SG-1 moves into serious arc mode now. Vala is at last used as a serious part of the plot, and here's hoping that more will be made of her character than as someone who's basically been waiting around and as comic relief.
-Oh, she hot.
-Allow me to re-state. SHE HOT.
-I'm a little curious as to how the Odyssey can remain hidden when the Ori are in town. Or for that matter how SG-1 managed to remain undetected when Adria, who can read both minds and intentions, was so close.
-So now we see what the Ancient reboot device can do - it makes the flesh simply disappear. Oddly, they said at the end of the eighth season that the device would be dismantled - I guess someone changed their minds.
-So, at SOME point is the Jaffa Nation going to elect or appoint a leader who ISN'T a total knob that hates the Tau'ri? Where's Isaac Hayes when you need him?
-It's been a while since Daniel's told the story of his wife Sha're. It's probably still stinging that the "cure" for her condition was only a couple years from when she died, as has been discussed here already.
-Landry is pretty hot to trot, heading to Dakara immediately to discuss the political situation. As fun as this is, with such a strategically important alliance at stake shouldn't there be a diplomat, or a dedicated TEAM of diplomats, in place to handle stuff like this? Where's SG-9 when you need THEM?
-And why isn't Landry wearing the same new digital camo that SG-3 and the other guys are wearing?
-The Ori toiletship is commanded from a very small chamber with a front window, and in turn from a fancy chair along the same lines as known Lantean design.
-The Jaffa who claim the toiletship are mostly former troops to Cronus, but there's one Apophis Jaffa in there too. And for a minor Goa'uld, Imhotep sure had a lot of followers in his day, since we keep seeing them around.
-The latest (and soon-to-be late) new leader of the Jaffa Nation used to be in with Baal, which is odd but not unexpected despite the fact that Baal is still out there.
-Well, at least no one is around to see the BIG BLINKING GREEN LIGHTS on the C4 detonators. Jeez!
-"Well, as your mother I'm putting my foot down. You're too young to have your own army!"
-Adria was NOT killed by the reboot wave by her necklace, which contains a piece of Celestis, the city we saw at the top of last season. How's that supposed to work? Is it a personal shield along the lines of what McKay found in Atlantis when they got there, perhaps?
-Adria estimates that when the rest of the Ori fleet arrives from their home galaxy, the Milky Way would be converted within the year. That suggests quite a few ships... Whatever is keeping the Ori from building a new supergate, it's probably on their list of priorities now.
-Those who've read the spoilers know what the Ori plans for Daniel are. I'm glad to know of this foreshadowing - until now the evidence had been suggesting that the upcoming episode in question would be a one-off, but now it seems to be a bit more complex.
-At the end of the episode, Carter reports that among the new batch of worlds that have fallen to the Ori are Hebridan (home of that alien guy in that space race episode) and Langara (Jonas' homestead). This latter one is an interesting namedrop - one wonders what has become of Jonas, who would doubtless have been at the head of any resistance movement. CAN Parker Lewis lose after all?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Don't forget the part about how Adria feels that she won't be fully credible to her followers until she can convert her mother, Vala. Uh-oh.
Also? HOT!
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Casting has original SG-1, FarScape, and FireFly....
Did I miss any?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Voyager, Enterprise, Andromeda...
And going back a little further, X-Files, Highlander, Sliders... And anything ever made in Vancouver.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I ment this episode, I didn't see the Doc so I didn't include her.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
What's up with her, anyway? They keep name-dropping her, but she hasn't been onscreen since the middle of last season.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Lexa Doig got pregnant again last year, and so has been taking time off to take care of the two kids she and Shanks have together. This is similarly why Shanks has been missing a couple episodes already this season, and will be taking a couple off later. They keep name-dropping her because they want to keep her on the cast, but the actress just hasn't been available. In her place, we've been continuing with our succession of cute female doctors who have essentially been saying her lines until she can get back.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: At the end of the episode, Carter reports that among the new batch of worlds that have fallen to the Ori are Hebridan (home of that alien guy in that space race episode) and Langara (Jonas' homestead).
