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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Wow, the first genuinely FUN episode of Atlantis in several weeks, and mostly because it's a brainless shoot 'em up with what must be close to a record number of shell casings on the ground. Ah well... Some have been wondering where Atlantis' balls went to, and apparently they the last few episodes have been saving up their testosterone for this one. [Razz]

-Teal'c's HAIR, man!

-Teal'c doesn't realize how often he says "indeed"!

-Teal'c and Ronon are a close match physically! They can wail away on each other for an hour and keep going!

-Canadian money is seen in the betting pool!

-Midway is finally seen in full operation and destroyed just as quickly! Will they spend another year building a second, this time with a freaking IRIS perhaps?

-Great to see Walter still doing his same job. You know, I think that he's the only one to have had the same job at the SGC for its whole existence. Well, Siler too if he's still there (Dan Shea is very busy on other projects, I've heard).

-The new IOA guy also played Crazy Eddie in "First Wave", and a couple Talaxians over the course of Voyager. And why did he wake up far earlier than everyone else?

-The Midway station is just a re-dress of Stargate's "ship" sets, but is curiously really tiny, forcing Ronon and Teal'c to share a room. They're the only guests on the station - surely there's more than just one guest room? What happens when a platoon of marines is sent to relieve the batch already on Atlantis?

-Bill, Shep, McKay and the surviving Midway station personel were stuck in a Jumper for TEN DAYS. I'm pretty sure the thing was pretty ripe by the end of it, not to mention how there is apparently no toilet on the ship. Still, there must have been plenty of razor blades, as no one showed signs of any facial hair when the Daedalus picked them up...

Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
You know, until I just now looked up the guy on, I didn't realize that the scientist who fainted was Kavanaugh, the formerly ponytail/glasses wearing total a$$hole that went a few rounds with Weir before. It makes sense now why he's stuck with crap jobs in a crap location.

Will they spend another year building a second, this time with a freaking IRIS perhaps?
Didn't Dr. Lee say basically that the program was so secure, they didn't need an iris? Irony! [Roll Eyes]

-Great to see Walter still doing his same job. You know, I think that he's the only one to have had the same job at the SGC for its whole existence. Well, Siler too if he's still there (Dan Shea is very busy on other projects, I've heard).
I still want to see "The Adventures of Gate-Boy and Sparky!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I laughed really hard when Teal'c said, Indeed. and Ronon said, "You say that a lot." Teal'c not noticing was lost to the humor of the first thing.

Carter's kind of stuck-up, hm? I'd've walked into that room, seen what was going on, and laid a hefty bet on my 10-year-teammate for the win...Like sparring between two consenting adults from cultures where such things are normal shouldn't be allowed, or something??

*What* did that Wraith device they hooked to the DHD remind me of?? Maybe the egg pods from Tremulous.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Holy fook, that WAS Kavanaugh! He was SUCH a jerk in the first season and change, no one was sad to see him leave, and almost no one noticed he was gone. I thought that he was being rather mouthy for a new character - but now that I recognize him, he's almost welcome to be back. And he survives AGAIN, where the more pleasant bearded guy gets vacu-sucked.

You know, it took them the better part of a year to build Midway. The gate bridge is too much of an investment and advantage to have to just drop, so I'd figure they'll start building another one soon with added security.

Also, props to Ronon's gun - it's so cool that even Teal'c wants one now. Don't know what advantage it would have over a Zat gun, though... Zats apparently don't run out of power as often and have a cool pop up feature.

Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
I wouldn't say Carter is stuck-up, Daniel, but she is in a position of authority now. You have to act the part (whether you like it or not) or nobody will listen to you.

Do you suppose the two gates survived and are just spinning off into space now? I'd say they are, considering the rather meager explosion the station made. You know, now that I think of it, the Wraith could probably still take a Dart to the halfway point. The trick would be activating the Milky Way half of the bridge.
Posted by OverRon (Member # 2036) on :
Did Midway have irises (or is the plural of that irides?) before it was destroyed? As I could've sworn I saw an iris on a computer screen on the first ep of the season. If so why didn't they use it?

A good ep though, I loved the whole "Indeed" thing. As for the fight they had, how would Teal'c have done against Tayla? As she can beat Ronon in their sparring mathces.

Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
Also, props to Ronon's gun - it's so cool that even Teal'c wants one now. Don't know what advantage it would have over a Zat gun, though... Zats apparently don't run out of power as often and have a cool pop up feature.

Well Ronon's gun also has a "kill" setting as well, and that IMHO would outweigh the need for carrying a couple of extra power crystal thingie-me-bobs.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Zats kill with two successive shots...and vaporise with three, though I think that somewhat ridiculous attribute has since been conveniently forgotten about. I think the real reason Teal'c wants one is just for the cool factor, personal grooming choices aside (remember the blonde beard?), the dude has style.

As for Midway, no, neither gate had an isis. Mostly through hubris, so that shan't be making that mistake again. It didn't bother me that they reused the Daedalus sets. I imagine allot of the compartments that make up the habitable space aboard a Daedalus are, at least in part, prefabricated, so it makes sense.

On the wishlist for the Midway II Station:-
(1) Iris.
(2) A bigger and/or more numerous escape vehicle.
(2) ANOTHER Iris.
(4) More living space.
(5) Irises!
(6) Perhaps instead of a single station why now two stations joined by a retractable catwalk? So the two gates can be physically separated. With the quarantine policy and all, having two gates in the same room doesn't speed anything up.
(7) A detachment of soldiers and a heavy weapons team for the gateroom (like the SGC) permanently stationed aboard.
(8) No Kavanaugh.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
See, what I don't get is the point of the quarantine. What's the difference, really, between using the gate bridge through Midway and just hopping directly from Atlantis to the SGC? No quarantine needed then...
Posted by Zipacna (Member # 1881) on :
That is a bit of an issue. They've been going out there visiting strange new worlds for a decade, and not once have they ever had a quarantine for anyone traveling in our galaxy...despite there being the exact same risk of bringing in an alien disease. Why quarantine one galaxy, but travel around our own without a single concern?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Because the two galaxies have, as you've said, had people running from planet to planet for years - not only decades, but thousands of years in fact. The germs would be spread 'round the planets in Milky Way and Pegasus, but not between the galaxies. The gates make each galactic network sort of like one giant planet, really, with each planet little more than a country or region - a few button presses and you're there.

However, yes, it's rather stupid for the writers to forget that if there's a quarantine in effect, gating directly to Earth from Atlantis would be either stupid, breach of protocol, or still require a quarantine - but maybe there is one, we haven't been told there isn't. Ronon didn't want to have to be stuck with Teal'c for 24 hours, is all; maybe back on the SGC he'd have his own quarters or be free to roam the base as long as he didn't leave it (or more likely, the lower few levels).
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Well, intergalactic gating has typically been done between known, secure, and arguably clean terminals: the SGC and Atlantis itself. Putting a quarantine space in the middle is probably redundant, if you can install a clean room or decon chamber at both ends (think NX-Enterprise, compelte with sexy lubricating gels). OTOH, as noted above it is more likely for something nasty to be transmitted between galaxies than between planets... But at the same time, would it make sense for a doctor to be stations ON Midway to test for such things before clearing them?

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Yeah, that was a really stupid plot device, not well thought-out at all. I hate it when something like this happens that I can't *angers* me!!

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