - also an Earth colony.

With the exception of a 'hyperdrive' to allow for interstellar travel, the novels are almost ridgidly scientifically accurate.

I sometimes think that potential authors are put off by the idea of a female protagonist - thinking that this is going to be a touchy-feely girls' novel - dragons and fantasy or some such. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You learn very early on that equality of the sexes is the rule within human space - and Honor's gender rarely becomes even apparent - except within her personal life.

I could go into more detail if you like - but the best way to judge it would be to pick up the first book: "On Basilisk Station" - easily one of the best 10 sci-fi novels I have ever read. Trust me guys, anyone who likes Heinlein, Niven, or Pournelle will love this series - and read them repeatedly.

Faster than light - no left or right.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I guess I can see the Pournelle recommendation, but I'd really like to think that Niven and Heinlein have a bit more imagination showing than that.

Jeff K
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" and nothing at all will happen.


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well, since "Dune: House Corrino" won't come out until oct/nov I guess I have a gig for my summer reading then...

"Babies haven't any hair;
old men's heads are just as bare;
between the cradle and the grave
lies a haircut and a shave."

Samuel Hoffenstein

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Heinlein? Literature?

Oh dear. I think I'll go feed my Martian Flat-Cat.

"And as it is, it is cheaper than drinking."
-DT on arguing with Omega, April 30


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Have you even read it? The level of 'imagination' in the HH books is staggering. If you have read thge books - and then say this: please, let's discuss the books failings. If not - you're not really entitled to an opinion, are you?

Great! Looking forward to some great discussions.

Yes. Heinlein. Literature. Hugo. Nebula. Dean of Science Fiction. Stranger in a Strange Land. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Starship Troopers.
I'll put him up against Steinbech's droning anyday. Heinlein was IMHO right up their with Clemens.
See above comment to Sol. Have you read these books?

Faster than light - no left or right.

Posted by USS Vanguard (Member # 130) on :
Yes, Heinlein is considered literature. Look up any literatary criticism anthology and you'll probably come upon his name. Don't mistake his work for trash like Piers Anthony, etc just cuz they're in the same section of the bookstore. He's considered just as potent a author as Bradbury, Asimov, and Clark.

Signatures are for losers


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I've read more Weber novels than I probably should have. Most recently The Apocalypse Troll, but I never finished it. Trust me, I'm familar with the Baen library. It just isn't my cup of tea.

I don't mean to slam Weber, by the way. I mean, he's writing perfectly servicable military fiction with heaps of old school space opera thrown in. But it doesn't strike me as being particularly imaginative.

Jeff K
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" and nothing at all will happen.


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Fair enough Sol. I respect any informed opinion.

Faster than light - no left or right.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
And *I* on the other hand, just finished "Basilisk Station"!
Most of it I read from my sunchair on the porch of our house in the country during the last four days, so the setting was perfect. This is where I like to do my summer reading, or perhaps in the swing couch next to the house.

Anyhow, a short, spontaneous review from Niklas.



I really liked the setting, with mixed human colony powers that fight over territory and such, expansionists versus conservatives... And aside from the medusans, there weren't any aliens at all, which was nice for a change.
The decision to incorporate pistol duels was a nice touch, sounds so "olde british", in a way.


I'm glad Weber decided to use the ingredient of Death with care and temperance, for example the Dune series has so much death and sorrow in it all the time that it gets really, really depressing at times. The worth of a person's life is too low in Dune.
In this book, I was comfortable with the patrol duties Honor executed at Basilisk WITHOUT having to shoot and hack people all the time.
For once it was "just another boring and hard day on the job", not continuous martial law and people die die die. I am really enjoying the peace time in the book, there are more options. Like in old TNG, pre borg. It was, just...nice.
I have no doubt there's gonna be turbulence in the coming books, but this is good too.


I was a bit confused by the timeframe of this book at first, they count their years AD "After Diaspora", from when the first colonist ship left Old Earth. When exactly was this???
I can't convert what year it would be according to OUR calendar...
On the other hand, it's nice that it's a little vague, I don't really need to know how long it's been, it's more interesting to read about of the history they made THEMSELVES, after founding Manticore and Haven.

