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Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
May as well lump these together as no one else seems to be talking about them...

Any comments? It seemed to be a bit of a cop out to have Shep in the future find out where Teyla was... then have the building collapse.

I was half expecting the Hoffan plague to infect Earth through Keller, that would have made more sense than her "dying from complications due to overexposure" pfft.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Is the plague even contagious? I thought they got infected through their food or water supply, not from anything airborne.

Interesting how quickly Atlantis went to crap in 48k years, when it previously spent a million years (more or less) with hardly any upkeep. Yeah, the shield was up, but still...

I didn't think the ending was a copout. Even with his knowledge of things to come, his coming back changed things enough to where he couldn't anticipate what would happen. Besides, McKay may have told his where to find her, but he couldn't tell him exactly when he needed to be there.

I kinda liked seeing Lorne in charge of the SGC in the future. To me, he's kinda becoming the Wedge of the Stargate universe.

Crap. I just put a death warrant on his head, didn't I?
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
I am starting to lose interest in Atlantis. Other than McKay, Teyla, Shep, & Ronin there aren't any really well developed characters that grab your attention. Carter is IMHO just a token presence to try and appease SG-1 fans and hook'em. Keller just doesn't seem to fit for some reason and they've made Zelenko a basic in-joke. As far as the stories go, they really seem like a bad D&D game where every great danger is easily dealt with in short order. There really seems to be no real "Bad Dude! Bad Dude!" that you feel has the ability to take them out. Michael just doesn't have the presence of an Anubis or even Baal to be a real heavy. The only hope I see of a formidable enemy is possibly Repli-Weir.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Naw. He's loyal, trusty, and he never dies. Of COURSE he's like Wedge. And even if the next season looks like it'd be teh show's last, I think he'll stick around instead of the writers doing what's right and letting him go in a blaze of glory.

Notes on the last two:

-Yay, Beckett's back! And he's a... Clone? I guess I was hoping it'd be the real him and the one we had on Atlantis was a clone or replicant or sleeper or something, a la Bashir on DS9. Still, it was good to have him and his neuroses back. I had hoped that he'd be back full time, but we'll have him for five episodes next year.

-Fun though that Mikey put some restrictions on Beckett in the Demolition Man style; I wonder if it applies to all Wraith. We'll see next year...

-While somewhat invalidated by the timeline of the following episode, I also like how Mike was down to a single Wraith cruiser as his apparent "fleet". The guy has obviously been toiling behind the scenes, but it's fun to consider that unlike the Expedition crew who captures and loses the big hive ships on an almost yearly basis, that Mike has one second-line ship at his disposal.

-Oh my GOD, it's HALLING! The long haired Athosian dude we haven't seen since the first season! And again, he SURVIVES, despite losing all his hair! The fun part of course is that this guy has a great gig, as he shows up in the very next episode as Todd once again. Strangely enough, his beloved son Jinto is nowhere to be seen, and you'd think that he would be near his dad. I'd hate to think that his son is now among the ranks of the hybrid undead...

Moving on to the finale...

-Yeah, 48,000 years with the place still intact but shieldless, and parts of it (including a human-built naquadah generator) are still working. Considering how some think that if humanity were suddenly wiped out, that all earthly trace of civilization would erode away within 50,000 years, we're doing pretty well IMO!

-Assuming they don't change the timeline in any major way, the next Daedalus class ship is the Phoenix, finally adding to the extant fleet of the Daedalus, Odyssey and Apollo. True to the track record of these ships, they get them from the yards barely finished or able to fly, and our heroes have to work round the clock to bring her combat worthy (and this time, they don't even have time for the customary oversized ship patch!). Alas, even super-duper Asgard shields and weapons aren't enough against multiple targets (though Ori ships were easy enough to kill with a few shots last year) and Sam bites the big one.

-Some people are saying that Todd is the Garak of Atlantis, being both good and evil and having all the great lines. The bad part of this is that the Wraith are fundamentally flawed as a villain, he HAS to die for the good guys to win at the end. He can't survive unless they find a way to feed the Wraith that doesn't involve killing people. Can they? I know it's a sci-fi show and anything's possible, but...

-At the back of Lorne's SGC office is a Witty Wings diecast SU-27 Flanker fighter plane in 1:72 scale. I know, I have one. General Lorne's a damn commie bastard! [Smile]

-I'm wondering what the "out" of the show for Carter will be, given that Amanda Tapping is leaving next year after a few episodes. We see here that she MIGHT be given the Pheonix to command, but I find that a little wierd given that she should be doing scientific stuff behind a desk somewhere. Still, putting her on the Pheonix will give her plenty of time to save the universe on her own while still making the occasional guest appearance.

-Also, we see Robert Picardo in his first pre-appearance as expedition commander Woolsey. For his one brief scene, we already know he can be the guy who plays it by the numbers he sees and executes the orders given to him from the IOA, which is sorta what we've been expecting. I hope this will be a source of conflict we need on te show, without painting Woolsey as a complete jerk.

-And as you may have noticed, Woolsey gets to wear the same design of outfit that McKay and Keller (and Teyla) wear, but in the lighter gray that Sam had. I like them better than the old jackets, but I think the front could use some details or the expedition crest or something.

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Of course they can find a way for the Wraith to survive without feeding - turn them into hybrids. Michael made a very loud point that this was why he'd win, showing Teyla his hand which had no sucker-thingy on it.

I thought the uniform hung *terribly* on Picardo. Just didn't seem like it was the right size, or something..especially around the shoulders.

I don't think the plague is contagious, no.

If HoloRodney was a hologram, how'd he have Rodney's *memories* and feelings and things? He didn't mention recording his memories or anything into it. (I'm willing to let the fact that nobody, least of all Rodney, would have known exactly what happened to Ronon go - dramatic license. And it was a cool death for him.)
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I thought the last episode was pretty dull.

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