T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 44
Does anyone else think they are WAY too short!?! I've seen 1 and 2 so far (downloaded).
Member # 31
I believe they were designed to be aired between regular shows, so they're supposed to be short.
Member # 205
They are great, but you have to watch them in sequence. 5 minutes can feel short in one movie and rather comfortably long in another. Durge and Assaj Ventress, the new bad guys, are nice, I like how they were portrayed. I'm looking forward to seeing how they will look in the movie.
Mini-spoiler: General Kenobi in Clone Commander Armor is very nice, that's him at his peak.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
What makes you think they'll be in the movie at all?
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I don't think they're slated to appear in the movie. I think it would be cool to see them in the background or something, assuming they survive the micro-series, but I think it would be too many bad guys to focus on if they added them in for any amount of time. You've got Palpatine, Anakin going all psycho and Vadery, and Dooku. I don't think Lucas will add any more bad guys.
Member # 44
I think there are more bad guys according to theforce.net
Member # 205
Oh indeed it is, in an interview asking if there would be any new faces Lucas or McCallum said there would be one "Darth Maul"-ish character (Asaaj Ventress was originally slated to be apprentice in Ep.I) and one non-force but weapon-proficient foe (Durge is a bounty hunter).
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I'd love to see Asajj on the big screen. She's definitely be cool to see in action.
I'm just apprehensive as to how all those cool baddies will be done away with (presumably along with Dooku) so that Anakin can become the the biggest meanie in the galaxy by the end of the movie.
I'm guessing that Anakin, as Palpatine's only remaining "loyal" Jedi, will kill Dooku, the leader of the Seperatist movement, thus bringing an end to the war and cementing Palp's place in the government.
Now... all the bad guys wouldn't *have* to die... they could just sort of disappear after Dooku dies... I just really want to see Anakin go on a slaughtering spree.
I really do like the shorts so far though. Love the animation.
Member # 205
Aban: "I think it would be too many bad guys to focus on if they added them in for any amount of time. You've got Palpatine, Anakin going all psycho and Vadery, and Dooku. I don't think Lucas will add any more bad guys."
Anakin is a good guy for most of the movie and Palpatine must survive. The only guy left is Dooku and he can't be everywhere at once. Remember this is the last episode, we'll probably see a whole lot of fighting in many systems.
Member # 256
Personally, I'm more interested in how ol' Georgie's going to pull off lil' Annie's transformation from whiny spoiled teenage brat to hard-boiled avengin' metaphor-spewin' badass convincingly. The prequels haven't exactly set a, uh, promising precedent.
Member # 31
Well, since the Clone Wars themselves are being covered in cartoon form, Episode III could conceiveably be set quite a while after Episode II. So Anakin's change would take place over time, and it wouldn't actually be shown.
The only problem, of course, is that the actors will be too young. Natalie Portman already played a character well older than herself in AotC. I don't think she could pull off a character going on forty. Except that, if they don't skip another decade or so, then the ages of Owen, Beru, Obi-Wan, and Anakin from the original trilogy don't match up.
So... yeah. I don't know what's going to happen. Either way, it probably won't be overly believeable.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
For Vader to work as a character after us seeing the before and the after, we're going to have to see the actual snap where Anakin becomes Vader. We have to know the why.
Member # 256
Right, and this "forbidden love savagely interrupted" motif ain't gonna cut it.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Mabye Lucas will add in the build-up towars Vader in one of his Star Wars revisions on DVD. Then mabye it'll all make sense. Or not.
Now, if they'd shown Obi-WAn and Padme together in a Lancelot/Guenivere thing....mabye not having an affair but set up to look that way by Sideous.... Then I could see Anikin snapping.
Member # 880
I think they should have the Obi-Wan/Padme love affair in a sort of Jerry Springer like motif with Anakin coming in ready to throw down with a white trash mullet and a can of Coruscant Light beer.
Member # 91
Hmm... think these Clone War shorts will be included on the DVDs whenever Lucas decides to squeeze the last bit of cash out of us?
Member # 73
I think they'll get there own DVD release. There's certainly enough of them to warrent it. And squeezing them on the ep III DVD really wouldn't do them justice.
Member # 205
This has to be my favorite cap so far, the ARC troopers. They feel like the Delta Force guys in "Blackhawk Down".
The officers have cool Sparta-style grey battle skirts. The minute I saw them it felt like I had already known they would look like that, it is so perfect. Maybe it was the snowtroopers from "Empire Strikes Back" that planted the seed in my brain fifteen years ago, I just knew the more advanced clone troopers would look like that.