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Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Multiple realities, woo! And an interesting way to introduce the new baddies of the season...
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Are they the new baddies, or just a one-off? I did like their ship, though - very cool! It looked at first like it could be an Earth-tech ship, just more advanced. And the aliens did remind me a lot of the Cro-Mags from Sliders.

I liked the close-in fighter battles! Looks like they had to build a new highly-detailed Daedalus model for that.

Too bad they couldn't switch off the drive and keep the extra Daedalus, although some reality out there now has an extra one.

Sheppard calling Ronon "Chewie" after he starts banging on the console! [Big Grin]
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Yeah I loved the Chewie bit, hehe.
Posted by Ahkileez (Member # 734) on :
Hehe yeah, the Chewie thing was hilarious.

All in all, a good episode. Taela's response to Rodney with her kid seemed strange to me though. Most women try to convert the men around them into extra nannies.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Were the battle scenes not CGI? Doing that kind of complicated battle with models is very difficult and extremely expensive, not to mention Or when you say "build a more detailed model," do you mean CGI model?

Yeah, Chewie was funny. It bears repeating again. [Razz]

I think Teyla was worried Rodney would make a terrible nanny, Ahkileez. Seeing as he dropped the kid and all [Big Grin]
Posted by Ahkileez (Member # 734) on :
I think he means CGI model. You usually don't need *too* detailed a model for tv, especially if it's going to be shot from fairly far away. But those constant close-ups needs one.

I didn't care for SG1 so I can't really compare this model to any earlier ones.

Meh, kids are resilient.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Not at that age they're not.

I'm assuming these guys will be the new baddies as it seams unlikely they'll spend money on designing the new ships, make-up and costume on a one off.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
^My thoughts exactly.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Has Stargate ever introduced a new villain in a way other than "Hey, it takes a whole lot of bullets to kill them until we forget about that two or three episodes later"?

(To answer my own snark: the Ori I guess, and the Replicators are sort of the inverse.)
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
I do remember a huge purple one-off ship that Sam encountered in a nebula while on the Prometheus. We never saw any aliens, though. But yeah, this ship was too insanely detailed to just be a one-off, unless the CGI artist *really* got into his work.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
You'd be surprised just how relatively little effort it takes these days. OTOH, I think that the Daedalus model *was* the same, spruced up only a little with details like the CIWS guns we see close-up this time. A couple years back we saw the Prometheus in similar closeups before she was gloriously destroyed - I think that the CG guys simply love their work. [Smile]

And we don't know if this is someone we'll see later - the Stargate universe has had lots of one-off aliens with tons of detail, never to be seen again unless a fan notices the re-use of their props. I'm looking at you, Bedrosia. [Wink] The producers seem intent on learning from the Replicator fiasco as an example of spreading too thin, and I hope that at best we see only minor threats besides the Wraith from here on in.

Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
...Or sometimes they create recurring aliens from said props. (I'm thinking of the Travelers, from whom Ronan got his gun.)

Sol: I was thinking the EXACT same thing while watching the ep this evening. Kinda annoying, IMO — but then, it's hardly endemic to Stargate.
Originally posted by Mark:
The producers seem intent on learning from the Replicator fiasco as an example of spreading too thin, and I hope that at best we see only minor threats besides the Wraith from here on in.

You don't watch the previews for upcoming episodes, do you? [Wink] Can't say I blame you; I've had a few things spoiled over the years, but I can't seem to stop watching them.

Although it wasn't the greatest episode overall, I did enjoy the part where Rodney explained how he came about the "dumb" idea of putting the ship into reverse.

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