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Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
In a unique role-reversal, an American has to wait a year for a sci-fi show to catch up to the rest of the world before he can post at Flare about it, instead of the other way around.

Anyway, just to make this clear, I have NEVER seen the new Doctor Who until just a few days ago. I religiously stayed away from the discussion about it here, and didn't read any spoilers from any other source, or watched downloaded versions. So...

Episode 1- "Rose" - Loved the opening credits. Nice homage to the original opening music. It took me a while to get past the first few minutes of annoying techno-music before anyone actually says anything, but on second viewing, it bothered me less.
I liked how the episode is made from Rose's point of view, since a new viewer to this show who had never seen the original would be learning what's going on right along with Rose.
Love this new Doctor. He has both a mysteriousness and a humorous charm that is both like and unlike the previous incarnations. The vague references to a war in which he was the only survivor add to the mystery in a way that isn't in-your-face, but genuinely interesting.
The only thing I found odd was that the Doctor seems to hint that he's just regenerated (the bit with the ears), yet Clive has evidence that he's been to at least three different points in time before now. So he never bothered to look at himself in a mirror until now?
*(After discussing this with friends, we've discovered a possible way around this - that the Doctor visited those time periods *after* the events in "Rose." After all, he is a time-traveler, right? Yes, I know we're pulling strings here, but it is possible)*

I think it's pretty much a given that I like Rose as a companion. I mean, how could you not?

TARDIS - Exterior - Did anyone else find it amusing that Rose didn't know what a Police Box was? (I guess we always thought that everyone in Britain, no matter the time period, knows what one is. The old show certainly gave that impression :-))
TARDIS - Interior - Quite a difference from both the multitudes of designs in the original series, and the McGann movie. I read somewhere that during the movie, the producers never liked the low-tech look of the TARDIS console, and wanted a more alien look. Looks like they got it.

I'm guessing that the episodes are around 45 minutes long, since even with commercials it didn't seem that anything was cut out. Still, it was enough time to tell a good story.

The Story - It's the Pertwee premiere "The Auton
Invasion" all over again, and then isn't. Obviously the plot device of the Autons & Nestene consciousness were taken from "TAI", but there's where the resemblance ends. I really cared about the characters (except maybe Mickey, who's Auton duplicate seemed more interesting than him),
and the eventual pairing of the Doctor and Rose worked well. Oh, and Rose's mum was Miranda from "King Ralph," if anyone actually saw that movie.
The action is believable, unlike most of the action scenes of the later seasons of the original series. And Clive's comment about the Doctor's constant companion being death was quite chilling.

More to come...
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
I really enjoyed the first two episodes.

I caught the bit about the ears too. I also came to the same conclusion you did, that these other appearances in the past could be from "future" travels by this Doctor. However, I don't think the subesquent episodes this season will depict any of those instances.

Also - the Doctor did mention/imply he was on the Titanic. But that could have been in an earlier "life."

I KNEW I'd seen those killer mannequins before! A Pertwee episode! Thanks. That's been nagging at me for a bit now.

Overall I liked the second episode better than the first one, but I enjoyed both. I liked the opening music thought it was very similar to earlier seasons, but it's been a while since I've seen any Dr. Who besides the last TV movie.

TARDIS - Exterior - Did anyone else find it amusing that Rose didn't know what a Police Box was? (I guess we always thought that everyone in Britain, no matter the time period, knows what one is. The old show certainly gave that impression :-))
The blue Police Boxes have been fased out over the last 40 years. The last functioning box was decommissioned a few years ago. There aren't any left and they haven't been nearly as ubiquitious in London for a long time. It's quite likely Rose hasn't seen one.

I've been a "Whoser" for a long time (People from Indiana are called Hoosiers....) When I was a teen I belonged to a local Dr. Who fanclub. I even helped at a Dr. Who convention in Indianapolis held at the PBS station. Met Sara Sutton and artist Tim Quinn and sat in "Bessie," the car from the Third Dr.