I'm starting to feel that Earth is to its allies as Carter is to her boyfriends. We just can't keep any around!
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Also, as the Jaffa are to their leaders... they all go psycho and nearly take down the government with them!
Posted by Lurker Emeritus (Member # 1888) on :
Ori toiletship?
That's class! That's exactly the simile I've been searching for.
Oh me. I shall never look at them the same way again.
If you've read the Transformers thread, you will already know that I'm almost completely out of touch with developments this year.
Toiletship. Brilliant.
Anyone care to speculate on what the carrier variant would resemble, and what type of craft would issue forth from it? ;-)
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Good episode. Seems like Ancient shields aren't that great either - or they really didn't build them very powerful around the Dakara device. Hang on Corin Nemeck WAS the actor who played Parker Lewis or just looks like the actor?
Weird. I too wondered what Jonas was doing - probably mounting a resistance to the Ori. Don't know why they can't bring him back for an episode - maybe that was the reason for the name-drop of his homeworld.
Were the Tollan completely destroyed - they were pretty advanced - could even build their own stargates... It seems crazy that they were wiped out so easily - and that they didn't have other worlds to escape to. I mean look at the Pegasus Galaxy - people flee their home planets all the time. It'd be cool to see them show up again after so long.
I wonder if the Ori have come across the Aschen?
Why didn't anyone just try and rip that bit of Celestia off of her neck? I'm guessing that it may also be the source of her 'powers'.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: Lexa Doig got pregnant again last year, and so has been taking time off to take care of the two kids she and Shanks have together. Mark
GO SHANKS! Seriously- way to go, you're my hero forever.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Answering Andy:
-Yes, Corin Nemec WAS Parker Lewis.
-Bringing Jonas back in an episode is/was one of the biggest fan requests for SG-1. It's a case of most of the fans disliking him when he started, warming up to him while he was here, and then missing him when Jackson descended. He DID come back for one episode, but the writers only saw fit to refer to him only occasionally after that.
-The Tollan are gone. Advanced as they were, they were clear pacifists and non-expansionist, and had grown complacent and reliant on their ion cannon defences. So, when the Goa'uld developped shields to the ion cannons, it was a simple matter to invade and destroy them. Remember, before Earth started their stargate program, most of the galaxy was technologically stagnant, or at least locked into a balance where certain powers were ignored by others who couldn't or wouldn't fight them. Blowing up Ra was literally a galactic wake-up call!
-The Ori may or may not have run across the Aschen, but it doesn't matter. Most of the old "guest" civilizations could have been easily wiped out off-screeen during this or the Replicator invasion two years ago.
-The whole point of Her Royal Hotness is that she is literally an Ori born from a human - they haven't drawn many Jesus parallels in the show, but that is the basic idea. She's had instrinsic Ori-like powers since the beginning.
Posted by Lurker Emeritus (Member # 1888) on :
I remember the episode in which the Tolan got splattered, but I came away with the impression that at least some of the Tolan had escaped, both through the gate and probably onboard spacecraft. I certainly didn't get the impression that we were supposed to think the Tolan were totally wiped out or enslaved to the last man, woman and child.
If you recall the introductory episode of the Tolan in which a group of them are held at Stargate Command, I think a specific mention is made of the time it would take to evacuate them by starship as opposed to using the gate. Whilst this method was discounted, it clearly implies the Tolan have starships.
So why can't there be a few refugee Tolan hanging around somewhere? I'm sure it's not beyond the bounds of believability to imagine them turning up on Earths doorstep in a sufficiently desperate state to agree to trade technology and know-how for use against the Ori in return for a safe harbour and three square meals a day.
Although, I suppose, at this stage, it might look a little contrived from a script point of view.