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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Saddened by the lack of traffic on this lovely forum I went on a quest to sum up some of the finest things in the star wars universe. Da swords!
This is what I came up with. The complete gathering of canon lightsabres (as far as I know) save Ki-Adi-Mundi's. No hard feelings, it just didn't fit in the way I had in mind. I thank Frank for pointing out to me the facts of life inside the forums, and hope you all enjoy this tidbit!

Using urls, can't be too sure

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Oooohhhh..... oooooohhhh!!!!

mommy mommy can I have one?

I'd like to see Yoda in a lightsaber fight......

I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I really thought this would be popular. I mean, I spent 6 hours on it.

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Yoda's looks so small... And why does Maul's have four swithces?

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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Yes, it looks small, doesn't it?
The outer two red switches are the activators, the inner two red's are modulating controls. The grey buttons are failsafe buttons, so it doesn't go off in awkward moments, I guess!

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
I like it. Don't worry this area just doesn't get much use.

Death before Dishonor!
However Dishonor has
quite a disputed defintion.


Posted by Grand Admiral Reese on :
That is a pretty good pic of the lightsabres.

"The Force will be with you, always."-Spirit of Ben Kenobi, ANH


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Interesting that Ben's and Luke's from SW and Jedi respecively look very similar. And both a bit geeky too. Vadar's looks the coolest.

"Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."

Geraldo Rivera


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
Qui-Gons and Mace Windu's looks Cool but i love that Platnum one that Anakin uses its looks so cool. I really dont like Maul's Saber one slip and you lose a leg

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 08, 2000).]

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I think Qui-Gon's looks best, 'cause it's so simple yet sophisticated. Apparently the ribs in the handle are rechargeable microcells (the average sabre has one solid energy cell placed inside the handle).
Obviously Obi-Wan has incorporated this in his (late) sabre, but with an extra backup-cell in the butt.

The older sabres, like Vader's, are too short for my taste, more like a one and-a-half handed sword. The newer ones are longer, kinda' like Katana-handles.

The producers have gone to great lenghts to develop a real Jedi fighting style consistent with ancient martial arts as well as newer ones. There are many sites witch deal with this topic, and as it happens, I have one here for you to reflect upon!

It isn't the most thorough I've stumbled upon, but should have many tidbits some of you didn't even know about. I hope this knowledge adds to your own movie experience, at least it did for me!

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I wonder if Rob Brown knows that what seems to be text from his page is on that one...

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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I stand corrected. It seems much more credible too!

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I wonder if we'll see light-cimitars or light-axes?

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles.


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
ok is yoda's lightsaber in the pic authentic? I think it is a fake!! It looks to small for lightsaber technology to work. It looks even to small for Yoda's body.


funniest TV quote.....

"A small penis is a clean penis"
-Matt Real World Hawaii

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Almost half the sabres in my image come from different pictures, so I scaled them as best I could. Yoda's may be a bit too small but there really is no way to know yet!
About the sabre itself, it is official, however not canon until it has been in a movie. Check out Frank's link if you want to learn more.

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
As far as I can tell, many of the pics you have up there of the Ep 1 sabers came from the Episode 1 Visual Dictionary. I think there are even more in there that you don't have shown.

Alas, I haven't purchased the book, so I can't post them. I know Yoda's is official and it really is that small as shown in that book.

The reason for the similarities between Luke's saber from Jedi and Obi-Wan's from ANH is found in the book, Shadows of the Empire. Luke returns to Tatooine and constructs a new saber from instructions he finds at Obi-Wan's hut. Therefore, he is essentially rebuilding Obi-Wan's saber, but using a different crystal.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Correct, there are two more sabres I didn't include, Ki-Adi-Mundi's and Adi Gallia's, basically because the upper row of sabers are all from the old films, and if I had put more sabres in the lower row would have been messed up.
The other reason is that Adi Gallia's sabre is quite a small picture of the sabre so it would have been very mooshy if I had cut it out, plus it was hanging by her side, so the cuts of my cursor would have been far too obvious.
The biggest reason the picture is incomplete is because I compiled it very spontaneously and for the hell of it. It wasn't supposed to get under a microscope.

