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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Spoilers, yo.

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
The schematic of the Galactica makes it look like an Eaves Dominion design! [Eek!]
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
Looks like they altered the profile of Galactica, if only by adding to the bottom section, for whatever reason.

Interesting that those two pics of Cylon's (page 4) are very similar to the original series, tho that second one appears to have a smaller eyeslot, making it seem like he's mimicking a human w/only one eye. Wish they'd included some sort of captions w/the pics so we'd know who/what everyone/everything is.

I'm going to do my best to keep a very open mind about this series when it finally aires.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
So. . . They can mess with the design of the Galactica, but not the Vipers - easily onme of the less-plausible SF ship designs ever? They can make Starbuck and Boomer women, and Tigh white, yet have to have Boxy AT ALL? And, by the look of it, played by someone almost identical to the original little pest?

That said, I always like BG, can clearly remember going to see it in the cinema (the pilot was released theatrically in the UK to cash in on the Star Wars craze, and we had to wait for about 5 years before they showed the series) so I'll give it a go. 8)
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Woohoo! Ron D. Moore!
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
Looks like must miss TV to me. [Frown]
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :


And a guy with a mullet. This will be as long lived as Andromeda, unfortunately, to be sure.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :

Watch or die, my Imperious Minions.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
This will be as long lived as Andromeda
(It is a miniseries.)

((Ron Moore is not a bad writer of shows with spaceships and ladies, really.))

(((Battlestar Galactica is not the best source material ever unearthed, though.)))

"So, you watched Roswell, then?"


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"It is a miniseries."

It is a miniseries designed to launch a series. Full series? Maxiseries? I don't know.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Crap Series!

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
omg - this is what SO annoys me... this series hasn't even AIRED and you people are BAGGING IT!

Bloody hell!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
That's like being annoyed that we "bagged" other sci-fi channel gems as Tremors: the series, Scare Tactics, and Crossing Over with John Scammer before they aired.

Some things require an open mind, but when the synopsis calls it a "sexy version" of the original, it's hard to take it seriously.
All this turd needs now is to have Gene Roddenberry's name slapped onto the front of the title to open the Seventh Seal and doom all of science fiction forevermore.

I'm trying to keep hope alive for the "V" re-launch movie....mabye I'll skip all the spoiler threads to maintain some shred of hope there. [Wink]
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
What's really irratating about this whole "re-imagining" of Galactica is that this concept seems like they were trying to spend as little to no money on sets, props, and special effects as possible and screw Richard Hatch out of an acting part and paycheck.

I think that he should be acknowledged for his efforts of trying to keep Galactica alive and generate some interest in a new series or movies. I understand that his novels and comics were well received by Galatica fans.

It seems pretty thankless to me that they didn't hire him for even a part on this "re-make".

The whole thing will probably be a disaster and kill off the Galactica franchise for good and torpedo future efforts to produce what we the fans really wanted. For heaven sakes, if you are going to call something Battlestar Galactica, you should remake it or add to it with most of its concepts in tact. Not rewrite the whole thing and then stick on the title.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The Galactica franchise. OK. (Actually, a really drawn out OK, like: oooookaaaaaay.)

The, uh, franchise is not in danger of being killed by some new version. It is in the stomachs of worms already. It is fueling the growth of bright fields of flowers.

Nobody owes Richard Hatch anything. He was an actor on a TV show. Had his pitches fallen on more receptive ears, then good for him, I'd be saying. But they didn't. He should just take his million dollars and be happy.

Now, I can't imagine that I'll actually watch this new Galactica. I'm not exactly full of fond childhood memories of the show, despite watching it a lot in syndication. The only part that I actually found interesting was burned through in the pilot. So, from where I'm standing, the only appealing approach is to toss everything that came after and go back to that. But that's what Homeworld is for. Anyway, what I was getting at was that of all the complaints one could make about this miniseries, cheap-o production values seem the least supportable. Those are some pretty nice pictures.

Besides, wasn't famed TV producer Glen Larson shopping his own remake/sequel around town too? Shouldn't he get some support?
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Looks like must miss TV to me.

I'm with Triton on this one.

We've had some major rows over this at Ex Isle. Like, every time a thread gets started.
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
Sol system I disagree strongly with your statement:

Nobody owes Richard Hatch anything. He was an actor on a TV show. Had his pitches fallen on more receptive ears, then good for him, I'd be saying. But they didn't. He should just take his million dollars and be happy.
I think that Richard Hatch's efforts and activism over the years for a return of Battlestar Galactica IS the reason why SciFi channel green lighted this new version of Galactica in the first place.

