Sorry if this has been posted before; I'd assume it'd be on the first page, even nearly a day after its airing, but since it's not, I'm posting this. I'll copy and paste into an earlier thread if need be, but I didn't see anything.
OK. This is easily my new favorite episode. I'm a wibbly mess right now, and was for the last five minutes of the ep. Alternate title: Daddy Issues. Though it was rather satisfying to see some of them resolved.
The Hiro scenes in particular were my favorites. Very well-written and thought-out, loved the dialogue, and then the scene where he talks to himself as a young boy was masterful. Plus, the "ohshit" moment where he sees Takezo Monroe.
I guess this really means we won't be seeing more of Takei except in flashbacks and photos... and also that we STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HIS FUCKING POWER IS.
Parkman. Parkman, Parkman, Parkman. Tsk, tsk. He's not as high up on my Love list as Hiro this week. Shame. He was so awesome the last few episodes. (*chants "don't go corrupt, don't go corrupt, don't go corrupt..."*)
I could have told him not to trust Bob. The only Bob I know who isn't a slimeball is my next door neighbor. What the fuck kind of person actually brings his daughter in knowing full well what'll happen to her? At least Claire isn't a total fucking idiot and has the sense to run when Bob calls her by the wrong name. Not enough of a non-fucking idiot to NOT GO TO THE HOUSE WHERE THEY KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR HER, though. Seriously. Bitch has a cell phone. Run like mad, call home to say "Mom, get the fuck out," and KEEP RUNNING.
West creeps me out a lot less now.
"You've gone native!" made me lol. Really, Mohinder's also not so high on my Love list right now. Mohinder, you're down there with Claire on the "you fucking IDIOT" list.
Loved Hiro's non-eulogy and Noah's reaction to waking. "Holy f-"ade to black. Granted, I called the resurrection about the same time as he got shot. But still.
How did Elle survive? Did they take extra blood of Claire's for Bennet and her? And I was really hoping Bob would get whacked. And she obviously has no qualms about killing innocents, so why not use lethal force? Maybe Claire just bore the brunt of it, I guess, or maybe Elle's power weakens with distance.
I think I need to call home now and talk to my dad.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Loved this episode. I think they are doing well considering the shortening of the season (Thank you worthless writers. Take the time off to actually come up with some original new shows)
Nathan and now Noah have been healed/ressurected by infusions from Adam & Claire. Will they retain the ability to heal or will it dissipate since they are not actually producing replacement blood?
Mohinder seriously needs to stop and ask himself "What would Mohinder do?".......Then IMMEDIATELY do the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Notably absent from the episode were: Nathan, Peter, Sylar & the Wonder Twins, Monica, Niksica & Mikah, and the Haitian.
Who saved Bennett? Did Mohinder KNOW that if he shot him he could bring him back with Claire's blood?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Hey, I'm with the writers. But this isn't the thread for that.
I think it's more like blood or bone marrow transfusions: once the new stuff has done its job, the old can grow back and overtakes it.
Word about Mohinder. As far as I'm concerned, both the adult Ms can sleep on the couch tonight.
Oh. Oh yes. I forgot both Hiros pushing their glasses up at once. That was great.
[ November 20, 2007, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: HopefulNebula ]
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Fabrux doesn't have TV where he is, and I missed it yet again - I keep thinking its on at 10 instead of 9. So that's why there was no thread
Elle got shot in the arm...she survived cuz, well, 9 out of 10 people who get shot in the arm survive...I mean...even just wrapping a belt around your arm and tightening it to stop the blood flow would save your life. Antibiotics could stop any gangrene or infection even several days after being shot with no dressing on it.
*Great* episode. I loved the "*pant pant* Holy SH*to be continued*" - it was exactly like Claire's scene from the first season, well done on his part.
Angela was able to fight Peter - could anyone with a power do this; or was she trained/experienced in fighting off Maury (Morrie?); or is it somehow related to her (apparent & speculative) ability to convince others to do things?
I'm glad we're seeing their powers expand as they learn to use them. We're starting to get some overlap, which is cool. Eve could persuade people to do things, too, but now Parkman can use his ability to do a similar thing. Not to mention the mind reading and locking them in a nightmare and all the rest that comes with it. He's turning into a sort of Professor X...I like that. He could potentially be extremely powerful too, defeatable only by Peter (or Sylar, if he managed to brain-munch another telepath).
I'm going to make a prediction based on nothing at all but gut instinct that Kaito's power was weather control, and he was a follower of Adam's for awhile before turning back to 'righteousness.' I'm prolly wrong.
Wonder how Claire will find out her dad's alive? Surely there's a cool rescue mission in the future, if the strike doesn't ruin it. (I'm with the writers too, but that doesn't mean I'm not pissed it came in the middle of when my favorite show was just getting good...)
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
quote:Angela was able to fight Peter
quote:Eve could persuade people to do things
You mean Matt and Eden. You make me question how into the show you are. You keep missing such simple things. Is your brain making you think "Peter Parkman"? I guess his mind-reading could count as "Spidey-Sense"...
