Well, a certain prequel will open there in two weeks, and there are people in tents on the sidewalk, one guy with a "Tatooine Or Bust" sign.
Local media had a camera crew out there, the fans waving their light-sabres around. Have fun guys, just 14 more days to go!
"For flavor value, chocolate. But I prefer the Cult
of Curry." - Frank G, April 1999
"(strange mouth jerks)" - Krenim, April 1999
My brother is a hard-core rock-n-roller. He's driven all over hell and back to stand in line for tickets, but he's never once waited over night, let alone over a week.
I saw video from the line in Los Angeles. The guy at the very front bragged that he was the first person in the world to get in line for "The Phantom Menace."
Wow. I'm sure the Nobel Prize committee will be calling any day now.
Is there maybe a point where you stop controlling your hobby and it starts controlling you?
If anything, I'd say these guys are petty levelheaded compared to the hoodlums who were pushing and shoving people to get the SW toys on Monday morning.
Lawrence Boucher
Clinton Takes Leave Of Office To Stand In Line For Star Wars: Episode I
"Fishing promotes a clean mind, healthy body and leaves no time for succumbing to Communistic or Socialistic propaganda."
Ivar Hemmings, chairman, South Bend Bait Company
"Plagues extinguished, the world becomes smaller.
For a long time there is peace in empty lands.
People will walk safely by air, land, sea, waves.
Then again wars will be stirred up..."
- Nostradamus, 1568
I was tempted, but do I really want to be in a maximum-capacity movie theatre?
Back in 1983 [when dinosurs ruled the earth], I saw SW:ROTJ at a charity day-before special screening---and couldn't always hear the dialogue because of audience over-reaction.
I bet opening day {if not opening week} of The Phantom Menace will be worse. Thanks, George, I'll wait til the end of May.
Me? Well, I have no plans to see the film till at least mid-June (although part of the reason is I'll be out of the States from the end of May till mid-June).
And I agree with you about seeing movies in full theatres -- bad idea. Last time I did that was for Titanic -- what a disaster that was.
Oddly enough, this will be the first time I've seen any Star Wars film on the big screen.
I want to make sure it's a pleasant experience, quality of the film notwithstanding.
"Since you put me down
It seems
I've been very gloomy
You may laugh
But pretty girls look right through me" -In The Darkest Place
Video of people getting their advance tickets, holding them up for the cameras, kissing their tickets, etc, like Superbowl seat-holders.
They interviewed one grinning schmuck who admitted flat-out that he was buying them just to scalp them later. Tickets have already been auctioned on the Internet for 4X face-value.
I'm thinking you're right: A week and a half might not be enough time for the mobs to thin-out.
Anyway, since it was so easy to get tickets, I'll be going to the midnight showing of the movie on the 19th. I'm normally not that insane, but someone else bought the tickets, so I wasn't going to complain.
"[Steve Jobs] shouts at his employees a lot, using language you can't use on TV, not even on UPN." - Andy Ihnatko
Quark: "Lesson number one: No one involved in extra-legal activity considers himself nefarious." (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")