Honor Harrington and Equality

Honor Harrington is an interesting character, not Demi Moore (too cocky) and not the bland, perfect hero that is so overrepresented in some books. But I like "determined military girl".

Is the english pocket cover art of "Basilisk" accepted by Weber as a canon image of her? I like it, although they made Nimitz' eyes red instead of green. And Ms Harrington is described as not wearing makeup in the book, whereas on the cover of "Basilisk" she does have lipstick and eyeliner.

The equality between the sexes is very nice. That was hard to uphold, of course, when I read what the medusans did to skimmer captain Frances Malcolm in the start of the terrible medusan uprising.


The "treecat" idea is nice, Nimitz seems to read his mistress quite good, and it reminds me of Ellen Ripley and her Jonesey.
It's a nice touch that the 'cats are so accepted in the military, and that Honor even wears a special pad on her shoulder for him to grip his claws in.
I'm also glad she gets ANY physical contact (a la cat) with someone as she must get terribly lonely as captain. And stroking a cat lowers blood pressure!

Crew matters

The delicate chemistry between the officers (and other crew as well) was very interesting, especially the measures Honor had to take to make them function properly and trust her.
The functions and actions of a captain can be so diverse and complicated sometimes, it seems.

Spaceships & Other Technology

The technical bit was great. I liked the spaceship flora very much. It's been long since I heard the term "dreadnought", and they have it in "super"-flavour, as well. Yum!

The ships sounded more non-aerodynamic compared to Star Trek, in fact more like the Sulaco from Aliens or the ships in Starship Troopers.
(I was just wondering, in what size order did the cutter, skimmer and pinnace come?)
I can't wait to read about that newly built of the "Star Knight" class, it sounds yummy.

The weapons and other technology felt fresh and new to me, what with the impeller drive, the impeller "wedge", laser-burst torpedoes and that crazy gravlance!
I hope they make the 'lance work better in the other six books, it sounds just as untamed and unrefined as the Defiant's cannons in the beginning.
The countermeasure equipment was exciting, as was the intricate details of missile combat.
I don't think I've ever read such a thoroughly depicted space battle as between Fearless and the Sirius.

An unusual aspect of their shields was that some part of the shield belt could take pretty much anything because of its nature, composition and energy feed.
It had something to do with the impeller nodes, which I guess works as "shield emitters", I guess.
Apparently they varied in size from civilian to military grade. Mmm...

I liked when Honor dashed past that "Crown Courier" with her ship, severely denting it with her shields, then practically sticking her head out the window, saying "oops, sorry did that hurt??"

The chase of the Q-Ship Sirius had me sitting on the edge of my seat, that was a cliffhanger. The order for full emergency military power was right on the spot. Just throw them traffic laws out the window!!!

I also liked the author's vessel designation of HMS instead of USS or some federation/union/confederacy/empire/gov-force shortening. We have a queen here!
Also, the term "officer of the crown" simply sounds good. Is David Weber from the UK?


I really enjoyed this book and will jump at the other ones shortly, looking forward to many lovely hours in this new universe.
I just have to learn not to read too much at a time, I want to stretch out the fun, it always feels so sad to put down a good book that you've finished. This book flew past way too fast.

Oh no, I may even have to ration the chapters! Only four per day, young man!!! (builds character)

Anyway, I give it 10 out of 10 and scratch the tip of Honor's nose. Thanks for introducing me to this book, Mr Phyle. Goodnight.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Just thought of another thing. Apparently, the aboriginal medusans are three-legged, tall and have no real joints, more like soft creases in their limbs.

This was back in -93, so I think we might have the original inspiration to Species 8472...

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Glad you enjoyed it Nimmie. Let me know what you think of #2. BTW, the series takes place some 2000 years from now.

Trust me, the series gets better. I'm re-reading 'In Enemy Hands' again - and enjoying the personal interplay. The space battles also get better. You will find views of the ships in the flyleaves of the later books.