As for the stuff about the strike... Y'all are forgetting the first season. Eleven episodes, followed by a hideaous break before eleven more. I think when their viewership quadrupled with the beginning of the second arc back in January, they decided to keep that structure -- eleven episode arc, seven week break, eleven episode arc. It's probably the one series not hurt by the strike yet. The Guilds have a good month still to sort things out before it starts to threaten the timely beginning of production for the second arc. I'm still figuring we're going to see a 21 January premiere for the second arc, and won't start proclaiming doom until after the New Year.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Actually, they rewrote the finale of this section so it *could* act as a season finale, just in case.
Erm. Yah, I missed the arm bit later. It looked like the chest the first time I went through.
And about Kaito's power? I just remembered that my friends from school and I all decided that Kaito's power was gravitas. That's fitting.
And I don't need your phony excuses. Make the thread next time!
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I was thinking Eve because of a friend of mine...he keeps insisting that Adam has been around since the dawn of humanity and is the Adam from the bible; and he keeps talking about "Eva." He drives me nuts with that stuff. Oh and trust me, I'm very into the show - I've just never been good about keeping a lot of character names straight in my head (or names of real people, for that matter. Gets me into sticky social situations sometimes.)
lol well Fabrux will make it next time...we agreed he'll be the official Heroes thread poster, since we kept stepping on each other.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Daniel: I feel you on the names. I'm totally faceblind. At least on TV, it's easier to differentiate people. In real life, everyone (my age at least) is trying so. damn. hard. to look exactly like each other that it's just fucking pathetic. I've been in a class of 25 for 77 days now, and I still can't match most of the names to faces. And it's not, as certain people suggest, a matter of not trying hard enough.
Anyway, end rant. Sorry.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Okay! It wasn't a matter of my not having TV, it was no internet access where the TV is.
Holy crap. I want to know who it was that resurrected Noah. Was it really Bob? Cause they all seemed rather downtrodden when driving in the van. Mohinder in shock, Elle pissed off, Bob looking mopey. Maybe Bob did do it but didn't tell the others. Noah is obviously in hiding now, for whatever reason as...
$$$$ the trailer for next week we see Claire spreading ashes. I have a theory that Noah won't need his glasses anymore, either.
Hiro seemed ready to shit a brick when he saw Adam. I can only imagine what's going through his head. It now seems that he's well on the path of turning into the dour, no-fun Future Hero from season 1. I bet now he'll try and track down his buddies to find Adam and make him pay.
Interesting bit from Angela about having to continually regenerate to become immortal. So, I guess depending on how much a healer damages their body depends on how long they'll live, or even what apparent age they'll stick to. Adam looks the same age he was in 1671, when he was blown up on the tent. I bet that Claire will stay a teenager due to the incident with Ted. Or maybe not, as she survived the house fire as an infant and still aged. So maybe it has to be a devastating event. Which could mean that Peter will stay the age he is now, due to blowing up and all.
I wonder what Matt is going to do now with the information he has, and knowing that he's teeter-tottering on a fine line. Also, what is he going to do with Mohinder? He's probably not going to be too happy that Noah is "dead". Also, what is the Haitian going to do? I can see him being the only one to know about Noah, or even the one that resurrected him.
Aaaand, it just came to me now - they can resurrect Kaito! Depending on how far dead someone can be before the infusion stops to take effect.
A buddy of mine had a theory about powers developing with age and a postulation that eventually Hiro might be able to freeze someone physically but have them able to talk for purposes of interrogation...
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
That wouldn't work, I don't think. Hiro's power isn't a force effect, it's a temporal effect. He'd have to freeze the subject's body in time, but not their head - so the blood flow would immediately stop; the airway would be blocked; the spinal cord would cut off. They'd die in agony in 30 seconds or less. But maybe he could use that as a torture method (Edit: Also, I don't think Hiro actually freezes other people and objects in time; I think his power works on him and what he's touching only. So he's sort of 'accelerating' himself. Of course this brings up the problem of how he can SEE and MOVE things, but we can postulate some weird relativistic thing with his space-time warping...or we can say that he isn't moving any faster, just continually reliving the moment he decided to 'freeze' in, over and over. In other words, everything's actually moving, but he keeps leaping a few micro or nanoseconds into the past so he never sees it. That way light is there where his eyes are every time he leaps back; objects can have force transferred to them; etc.)
I bet Adam Monroe resurrected Noah. Adam and Peter are after all trying to take down the Company, and so is Noah.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
That works great up until the point he travels backwards in time. Clearly, he's warping the continuum around him while he acts as a fixed point.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
In honor of Robert Jordan....Hiro is Ta'veren....
