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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Link Here

Really starting to appreciate the look of this show now. Check out the first glimpses of their new shuttlecraft... That, and the uniforms are finally starting to grow on me somewhat.

Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
I am so looking forward to this, but I can't shake the feeling that I'll be sorely disappointed.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
No shots of the Atlantian gate in operation, it looks like. Though it does seem to be (blurrily) visible in the background of this shot.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Sweet. Looks like the SGC's gate room will be used in at least some of the scenes. Just like using the Enterprise for the launch of DS9, I think it's definitely necessary. So I'm glad to see we'll get a strong tie in.

I don't see O'Niell in any of the pics though

[ May 05, 2004, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Probably won't for a while yet... I think they shot the scenes with RDA and Shanks after principal on Atlantis was done. RDA's schedule is very limited these days (only three or four days a week) since he commutes from his family in LA. The SG-1 production crew are experts in this however (many episodes last year were filmed across several weeks instead of in one 6-7 day shoot), so I'd expect them to make the Atlantis scenes just as well.

Likewise, I doubt we'll see any VFX shots for a few weeks at least... They gotta make 'em first. The SGC sets are seen as the Atlantis team embarks on their mission. I'm sure they'll keep parts of it around for future Atlantis stories involving getting home.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yah, I'm really hoping they'll come home from time to time. I'm almost positive they'll be receiving personnel and supplies from Earth regularly. How could they not?

Does the premise give us a reason why the US Air Force has chosen to piss off yet another superpowerful alien species? Is it all to find technology to help defeat the Goa'uld back in our own galaxy?

It's cool that Shanks is in the pilot too. I didn't know that. I can't wait to get caught up on my SG-1 to find out how he comes back.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"I can't wait to get caught up on my SG-1 to find out how he comes back."

Naked. And that's all I'll say about that. B)
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I know it has something to do with the Ascended getting sick and tired of his meddling, which frankly comes as a surprise to me since he's so far refused to interfere with Jack's imprisonment by Baal and Tealc's symbiont sharing incedent. But that's as far as I've seen and I'm sure I've missed things.

Anyway... back to Atlantis issues....
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
You're missing the sixth season finale, which returns everyone to Abydos, where it all started. Ultimately,Daniel must choose between his ascendency and openly using his abilities (as opposed to the Jack and Teal'c incidents, which were relatively subtle). The results become apparent in the following episode.

As for Atlantis, it seems that *at first* they will be pulling a Voyager-esque "we're trapped with no way home", except in a far better context IMO. They have to search for the "ZPMs" (seen in the S7 finale) they need to power the gate and get them back to their own galaxy. Unlike Voyager, they won't be aimlessly wandering through space. It's more like being trapped on an isolated group of islands and surviving until you can fix your transportation home.

I've got a hope that this means that gate travel TO the Pegasus galaxy from Earth is still possible, but not the return trip (at least initially). That way the Atlantis team can recieve communications, equipment and supplies, but no additional personel unless they want to become trapped there too. At the very least, that will solve the problem of where our heroes will get their bullets. [Smile]

Anyone notice that Dr. McKay isn't in any of these pictures?

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
"It's more like being trapped on an isolated group of islands and surviving until you can fix your transportation home."

So it's like Gilligan's Island? [Smile]

OK... yah. I haven't seen anything from the 7th season, so I don't know what ZPM's are.

The way you described it sounds good to me. They're within arms reach of Earth... they can still communicate, receive orders, supplies, etc., but can't get back. The only question I have is, why do they have Atlantis uniforms before they embark? They must be planning on setting up shop there. Or possibly they've formed the team that will be assigned to explore that galaxy and just hadn't planned on getting stranded there.

This series tempts me to finally get cable so I can get the Sci Fi Channel.
Posted by TheWoozle (Member # 929) on :
This series tempts me to finally get cable so I can get the Sci Fi Channel.
Heh, that's why I got cable, to see SG-1 on showtime.. so long ago.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I still wish they would say whether they're going to syndicate it like "SG-1". Because, if they're not, I'm going to have to hurriedly catch up on season 7 so I can start downloading "Atlantis" when it begins.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
What I'll most likely do is wait for Atlantis to hit DVD. By that time I should be caught up with my SG-1 box sets...