I've seen a couple of episodes from the first Dr., some of the second, most of the third, all of the fourth, NONE of the fifth, and half of the sixth. Colin Baker, the sixth Dr., was my favorite.

The only seventh Dr. I've seen was the beginning of the TV movie where he regenerated into the 8th Dr.

It will be interesting when we catch up with where the BBC currently is. My understanding is that they have finished this season and are waiting to start the 2006 season.

I'd forgotten about the discussions on here. Now, off to catch up!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The season that's airing now on Sci-Fi finished up on the BBC last June. The next season starts probably next month.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
I've seen a couple of episodes from the first Dr., some of the second, most of the third, all of the fourth, NONE of the fifth, and half of the sixth. Colin Baker, the sixth Dr., was my favorite.
Well, many of the First Doctor's (and almost all of the Second) episodes no longer exist. My local public television station is doing "Pertwee overkill" for some reason; they keep repeating Pertwee's run instead of continuing with Tom Baker's. And it's surprising to hear someone say that they like Colin Baker the best; as he's been universally reviled as the worst Doctor (although it wasn't his fault).

The only seventh Dr. I've seen was the beginning of the TV movie where he regenerated into the 8th Dr.
Ironic, as McCoy's portrayal in the movie was probably his best performance of his Doctor Who career. Not that he was bad in the show; it's just by that time the stories had become so convoluted and hard to understand that he just didn't have a chance to shine.
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
Originally posted by HerbShrump:
The blue Police Boxes have been fased out over the last 40 years. The last functioning box was decommissioned a few years ago. There aren't any left and they haven't been nearly as ubiquitious in London for a long time. It's quite likely Rose hasn't seen one.

There are still a few about here and there, but they've been left as interesting features rather than functional police boxes. There are three in Glasgow that I can think of off the top of my head, though one of them has been painted red and another has been turned into a little coffee kiosk called "Coppucino". There are even some pics here. [Smile]

According to this article on the BBC there are 237 of them still on the map across the UK. Interestingly the police box idea is making a comeback: they recently put a new chrome police box in Glasgow that works with touchscreens and provides crimefighting information. You can find a pic here, but I think it lacks the charm of the older models.

Originally posted by HerbShrump:
It will be interesting when we catch up with where the BBC currently is. My understanding is that they have finished this season and are waiting to start the 2006 season.

I think it's due to start on BBC1 in April. In the meantime if you want a taste of what's on the way you can always check out the BBC Doctor Who website: they have put the interactive episode "Attack of the Graske" up for anyone to play. Needs Flash and a fast connection. You might not want to check it out if you want to avoid any and all spoilers for future episodes but if you can, check it out - you get to fly the TARDIS. [Smile]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Interestingly the police box idea is making a comeback: they recently put a new chrome police box in Glasgow that works with touchscreens and provides crimefighting information.
If the villain you wish to fight is a member of an international criminal organization, press one. If she or he can harness water, ice, or weather manipulation powers, press two. If you are facing a fellow crimefighter who is ironically unaware of your own crimefighting status, press three.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Such wit, why is this man single?

Woohoo! Next month! Now is the crunch time, can the excitement that the first series generated be maintained? I don't actually know how The Christmas Invasion did in the Christmas ratings battle. . . And word-of-mouth isn't encouraging, consisting as it does of reports of excessive celebrity cameos.

But it's good to see the show get a proper airing on the other side of the pond. Hope y'all enjoy it, we'll try not to spoil you too much, Ducky. 8)

One question for you all: is Billie Piper sexy? That is, does she tick all the boxes in the sex appeal factor for that teenager-to-twentysomething demographic that most of you occupy? She doesn't do anything for me, but then I'm old enough to be her husband (sorry, but no Billie discussion is complete without at least one Chris Evans gag). She's no, um, er, whatserface, you know, slinky 4th Doctor companion, it's thirty years ago, how am I supposed to remember without Googling or Wikifying?