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
That's cool. I actually thought it was really cool that the book went into that much detail about the props used even though we didn't get to see them.

Here's a little question I have, in the interest of starting a conversation here: Why are the sabers from Ep 1 so much more modern looking than the ones from Eps 4-6 even though Ep 1 takes place before ANH?

I guess we have no way of knowing how Jedi design trends flow, but it would make sense that the newer they get, the newer they look.

Another behind the scenes question: I've heard that early in the shooting of the movie, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor were presented with a bunch of saber hilts and asked to pick which one they wanted to use during the movie. I wonder if the sabers we see on Mace Windu and the other members of the Jedi counsel are the left over designs that the two stars didn't want.

Two other things I've noticed: The design of Windu's saber bears a similarity to the tips of Maul's Saber. Also Yoda's Saber has the same look as the "newer" sabers used in Eps 4-6. What's up with that? Are the 4-6 sabers actually older designs than the Ep 1 sabers?

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
1: Yes, it was wonderful to see all the tidbits and details in the book. I'm pretty sure we'll see more of the "unused" props in the later ep's.

2: Not a little question at all, Abe! This is what I've heard, and like to believe:
The first movie presented us with the REAL Jedi-breed, who at the time was a universal organization of justice, peace-keeping and diplomacy.
They were the "Holy knights" of their time.

So Qui-Gonn's and Obi-Wan's sabres, as well as the Jedi-councils's, were built by their owners in the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, when they were padawan's, apprentice's.
The Jedi Temple had a wide variety of parts to choose from, and encouraged creativeness from the padawan's part.
The visual dictionary suggests that sabres built in places other than Coruscant weren't as advanced. Although the overall culture of the galaxy seemed to be flourishing!
When the Jedi were systematically slaughtered and the universe set in chains, most of the spirit vanished.

The real reason is of course that Lucasfilm has a slightly bigger budget now, and can hire some artists to create wonderful sabres, which I think is allright! They still like to be clever though. Yoda's sabre was built partially from parts of a flashlight, just like in the good ol' days!

3: I guess!

4: Yes, I have also heard of the way the actors got their sabres. But, true or untrue, I still think the right actors got the right sabres, so it doesn't really matter.

5A: Actually, Mace Windu had a different sabre during and after the movie. At some point though, they changed it to the saber shown in VD. Yes, it is from the same parts as Mauls, and No, no reason has been divulged. A picture of the real sabre can be found at the site linked by Frank, eight posts up.

5B: Yoda's sabre can be interpreted as evidence that the quality of the sabre ddoesn't depend on the year it was built. Many, including me, believe that Yoda doesn't have much need of a sabre, being one of the oldest and most experienced Jedi master's in the galaxy. It's more of a symbol, like a marshal's badge, if you forgive the likeness, although he's probably very well trained to use it.
If you've played the computer-game Jedi Knight, you've probably been forced to respect the abilities of Gorc and Pic. Pic, being of the same race as Yoda, has quite a few advantages over normal-sized humanoids, his reflexes being the greatest.

I hope I have helped thee in thou quest to find clarity in the most thrilling and confusing world that is SW.
I will now hop into bed as it is twelve o'clock in my continent, so adios and may some force be with you.

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
All that makes alot of sense.

It would seem reasonable that sabres like Luke's which were essentially made from parts that he could find around Tatooine would look a little more 'hardwareish'. While the ones made during the golden age of the Jedi would have a more artistic and designed look to them.

That doesn't quite explain Yoda's sabre. While he doesn't use it that much, I would still argue that he carries it. At least I bet he has it on under his robes during Ep 1. His is very reminisent of both of Vaders sabres in eps 4-6. It has that Hardware look to it with the polished metal and what not. Yet, his was constructed when the Jedi were a free organization. Granted it was probably constructed decades if not centuries ago.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Did a say he didn't carry it with him? It's probably tucked in there somewhere!

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
all though you'd think a Jedi would never go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without his trusty lightsaber, I think Yoda might be the type of Jedi that wears his lightsaber all the timesay for example "he might not have walked around Dagobah with his lightsaber, remember he suggested to Luke during his training that he wouldn't need his weapons.