Whence doth thou download SG-1 eps?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Regarding the uniforms, I'm wondering how it works out in the first place. In the gateroom, Colonel Sumner and some of the others are in US camo fatigues, but later on we see them in the Atlantis military grey uniforms. Stranger still, in the gateroom Major Sheppard is already IN the grey duds.

I'm guessing the Atlantis team is being sent there for long-term study of the Lost City, but were under the impression that they'd be able to get back home fairly easily. But arriving there, they quickly discover they're stuck. Sumner, originally in charge of the military SG team detailed to guard all the civvies, becomes integrated into the team's mission to find the power sources (the aforementioned ZPMs) to get home and switches outfits accordingly.

It's a little iffy that they'd send such a large team there in the first place before getting assurance that they can get home - isn't that what the SG teams are for? They should've learned their lesson following "Torment of Tantalus". OTOH, inter-galactic gate travel is still pretty new to them. Asgard technology and exploding stars aside, they really haven't been doing it much.

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Whence doth thou download SG-1 eps?"

Hence. Or hence. Or even hence.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Excellent.... yes....
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Hm... Even though we're not supposed to post links for downloading shows, I guess it's okay to post links to the software that lets you do it. Maybe.

And, regarding "Torment of Tantalus"... They did learn to make sure the MALP shows whether or not the DHD is broken. But, if the Atlantis problem is something different, maybe they had no way to forsee it, much less know what to look for with the probe.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Yeah, I'm figuring something like that... I'd just think that under normal circumstances, before they'd send anyone through they'd get the MALP to dial home first to test things. It's got an arm, after all...

As for Atlantis, I'm sure they figured that the city, if it were a fully-powered, would be able to send them back at any time. That, or they'd bring along the snackerdoodle that O'Neil whipped up the first time he was speaking Ancient, and use that to gate home.

Regardless, I'm wondering what, if any reason they're going to give for the Asgard to *not* save them right away. Their ships have the ability to cross from their galaxy to ours in mere minutes, and likewise can travel here and back by just looking at a stargate. Maybe the Pegasus galaxy is too far away? Or has a mysterious energy field? Or all the Asgard were wiped out by the Replicators by now? I'm interested in finding out.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"That, or they'd bring along the snackerdoodle that O'Neil whipped up the first time he was speaking Ancient, and use that to gate home."

Well, that stopped working after the one use. They weren't really clear on whether it simply ran out of power (it was just running on the power cell from a staff weapon), or if it burnt out and became useless.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
They fixed it the following year, actually - though it took the intelligence of two Carters to do it. Dunno what happened to it afterwards, though, as they may have left it in that parallel universe thing.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
I'd just think that under normal circumstances, before they'd send anyone through they'd get the MALP to dial home first to test things. It's got an arm, after all...

In order for the MALP to dial home, they'd have to first disengage the wormhole. That would cut their communication with the MALP and they would be unable to relay signals to it in order to tell it what buttons to push. I suppose they could pre-program it, tell it to go, then disengage the wormhole. Hey... remember those cool trucks that you could program with a remote and then let loose? Go. Stop. Turn left. Go. Stop. Turn right. Go. Stop.
Posted by machf (Member # 1233) on :
They had caterpillars, right? Hmmm, what were they called? Something with at least one K or Z in it...
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I don't know what you're talking about... Teal'c had a caterpillar at one point, but mercifully they got him to shave it off after a few episodes.

Regarding the MALP, they've had two kinds - a treaded probe developed by MIT, and a larger wheeled variety that has since taken over as the primary vehicle. The second class of MALP has a variant that has a seat and a large gun emplacement in turret style, only seen once ("Forever In A Day").

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Have they ever shown a DHD activated by anything other than someone's hand? I wonder if it responds specifically to contact with something living? Maybe they couldn't dial with a MALP even if they wanted to.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I've never seen anything else dial the DHD. There have been other ways of activating the Gate, but every time I've seen the DHD used, someone dialed it by hand. Don't know about seasons 6 or 7 though.

What about the episode with the grain harvestors and the Aschen where the Gate laid flat on the ground while the grain was dumped through it? Did that Gate have a DHD or did we ever really see how it was activated?