This is one of the authors whose works I can read multiple times (also Heinlein, Niven, Pournelle, Clancy). Get hold of Weber's 'Mutineer's Moon' - it is part 1 of a trilogy - and also exzcellent.

BTW: according to a usually-reliable source, Mr. Weber lives in my own home town of Vancouver, BC.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Yay, shipviews!
The personal interplay is one of the strongest and most enjoyable traits, yes.
Aah, Vancouver. My brother is going there soon.

Well there's no way I can stop now that I've gotten the scent of these books. This summer will be nice.

About the personal duels and firing squads of Manticoran society, do you also feel it kind of resembles that of Starship Troopers, only much less fascism?
I mean, they don't seem barbaric enough to whip people, or use violence to keep the people in check (as Radscak put it), maybe they are trying to strive for a democratic rule, mixed with the somewhat harsh but courteous "British Gentleman's 1800's"?

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
I read Starship Troopers back in high school and read it again a few years ago when the movie came out. I really missed the power armor and the bugs with guns. It's also a great source for ships names. I liked a lot of his stuff from the 50s and 60s (including his "juvenile stuff"), but could never stay awake through any of his phonebook-sized later novels.
Another favorite of mine from high school was The Forever War, by Joe Haldeman. I recommned the original version rather than the recently "restored" reissue.

I haven't read any recent "combat SF" but I assumed it was pretty much a poor imitation of Tom Clancy with space ships and ray guns. Is there anything good out there?
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
I also loved the pressure-reactive armor of ST, and that's another reason I liked Honor Harrington, Weber's description of the many different groundbased units with configurable power armor.
Apparently the armor can be equally beefed up and stripped of components to allow it be used in the heavy weapons support role as well as lightfoot recon squads running at 60km/h silently.
I won't tell you too much, though, the pleasure lies in reading it yourself for the first time.

I have read many "mainstream" sci-fi/space opera novels and short stories, and I don't think HH is pulp fiction at all. It satisfies both my gizmo-appetite (ship details, field tactics and such) and that for personal interaction, hidden agendas, mind games, conflicts.

I'm itching to get the second book before I go to Hultsfred.
It has proved to be nice to lay in the grass in front of your tent, reading something and taking in fluids to help you recover from the drinking battles of yesterday...

Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
If you can get ahold of "Ashes of Honor" -look at the first 6 pages. All of the ships -some in 3d-cutaway.
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
They only had books 4 and 5 in stock but they order new ones all the time, it's popular.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Well, as I said, Ashes of Victory has a profile view of all classes. Some of these ships are huge.

BTW: The best story is probably Echoes of Honor.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Well, Mr. Phyle, I'm going to start on "In Enemy Hands" soon.
This summer has been very book efficient. At the countryhouse I found four new places to read in, heh. And the weather has been great, still is.
I even squeezed in "1984" while I was currently out of Honor... Maybe it wasn't such a good call now that I think about it, I felt an enormous urge to start drinking heavy after finishing that book. It was a bit, howyousay, depressing? :-)

Anyhow, if anyone here is reading, or will read, the Honor Harrington novels then be warned, I shall spoil some.
(Occasional Spoilers)

Let's see now.

Honor of the Queen
Got her gloves off and got down and dirty in unarmed combat, the 'cat was very impressive.
Interesting development of the grayson situation of course. They brought up some good issues.

The introduction of the peep Sultan class was cool, I've noticed them later on as well.
The treatment of the female Manticoran crew at Blackbird Station really caught me offguard. I had a hunch what was going on but Weber is really merciless in his descriptions...

The Short Victorious War
Battlecruiser Reliant class HMS Nike, *sigh*. Lovely boat, saynomore, saynomore.
Funny, I don't remember much apart from the beginning of the book and the end battle, she didn't spend much time "dirtside" on Grayson, did she?
I was pleased Pavel Young was introduced again into the story, I'd forgotten about him. Little did I know...

