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Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
Running the TIE Fighter game designed for Windows 95 on my Windows XP system, I discover that the stupid thing adamantly refuses to acknowledge the presence of my joystick, and therefore refuses to play the stupid game.


How irritating. Anyone know how to fix this problem? Lucasarts hasn't responded to my tech support request.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
...the stupid thing adamantly refuses to acknowledge the presence of my joystick...
The game or the OS? Which joystick do you have?
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
TIE Fighter refuses to acknowledge the presence of the Joystick. Windows XP detected it immediately upon connection. I am using a Microsoft Sidewinder.

The silly TIE Fighter game simply refuses to acknowledge its existence... Whereas other games, such as Freespace, clearly see it exists.

All I can say about this matter is "ARGH!"
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Is it a USB joystick?

Don't know if its any help, but I do know that I never got serial cable joysticks to work under Windows 2000.
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
Yes, actually.

Oddly enough the computer has no other game connection besides the USB ports.

Furthermore, the joystick (and its companion Gamepad connected to the next port over) work perfectly on all other games.

I think TIE Fighter would run fine if it weren't obsessed with confirming that a joystick exists.

As I don't have what passed for a game port back then, it doesn't run.

A pity, TIE Fighter was a damned good game. \./
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yeah, but despite the "for Windows 95", it's still essentially a DOS game. Do you have any other DOS or updated DOS games that work (with joystick) on your computer?
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
the only way i got tie fighter to work with winXP was to not use XP [Smile] . i found a small hard drive, loaded dos 5.22, and i run all my old games with that. there is a sidewinder/TIE fighter compatibility patch, by the way. a quick search with google should reveal it, and it might fix your problems. the game is too old for lucasarts to support it, by the way.
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
No, it is not a DOS game.

If I try to run it with the DOS prompt it will give me the old "requires windows" dialog.

The original might have been a DOS game (and indeed it was) but this is a later version.

As I always say, "ARGH!"
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
my "windows 95" version worked fine in dos. all it has is a windows compatible front end. you really need to have REAL dos to get it to work, though.
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
No, you obviously do not have a Windows version then.

Doing it with mine in the MS-DOS prompt simply causes a window to appear telling me that I don't have a joystick (despite the fact that I do...)

Furthermore, if it were DOS-based in that regard, wouldn't it tell me that in the DOS prompt instead of bringing up a window to do it?

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