Speaking of DHDs... I just saw a rerun of "Memento" on FOX this Saturday. At the end when Carter dials back to Earth, we get a clear view of the symbols she's dialing. The 7th symbol that she hits is one of the common symbols on Earth's gate, not a unique point of origin symbol. They even zoomed in on her hand as she hit it. I was disappointed.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
That's no big deal... They don't always change the keys on the DHD. Fandom has basically accepted that the symbols on the gate are NOT constellations per se, and any resemblance is mostly coincidental - another difference between the movie and series.

"Solitudes" in the first season established that the other gate on Earth had at least two different symbols and LACKED the unique Earth symbol, which itself was ignored later on in the series. Mostly these days, it's accepted that gates are basically identical save for the symbol of origin, and that multiple planets may have had the same symbol of origin common with keys on other gates. Perhps they're created in "neighborhoods" of gates, and the "Mememto" planet was in that same "neighborhood" as Earth...

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yah, I know... but what disappoints me is that those are the kinds of details that Stargate is usually pretty good about. The little technical stuff. How expensive would it be to make a new key for the DHD and a new panel for the field prop Gate, which doesn't even turn?

Just think... there could be wesites out there devoted to the points of origin symbols... [Razz]
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Hmmm... I just find it odd that they bothered to come up with unique symbols for Abydos, 989, and the alternate Earth gate, but no others.

Really, the DHD shouldn't have origin symbols at all. The red ball in the middle should lock the 7th chevron. When they dial the gate from the SGC, encoding the 7th symbol activates the Gate... you'd think the DHD would work the same way.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I do find it interesting that they must have had the main cast all memorize the Earth coordinates, because they always dial the same way to go home.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
That *is* cool. But then they go and use stock footage of the Abydos and Chulak sequences for dial out scenes from the SGC in season 1 (at least according to that site).
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"'d think the DHD would work the same way."

Well, no, since the SGC's dialing computer system is a hodgepodge of reverse-engineered gate opcodes and doesn't emulate a DHD fully. Of course, it'd be more logical if the red ball thingy WERE the symbol of origin instead of just a big Activator Button, but then each DHD would only be valid for the first planet it was transported to (unless the DHDs had some means of recalculating their own galactic position after being shipped elsewhere).

Hmm... actually, I'm not 100% clear on how the chevrons code for a gate's true spatial coordinates. It's more like each is preprogrammed with a certain fixed ID sequence that's always valid for that particular gate, wherever it may be in the galaxy cq. gate network. Which renders the whole constellation dependency moot. Buh?

[ May 10, 2004, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I see it more as the "send" button on your cell phone. Not especially necessary, but it might speed things up a bit if you know the number is correct. The gates DO communicate with each other to keep in sync due to stellar drift, which is one reason why the Earth gate had to be manually compensated.

How exactly is not known - apparently the Earth computers do more than just physically turning the gate and adding power to it. Gates CAN be manually dialled and powered with a naquadah generator, but they probably were recalibrated properly following enough "open" gate time or something.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"But then they go and use stock footage of the Abydos and Chulak sequences for dial out scenes from the SGC in season 1 (at least according to that site)."

I don't think it's just season one. I'm not sure that they've ever stopped using that footage.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Probably not, but I only read through season one on the site that was referenced [Smile]

Spinning the Gate and adding a charge at the proper moment to lock the chevron in seems to be all that's needed to dial the Gate. The DHDs simply do it faster (and of course we never actually see the off-world Gates spin). They also make it possible for the Gate's to keep in touch with each other, and do all the other cool operating things they've been shown to do.

Also, there have been some dialing scenes where only six symbols have been keyed in and the big red button is used as the point of origin. But I like the Send Button explanation. A way to tell the Gate, "The sequence I've entered is correct. Open a wormhole." I wonder if there's a "clear" function to the DHD?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I wonder if there's a "clear" function to the DHD?"