Field of Dishonor
I really got moved at certain parts of the book, I don't know what it is but I've never been so immersed in a book before this series. The quick, unforeseen death of Paul Tankersley even made me swear through my teeth.
Honor's prowess with the pistol was an interesting turn of events, too. I was expecting some outdrawn mind-game or something, not such an exhibition of terror!
The banishment to Grayson did it's job on the drama too, I hadn't started thinking of the interesting change of scenery yet, just the disgrace of it.

Flag In Exile
Poor girl. Of the books I've read so far, this one was certainly the most physically demanding for her. Introducing swordfighting was great, again (in the last duel) I had anticipated an outdrawn match were Honor finally defeats the fanatical pig through luck or something but this was gruesome.
I found new respect for superdreadnoughts, and the way they restored the captured peep ships and threw them back at them, very cocky. Alfredo Yu could've been used more, I hope his time's not up yet.

Honor Among Enemies
Q-Ships! And on our side for once!!! The newfound uses of the missile pods felt good, and the element of surprise when they whipped around on unsuspecting piratesgave me tingling sensations in the groin.
Also the sidestories with the peep captain was good, they can't all be crazy expansionist assholes.

The common respect among officers, regardless of navy, was nice, although maybe the peep captains were a bit too grateful in the ending of the book, saluting to Honor and having dinner with her all the time. Of course, what choice did they have? They were alive!

It really saddens me to know there's only three books left. I always feel that way when finishing a good book. And a whole series? *sigh*
It was hard with the original Dune books, but at least I had a glimpse of hope there, when I heard they would make prequels and maybe later on even continuations on the last original book.

I suppose Weber won't continue on the Harrington saga after "Ashes of Victory"? Of course, I haven't read it, so no spoiling!! :-)

Those other three books, "More than Honor", "Worlds of Honor" and "Changer of Worlds", are they any good? I mean, since Weber didn't write them, only edit them...
Should I read them AFTER "Ashes..." or squeeze them in somewhere between book #7, #8 and #9???

I really hope I can get my brother to start reading these books, it's so frustrating not to be able to discuss these things properly.

Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
I won't spoil anything - nothing should interfere with the enjoyment of these novels.

Yes, there is indeed room and 'untied threads' - the author could indeed continue writing should he care to.

I NEVER read 'guest writer' stuff (okay, maybe Kzin Wars).

When you finish Honor, read Weber's 'Mutineer's Moon' trilogy. Reads like an unnatural cross-breed of Heinlein, Niven, Pournelle. Excellent.

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Phew, I was scared "Ashes..." would be the last one, that felt so sad. I'm currently at 60% of "Ashes...", the development is oh so lovely, what with the new Harr- I mean Medusa class and the Shrike-B. Mmm, that author sure knows how to make us ship buffs "darool, darool!".
And to think I was afraid she never would get a new eye when I saw her with an eyepatch on the cover, the one with the green LAC carriers deploying fighters.

Sometimes during my vacation reading I surprised myself, when I got to parts like Honor's family watching her "hanging", or when she met up with them on the Harrington Steading spaceport and my dad suddenly started talking about some mundane stuff in the newspaper or telling me to grab the dishes this time.
I could go "Hey!!! I'm on the last twenty pages of this here book, there's a LOT of bad stuff happening right now, a LOT of bad stuff is going down, OK??? Um, sorry."

Mutineer's moon, eh? We'll see about that.

Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Seriously, you'll love it. The characters are just as real - and you will NEVER look at a full moon the same way again.
Posted by HappyTarget (Member # 670) on :
The Honor Harrington Series is a really great read. A firend introduced em to me. I read all he had, then went out and slowly built up my collection untill I now have em all! The "guest writers" books are accually quite good IMHO. They fill in a lot of the stuff that wasnt covered thoroughly in Webbers books, like how the Commitee(sp?) of Public Safety came to power and how McQueen's attempted coup worked out. There are also good stories that give us more info on treecat lives and thier society. Though they may not be as great as the series itself, they provide lots of usefull info for fleshing out Honor's universe and some are a pretty good read in their own right. To anyone who hasn't read any of Weber's work, go get one now! Very few will come away disapointed. I also really like the 3 books that David Weber has done with Steve White ("Insurrection", "Crusade", and "In Death Ground"). Heres to hoping that the Honor Harrington series continues for years to come!
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
I sincerely hope so too.
I'm very close to the end of "Ashes of Victory" now, right when the Masadan freighter captain has fired his stealth missiles at Honor and her entourage.
I don't want to read more than one chapter per day now, I don't want the book to end so soon.
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
*two hours of shameless reading later*
Well that was fun! I am now in love with Shannon Foraker and want to marry her much.
"Oops" indeed.
But the last chapters really increased my curiosity in manticoran domestic politics, the backstory about poor "rock-and-a-hard-place" Queen Elizabeth alone could spawn a lot of good stough.
And I am delighted in Weber's strategy when ending the book.

The way I see it, he's got more room to continue in different scenarios in the next episode(s).
There's so much that could be done, and I hope such seldomly used cards as the Andermani, San Martin and the Guild will be used more.

I was a bit surprised by Weber's note about continuity in the end of the book, but it's certainly nice to know he takes it so seriously.

Hmm, I'll go back to bed now.

Posted by HappyTarget (Member # 670) on :
I have started a fan fic in the Honor Harrington universe just in case anyone is interested. It can be found at

Feel free to leave coments and observations, both good and bad. I need feedback in order to tell if its good or what can be improved.

Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Aaah. What have we here? I seldom go to "Design..." nowadays, and the title didn't give any hints about the Honor universe. I'll go have a peek.
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Well, Treknophyle, if you're still with us, I recently bought the third Dahak-volume, "Heirs of Empire". I'm at 50% now, it's real good. The whole series was great, you were right.

Anyhow, since I waited extra long for the book, they had to order a whole new batch to my favorite shop 'cause it's s popular, I got the newest, eighth print, January, 2002!
And guess what was printed in the second page?

"Other books by David Weber
Honor Harrington
Ashes of Victory (blah-9)
War Of Honor (Forthcoming)!!!!

They didn't even have that info on his own website. How do you like them apples, Happy and Phyle?
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
I'm Baaaaaak!

Sorry for the hiatus - haven't been at the office - and my home computer needed major work.

Jazzed to hear about the new Honor book. Is it 'pure' Weber?
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Yes, it is not listed as either an "anthology" or "written with Blah Blaherson".

Furthermore, I have now finished Heirs of Empire (they really "went medieval on their asses") and although it was written in -96 I have confidence he'll continue on the theme, since the Achultaani threat still is there, and there are a couple of more loose ends.

I don't know where he's heading with his new fantasy books, though, they are said to be rather mediocre.
But I haven't tried them myself, so...
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Well, speaking for myself, life is too short to read fantasy.

But I'm cheered to hear about the new Harrington.

Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
New info, says the estimated publishing date is June, 2002.
I just luuv that summer reading...
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Thanks for the new site guy!

BTW - I'm glad I 'turned' you to HH. Always a big thrill to show a fellow sf fan a new good series.
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Yes, I am grateful for the recommendation, it wouldn't have stood out against the other pocket books in the shop, had I judged it by its cover. [Smile]

It's funny, I loved reading "Lord of the Rings" but there are some things and emotions in HH that just can't be compared to anything else. At least, I don't want to compare it to anything else. :-)

The Dahak-tip was good too. ("You won't look at the moon the same way again", whyIoughtta...)
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
That's why I consider it the best of hard sf so far - quite a feat when you consider I revere Heinlein as I do.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :

Goddamn shit though, that it is scheduled for November release. I wanted to read it on the summerhouse porch, like the last one. Well, should be enough of a sacrifice. [Smile]
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
I snese a visit to amazon coming on...
I have 10 weeks of summer holiday this year [Big Grin] [Big Grin] ; the upside of exams. So, plenty of time for reading. Has anyone read The Outward Urge by John Wyndham and Lucas Parkes? It is really good, though slightly dated now.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
It's phunny, them spheres shooting missiles look strangely Dahak-like, although much smaller. Some sort of new superweapon? I wonder on whose side...
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
On my side. They're out to get you. I mean, I'm out to get you.

