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Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
A better paced episode than last week, and of course with more revelations!

* So it seems Reverend wins a cookie, since it's looking very likely that Kara's father is the mystery Final Final Cylon.

* The cassette of Kara's dad reads "Dreilide Thrace - Live at the Helice Opera House". It seems very likely Daddy Thrace is somehow linked to the awakening/recognition of the Final Five. He wrote the music, and played it at what is probably the Opera House.

* There is probably some kind of link between Hera and Kara. Both are presumably hybrids, and both have links to the Opera House.

* Anders is still in some sort of coma, but I'm sure we'll see more of him soon.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Oh, man. When Galen tells the others what he did, wonder what they'll do to him?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Somehow, I knew that Hera's drawing was piano notes the moment that she gave them to Kara. Somehow it made me think of those rolling, auto-playing pianos when she held it vertically.

And Boomer is still despicable.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
And now Galatica is really fucked. Literally, Boomer's jump has pushed the ship beyond the point of no return.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
And you know whose fault it is? Lee Adama. If he wasn't such a pussy and had actually stepped up for the rescue from New Caprica, then Pegasus would still be around giving the fleet a fighting chance. Now, the fleet's only defense is going to be... the rebel basestar?
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Which is now almost fully repaired.

Hmm. I reckon Galactica will be fixed up enough to jump a few more times. They seem to be in the middle of nowhere right now, so storywise they'll probably need the ship in good enough condition to get to wherever the climax of the series takes place. Or so I'd imagine.

Anyway, pretty good episode. Thankfully everything actually made sense this week so we don't have to read up about missing scenes to understand the story.

My two favourite bits this week were thanks to Bear McCreary. The use of the original series music made me squeal, especially when Kara accused him of ripping off another composer. Perfect. [Smile] And the All Along the Watchtower bit was fantastic musically and because of Tigh's amazing acting eye.

It seems stupid that Kara is asking a piano player in a bar why she came back to life, instead of asking Ellen. Maybe we're meant to assume she asked but Ellen didn't know anything? On the other hand, I felt Kara was subconsciously aware of who he really was, so maybe he seemed like the perfect person to ask. I wonder why she didn't recognise him, or fully acknowledge who he was.

I liked the projection. It kind of reminded me of Generations actually. The look of the place, the concept in general, Tyrol going to the room upstairs and the bit when he went through a door and appeared somewhere else.

Does anyone know how many episodes (or weeks) are left? I keep reading different things. The last three episodes are being shown on one night, I believe. And I think that's in two weeks time.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I'm a sucker for redemption stories: I was hoping Boomer would have gone back to what we'd seen in "Downloaded." Seemingly, she hasn't. OTOH, maybe Boomer has her own plan. [Smile]

Johnny -- Season 4 has a total of 22 episodes, and RAZOR (from a production point) was episodes 1 & 2. This episode was #19, so there are three Fridays left of BSG, but I believe #22 will be two-hours long. Could be wrong.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Snay, whatever that plan might be, it involves beating the crap out of Athena, frakking Helo, and drugging Hera. Don't forget that Boomer threatened to kill Hera way back in "Rapture."

I don't think the plan is something we'll like.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
That music always sends chills up my back every time I hear it.

I guess the old Boomer really is completely gone, overwritten by her sleeper personality.

Also: Feldgercarb brand toothpaste! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that'll send the TOS lovers/nuBSG haters over the edge!
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Hurrah! I shall one day have ALL the cookies!
To be fair though, Lee called the piano player connection.

So Boomer isn't as redeemed as I had hoped. Bugger.
It must be something in their programming since, with the possible exception of Athena, all the 8's are a bunch of emotionally crippled nutjobs. Now when you consider what Boomer's been put through on top of that personality tendency, it's no wonder she's become quite the bitter and vicious little snake. Really a tragic character and I can understand why she beat seven hells out of Athena since she's effectively stolen her life (name included) and been accepted by the crew for what she is. Boomer on the other hand doesn't belong anywhere and is rejected by everyone except Cavil/John and Galen. So no, I don't think her personality has been overwritten. For that matter, it's never been explained to my satisfaction exactly WHY Boomer was a sleeper in the first place since of the other cylon infiltrators (of which there have been many!) she's the only one we know of that didn't know what she was, except of course for the final five.

The music in the episode and the way it was used almost as another character in the story was by far some of the best work in the whole show to date.

P.S. Hera in the box? Quite possibly the most horrible thing in the series, ever.
P.P.S. Just occurred to me that if Anders originally wrote "Watchtower" and assuming Dreilide Thrace is/was Daniel then there could be a deeper connection between Kara and Anders than we might have previously suspected. Of course it also put's us right smack in the middle of incestville again (Anders being her grandpa and all) but that now seams to be par for the course.

