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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
a.k.a. The Atlantis team re-does SG-1's "Unnatural Selection" and other Replicator episodes, except with a GIANT FLYING CITY!!!! I was at a sci-fi con and wasn't able to write my usual detailed review. Placeholder until I do!

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
The city, Atlantis II, has the same capabilities as I, just I doesn't have all it's ZPMs.

The one floating there over Atlantis I could be a problem in the future. Turn himself in to a ship and gather hydrogen to power itself, if not using somekind of other drive.

Ah, well, we shall seee in later eps.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Actually, you could say that it's Atlantis III, since they ran into another (mostly destroyed) city in a rather forgettable episode last season. I made the argument at that time that "our" Atlantis is not necessarily THE Atlantis, but the most important of a series of cities built from the original design. As advanced as the Lantean civilization was, I highly doubt they could create a city that could remain pristine for millions of years.

This is all part of the original storyline, BTW. Before they decided to run both SG-1 and Atlantis as concurrent series, the idea was that the outpost SG-1 found in the Antarctic in "The Lost City" was going to in fact be the WHOLE CITY; the SGC would be made international and move there to continue adventures in this galaxy; and after SG-1 defeated the Goa'uld the Replicators would be the main threat. A new cast would take over, the originals would make periodic visits to wish them well, etc. IMO, this would have suffered from more of a "TNG continuation" syndrome than Voyager got.

So, when Sci-Fi decided to have two shows (this was very early in development), elements of the original story were then divided into them. The Replicators are now part of the solution to win the war over the Goa'uld and are then destroyed just as quickly, and both SG-1 and Atlantis get new enemies to deal with. And now, to give the Atlantis expedition more to worry about than "just" the Wraith, this new breed of Replicators is brought in, presumably along a similar storyline as originally intended.

Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Except this version of replicators seemingly has nothing to do with the prior version. Makes you wonder though if the Asgard will end up fighting some monster battles against this new version. Especially given how they had a crapload of trouble with the others.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Just how many enemies does Earth have, anyway?!? It's not like we've got that many allies that are above Dark Ages tech.

And they made a serious mistake not turning around and firing a torpedo-squid up whatsisnames butt.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Going with my theme of being terribly mistaken, I thought the faux Ancients were going to turn out to be unascended Ori. (Which I think would have been more interesting, really.)

Things I've said to Tim on an earlier occasion:

Everyone thought that some Ancients being jerky and standoffish was out of character, but haven't the Ancients always been jerky and standoffish? (And boring.)

They seemed to jump to the Blow Everyone Up option awfully quickly. Wouldn't having an entire city-state of superadvanced robots on your side be worth some fairly substantial risk?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
The Others reset the one dude to evil mode pretty quickly, though. Presumably they just could have done that on a city-wide scale once their Brethren all went peacenik on them and refused to blow up Atlantis, and then the option would've been gone. (Maybe.)
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I was thinking that the other Atlantis like city was a city built by the Ancients to begin with, and that Atlantis II was one created by the Replicators II after Atlantis I's image.

I wonder if there is any space between the shield and the event horizon of the worm how. The little buggers could pile up in that tiny distance and just wait for the gate to close.

I bet Weir doesn't go off world as quickly again.

Why didn't they program a common sense algorithim in to the Replicators II?
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
What gets me is you'd think that the Rep2's who were smart enough to build a second Atlantis would have also been smart enough to build a fleet of Auroras. For all the aggression that was shown in that episode and the vast complex they had built, they should have a whole friggin' Empire by now.

Maybe they'll build a nice little fleet and McKay can zap them and voila, instant defense for Atlantis & Earth....yeah....that's the ticket.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I'm not clear on what the Repliancients are actually programmed to do. They don't seem THAT interested in destroying the Wraith, but they claim it's one of their goals. Presumably they could have pulled it off by now. They have to have a larger agenda. Or maybe it's a design flaw. They did say they could never be the weapon the Ancients wanted.

And shouldn't three ZPMs overloading have destroyed the entire system, and not just Evillantis?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Yeah - for all Niall said about the rage programmed into them, the entire time we saw them they seemed quite emotionless.

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Maybe they developed a procrastination glitch that the Lanteans couldn't get rid of.

They are emotionless because they are depressed, you maker tries killing you and you just haen't worked out the umph to go kill the wraith, oh, mmm, what's the use....
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Hell hath no fury like a replicator scorned...

Well I'm a week behind watching my Stargate. I liked this episode - and YES it does seem similar to the SG1 replicator episodes - but who cares - that city view was pretty cool. [Smile]

I think they will definately build on these folks... I would say that there is a definate connection between these replicators and the ones in the Milky Way Galaxy - those might be only 10,000 years advanced - the ones here - moreso.

The room where they were developing the weapon - in the flashback - was that the same room they found the nanite virus in season 1 or a different room. It sort of looked like the ZPM room to me.

I gather they took the replantean's gate on the ship and it got blown up - otherwise they could have just taken the gate address from the brains of the team.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
But if they can build ZPMs, they can surely build gates as well.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, they said they could build ZPMs, while still pretending to be real Ancients. I don't think we found out whether they really knew how to, or not.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Also would depend on elements available on world, if they are like Type I's and only using what is available. A self engineering self replicating beastie would be a major pain in the butt to kill off.

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