There's been at least one occasion where someone started dialing, but didn't finish, and the symbols stayed lit for a while. Perhaps it will clear if you hit the red button without dialing a full address.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
[Spoilers through season seven]

That's not a bad idea.. It's already strange enough that the address has to be keyed in in a particular sequence. Mind you, the "coordinates" system has been basically invalidated by seven years of the show - Jackson's theory established in the movie doesn't hold true here, and in the series was probably just lucky that he got it right the first time. Indeed, it's shown in the season seven finale that at least some symbols are used as an alphabet by the Ancients

Likewise, I'm thinking that Ra somehow disconnected the Abydos gate from the gate system, possibly somehow isolating it from the other gates and system lords. It was basically his own private naquadah mine there anyway, so maybe he tried to use the gate exclusively to himself for a period. This would explain why the Abydos gate didn't go anywhere with the addresses from the cartouche that Daniel discovered. When Apophis came through in the premiere, the gate re-established communication with the network and re-aligned itself to work with normal addresses.

Likewise, the Alpha gate on Earth would eventually re-align once it was reactivated enough times (once in the 40s and once in the early 90s wasn't enough). The Beta gate was probably active as recently as 1000 years ago, and wouldn't have as severe an alignment problem especially as it was hooked up to its DHD.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
"This would explain why the Abydos gate didn't go anywhere with the addresses from the cartouche that Daniel discovered. When Apophis came through in the premiere, the gate re-established communication with the network and re-aligned itself to work with normal addresses"

Could also have something to do with the fact that all the symbols on the wall in the cartouch room were hyroglyphs, not Gate symbols. At least, that's what it looked like to me. [Smile]

But you're right... I hadn't remembered Daniel saying he tried the Abydos Gate. It was connected to its DHD, so stellar drift wouldn't be a problem. Something else must've kept it from working.

Oh... and the Alpha Gate was also activated once in 1969.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
If a gate was far enough out of alignment, disconnected from the DHD for long enough, reconnecting it wouldn't necessarily help. It wouldn't be able to dial other gates and realign itself.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Maybe this is a way of explaining some problems with the movie. For instance, there was no DHD in the movie. I guess we're supposed to believe it was tucked away in a corner somewhere. There's one in the middle of the room in the pilot ep.

What if Ra nabbed the DHD and disconnected the whole thing from the Gate network, possibly storing it in the cartouch room or some other planet-side facility, to keep wandering Abydosians from playing with the Gate. This wouldn't cut the Gate off from the network, but it would keep anyone who arrived from leaving.

Without a DHD to keep it aligned, the Abydos Gate would have problems with stellar drift just like the Earth Gate. even after Daniel obviously foudn the DHD and reconnected it, it couldn't align itself with the network without being activated from offworld first, which explains why he couldn't dial out.

We're still left with the problem, though, of how the team got back in the movie. Most likely some kind of manual dialing since they knew the Gate had to be spun and charged based on the way their computer dials the Earth Gate.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
That's not bad... Getting back in the movie could be explained by finding the DHD at some point after Ra was defeated. It could still dial Earth, being close enough that stellar drift wouldn't put it out of commission, but if it were still disconnected from the gate system activating it wouldn't allow it to re-align.

Alternately, they could have simply dialed it manually, falsely assuming that the gate was self-powered. We know that a charged-up gate has enough power if removed from its system to dial out once - it's unlikely, but that could be what they did.

Strangely enough, the Stargate movie novels (which explore the original idea for the Stargate movie universe sequels) never really mention how the gate is dialled. Whenever it comes up, someone "aligns the gate" and it opens. There is no DHD or other machinery mentioned. I wonder how they were going to do it.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I find it hard to accept that they had seen a DHD before the series. It seemed to be an entirely new concept to them.

I think they must have known how to manually dial the Gate and had brought some kind of power source with them to charge it. They also knew that wormhole travel was one-way only and that they would have to dial back. This info most likely came from the as yet unseen Dr. Carter who had been working on the Gate for several years before the Abydos mission.

It's odd that the novels don't go into any more detail than that about something that you would think would be a major point in the believability of the device.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I find it hard to accept that they had seen a DHD before the series. It seemed to be an entirely new concept to them.

Really? It's been a while since I saw the pilot, but from my memory it seemed like Sam knew what a DHD was and had just never seen one, since she'd never been through the gate and so far as she knew there wasn't one on Earth.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I remember her saying "This is what was missing from the dig at Giza," but I always took that to mean they knew there should have been some kind of control device for the Gate. Wouldn't have precluded them from resorting to manual dialing.

