T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 138
quote: SCI FI Orders New QUANTUM LEAP - The SCI FI Channel has ordered a two-hour movie/backdoor pilot for a remake of the NBC series QUANTUM LEAP. Executive Producer Don P. Bellisario is still developing the potential new series, which may star a female leaper. Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell starred in the original LEAP, which aired from 1989-1993. -ZENtertainment #528
Mr. Pink
Member # 621
A remake? As opposed to a spinoff? Interesting...
Magnus Pym Eye
Member # 239
I suppose we can expect the same level of quality as Dark Angel or Darkman or Cheezy Crap-Ass Show or somesuch. Hooray.
Magenta Aban Rune
Member # 226
Well, I liked QL, and I would love to see more... but a remake (as opposed to sequel or spin off) would pretty much cancel out the first series. And it wouldn't give the show any lind of a launching pad. They'd have to do everything from scratch which means on of two things:
1) We'd go over a bunch of territory we've already covered in the first show, or
2) They'll try and change things to make it different form the first show and end up changing alot of the things that made it good.
A female leaper? Ehh... good in theory, but I seriously doubt a woman having to resist the advances of sex hungry men will be nearly as funny as Sam having to fend off women. Sam playing the "good boy" worked, but I just don't think it'll be the same if you put a woman in that situation.
While we're at it, if they do a new show, maybe they can try something they never quite got to in the first series: I always wanted to see Sam do some more modern leaping. I would have loved to see him end up in the 90's or in some time between when we, as the viewers, were seeing the show and the time period Al existed in. Perhaps ending up days before his original leap. I think the closest they ever got was the Dr. Ruth episode set in the 80's.
Also, maybe they could focus a little more on the leaper actually trying to get home. Sam sort of gave up on actively trying to find a way home and just sort of bounced around.
Red Ultra CaptainMike Pym
Member # 709
cancel out the first series?
time travel shows can cancel and uncancel things at will.. i'd hardly trust producers to have the guts to do that, but a series of alternate and aborted timelines might be a fun idea for a show, if done correctly. basically have a bunch of stuff happen that ends up not happening in the end, but we still got to enjoy it happening. for example, 'Yesterday's Enterprise' elapsed about 5 minutes of the 1701-D's time from an observer's standpoint, but was a great episode even though it 'never happened'
(for a definition of it done incorrectly, please reference 'Sliders' 'Star Trek: Voyager' and 'Enterprise')
Magenta Aban Rune
Member # 226
I meant, as far as the two series go, they wouldn't be adding to the first series, they'd be replacing it. Nothing from the first series would pay off at all. I don't mean that the character from the new series would delete the time line in which Sam and Al did everything they did... that at least would be a connection to the original series... This show would totally replace the first show.
Member # 138
I think it's kinda lame sounding to begin with. Plus I'm afraid they'd overload it with technobabble. I would love a 'made for TV' QL movie in which they work on a new way to get Sam home.
Member # 73
Wouldn't that go against the point of the final episode?
Member # 91
Of course, how it's possible that he never got home, seeing as he has to fix all the problems of the space-time continuum eventually, I can't quite say.
Member # 73
He still got older. Presumably he'd eventually die.
Magenta Aban Rune
Member # 226
Quantum Leap, 50 Years Later: Sam leaps in and immediately looks for something to use as a cane. He takes a step, falls and breaks his hip.
By the end of his life, God or Time or whatever would have him fixing problems at nursing homes and geriatric wards. It wouldn't have made for great television
Member # 212
I somehow think this is going to be a parellel story... any true QL fan knows who the real female leaper is...
Member # 73
Rosie O'Donnell?