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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :


Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
So we should be on the 13th Doctor by what?.....Spring 2009? Sheesh.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I read only recently, though that he had signed on till at least 2011 - i.e. another season after the specials.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
So, 2010 sees a new Doctor, a new writer, and therefore the possibility of a whole 'new' approach? That's quite exciting.

I mean, Doctor Who as a show is extremely adaptable to change, and I'm looking forward to what Moffat and the Eleventh Doctor will make of it. And especially how they will handle the current continuity. It seems likely Torchwood and SJA will still be around, but maybe they will lose contact with this new Doctor? Then there's Moffat's River Song, who obviously has some kind of future relation with one of the future Doctors.

That being said, Tennant was definitely one of the favorites, and it seems all to soon for him to leave. Three seasons is actually a pretty decent amount of time though, with only Pertwee and Tom Baker being in the role for significantly longer times (going by number of seasons).
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
There still seems to be some confusion about how many specials there will be. In fact, at one point they seemed to be talking about three, with some indication that the already-filmed Christmas 2008 episode counted as one of them. Then it was still three plus the xmas2008, but xmas2009 counted as one of the three. Now he seems to be talking about xmas2008, then four specials, plus xmas2009?
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :

Not that I don't like David Tennant as the Dcotor, but surely the fun bit of the show is a regeneration. Will they just be ignoring his half-regeneration at the end of the last season? Will this be the 11th, 11th 1/2, or 12th Doctor?

The BBC site has got a few contenders they reckon might be contenders for the role:

Paterson Joseph;
David Morrisey;
Sean Pertwee;
James Nesbit;
Russell Tovey;
James McAvoy.

Erm, no, maybe (let's see the Christmas special first...), no, God no, I'd rather not, and WTF. In that order.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
James McAvoy would sorta be a David Tennant clone, I reckon... and he has quite an established film career now - so I don't see that happening.

I agree - no Nesbit please. The others I have never heard of.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Richard Coyle is a name I've seen bandied about, but apparently there's some bad feeling between him and Moffat going back to the TV show Coupling.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
One wonders if Moffat ascribes to Davies' dictate that a Doctor should be under 40 to act as an appropriate TV series star in this day and age...

Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Elizabeth Sladen's got to be in her 50's though, right?

A good suggestion I heard is James Callis. He's not busy with BSG anymore, he's British (not that you have to be British to do an English accent) and he's got the acting range.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
On a Vancouver-related note, David Hewlett wants the job, and was born in England anyway... It's widely speculated that his work as Dr. McKay is based on his interpretation of THE Doctor. Hewlett is a ginormous Who fan. [Smile]

Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
There are rumors that Alan Tudyk's interested.

Evidently he can do an English accent.

I'm not so sure how I feel about that...
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
So? David's a Scot and most people here know him for his "flawless" Cockney. [Smile]

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Hewlett would make an awesome Doctor.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
There are those who believe that Morrisey, playing some kind of impostor (? I haven't read spoilers, don't really know what it's about) Doctor in the Christmas special, might turn out to actually be the Eleventh Doctor meeting up with the Tenth.

Although it would be a devilishly clever scoop, I'm not convinved that will happen. For one, I think it might undermine the remaining Tenth Doctor specials.

There is indeed some degree of confusion surrounding the specials. The TARDIS Wiki claims there are five in total:

- The 2008 Christmas Special
- A 2009 Easter Special
- A 2009 Christmas Special
- Two unknowns.

There are rumours that the last of the Tennant specials won't be aired until early 2010 (Maybe Easter 2010?). That leaves one unaccounted for. There's a vague idea that the 2009 Christmas Special may be a double episode (with one airing around New Year), but I'm not at all sure if that was just someone thinking out loud or actually sourced from somewhere.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
All I have to say is: THANK GOD!

I hate David Tennant - I'll be so happy to see the back of him.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
What bothers you so much about David Tennant? [Confused]
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Evberyone has a Doctor they hate. Except me. And maybe all those other people that don't hate one.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
I loved Christopher Eccleston. I absolutely loved that guy. So when he left and Tennant came on, David already had points going against him. And then the first few episodes of the 2nd season had Tennant acting so goofy as the Doctor (IMHO), that I was turned off. I stopped watching my 2nd season DVDs halfway through.

Although I had seen some later eps on the SciFi Channel and noted the better acting on Tennant's part, he just never quite gelled for me. I know lots of people rave about him as the Doctor, and that's fine; but once I had Eccleston I couldn't go back.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Tell me you at least saw 'Blink'!
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
But that was a Doctor lite eppsiode.

I kind of agree with Dukhat. The tenth Doctor is a bit goofy, a bit more of a matey, chumy sort of Doctor. While Christopher Eccleston had the manic energy, he wasn't such a twit.

The other thing, is that the family market is very much determined by the lowest common denominator - young children. I think that Tennant, wether through his chich or the writers, started off as a figure that would appeal to children. But he has gotten a bit darker as his tenure went on.

All in all, not my favourite, not my least.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I have to admit those were my first thoughts as well. It has much to do with Eccleston actually playing a dark type of Doctor. I couldn't really get into the light-heartedness of Tennant at first, but when seen in a wider perspective, especially compared to Tom Baker, he does seem to have nailed the Doctor quite perfectly as episodes went by. I think it really started working for me when we got the opportunity to see him act a bit more serious in episodes like "Family of Blood", where he plays both a 'regular' non-goofy human and a very dark McCoy-style Doctor. Scenes like that put his regular portrayal of the Doctor in sort of perspective.

In retrospect, I think a 'goofy' Doctor was a wise choice after the moody Ninth. But the Doctor still hasn't entirely come to terms with the Time War events. I hope Moffat will wrap that part of the story up, and maybe let the Eleventh Doctor move on.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I'm gonna weigh in on this discussion and say - while I liked Christopher Eccleston - David Tennant is fantastic as the Doctor (excuse the pun). [Smile]
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by Fabrux:
What bothers you so much about David Tennant? [Confused]

He just seems to shout a lot and jump and run around. It's like, you're going along quietly and calmly then BANG! OHH! I'VE GOT IT! OH WHY DIDN'T I SEE THAT BEFORE!? WE'VE GOT TO ....

I'd just like to see the Doctor be more...mature I guess...and David Tennant just doesn't do it for me as an actor. It's a real shame Christopher Eccleston left after one season - he was good. Added a little bit of darkness to it too. [Smile]
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
I wasn't too happy with the choice of David Tennant when Ecclestone left, but I quickly came to appreciate him. It'll probably be the same with whoever replaces him.

I do find the "AREN'T HUMANS AMAAAAZING!" speeches quite annoying, though.

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