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Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Um, is anyone still watching this and have a desire to talk about it? Maybe I'll make a general thread if there's so little interest...

Add to the dead list:
-Eli Cohn
-Joe Evans

Can't say I'm sad to see Ryan go after his latest escapades... Marcus I could take or leave. Eli just had to go but I'm a bit annoyed at Krycek dying. He didn't need to! Maybe Anna will resurrect him or clone him or something to use as leverage later...

Tyler is now firmly in Anna's grasp. Meanwhile, Lisa found her grandma. Should be interesting.

Jack's been kicked out of the priesthood, Hobbes's wife/girlfriend/daughter is being kept by Anna SOMEwhere... but Hobbes doing Anna's bidding because of his significant other isn't much different than Ryan and his daughter, so how is that going to work?
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I have been watching but is it bad that I can't match even half those names to characters?
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Marcus = Anna's Man Friday that was assassinated
Eli Cohn = the Isreali guy with the beard
Ryan = the bald V that has a baby
Joe Evans = Tyler's dad/Erica's husband
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Yeah, this show is burning through recurring characters rather fast. I can't help but wonder if it was planned this way or if they're rethinking their approach and/or cutting costs to keep the show afloat.

Certainly it feels a little bit like cheating to have a fully equipped and dedicated resistance force literally given to them rather than show them building their own. Almost as if the producers decided to change the pace of the show to be more action oriented.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Hobbes girlfriend is dead. It's just a ruse. I'm sure the Vs have technology to recreate a voice.

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