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Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Forgotten the name. Anywho...

Really seems like the whole thing's starting to wrap up here...My biggest question right now is: Why does Sylar think he'll explode, Isaac thought Peter would explode, and Peter paint that Ted will explode? Who is gonna explode? Although having Ted and Peter together right there at the end sort of answers the Ted/Peter question...but not the Sylar question.

Also, TOTAL shocker that Nathan's mother helped form Linderman's plans...Still waiting to see if she has a power.

I'm also missing the Haitian, although there was a verbal nod to it..."I find people (...) It's not working right now though." And nice tie-in with Shanti Suresh.

I'm also left wondering who is evil and who is not evil, here. Claire's grandmother and the whole Linderman group are willing to sacrifice the .07%... and Nathan and his mom are willing to sacrifice Peter, in particular.

I haven't read the comics; can someone tell me if they mention Nathan and Peter's mom's involvement in more detail? Also, her name slips my mind, what is it?

Sooo probably post more when the ep finishes filtering through my head.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Angela. And no they don't.

When I'm out of term paper hell, I'll post my thoughts. My LJ has them now, though.

Ep: "The Hard Part." And as I recall, Molly's disease was keeping her from using her power; it wasn't the Haitian.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
SOME of us don't have termpapers. ...Because some of us can't afford school anymore. Aw. Now I'm depressed. Oooh, chocolate! Better now!
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
So! As I was mentioning on the 1x20 thread - Sylar definitely seems to have a way to counter Hiro's power now, or at least to move around within his little bubble of frozen time. It didn't seem to be a struggle or even a surprise for him - He just looked over at Hiro and then started moving. Perhaps an extension of his telekinetic powers? Or he really did find another spacetime bender and melonballed his brain?
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Actually, I don't think he moved until Hiro touched him with the sword. IIRC, when Peter or Hiro have frozen time in the past they can take someone out of the freeze by touching them. I think that when Hiro hesitated, touching Sylar with the sword, that he pulled him out of the effect thus allowing him to grab the kitana. Interest though is the fact that he didn't demolecularize it like he has other things, he snapped it. Perhaps the sword has special properties?
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
But it wasn't only Sylar that unfroze.. we also saw his dead mom fall over. I suspect it was just Hiro chickening out after looking at Sylar's face.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
What do I get the impression that things will end up happening like they did in "5 years gone"?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I didn't notice the mom slumping to the floor. And I REALLY thought, for just a moment there, that Sylar was going to grab the sword and shove it into his own gut (while he was screaming "Do it!") in remorse for what he did to his mom...Although he was OK enough with it to paint in her blood a minute later. This show is pretty gory for basic cable in the USA, don't you think? I'm proud...our baby censors are growing up.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Ah yes the blood! That was especially creepy.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
What I found interesting is the juxtaposition of two monsters and their relationships with their mothers. We see Sylar and Nathan BOTH seeking for the approval of their mothers and not getting the reinforcement they both truly desire. This is leading them down the path of being completely inhuman. Sylar has already given a number of mutants a permanent moon-roof yet shows remorse at his potentially nuking the city, and Nathan is willing to sacrifice his own brother and that ".07%" known as New York simply to put himself in power to "do good" HE sees it of course. It's obvious that both have been shaped by the same great evil....the expectations of their parents.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
There's a deep truth there. Or else it's the burrito I just ate.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"This show is pretty gory for basic cable in the USA, don't you think?"

Beyond that, it's not even cable. It's on NBC, a broadcast network.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I'm also left wondering who is evil and who is not evil, here. Claire's grandmother and the whole Linderman group are willing to sacrifice the .07%... and Nathan and his mom are willing to sacrifice Peter, in particular.
Who says anyone has to be evil?
Characters do what they belive is right, or what they think is in their own best interest (not always the same thing.)
If they're evil than that's not very interesting and they really cease to be characters.

The fact that Syler is a psycopath and Linderman is a megaolomaniac is beside the point, they're both doing what they belive is right. Can't say much about Hiro's father or Nathan & Peter's mother at this point as we don't yet understand what The Company is all about, but I imagine it's supposed to do nasty thing for the greater good and possibly a tidy profit.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I get distinct evil vibes from The Man who until Recently was Benett's Boss, though.