[ February 28, 2009, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Reverend ]
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Thanks, Snay, that clears things up. I few things I read in interviews implied this was the last episode before the finale, so I was getting worried.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
"Snay, whatever that plan might be, it involves beating the crap out of Athena, frakking Helo, and drugging Hera. Don't forget that Boomer threatened to kill Hera way back in "Rapture."

Well -- but what if her plan simply involved needing to get Hera off Galactica?

Okay, her plan didn't neccessarily need to beat the crap out of Athena to accomplish it ... but I agree with Reverend: Athena usurped Boomer's role on the ship, why shouldn't she have some issues with the woman?

As for frakking Hello -- well, she did resist (at first). But I think Boomer remarked once on the sexual tension between herself and Helo during the first season.

As for tranking Hera -- yeah ... but if Boomer needed to get Hera off the ship ...
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Well, my point was that her plan isn't very likely to have any redeeming aspects to it. Any good that could possibly come from this isn't likely to balance out the tricks she's pulled so far.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
Is Athena the most stable personality of the 8 models?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Ha ha, I know an imaginary piano player when I see/hear him! I'm actually quite relieved as I'd pointed out my observations on the last ep to my Dad last night, before either of us had seen it (he'll be watching it tomorrow night on the Sky broadcast). I can't believe it's 18 years since I amazed him by figuring out who killed Laura Palmer. . .

It's the first season all over again - danger to children still freaks me out. And I'm going to be a father again, so they've thrown miscarriages in as well as abductions of little four-year-old girls. Fucking fantastic.

Thre episodes left, of which two parts are the finale, apparently one hour then two hours. So, it'll be all over in three weeks (or four hours) unless they decide to throw in another hiatus for old time's sake.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Lee: the finale is a two-part episode, so it's one ep this Friday, one ep next Friday, then two eps together the following Friday. (I think).
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
BattlestarWiki has the remaining eps as "Islanded in a Stream of Stars" or something like that, and "Daybreak" parts 1 and 2. Unless I've read it wrong. *checks* Nope. But the finale is definitely three hours, so you could consider that three eps for production purposes. But all the indications are the finale is split in two, so whether that's one hours then two, or two ninety-minuters, I don't know. Maybe they'll show it in three parts. Ask me next month!
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Part 1 is one hour, and part two is two hours. I looked up the SciFi schedule. It's not really a three-hour finale; they're airing "Daybreak, Part I" on March 13, and Part II on the 20th. But they're re-airing Part I just before Part II on the 20th, so you could watch all three hours back-to-back.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Okay. Pa Thrace taught Starbuck to play All Along the Watchtower some twenty years ago. At least, Starbuck thinks he did, but either way she learned it somewhere. So where? There are two main possibilities. One: our probably virtual third parties. Two: someone, say Daniel, learned the song from Anders before Cavil made his play to wipe their memories. Daniel as Starbuck's father doesn't need supernatural connections to know the song, which makes the possibility even more appealing than it already was.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Of course Kara knowing the song sheds new significance on the activation of the final five. It can't be a coincidence that they start hearing the music right when she comes back from the dead.

Still, it's not clear if the image of her father was just in her head (in the regular old Lamkin's cat/Adama's wife way) or if it was a messenger, like Harvey Six/Baltar/Leoban. Which is probably a good thing, we can't expect all the answers before the end.
Personally I think it might be the same entity that previously appeared to her as Leoban. Both seam to have a more benign purpose than Six & Baltar's messengers. Unless of course it's all the same entity and the image an personality are a reflection of the person they're appearing to.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Possible Biblical connection? Her father appears to her but initially she doesn't recognise him, just like Christ after the Resurrection. And he's the thirteenth Cylon, much like the twelve Apostles and Jesus make 13. That is, the twelve if you count Judas. Could Cavil have been said to have betrayed Daniel? It's all probably nothing, just thinking out loud, you can find all sorts of mystical occurrences of the number 12, and thirteen is considered an unlucky number, etc.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
But there was a Last Supper image... [Razz]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I don't think we can draw many allusions to the Bible. After all, that Last Supper image would make (Caprica?) Six a Christ figure. That doesn't make sense at all.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I've seen that image. It's very cool. I got a nice big version of it from the scifi channel website.

Lee - you are either a hybrid or a walking spoiler. [Smile]

Another great episode.

The scene where All Along The Watchtower comes in with Starbuck playing the piano - was awesome. I had to just watch that little bit again.

One more episode and I've caught up!

Theory: Guessing Starbuck is half-cylon. And Hera being the future... maybe it's a new way of regenerating without a hub?