It's 4:30, this apartment is freezing, this couch is uncomfortable, and I can't sleep. Ahhhh, the laptop ...

Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
25� Celsius here in the land of loins. In the shade, too.
The waters at my countryhouse are at about the same temperature too, it's uncanny. It usually don't get that high until August... Strange things are happening.

Yep, yep yep, no polarbears roaming the streets around here! More like fat german tourists, fat american tourists and thin chinese tourists with fat cameras.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I'm American. 25 C sounds COLD.

[Big Grin]
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
It isn't.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
25 C = 77 F
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Nice and warm ... my kinda top down, doors off day. Passenger falling out of jeep day, but, hey, can't expect to live forever.

Here in Arlington, Virginia, it's a beautiful 84 degrees ... ahhhhhhh. I be workin' on my tan, yo.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Couls someone please post a list of the Honor Harrington novels in order? Amazon comes up with them in some kind of really confused order.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
Hi guys - back again (Very busy - just got a job).

Wraith: Anything for a member who quotes Heinlein in his signature.

Honor Harrington: On Basilisk Station - 4/92
Honor Harrington: Honor of the Queen - 6/93
Honor Harrington: Short Victorious War - 4/94
Honor Harrington: Field of Dishonor - 10/94
Honor Harrington: Flag in Exile - 9/95
Honor Harrington: Honor among Enemies - 2/95
Honor Harrington: In Enemy Hands - 7/97
Honor Harrington: More Than Honor (Anthology) - 1/98
Honor Harrington: On Basilisk Station (Limited Edition) - 10/98
Honor Harrington: Echoes of Honor - 10/98
Honor Harrington: Worlds of Honor (Anthology 2/99)
Honor Harrington: Ashes of Victory (3/00)

And check out this site I found:

"Let's be about it".
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Just need to do three more exams then I can start reading [Big Grin] [Big Grin] .

Just a brief word about Starship Troopers; I liked the movie. It was good fun and incredibly gory. I didn't actually get around to reading the book until a few months after and it is so much better. The biggest dissapointment was the lack of powered suits (and tactics) in the film. They just seemed to be a mob with guns. I also thought that the rapid (to say the least) promotions of the main characters was ridiculous. I also think there are sections of the book a few modern politicians should read...
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Hi, Phyle!

"Honor Harrington: On Basilisk Station (Limited Edition) - 10/98"

What does this incorporate that is new? Meesa interested, I'm thinking of reading all the books over again just until the new book comes.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
And shit what a wonderful model!!! He needs to put a bulb inside, plaster red transparent film over the insides of the missile ports and light it up in a dim setting.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
The limited edition had nothing new - it's just that many latecomer fans couldn't find the first one in the series.

I agree the model is pretty - but it is also wrong. The ship should be a narrow spindle - with a small hammerhead. I'm presently working up a CGI.

BTW - apologies for my occassional disappearances from this and other threads. I'm now working a full time job plus various part time gigs. All this keeps me fairly busy - I sneak time on FLARE when I can.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
"The ship should be a narrow spindle - with a small hammerhead"

I seem to recall that the ships in the scale print of the last book looked pretty much like the model. If anything, I think the hammerhead sections should be MORE prominent.

The whole design-theme is efficient but more boring than a borg cube. No creative aesthetics whatsoever, might as well be the whale cylinders of ST:IV.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Hiya! [Smile]

Yes I know this is a really old topic and I apologise for resurrecting it, but didn't think it worth creating a whole new one to talk about a subject I now also love very much. [Smile]

I can't believe that you lot have let this thread go un-posted for over 6 years! I got into Honor Harrington about 18 months ago and just can't stop reading and re-reading the books - David Weber rocks!