. . . Ok, that's embarrassing. I'm Lee, I have a daughter we call Lula, you'd think I could remember a name like "Leela." God she was hot. But I now realise that a) she was later the love interest in Bergerac, and b) it was definitely her I stood next to on the Tube sometime in the early Nineties.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
Oh yeah.... Leela... yum.

I kinda liked Sara Jane too. But I liked the first Ramana the best.

I guess I have a thing for arrogant Time Lords (and Ladies)

Thanks for the updated info on the Call Boxes.

Did anyone else Google Doctor Blue Box?
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
Woohoo! Next month! Now is the crunch time, can the excitement that the first series generated be maintained? I don't actually know how The Christmas Invasion did in the Christmas ratings battle. . . And word-of-mouth isn't encouraging, consisting as it does of reports of excessive celebrity cameos.

Next month indeed...Saturday April 15th is the date I've heard mentioned so here's hoping. I think they'll be able to keep the excitement going: the first series made a good start and as long as they keep building on that they should be fine.

As for The Christmas Invasion I didn't think it had an excessive amount of celebrity cameos...none spring to mind, anyway. I think it did very well indeed in the ratings: if memory serves I think only the Christmas episode of Eastenders did better on the big day. TCI was at number 2, with Coronation Street coming a close third.

Originally posted by Lee:
One question for you all: is Billie Piper sexy? That is, does she tick all the boxes in the sex appeal factor for that teenager-to-twentysomething demographic that most of you occupy?

I think she's attractive enough, but not really my cup of tea...then again that might be something to do with mental associations between her and Chris Evans. Or her pop career. Yeeesh. Attractive, yes. Sexy? No.

Originally posted by Lee:
She's no, um, er, whatserface, you know, slinky 4th Doctor companion, it's thirty years ago, how am I supposed to remember without Googling or Wikifying?

Ahhhh. Leela. Excellent.

Originally posted by HerbShrump:
I kinda liked Sara Jane too

Sarah Jane? Sarah Jane? Sarah "Ooooh Doctor I've twisted my ankle!" Jane? If she wasn't screaming, whimpering or otherwise being crap she was being saved or putting someone else in danger. She was supposed to be this fearless investigative journalist, for god's sake. Wetter than an otter's pocket, she really was. [Smile]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Reguards TARDIS innards... as you all know - I *ADORE* the Movie/Paul McGann interior - it just WORKED it looked quaint, classic, breathtaking, mysterious and stylish all in one.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Sorry, should have clarified. The celebrity cameos are what's being reported about the new, second, series (Doctor Who is far too British to have seasons, dammit). I mentioned TCI in the context that its ratings have a bearing on whether the first series' success was transient and based on hype, or that the show truly does have what it takes to hold an audience. Of course, TCI was incredibly hyped in the BBC's Christmas schedules. But even scheduled as it was slap-bang in the middle of the loll-bloated-in-front-of-the-telly-not-bothered-what-you-really-watch Christmas Day evening prime-time slot, all the hype in the world ain't gonna make people watch if they aren't interested.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Well I thought the series was pretty good. I enjoyed the second episode more that the first since I found it a little silly. Anyways Billie Piper is pretty but is also not my cup of tea. As for Chris Eccleston, I think he does a good job of appearing strange yet humorous. Considering that I never knew of this franchise until a couple months ago, I think I'll like this series.

[ March 22, 2006, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Mars Needs Women ]
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Mars, you might wanna edit that post - Dukhat has remained largely spoiler-free, and while we've touched on what's coming up in series 2, we haven't mentioned anything specific to do with series 1 in this thread. . .
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Happy Now?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, I don't know what was said before the edit, but there are spoiler warnings in the title. Unless it was about something other than "Rose"...

"Sarah Jane? Sarah Jane? Sarah 'Ooooh Doctor I've twisted my ankle!' Jane? If she wasn't screaming, whimpering or otherwise being crap she was being saved or putting someone else in danger. She was supposed to be this fearless investigative journalist, for god's sake. Wetter than an otter's pocket, she really was."