"I'm not feeling alright today, I'm not feeling that great"

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I'm confused. If you think "Yoda might be the type of Jedi that wears his lightsaber all the timesay", isnt' that agreeing with the belief that Jedi's don't leave their sabres?

Anyway, he probably didn't need his lightsabre at his side on Dagobah. The planet was uninhabited, and beasts and predators he could probably have fended off with mind tricks or telekinesis if he got in a squeeze.
And if Vader would've found him, I think he knew a sabre wouldn't save him.

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I was just wondering about the design lineage of the sabers.

If we can say that Yoda's was costructed a long time ago, then we'd say the hardware design is old.

Then the sleeker designs come along like Qui-Gonn's.

But then they apparently go back to a hardware look because of Vader's sabre which would have been constructed after he lost the one Luke ended up with. I guess the one Vader used in Ep 4 could've been one he stole from a Jedi that he killed. Maybe that Jedi's sabre was also very old.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Then there is also this one.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Very nice! Where did you get it?
One theory states that a lightsabre can only have a red, green or blue color due to the limited variety of crystals you can use. If these colours are verified in Episode II I guess we can consider that theory PRETTY weakened!

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Crystals are annoying.

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"I can't remember stuff." - John Linnell

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
That's a groovy picture. What mag did it come from?

IIRC, though, those are simply the pics from the vis dic with a blade added in Photoshop. So the colors of the beams are probably not official. I think the "official" color of Windu's sabre is like a purpleish blue.

It'll also be interesting to see whether or not the sabre that Kenobi gave to Luke in Ep 4 is the first and only one Anakin had as a Padawan or whether he will show up with one that looks more like Obi-Wan's from Ep 1. If he does have newer looking one at first, he will have to loose it, build the one from Ep 4 and then loose that one too (probably in his battle at the lava pit with Obi Wan in Ep 3).

I've heard that the one's Vader has in Eps 4-6 were stolen from Jedi that Vader killed.
"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration

[This message has been edited by Aban Rune (edited January 24, 2000).]

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
There's a popular theory that a sabre only can have a red, green or blue color. Though a little dull, it hasn't been ruled out yet.

It certainly will be interesting to see what sabre Anakin builds.

I don't think Vader stole his sabre from another Jedi, unless it was a Sith knight. The sabrecolor-theory still stands. That is, that good jedi have blue, evil have red and undetermined have green.
Luke's second sabre was green and he was at a crossroad in ROTJ. Qui-Gonn's also was green, and though it is my all-time favourite sabre, it COULD represent his diversity in the force. For example, he couldn't see the danger and fear in the boy, or chose to ignore it.

Why do you think Windu's sabre is purple? I really want to know!

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, I guess I'm a little wrong. says that Windu has a "blue bladed lightsabre". Personally, I like the idea that the crystal effects the color of the blade. I think that sabres are sabres and anyone can build them (although Jedi better than others). Perhaps the red color that most bad guys' blades seem to have is due to the techniques used in cutting the gems. Maybe they employ dishonorable methods or something. Not that this effects the color mystically or anything. Perhaps those particular techniques simply produce a redish blade.

The theory about the color being determined by a characters nature doesn't really make sense to me. Did Luke's sabre color change after ep 6 (in the books) after he became a full Jedi and firmly in tune with the Force?

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well, as I said, it can't be contradicted. YET!

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
I have the official Mace Windu action figure, and his light saber is blue!!

but....I have read somewhere on the net, maybe, about orange and purple sabers...

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"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
ok guys I have found proof that an orange lightsaber is indeed cannon material, check out this link to lucas arts site with some screen shots for the new Star Wars: Episode I: Power Battles game

I'm not up to date on my Star Wars charachters so I am not sure who this is, but they are very clearly wielding an orange lightsaber!!


"Hey talkin to me?"
"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
I just got back from my local comic shop, and there were a couple Star Wars "Fans" and we got to talking and I asked them about the whole color thing. They both told me that Red is evil, and green is Jedi Master, and Blue is Trainee. One of them said oh and purple is neutral... I asked him about orange and he said it is evil because of red... that didn't seem like much of an explanation to me...but he obviously didn't know what he was talking about...