And um...this is a really stupid question, I realize, but what's the difference between basic cable and broadcast network?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Broadcast network is free. Basic cable you have to pay for.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I get distinct evil vibes from The Man who until Recently was Benett's Boss, though.
Well, he's certainly a smug git.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Well, He WAS the Master after all.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
My biggest question right now is: Why does Sylar think he'll explode

Sylar painted himself and Sprague. He sees the man with the glowing hands and interprets that as meaning he will steal Ted's powers and go nuclear. Of course, we know (or think we know) from our glimpse at the future that that's not what happens. But Sylar doesn't know that.

Interesting twist on Candice's powers, though it's been alluded to before. She makes people see her as other people, she doesn't actually change her appearance. So... when Sylar stole her power in the future and became Nathan, he must've been able to make everyone, everywhere see what he wanted them to see... even over television and radio waves.

I'm confused as to why the little girl was able to ward off Sylar way back in the first episode when Parkman found her in the closet. Thompson tells Mohinder that the Company got to her and saved her before Sylar could slice her, but if that's true, surely they would've taken her then, before the police showed up. And how did they stop Sylar? True he was less powerful back then...

I had forgotten about Sylar's Iceman powers. Did they find one of his victims frozen solid back in the early part of the season?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Aban: Yep, indeed there was. That snowglobe scene rocked, just for the "oh, COOL" factor.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I noticed his bloodpainting was in the same style as Isaac's floor painting of the bomb.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Hasn't Sylar killed regular humans before(Claire's friend, perhaps Molly's parents) but why did he feel so bad about possibly killing millions if he supposedly explodes?
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
He said it was because there was no purpose. He kills other mutants to take their powers because "they don't deserve them".
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Also bear in mind that he is just the slightest bit completely insane.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Aban Rune:
I had forgotten about Sylar's Iceman powers. Did they find one of his victims frozen solid back in the early part of the season?

Yes, one of the little girl's parents had ice-powers... When Parkman and the FBI went into the house they saw frozen things - I guess they were trying to fend off Sylar. How did HE know about the little girl then?? Through Papa Suresh??
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
One parent was frozen, how did the other one die?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Oh the parent was frozen - I couldn't remember WHAT exactly was frozen - I thought it was just a lump of ice. OK so he got it before hand. I think the other parent was impaled up on the bannister of the staircase if I remember correctly.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
That or staked to the wall way up by the ceiling. Something like that. The chick from SeaQuest said something about it would've taken three people to lift the person up that high.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah I think the parent was staked on the wall.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Father was frozen while in the midst of eating something and had his head cut open (*sings the chorus to "Re: Your Brains"*). Mother was pinned to the wall by steak knives.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
I wonder what their powers might have been?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Well, I'm thinking because the mother's brain was intact, she was normal. As for the father, I don't think it's ever been established. Every power we've seen Sylar use, we either know where he got it (the powers he's gained from existing characters) or know he had it before killing the Walkers (James was frozen mid-bite; I'd like to think he'd have moved if someone'd cut open his skull before freezing him).

Sylar does seem to move around in the shadows a lot (see the scenes in the Burnt Toast Diner), so he might be able to stay shadowed even in the light (which would be a pretty lame ability, but it would have its uses).

I do have to say, I think I prefer Peter's method of power acquisition.
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
It's an interesting idea though. Is it just poor luck for the world that Sylar is a person willing to commit these acts and also happens to have a power that requires them, or is it this power that has, at least in part, made him this way? It's pretty clear on the surface of his character that without this power he would've remained a pathetic nobody, but given the opportunity for absolute power, he becomes corrupted absolutely. I'm just glad they're exploring the territory more and hope they continue to do so.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Now, I'm not positive I get Sylar correctly, so lemme just ask - His power is to see how things work, right? Which proves that these people who have powers aren't manipulating 'magic' or 'the Force,' they just have almost a savantlike thing, of using physics in a certain way, or else it's just a physical abnormality (like tissue regeneration) right?

And does he eat the brains?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Sylar does seem to move around in the shadows a lot (see the scenes in the Burnt Toast Diner), so he might be able to stay shadowed even in the light (which would be a pretty lame ability, but it would have its uses)."

Well, maybe not so much staying shadowed while in the light, which one would think would just make him stand out more. But he might be able to make himself even harder to see when he is in shadow. After all, if he has Iceman's powers, why not a bit of Nightcrawler's?