Well, that's a little unfair. Almost all the female companions were like that. That was practically their raison d'�tre. Relatively speaking, Sarah was one of the least helpless.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
I like Sarah in the "Girl Next Door" type of way. I always thought she was fairly attractive. Not as sexy as Leela, but definitely attractive.

There was one scene in particular I really appreciated about Sarah. I think it was in "Pyramids of Mars." There is a scene where she has to stand guard or something and is given a rifle. The Dr. starts to explain the gun when Sarah puts it to her shoulder, sights down the barrel and, matter of factly states that she knows how to shoot a gun.

I thought it was a great scene. Contrasted nicely with all the helpless waif times.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
One question for you all: is Billie Piper sexy? That is, does she tick all the boxes in the sex appeal factor for that teenager-to-twentysomething demographic that most of you occupy? She doesn't do anything for me, but then I'm old enough to be her husband (sorry, but no Billie discussion is complete without at least one Chris Evans gag).

Hopefully her ability to keep up with the Doctor will improve as the culture shock wears off. But she doesn't really do anything for me at all. A couple people on here know the sort of girl I find attractive, and she ain't it, sorry to say...

I also thought "Rose" was pretty good, and liked the second ep much better (not even going to use the ep title, as even that's a semi-spoiler). I think my favourite bit was when Rose noticed the Ferris wheel, and the Doctor just kept not getting it. My biggest disappointment was that Clive didn't have any archival footage of previous regenerations of the Doctor.

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I imagine that maybe they wanted to downplay the previous regenerations to keep a bit of surprise for the new viewers who might not really know about the Doctor. Hence the little mentions that existing fans will spot, but might not click for the new viewer - the ears, "I looked different then" and so on.

A couple people on here know the sort of girl I find attractive, and she ain't it, sorry to say...
Easy, tiger. You don't bung that little conversational hand-grenade into the mix and get away with it. So we now need to know, who is Jonah's type? Answer at length - don't make us hold an Interrogation!
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
As long as it's not Mel. There is no excuse for Bonnie Langford. Ever.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And where were you when my wife insisted on hogging the TV on a Saturday night in order to watch that stupid Dancing on Ice programme on ITV1? It was bad enough being submitted to various Corrie actors trying to ice-dance, compounded by the presence of execrable sporting personalities (an oxymoron if ever I heard one) like David Seaman and "Dame" Kelly Holmes, with Robin Cousin's attempts to channel Simon Cowell, and the whole thing topped off with the very reminder of the existence of the Langford. Gah!
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Sounds dreadful. On a scale of zero to ten, with ten being the Star Wars Holiday Special...?

And why the quotes for Kelly?

Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
A couple people on here know the sort of girl I find attractive, and she ain't it, sorry to say...
Easy, tiger. You don't bung that little conversational hand-grenade into the mix and get away with it. So we now need to know, who is Jonah's type? Answer at length - don't make us hold an Interrogation!
I dunno... Interrogations can be fun. Unfortunately, in all the time I've been on here, no one's bothered to explain the Upload function to me (like, where it is, for starters). Jen's 5'8"/170cm, strong, curvy, Jewish, plays hockey and clarinet, is a total computer and sci-fi geek, loves Fords, has eyes that change colour depending on mood...

She likes dirty jokes, Rocky Horror, music from Mozart to Metallica, and finding new and interesting things to do with ramen.

Her clothing modes range from preppy to goth, and she has a vinyl nurse's minidress with white fishnet stockings that makes me weak in the knees.

What else would you like to know?
And is there any way I can upload images off my computer? My web domain is still being constructed offline.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
" one's bothered to explain the Upload function to me (like, where it is, for starters)."

Try here.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Thanks, Tim. I don't take anything for granted when it comes to computers.

Ignore the fact that I'm so fucking skeletal in this pic. I was busy starving to death, if y'all recall...

Here we are.

Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Oh, fine, Lee. You badger me for details and then vanish. [Razz]

Incidentally, I don't feel like doing it at the moment, but can we resuscitate discussion on the second and thirs eps of the new series? In here, or in the original threads. Now that more of us Yanks have seen them, we want to talk about them, too. [Big Grin]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
You mean like that thread about "The Unquiet Dead" that was started yesterday?
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
Yeah, like that one!
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I'm not sure. You see, it just seems a bit of a cop-out to make a sweeping statement about the kind of girl one finds attractive, but then to just elaborate by saying "the kind of girl I find attractive is, er, exactly like the kind of girl that I'm with." I guess I was hoping for something a bit more scandalous. And more-revealing photographs. 8)

(she is cute though)
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
The more-revealing photographs are locked up tight, I'm sure. [Wink]
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Well... Most of them.

And Lee? I'm sorry, but she just kind of happens to match my ideal. We have enough common interests that we always have something to do together, and enough dissimilar interests that we each have stuff that's all our own. Quite nice, really. All except for the "not being able to see her for the past year" bit. That's the "type" I'm attracted to.

I mean, wht else do you want to know, Lee? She's a blue-eyed brunette, as you can see. she thinks David Bowie is a sexy beast. She loves reading. She loves movies. She loves cooking (as do I)... I respond better to direct questions, I guess.

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Hmm, OK, we'll let you scrape through with just a passing grade. But I expect you to knuckle down next semester, young man.

(I wonder, is there anyone who's ever owned a digital camera who hasn't at some point taken a photo they probably wouldn't have taken (or been allowed to take) in the old days of taking-your-film-down-the-chemist's-to-be-developed? I steer well clear of my parents' My Pictures folder, I tell you, just in case, and let them send me the good pictures of Lula they might take; there are some things man was not meant to know)
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
What? What did I miss here? Truly. I started thinking about what my ideal woman would be back when I was about seven. By the time I was fourteen, I had a finished first draft. After tht, a few things got refined or reworded, but no major additios or deletions. And Jen was a line-item match.

Tall, but not too. About 5'8"
Athletic build
Blue-eyed brunette
Impressive, but not ungainly, boobs
Some stuff detailing eye and eyebrow shape(s) (no Britney Spears "down at the outside" eyes; no ruthlessly plucked eyebrows)
Winning smile
Smart enough, witty enough, and sarcastic enough to keep up with me
Interest in sci-fi/fantasy genres (Star Trek/Star Wars a plus)
Interest in science
Musical aptitude
Proud of ancestry, but not unduly racist
Interest in outdoor activities (hiking, camping, paintball...)
Sexually enthusiastic and inventive
Likes to cook -- and eat
Likes to play adult dress-up (Star Trek and Star Wars uniforms, fancy dress, formalwear... and the naughty stuff)
Wants to be marrieed and have a couple kids
Likes to read
Likes an evening of movies/TV
And even given all this, is always capable of surprising me

That better, Lee?

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Seriously: what the?
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
For the record the line "Impressive, but not ungainly, boobs" was the winner for me. I'm still grinning here at that one. [Smile] Quite aside from the fact that I think "Ungainly Boobs" sounds like a Terry Pratchett character (or a VERY unlucky native American), I like the mental imagery. [Smile]
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
What's that you say, Two Dogs Fucking?
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
Never mind, One Man Bucket.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
How's that one go?
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
Sorry, it comes from a Pratchett book called Reaper Man:


"Why are you called One-man-bucket?"

"...In my tribe we're traditionally named after the first thing my mother sees when she looks out of the tepee after the birth. It's short for one-man-pouring-a-bucket-of-water-over-two-dogs."

"That's pretty unfortunate."

"It's not too bad. It was my twin brother you had to feel sorry for. She looked out ten seconds before me to give him his name."

"don't tell me, let me guess. Two-dogs-fighting?"

"Two-dogs-fighting? Two-dogs-fighting? Wow, he would have given his right arm to be called Two-dogs-fighting."

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Oh, of course! Sorry, been years since I read that book.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Oom! Spare Oom!
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
It's the difference between using the feather, and using the chicken.
Posted by Irishman (Member # 1188) on :
Better than two dogs pissing [Smile]

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