The man co-wrote five novels, a comic book series, and personally financed a four-and-half minute trailer for Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming. He even contacted the original surviving cast members and got them interested in returning to their characters for some sort of revival.

Mr. Hatch also appeared at many science fiction conventions to promote fan interest and generate excitement in a new Galactica project or revival. So how can you say that he isn't owed anything? I think he is owed with an interest penalty.

As far as I can tell, Glen Larson mostly sat on his ass and maybe sent a few proposals to some of his buddies in Hollywood. He also made no effort to communicate with fans to generate interest or excitement about a Galactica come back, even though he was the show's creator.

Now Ronald D. Moore and SciFi channel now try to cash in on the interest Richard Hatch has generated, without even acknowledging his efforts. They then rewrite most of the original show and keep a few names and the title. Well that's not Galactica. Whether the show itself is any good remains to be seen. But with SciFi's inconsistent track record, I'm very skepical it will be a success. For every Dune or Farscape, we have to endure Scare Tactics, Crossing Over, and Tremors: The Series.

Although I must admit that I was never a fan of the original show, thinking it mostly as a vehicle to cash in on the "Star Wars" craze,
I would have preferred that they had continued the story from the last episode of the Battlestar Galactica series, of course ignoring the the dreadful Galactica 1980series.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I happened to like "Crossing Over" when I was able to see it, but then I've had the opportunity to meet John Edward.
Posted by ZARDOZ (Member # 1064) on :
I think the most troubling aspect of all this is the fact that "new" movies and TV shows are contiually mined from the past. Not really bad stuff from the past, just marketable nostalgia. The original BG was a good concept, but the lack of budget and good writing did it in. I hope the remake is good too. Would I rather see it than a new season of Farscape? No.

My wife sez; "No Dirk Benedict, no watchee" At least the centurians look the same.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
Besides, wasn't famed TV producer Glen Larson shopping his own remake/sequel around town too? Shouldn't he get some support?

Isn't this the Glen Larson who was going to do a Night-rider movie!?!
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Hey yeah - Sci Fi Channel dumped Farscape for THIS?

What was the other series they dumped recently?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Well, it's the last season for Stargate: SG1, so any hope for the future is pretty much gone.
Posted by ZARDOZ (Member # 1064) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Originally posted by Sol System:
Besides, wasn't famed TV producer Glen Larson shopping his own remake/sequel around town too? Shouldn't he get some support?

Isn't this the Glen Larson who was going to do a Night-rider movie!?!
Knight Rider movie! oh yeah!!
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, it's the last season for Stargate: SG1, so any hope for the future is pretty much gone.

How often I have heard those statements...
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
About Stargate ending? It's a planned ending by the series' creators from what I understand.

....and I'm admittidely bitter about Farscape being replaced by crap like Dream Team.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Knight Rider was produced by Mr. Larson. So was Team Knight Rider!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
HAHAHA!!! You watched something called Team Knight Rider?!?
So sad.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Oh yes. I am 100% personally familiar with the Larson ouevre, because the IMDb has not been invented yet, for sure. It had talking cars!

One of which was voiced by Professor Utonium, it turns out.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
YOu sure you're not one of those 80's throwbacks driving an old pontiac with the cheesey red LED on the front?
In your Members Only jacket, of course. [Wink]
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
Originally posted by ZARDOZ:
The original BG was a good concept, but the lack of budget and good writing did it in.

Lack of budget? Hour for hour it was one of the most expensive TV series made at that time!

Lack of good writing...that I won't debate!
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
SG1 will hopefully be replaced by "Atlantis" or whatever the spin off will be called after the Stargate movie (SG1 movie).
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Actually I think the wanton use and re-use of stock footage that didn't do BG any favours. You could create a drinking game around it. . . That shot of the Vipers taking off from over a ridge? Have a drink! Shuttle flies into the landing bay? Have another drink!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Galactica's turrets blow up the same Cylon fighter....have a drink!
Vipers use their boosters....have a drink!
Scene of three cylons in Raider....have a drink!

You'd die of intoxication before an episode was finished....even on light beer.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Voyager loses a shuttle... have a drink
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Janeway gets summoned to the astrometrics lab, for another session debating Seven's humanity. . . Beltran, MacNeil, Wang and Russ all get to knock off for the rest of the day, and have a drink!
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
People complain about Voyager, take a drink.


"My Liver Hurts."
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:
Voyager loses a shuttle... have a drink

What, are you suicidal?!?

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