There was also a scene where they discussed how to use the DHD and postulated that there should be one on every world they went to.

However, noone else, including Jack, seemed very surprised by it's existance, which leads me to believe that we're meant to assume it was there in the movie. If it was something Daniel had found and hooked up, I'd think he would have explained that little detail.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, there's no "hooking up" at all, as far as we know. I'm guessing it has to be within a certain proximity to the gate, but that's probably about it.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Sorry. I meant more along the lines of connecting the power in the DHD (replacing a crystal, turning the on switch, whatever) so that the DHD was active and wirelessly connected to the Gate again.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
That could be another thing - the gate can obviously be used sans DHD, so what if the DHD is the key to keeping in sync with the gate network? What if, instead of disconnecting the gate from the system to keep the other System Lords from using it, that he did so to keep HUMANS from using it?

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Im guessing that's what happened. He had already seen that the Tauri could only be pushed so far before they went postal. Keeping them frm being able to use the Gate would only be logical. He may have had some other way of dialing it, but he didn't seem to be using the Gate anyway. He arrived aboard a ship. But then, at that point, the Gate was only supposed to go back and forth between Earth and Abydos. But we're ignoring that.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
That could be another thing - the gate can obviously be used sans DHD, so what if the DHD is the key to keeping in sync with the gate network?

I think that's a known. The DHD is basically a really nice computer.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"He had already seen that the Tauri could only be pushed so far before they went postal."

"Humans". I assume we're still talking about the Abydos gate, right? The Tau'ri are specifically the humans who still live on Earth.

Actually, "Tau'ri" started out meaning "Earth", and the humans there were "the people of the Tau'ri". But I don't think that lasted particularly long.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Right. He had seen the Humans living on Earth rebel, so he knows that other transplanted Humans would also have the capacity to rise up if pushed far enough or given the opportunity.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
"He had already seen that the Tauri could only be pushed so far before they went postal."

"Humans". I assume we're still talking about the Abydos gate, right? The Tau'ri are specifically the humans who still live on Earth.

Actually, "Tau'ri" started out meaning "Earth", and the humans there were "the people of the Tau'ri". But I don't think that lasted particularly long.

I think "Tau'ri" referring to the humans from the "First Planet" (as called in one episode) are still called that - the Tau'ri.

At least up to the episodes I've seen... halfway through season 7.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
That could be another thing - the gate can obviously be used sans DHD, so what if the DHD is the key to keeping in sync with the gate network? What if, instead of disconnecting the gate from the system to keep the other System Lords from using it, that he did so to keep HUMANS from using it?


Who is 'He'? Ra?

Well we find out in "Waterworld" - Season 4 I think that the RUSSIANS got the Giza DHD, after WWII. The Germans/Nazis had it from the time the gate was uncovered in 1917?? until the End of WWII. So the GIZA DHD was STILL there.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yes, the HE we're referring to is Ra.

Carter said the DHD was missing from the Giza dig, but, yes, that was just as far as she knew. The Russians nabbed the DHD from the Germans (though somehow missed the giant metal ring) and evidently the Americans who got the Gate never knew it existed.

This brings up another little problem: For a least a little while, the Germans had both the Alpha Gate and its DHD. Wouldn't you think someone would have started pressing buttons and lighting chevrons...?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Huh? The Germans found the DHD *during* WW2, IIRC, and the Russians confiscated it from them after the war. The gate was already in storage somewhere State-side by then, and had been since '28. So how could they have had both?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I think 'Tau'ri' referring to the humans from the 'First Planet' (as called in one episode) are still called that - the Tau'ri.

"At least up to the episodes I've seen... halfway through season 7."

Yes, but, back in season one or two when they first introduced the term, it referred to the planet, not the people. Earth was "the Tau'ri", and its inhabitants were "the people of the Tau'ri". But before long, they started saying "Tau'ri" to refer to the people, not the planet. And that's how they've been using it since.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I thought the Germans were the ones that originally found the Stargate in the movie. Then, the Americans would have confiscated it after the war. If they found the Gate, it stands to reason that they found the DHD too. Which means, before the end of the war, they had both.

I could be wrong about that though.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Unless I'm hallucinating wildly here, the *Americans* found the gate (but missed the DHD) in '28, brought it with them (and experimented on it until the Ernest Littlefield mishap in '4x), and THEN the Germans came along twelve years later and found the DHD (but obviously not the gate, since it wasn't in Giza anymore), brought it back to Germany, and had to surrender it to the Russians after WW2. Mind you, it's been a while since I've seen the movie, so I could be just as wrong. Hmm.
Posted by Wes (Member # 212) on :
Americans find gate in Egypt.
Experiments begin on the gate.

Gate is activated by chance.
Ernest Littlefield steps though the gate.
Gate program shelved as funds go towards war effort.
Germans discover Dial Home Device (DHD)

Russia confiscates Dial Home Device from Germany following WW2.

Early 1990s
Gate is un-shelved by Catherine Langford, who was present at the gate's discovery as a child.

Gate cover stone is correctly translated by Dr Jackson. A month later, Dr. Jackson deciphers the gate function.
Abydos Mission
Destruction of Ra
O�Niel�s false report shelves the gate program.

Stargate is reactivated, SG1 begins.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Pretty close... The TV continuity actually puts the events of the movie in 1996, about a year before the series premiere - the series was firmly established to be happening in the present day in the second season finale, and in a slightly alternate reality to our own when President Hayes et. al. are slowly introduced as the American government starting in the third season.

Ernest Littlefield went to "Heliopolis" in 1945. Catherine Langford started investigating the gate again shortly after 1969, when a hippie German scientist and his hippie assisstant popped up out of the blue for a short time. [Wink] It was only in the 90s that she managaed to convince the USAF to more properly research things.

BTW, there are two Jacks O'Neil in SG-1. The other one, Jack O'Neill (two Ls), has no sense of humour whatsoever, according to Jack O'Neil (1 L).

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
No, O'NeiL has no sense of humor whatsoever according to O'NeiLL. This I do know for certain. B)
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Quite. [Smile]
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
You're right, I got it wackbards. Silly me.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
OK... I had the discovery chronology wrong. The DHD must have been seperated from the Gate by some distance to be missed in the dig. Perhaps Ra is in the habit of storing his DHD's elsewhere.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I'm a little curious, actually, as to why no transport rings have ever been discovered in any ruins... Maybe Seth took 'em all? They seem to be almost common in ruins on other planets.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
hmmm... maybe they're just hidden very well in Earth ruins. They'd probably be concealed very well in the floors or ceilings.
Posted by Nim the Fanciful (Member # 205) on :
Someone had to post this. Go David Hewlett!!1!
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Holy Crap! Are those standard BDUs for female soldiers?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I don't think so. You wouldn't want people to be distracted in combat and such.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
The guy in the back can't be David Hewlett - I'm sure it's misadvertised. David Hewlett looks like THIS.

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Well, I'll be... I didn't know the "Atlantis" McKay was the same one from 48 Hours and Redemption. That's what I get for not visiting Gateworld in six months...
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
When does SG: Atlantis premiere anyway? At the start of the new season in September?
Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
The first two episodes air in about two months on July 16th.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, if I were in combat, I'd be dead pretty quick, so I may as well have something pretty to look at on my way to the ground.
Posted by Nim the Fanciful (Member # 205) on :
That kind of attitude is what'll make you lose the war.
Couldn't you just staple a playboy centerfold in your face? Might save those women the pain of Iraqi rape rooms.

-What is it, Biddle?
-Pvt. Rune is inflicting as much damage as the enemy on our troops, sir!
-Is he running around with porno mags in the face and autofellating? Again?
-But sir, yes!
-Damnit, where can he still get those things? Alright, but use the rubber bullets on him, this time he's not getting away. Shave his body hair and pull out all the teeth and nails, Rune's going to the pigs now, I deem.

The internet sure is crazy, ruining perfectly good soldiers and turning them into autofellating heathens.

Mark, I didn't claim that the guy in the picture was David Hewlett, just that he was in the movie.
I just noticed that he starred in "Cube", and put in a good actor's effort, which I like.
So expect a total turnaround in the "David Hewlett sux" campaign, on my part.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yet another reason I should never be a soldier, I guess.

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