(Also, I'm not sure if I've seen a Jonathan Coulton reference here before. Good job.)
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Originally posted by TSN:

Well, maybe not so much staying shadowed while in the light, which one would think would just make him stand out more. But he might be able to make himself even harder to see when he is in shadow. After all, if he has Iceman's powers, why not a bit of Nightcrawler's?

Thus, the "pretty lame power." Though in that scene where he kills that mechanic he also seems darker than everything else.


(Also, I'm not sure if I've seen a Jonathan Coulton reference here before. Good job.)

What? No! That must be fixed at once! *changes her sig*
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Maybe Sylar took the Father's brain and then practised his new power on the person who previously had the power!?!

Ohhh something a little weird... I wonder if Shanti had a power? The little girl who had the same condition as Shanti has the ability to find people anywhere - isn't that something that Sylar would want beyond anything!?! SO did he get the information from Mohindar's father - then kill him? (We actually don't know if he is REALLY dead - maybe he was just fleeing Eric Roberts or Sylar when he realised what he was.

Also if Sylar and Papa Suresh were 'friendly' in the beginning - why didn't Eden and by extension Bennett and co. know about Sylar then and get him then? Or did they not care - was it only Bennett - who was afraid he would kill Claire?

P.S. I just read one of the earlier comics "Control" (A Matt Parkman story) - it has a snow globe in it!
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Maybe Sylar took the Father's brain and then practised his new power on the person who previously had the power!?!

But then, why would he still be posed like he's eating a donut?


Ohhh something a little weird... I wonder if Shanti had a power? The little girl who had the same condition as Shanti has the ability to find people anywhere - isn't that something that Sylar would want beyond anything!?! SO did he get the information from Mohindar's father - then kill him? (We actually don't know if he is REALLY dead - maybe he was just fleeing Eric Roberts or Sylar when he realised what he was.

The general assumption on Heroes Wiki is that Shanti had a power, but it never had the chance to manifest fully.

P.S. I just read one of the earlier comics "Control" (A Matt Parkman story) - it has a snow globe in it!
Heh. I did not notice that... Nice.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
(Actually, I semi-retract my previous parenthetical statement. I'd forgotten about my own status line.)
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
It's a nice idea that Chandra's still alive, but the vision Sanjog gave Mohinder of Chandra's death(at the hands of Sylar) seems pretty concrete, considering the other vision revealing Shanti's existence was also true.

In the episode, Mohinder's mother emphasises very strongly that Shanti was "special" and not just in the way that every parent considers their child favourably. Shanti's death is also what made Chandra delve so deep into research of evolved humans, so it stands to reason that Shanti was one of them. How else would his initial theory come about?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I wonder if her abilty was the same as the little girl? Maybe the rare disease goes hand in hand with that power?
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
I think the questions that are being overlooked are these:

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
And - how? 25-30 years ago? In India? [Razz]
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
The "Company" appears to have been around far longer than that and it wouldn't surprise me if they were not the initial cause for the seemingly rapid rise of mutants to begin with.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Well, we don't know that for certain.
All we really know is that it's been around in it's current form as long as Claire has been alive and probably in some form or another for a number of years before hand.

Their MO dosen't seam to me like they're causing these people to manifest abilities - if anything it looks like they're trying to control them if possible and put them down if they get out of hand.
My own personal suspicion, based on things Linderman, Momma Pertrelli said and the sheer implication's of Hiro's father being involved is that the company was born out of a schizum between the older generation "Heroes" after they became sucessfull (or however Momma pertrelli puts it.) I belive one lot (including Nakamura) decided that the best way to deal with others like them was through control (and possibly the wearing of encounter suits & looking cryptic) and started "The Company". Not sure what the other lot is about - Linderman is on a Ozymandias trip and possibly has a thing for chaos, strength and giant flying spiders.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
That's 'schism.' And it's been established that The Company is under Linderman's control.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I just watched the episode again. Hiro's dad stated that he'd been "waiting a long time for another Nakamura" to manifest. Highlander-esque stunt double power aside, I've got a sneaky suspicion about Hiro's dad. Perhaps he IS the kensei dragonslayer hero that his son idolizes!

Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Argh! Whoops - sorry, wrong thread. MOds can delete my last post, as it's a spoiler in the following episode!


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