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Or he's physically moving backwards in time. Actually according to the general theory of relativity there's no difference between him staying still and the universe moving, and the universe staying still while he's moving. Not just "no way to tell" or "no practical difference," mind, but actually physically no difference.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Sooo.. any clues on that "Victoria Pratt" (?) lady? Does that name have any significance? Have there been any Pratts sneaked into the online comic books or anything like that?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I've only read up to #50-something, but I didn't see any Pratts. I need to check out the rest of it - the Evolutions bit and so on.
Oh, and the PrimaTech Paper website had an 800 number I keep meaning to call to see what kind of recording or whatever they play.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
There haven't been any Pratts in the graphic novels(*smirk*), but something interesting from the group photo's annotations that Matt added is that one of the guys has the last name Mendez. Perhaps Isaac's dad?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I just had a thought while reading the latest graphic novel - how long could a human actually live before their mind started to collapse? Not just psychologically, but, wouldn't you eventually have memory problems? Even if you were immune to anything organic going wrong, the brain has to have a finite storage space...
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Presumable they would begin to forget certain things. Not as big a problem as you might think as from what I gather the current thinking on the nature of memory isn't as straight forward as you might imagine. Specifically it's not as if the brain automatically retains every second of every day, it's more like a set of highlights and when you recall them a set of pre-learned rules extrapolate out the blanks. In Kensei's case, he's had 30 years inside a single room, I doubt there's much about it to remember...except that time in 1984 when that moth got in and spent 3 hours fluttering around the light...
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
So I called the number; it's just a silly voicemail with nothing special. Except if you choose option #3 they mention a code, MT or MP3...somethingsomething. Anyway, on the site, now, if you click the About Us section (or the Information Concerning Noah Bennett section), then mouse-over the PrimaTech logo, you can see the Helix. You click, and it asks for a username and password. Did we ever see a username and password used in the show to access anything?
Posted by OverRon (Member # 2036) on :
Victoria Pratt was an actor in that god awful Mutant X, I only ever watched a few episodes,she played Shalimar something-or-other, can't remember what her power was.
Someone on the Heroes writing staff making a nod at other Super Powered Mutant� shows? Or coincidence?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Ooh, one thing: I thought Pratt looked familiar, so I looked her actress up on the wiki.
That's Joanna Cassidy. One more Trek alum to add to the cast list.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Dood! Joanna Cassidy and all you can mention is her being on Enterprise? o_O She's been all over the place throughout the last thirty-odd years. I know her best as Zhora from Blade Runner. And since many of her characters weren't exactly docile little lambs, I am expecting interesting things when Matt finds her...
Its the Heroes interactive side game/viral marketing thingy or whatever you call it. I don't know much about it as its only available to US residents.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Yeah, I heard it revealed stuff like the novels do. Anyway, have we seen a username and password ever used on the show? If we have, I would bet it's the way into the PrimaTech Paper thing.
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
Didn't Claire log onto her dad's laptop or vice versa at some point?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Mmmeh, I'm gonna watch the first season over anyway...I'll keep an eye out this time.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK I haven't read anyone's comments... but I JUST finished watching it. OMG! Fucking AMAZING! Fantastic episode! I'm... I'm... shocked and thrilled at the same time! BAM! What an episode!
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Can anyone enlighten me as to what Angela Patrelli's power is (two weeks ago it looks as if she had the power of persuasion - but wouldn't that cancel out Matt Parkman's attempts?) What is/was Kaito Nakamura's powers!?!
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Well she was able to put up a fight, enough to give herself a nosebleed anyway.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
All the times we've thought we saw her power of persuasion in action she's been touching the person a lot, whereas with Parkman she was in handcuffs, so she couldn't touch him. But apparently when she touched Nathan's wife in Four Months Ago it was the actress's decision and not in the script, so it may be that they haven't decided on her power yet after all.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
We don't know her power, or Kaito's. That's really the bottom line. Lots of fun speculation, but for a real answer, nobody knows yet .
I read a thingy (article? description? blurb? paper? page? thingy!) about the Alcubierre 'warp' drive, and it made me think of Hiro, and subsequently, how quickly Hiro travels through time and space. How much time passes for him as he goes back or forward in time? Is it instantaneous? That wouldn't be physically possible; light is the fastest thing in the universe even if you're talking about moving through the fourth dimension instead of the 'normal' three. But how 'far away' is a year ago, anyway? Is it a hundred miles? Three inches? Five thousand parsecs? We can't really get much of a clue from his popping around Tokyo and New York since even jumping across the world like that at close to light speed would be nearly instantaneous. Fraction of a second at most, and probably less - he doesn't have to travel around the curve of the Earth, after all, just point A straight through to point B. (I assume). Any thoughts?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
quote:Originally posted by Peregrinus: Dood! Joanna Cassidy and all you can mention is her being on Enterprise? o_O She's been all over the place throughout the last thirty-odd years. I know her best as Zhora from Blade Runner. And since many of her characters weren't exactly docile little lambs, I am expecting interesting things when Matt finds her...
Oh, it's hardly the only thing I could mention. It's just the fact that Heroes seems to be a Trek alum magnet this season.