Well, after 9 years, the X-Files is over. It's been a nice long run, and it was (and still is) one of my favorite shows on TV.
The series finale ended with a bang, after tying up just about every loose end. It was good to see Krycek one last time...I didn't like seeing him get shot in the head. X, Spender, Marita-whatever, Gibson...they all were back. The Cigarette-Smoking Man showed up at the end, acting very smug about controlling everything. And it was good to see the Lone Gunmen again. Everything was finally tied up--the conspiracy, the alien invasion, and where Mulder has been. There was even a big explosion at the end!
I've seen better series finales, but at least we've had some closure on one of the most mysterious TV shows ever. I'm sad there will be no more new episodes, but now I won't have to guess whose really dead anymore...
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
So, what was the consipiracy and shit?
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Don't know if I'm right...I'm not good at explaining, but here it is...
After the alien craft crashed at Roswell in 1947, the conspiracy was a group of men who set out to protect the world from knowing about the aliens. The aliens were coming back to Earth on December 22, 2012, in a mass invasion force that would rid all humans, so that they could colonize the planet. The conspiracy had a pact with the aliens: they would hand over Earth, but the conspiracy would be allowed to survive the invasion. But, some aliens rebels killed most of the conspiracy bak in the 6th season, and all the remaining conspiracy members are now dead. The leader of the conspiracy, the Cigarette-Smoking Man, was nuked by a helicopter missile at the end of this episode.
You'de have to watch all of the episodes dealing with the conspiracy to really get it all. Seeing the movie might explain some of it, too.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
So is the earth still doomed in 2012?
Where's Majestic-12 at?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It didn't answer anything. Not that we should be surprised. Not to mention it ended more or less on a cliffhanger. Oh, can't wait for that movie, Carter. Bah!
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
I guess you're undrunk, now, Mr. Simon.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I don't recall being drunk at some prior time, but then I guess I wouldn't.
I confess to not having finished Deus Ex yet. (I didn't get the game until recently.) I hope its ending is more satisfying.
And Showgirls is on VH1. That should be about 15 minutes long. Are there people out there thinking "Gee, I'd love to see Showgirls for the sparkling dialogue and cutting edge social commentary, but without the nudity and the sex."? I'm so confused. You're letting me down, AOLTimeWarnerDisneySoft.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :