T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
It's not surviving, but it's neat to see the constrast between SGA's exploration-oriented episodes and SG-1's backstory episodes. It's a good plan; by the time SG-1 finally goes off-air, SGA will have enough of a backstory created such that they can have their own mythology-based episodes.
Here, we have a fairly routine "kids rule the world" episode combined with the limited lifespan thing we've also seen elsewhere. In terms of backstory, we see that the Ancients weren't the only ones to use their technology. Whoever ran the planet before the kids came along managed to incorporate a ZPM into their shield technology. While almost depleted, it seems to indicate that ZPMs aren't so rare. SG-3 found the one back in "Zero Hour"... Hopefully it means that it's only a matter of time until they get a working one.
Member # 31
"In terms of backstory, we see that the Ancients weren't the only ones to use their technology. Whoever ran the planet before the kids came along managed to incorporate a ZPM into their shield technology." Unless, of course, the field generator was Ancient technology.
Member # 858
I would think that all of the human colonies they find are decended from the Ancients. This would also infer that the generator (and any other tech they find) are also Ancient tech.
I loved the "conversation" McKay had with the two children! The writer of that scene has to have kids of their own, because it reminded me of some of the conversations I've had with my 4 1/2 year-old. It's very disconcerting when you get outwitted by a preschooler.
Member # 858
I also noticed that they're calling the Wraith fighters "Darts".