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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well I put off watching this episode because I didn't like the look of the preview - NEVER JUDGE AN EPISODE BY IT'S PREVIEW!!

I thought this was a thoroughly satisfying story and just well - awesome all round.

I loved it I really don't know what else to say. It was simple yet elegant. I loved Rose and Rinette's time talking.

Have we seen the Doctor use Telepathy before? Interesting that she could see into his mind.

These are totally undigested feelings - I'm going out on a limb and saying this is the best episode of season 2 so far! (They've basically gotten better each episode).

Is this also the first time that we've been given a wide-angled view of the TARDIS control room??

Great stuff - if you haven't seen it go watch it now.


P.S. Was someone saying here that the theme is a little different for season 2? Is it the middle section? Or the noise at the end?

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Don't worry, I'll answer my own question - I found links to both themes. The second season has more brass and added the middle section - I LOVE THAT!

The Doctor Who theme has to be one of the best TV themes ever written.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
The end noise has been there for ages, at least since the 80's. it's not in the original theme I remember though (as in William Hartnell).

As for the episode, In thought it was great. The ending was a bit corny though (as when you find out why the robots were going after her).

Speaking of the robots, how cool were they?! I want one (although I will explain to it to keep off my organs. Except my spleen. I don't like my spleen.) THe episodes climax was excelent as well, but the whole "Oh, its a bit tough being a time lord, you know" is getting a bit old. Let's hope that thats leading away from the Torchwood thing - remember what happened last time they did a Doctor Who spin-off.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
What noise are you guys talking about?

I also liked the robots in this one, especially after two weeks of CGI monsters. Realistic as they may be, you just don't get the same chills as something real and realistic, as with these guys.

You feel sorry for Reinette, but at the same time you wish the Doctor could have picked her up too. They had a very vibrant romantic relationship, of not consumated, while Rose was mostly sidelined with Mickey. Speaking of whom, he didn't do much besides run around and get in trouble. Typical companion work, though I'd hope they would jump on a character arc for him a bit sooner.

Incidentally, Steven Moffat has reveled that he hadn't read the script fo teh rpevious episode when he wrote this one, and so he had no idea that Rose was incensed that Mickey was coming along - so Mickey must have done something really nice in the interm to get her to accept him!

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
A curious tidbit - M. Pompador died at 43? or 47? wasn't that the same age as the previous mistress to the King mentioned when she was in the park with the other woman and when the Doctor was hiding behind the fence?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
She was forty-two.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
Beautiful episode!!! Loved it. I thought last week's with Sara Jane was great, but this one ranks up there too.

That's something we never really saw in the old series, poignant, almost romantic moments between the Doctor and someone else. Oh sure, there were little moments here and there, but not like this.

The robots were cool. Literal clockwork men. I loved the French setting and attire. It just looks sooo creepy or distorted. The whole "romanticism" of the time period and all. Wigs, masks, cloaks, etc...

Who knows how long it was between this episode and last, at least from the Dr. Rose and Niki's POV. They could have had a few adventures. No, wait. Niki does say "wow, a spaceship my first time out." Ah well...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I guess I didn't notice it back in May, but, to answer Andrew's question, the Doctor has had mind-powers in the past. The mental duel in "The Brain of Morbius" is the only example I can think of offhand, but I believe there have been others. I don't recall if he'd ever done a full-on mind meld before, though.

Also : Herb : "Mickey". Like the mouse.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
About the theme song, I think the noise that Andrew is referring to was introduced with the 3rd Doctor.

I would have told you to go this website called TV Ark, since they had a whole section on Doctor Who's various intros and theme songs, but the site is supposedly under reconstruction.

Hopefully once its open again it might explain your question.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I worked out what it was - it's the extra 'middle' section. Higher pitch - sort of in a minor key. I love it.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
It's often called the "Middle eight". Try here:


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