However...I now have a problem of my own. I've been trying to write my own novel, but want to keep the ships as realistically as possible - somewhere along the lines that David Weber has achieved...but I can't figure out how he works out his tonnage. I've used the formula for Gross Tonnage fouond on Wikipedia but if I try and compare to Mr Weber's tonnage values...they're way off. I don't suppose anyone knows of where I could find how Mr Weber worked it all out? I know there's some brief blurb in the back of Jayne's Manty Navy book, but it doesn't go into any detail - which is what I need. Of course if you wonderful people (from which I have been away from for far too long) know of an alternative source, I'll happily accept that also.

Many thanks and here's to me hopefully being more active here! [Smile]
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
You're writing a novel and your biggest problem is calculating tonnage? Really?

Just make a guestimate, it's not like anyone will bother to check up on it. And if some sad freak does whine about it being to heavy, well then that's the super dense core shielding! To light? Well that'd be the ultra thin carbon lattice mesh bulkheads.

It's science fiction mate!
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Well, there was a "Great Resizing" of all of the Honorverse ships recently (by Weber himself) because of an error in the size/weight originally stated.

This will show some of the changes:
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
You're writing a novel and your biggest problem is calculating tonnage? Really?

Just make a guestimate, it's not like anyone will bother to check up on it. And if some sad freak does whine about it being to heavy, well then that's the super dense core shielding! To light? Well that'd be the ultra thin carbon lattice mesh bulkheads.

It's science fiction mate!

LMAO Reverend, that made me laugh...which I very much needed after reading about poor Jay. [Frown]

Well it's not my biggest problem but it is a problem, especially as I want to get as close to being realistic as possible without going OTT or putting too much thought and effort into it. Like I said, I can calculate tonnage based on the GT formula found on Wiki, but I was hoping for something more precise as my destroyers are roughly 44 million tons! [Eek!] [Eek!] Which is far more massive than the superdreadnoughts in HH. [Confused]

And as for "guestimate"... [Mad] I HATE that word - it's so...made up! "Estimate" or "take your best guess" is what should be used - damn whoever first started using it...gets right on me tits it does. [Razz]

Oh and B.J. - yeah I grabbed that page as soon as I found it...but it's still not "accurate" enough for me. What can I say, I'm a tech freak/perfectionist and just love to dabble with spreadsheets and specs...maybe that's why the novel isn't getting written very fast...hmm... [Razz]
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Haha, this was a funny thread resurrection.
I remember the summers of the early 2000's, I went through about four Harrington-novels per season.

Weber's gotten increasingly formulaic in the last books, though. People talk the same regardless of planet, cultural background or social standing. Everyone makes the same metaphors, "Stop moping, you look like a treecat who lost his celery!" or "The nuns of Grayson will fight fiercer than cornered treecats!", also "Damn, I can't find my treecat, can I borrow yours for a sec?!".
Harrington and friends always drink the same "Old Tillman" beer and, when not drinking, keep "nursing" their beer as they talk.
And if someone misbehaves they are referred to as needing a "kick in the posterior!". Oh but you are coy, girl. [Eek!]

Say what you want, but the Harrington-series is the only place where you can enjoy such eloquent poetry as "With it's hull pierced and trailing atmosphere, the final fleeing pirate-pinnace was deposited into the afterlife, swept away in a furious, crimson tsunami of bomb-pumped lasers."

The fleet battles and moderate technophilia is still somewhat entertaining when you suspend disbelief (and trekkies know a thing or two about that), but Weber's increasingly anti-liberal and pro-"single-party state" tone is a bit fucky, for lack of a better word; peace-advocating diplomats are all snivelling fools and Weber dresses things up so that readers wish Manticore's narrowminded opposition party (Queen Elisabeth Winton's detractors) would all die in a space-traffic accident.

I also remember the time Weber mentioned Scientology in the year 4000 AD as a religion enjoying the same viability and merit as christian protestantism, when discussing Manticore's religious stance.

But, if Weber releases another book of Zap-Boom-Purr-Stab I may just check it out, if the cover art has enough explosions and dramatic font on it.
After all, you must allow yourself some guilty pleasures now and then. (hmm, I wonder if Starship Troopers will be available on Bluray)

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