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Posted by The Old Wolf (Member # 1810) on :
Greetings. As a n00b I'm taking a calculated risk with this post, but I'm hoping it comes out OK.

First off, yes I read the FAQ's and stickies.

I'm not a dealer, but rather a die-hard fan of SF from the 40's and 50's. In 1989, I inherited from my father his collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction pulps from Vol 1, No. 1 (1949)through the end of 1959. They've sat in my closet for about 15 years now, and I can see I'm not going to get around to reading them. So I decided to auction them off on Ebay.

I know this post sits in a gray area, and I'm hoping it won't offend. Yes, it's a commercial promotion, but I'm thinking some here might be genuinely interested in a collection like this, so as I said, I'm taking the risk. I have my asbestos shorts on. [Roll Eyes] Thanks kindly.

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