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Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Anyone see this besides me?

Wraith cloning facility, eh? That explained the huge surge in numbers... we also learn how the Wraith reproduce as well. I got the impression that the foot soldiers and the guys we interact with (Bob, Michael, Todd etc) are different types of Wraith. The dude that popped out of the tube seemed to need that mask to be able to function.

Also, compatibility issues with Wraith and Lantean tech: the Wraith can use ZPMs. Makes sense as the Wraith supposedly cannibalized their tech a bit.

The whole Teyla thing is getting a bit contrived. "I'm pregnant, not ill". Sheppard seems to want to lock her up on Atlantis until the baby is born... and there's that interesting bit about Teyla being able to interact with the unborn child on some level (the Wraith Queen too). Makes you wonder how an actual telepath would fare taking over a Wraith.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I think that it's US military policy that pregnant soldiers are not allowed to be in combat. Teyla isn't military, but it does explain Shep's reaction.

There are three known types of Wraith: the Queens, the humanoid male wraith, and the warriors. It's the latter who are cloned ad infinitum in the chambers. We know now that they actually have no eyes and a mouth that is not completely formed - the newborn warrior is also notably smaller than the average bruiser. The helmet is seen "installed" for the first time... I'm thinking it's a symbiotic organism that is part Wraith, which offers protection and sight and must therefore be mated with the newborn immediately after it's cut out of its tube.

There MAY be a fourth kind of Wraith, a cross between the warrior and lanky standard male. We've seen two examples of them so far, most notably the not-so-talkative commander who re-abducted Ronon last year. That, or it's just a standard Wraith male who likes to work out.

Anyway, my view on this is that the ZPMs may offer a final solution for the Wraith's eating habits. ZPM power can be used to stimulate growth in the Wraith lifeform. If that can happen, it would not be a huge stretch of the tech in the SG universe to come up with a replacement SOMETHING for the Wraith so they woudn't have to feed on anyone if they didn't want to. A cosmic energized tretonin, if you will.

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Yeah, I saw it, but I wasn't moved by it enough to start a thread. This season's disappointing me drastically so far. It's not really any one thing that I can point to; I just don't like it. It feels 'mainstreamy' somehow instead of sci-fi.

What you said, Mark, reminds me of something I said earlier in a thread for some other episode - that I want to see a *good* Wraith, one who comes to decide that he shouldn't eat humans. People seemed to focus their arguments on why Wraith can't stop eating humans, but that wasn't my point - it'd be nice to see a Wraith who doesn't *want* to, even if he can't do anything about it. I keep hoping Todd will turn out that way.

By the way, have we ever heard on screen exactly which rank Col. Caldwell holds?
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Did you not see that exchange in the last episode?
"Colonel. Colonel. Colonel. Colonels. Colonel. Colonels. SERIOUSLY?!"
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Carter is a "full bird" colonel, but Shep is a lieutenant colonel. So, the question remains whether Caldwell and Ellis are lieutenants or "full bird" colonels? *checks Wiki* Hmm. Says that they're full colonels.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
They should be, per rank badges seen on and off diring the series (Caldwell has been seen in non-SGC uniforms before). I don't think Sheppard will make full Colonel as long as full-Colonel Carter is around and in charge, or else he wouldn't have to answer to her. Mind you, he's got barely any problem with that anyway, since Carter isn't THERE half the time...

The producers have taken steps to PREVENT the "humanization" of the Wraith so soon. They wanted to keep them Borg-like, more as a force than as an enemy you can sympathize with. To a certain extent this has backfired, as you WANT to sympathize with an antagonist to a certain extent. Michael was supposed to be a partial solution for this, and Todd has filled in too.

Incidently, no one seems to wonder where Halling, Teyla's Athosian friend and tribe leader from the first season, has been. Teyla should look at Todd a little closer to find the answer. [Smile]

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Not only Halling, but that guy with the shrinking CGI village, too. [Wink]

You know, one thing I did notice that seemed a bit jarring to me was how the Queen's voice wasn't altered like the rest of the Wraith. I seem to remember the previous Queens we've seen had that same raspiness added in.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Dude, lay off her. She was just in labor for a bazillion hours! Didn't you see all the epidural needles she had going?!

Anyway, while the same actress has portrayed all the queens we've seen, each one has been slightly different beyond the tattooing. Last year, the one that Mikey had allied herself with had HUMAN skin tones, instead of the regular pea soup green. It seems that they have a greater lattitude with how they appear than the usual Wraith drones.

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Yeah, that's what I meant, which kind of colonel. So do Ellis and Caldwell answer to Carter while they're in Pegasus or what?

And I wonder what happened to Ford, never mind Halling.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Rank and position aren't the same thing. Carter is in charge of the Atlantis Expedition, which basically means all Earth operations in Pegasus.
Ellis and Caldwell command their respective ships, which is where their authority ends. Hence Sam biting Ellis in the arse for overstepping his bounds.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I know, again, that's what I was asking, where does their authority man, I'm expressing myself badly in this thread.

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