Johnny - what original series music are you talking about?

Anyone spot Bear McCreary in the backgound of the bar in the episode before this?

I also had another theory... there are 'first' versions of the 8 Centurion Cylons.

John/Cavil being the original personality of the 'ones'. D'Anna the original 'personality' of the 3's. Perhaps Caprica Six the original of the Sixes and Possibly Athena being the original of the 'eights'? Maybe Kara's father was the original 'Seven'.

Just with the comments about how all the other eights have 'flakey' personalities and Athena is the strongest personality... makes you wonder.

Interesting how we don't see many dupicate Leobens. Only the one that hangs around Kara.

Oh and the other day I was down the road at the shops and out of the corner of my eye I saw this woman with platinum blonde hair and she was wearing a bright red dress. I shat myself for a split second until I focussed properly on her. She was NOT hot - not even an Ellen Tigh. But that's not the point - it was funny that initial shock of 'seeing' out of the corner of my eye a rather tall woman with bright blonde hair wearing a red dress just walking through the car park. You have to admit you don't see that everyday and after watching so many BSG's all together lately... heh. [Smile]
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
The music was part of the intro in the original series. I found out later it's called "Explorers" or something similar and the Cylon intro music is derived from it.

Daniel played the first few notes a couple of times and I nearly jumped out of my chair. [Smile]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Johnny:
The music was part of the intro in the original series. I found out later it's called "Explorers" or something similar and the Cylon intro music is derived from it.

Daniel played the first few notes a couple of times and I nearly jumped out of my chair. [Smile]

Cylon intro music? The bit with the 'they have evolved' later to be 'there are 12 models' etc? That's from the miniseries... composed by Richard Gibbs - I never knew it was derived from the original series... really??
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
No, I mean in the original series, when there's an establishing shot of the Cylons (usually their basestar with some raiders flying toward it) there's a little musical cue. That was derived from part of the original series intro, a piece of music that played after the theme tune. I think it was the bit when Adama would talk about the "rag-tag fugitive fleet".

Ooh, found it on youtube

The music between 0:00 and 0:10 is what Daniel played.
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
That clip led me to this one:


And for that, I thank you.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by Johnny:
No, I mean in the original series, when there's an establishing shot of the Cylons (usually their basestar with some raiders flying toward it) there's a little musical cue. That was derived from part of the original series intro, a piece of music that played after the theme tune. I think it was the bit when Adama would talk about the "rag-tag fugitive fleet".

Ooh, found it on youtube

The music between 0:00 and 0:10 is what Daniel played.

So you're saying that cue was derived from the "life here began out there" prelude? I don't hear it myself.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
No, the "life began out there" bit is played before the main theme. I thought this piece "Exploration" was played after the main theme from time to time. Either way, looks like I misinterpreted what Bear wrote. This is from his blog.

Reading that early draft of the script was the last time I’d really thought about Nomion. It dawned on me that the filming of the “Nomion’s Third” scene was coming up very early in production and I had no idea what it would sound like. After all, it should sound like a different composer wrote it than the composer who wrote Slick’s pieces.

What better way to accomplish this then to actually have it be written by a different composer? In an instant, I knew exactly what I wanted “Nomion’s Third” to be. Stu Phillips, the composer for the classic Battlestar Galactica, composed a piece for that series called “Exploration” that I’ve always loved. Set apart from the bombastic march of the “Main Title,” “Exploration” is much more mysterious, ambiguous and harmonically rich. Listen carefully to the closing seconds of “Colonial Anthem” on my Season Two Soundtrack CD and you’ll hear a duduk and bansuri state a fragment of this theme. Even then, I couldn’t resist incorporating the theme into our new Galactica.

This is the powerful orchestral fanfare that opened the original movie. When Slick plays it a couple times, the tune catches Kara’s ear as a familiar melody. Stu and I hope that fans of the classic Battlestar Galactica had the same reaction.

I went there just to check if I'd heard what I thought I had, and didn't read the blog too thoroughly once I'd confirmed it really was the original series music.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Originally posted by Johnny:
No, I mean in the original series, when there's an establishing shot of the Cylons (usually their basestar with some raiders flying toward it) there's a little musical cue. That was derived from part of the original series intro, a piece of music that played after the theme tune. I think it was the bit when Adama would talk about the "rag-tag fugitive fleet".

Ooh, found it on youtube

The music between 0:00 and 0:10 is what Daniel played.

So you're saying that cue was derived from the "life here began out there" prelude? I don't hear it myself.
The same notes as to this musical cue were also the opening bars to the theatrical release/"Saga of a Star World" pilot episode. In that opening piece they went through this part of the score twice, as if the musical score wasn't long enough for the opening credits.

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