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Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Really fun flick.

Keannu Reeves is very good as the somewhat dickish, sarcastic John Constantine (from the Vertigo comic book Hellblazer).
Imagine that- a role where he's a smart guy that already knows what's happening!

I was pretty annoyed that he was cast in the role when I first heard about this movie a year or so back (as he looks nothing like the comic version) but I was happily suprised.

The woman cast to play Gabriel was perfect and androgenous in an inhuman but not creepy way.

One thing though- they refer to gabriel as a "half-breed" but tha's biblicall inaccurate (an angel half-breed would be a Niphillem) but I can let it slide for the story's sake.

Gavin (whatever) from Bush is a good demon agent: it's fun to watch him get his ass throughly kicked. [Big Grin]

Anyone else seen this yet?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I enjoyed the movie, although I think Lucifer could have been done better.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Nephilim. And yes, it's inaccurate. Gabriel is the only angel given a name in the Biblical record other than Micheal. "Satan" and "Devil" are both descriptives meaning "liar" and "slanderer" and aren't names as such.

I've not seen the movie, though, so I'm curious: in what context did they refer to Gabriel as a half-breed?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Gabriel is the only angel given a name in the Biblical record other than Micheal."

Actually, depending upon which books you consider canon, Raphael is in there, too.
Posted by David Sands (Member # 132) on :
Greetings again everyone. Hope everyone is well.

I saw the movie this past Thursday. I enjoyed it. I didn't find it as deeply satisfying in an "Ultimate Questions" way I found The Passion or The Exorcist, but I'm happy to see Holywood taking the idea of evil as seriously as Constantine's makers did.

Tim's right about Raphael. Book of Tobit I believe. And if you're willing to go outside Catholicism and Protestantism, I think the Talmud speaks of the patriarch Enoch being blessed by God with archangelic form when he left the Earth.
Posted by Nim' (Member # 205) on :
We mustn't forget Tyrael also. :.)

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I got a bad vibe from the movie poster where Constantine is holding a shotgun shaped like a cross, it reminded me of "From Dusk til Dawn" in a bad way.

I'm going to see it, of course.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
*IMDb's* Heh. Androgynous, Tilda Swinton, what a surprise.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
That gun fucking rocks. [Big Grin]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
The "dragon's breath" was far cooler.

I gotta get me some of that.

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