In the pictures from the Link I put in my above e-mail, I believe the individual wielding the orange lightsaber is supposed to be a Jedi council member, and the person wielding the red lightsaber looks female, and is either another jedi council member, or an adversary in the game.. But, IIRC, the game is based around Episode 1, so I thought the adersaries would be darth Maul, and some Trade Federation droids.. So is this situation either 1) not based around the movie necessarily, but the places in the movie so this could be another Sith altogether, 2) a good Jedi council member wielding a red lightsaber, thus eliminating the red is evil theory, 3) an evil Jedi council member, a hint at some more betrayal in episode II? 4) or something else entirely that I haven't been able to figure out yet?


"Hey talkin to me?"
"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
First of all, only the movies can be considered canon.

Second, the law, that says the color of the blade reflects the owners Jedi-status, does not exist.
True, both Vader and Maul had red sabres, but to introduce an entire hierachy of tints between the other colors is pure fan-art. I wouldn't put much stock in it.
If you still want to treat all LucasArt-games as if they were canon, consider "Jedi Knight". Only one of the 7-8 dark Jedi's in that game had a red sabre, the leader Jerec. The other "Dark"-sabers covered the whole spectrum. How do you like THEM apples?

Now, Ep's II and III could start introducing all kinds of laws, rules and do's-and-don'ts in the Jedi-religion, but I wouldn't count on it. I think Lucas WANTS to cloud the whole Jedi-culture as much as he can, because if everything is settled there is nothing more to find out.

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Ah, sorry, I forgot to check in here.
I got the picture on my site from
As you can see in it, there is an orange lightsaber and a blue one, though the whole canon/noncanon thing is probably murky on these sabers.

I screwed up the link. It's fixed now (Hey, it was 6am and I was up all night).

[This message has been edited by TLE (edited January 28, 2000).]

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Nice four-oh-four you got going there!

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I'm sorry, I dont mean to insult your sense of colors but, is that orange to you? Looks like good 'ole Maul-red to me.
Can the figures be animated, like a little sabre-fight?

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
Nimrod: Where do you get your username from?....the link I gave you, on Lucas Arts offical homepage, with screen shots for Jedi Power Battles. The picture in the upper left has two Jedi in it, One is wielding a red saber, one is wielding an orange!! saber. I happen to have a voodoo 3000 graphics card, so I know there's nothing wrong with my colors. You are not insulting my sense of colors, however you are insulting your own sense of colors. I'll just insert the picture here..

"Hey talkin to me?"
"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
For a great article on the upcoming Jedi Power battles game check out this link

Be sure to check out images 6, 8, 11, and 17 for more pictures of the orange sabered Jedi.

this game looks awsome..I can't wait till April..

Oh, and on the whole canon, non canon thing. I believe that everything is canon, I think Lucas said as much in a couple different articles..


"Hey talkin to me?"
"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
The LucasFilm policy is that only the movies, novels, and radio dramas are canon, in that order. The rest of the stuff really isn't.

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Audience: "Louisiana! Montana!"
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Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
A canon hierarchy? Movies override books and so on?
Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
why wouldn't a lucas made video game be considered canon

"Hey talkin to me?"
"Show me your steel"
"I will show you my iron claw technique!"

"Every lie is another brick in the path to hell"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :

The games are made by LucasArts, not LucasFilm...they're very different companies.

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John Linnell: "This song is's called..."
Audience: "Louisiana! Montana!"
John Linnell: Don't tell me what it's called..."

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
It looks like the orange sabred Jedi may be that council member from ep 1 that has to wear a mask and glasses (I can't remember his name).

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Sorry, my week-old "GeForce 32 DDR" card has burnt itself out (looking forward to serious butt-kicking when I get back to work).
I just installed an older card now, and, yes, I see the screencap of Plo Kloon and Adi Gallia fighting a Droideka, with Plo wielding a very ORANGE sabre indeed, yes!
You do understand of course that I was referring to the little teenie-weenie fellows in your post there. I JUST saw the screencap now, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Funny that Gallia has a red sabre, if so there is no reasoning between the choice of colors, if we are to believe LucasArts.

Somehow we're going somewhere.


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
Aban- Why would Vader wield a sabre stolen from a fallen Jedi? With the kind of resources at his disposal DV could've had a whole star Destroyer full of shiny brand new lightsabres.

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