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Posted by robert eggleton (Member # 1878) on :
Flare Readers,

Despite negative tones in replies to my posts on this site, I've had some successes with my approach -- there's no reasonable alternative available given zilch funds or connections within the fiction marketplace. A prominent science fiction website gave me a year's free advertising (it normally charges). A review will appear in Baryon Online sometime next month ( The best sentences are:

"Eggleton has crafted a novel that deals with social commentary mixed with some eerie science fiction and a strange problem that Lacy has to solve to save the universe with the help of her family and her dog, Brownie. I can almost hear a blue grass version of Metallica while reading this. I expect to see more from Eggleton and Lacy Dawn. Good satire is hard to find and science fiction satire is even harder to find."

-- Barry Hunter

Two other major reviews are in the works, and I'm optimistic.

Before you dish out more negatives, please at least check out the novel; or, pretend that you've written one and aren't rich and connected. The public gets such a small dosage of art because of convoluted economic conditions. The best is found and never appreciated in basements, attics, and under pissed stained beds in rooming houses.

My hero is Richard Adams; and, yes, I admire some of Piers Anthony's work. So, if you don't like either, then you may also not like "Rarity" -- unless you think Vonnegut was a genius; or that "Another Roadside Attraction" was one of the best ever written. People have, of course, different tastes.

-- Robert Eggleton
"Rarity from the Hollow" -- A Lacy Dawn Adventure
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
We're not going to be any happier than rec.arts.sf.written, so please either A.) learn basic internet ettiquete or B.) give up the pretense and hire some space on a Russian spam zombie.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I have to echo Sol's sentiments, if not quite so bluntly. I know how hard it is to get any attention at all, let alone get published. If you have good and engaging Net Presence, a good blog site and word-of-mouth might be all you need (like Wil Wheaton). But the catch-22 of obscurity has killed off quite a few creative types that I know. Big publishers almost never notice you unless you're published, but often the only way to get published is through the big publishers.

Ruffling feathers by self-promoting is one way to get attention, but -- as you've seen here -- it will probably tend to be negative attention. The only thing I can suggest is retrooactive (i.e., too late now). Become a member of the community before you start bringing up your writing. If you actually involve yourself in other discussions that are going on, you become "approachable" and not "just another Internet troll". Then you can mention you're writng a book, get feedback on some characters or story points... That sort of thing. Then let us know when you're actually going to hit print and we'd be more likely to ask you how we could help promote your book than tell you to smeg off for being a spammer.

Just for future reference. [Wink]

Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I have to agree. I could have been interested in reading this if it had any semblance of manner or netiquette, but as a result of this spamming I have no desire whatsoever of ever reading this, nor of recommending it based on the author's attitude.

Please, Mod, lock this thread before other blunter people post.

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Thread locked.

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