Today's Washington Post had a press release from Lucasfilm announcing the DVD release of the Star Wars Trilogy (special edition) in September!
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Wa. Frelling. Hoo.
How many releases does this make now? I think I'll stick with my THX versions of the originals, personally.
Posted by MarianLH (Member # 1102) on :
$20 this thread devolves into an SE vs original version debate before you can say "wretched hive of scum and villany."
For my part, I just hope they lay off all the freakin cut scenes. Navigating the menus of PM and Clones is a royal pain.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
It's going to be a four-disc set, with the 4th disc full of extras, including "never-before-seen-footage." Possibly, Lucas commentary, too ...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by Omega: Wa. Frelling. Hoo.
How many releases does this make now? I think I'll stick with my THX versions of the originals, personally.
Well, to be fair, this is easily the most significant release, since it's on a new format and everything.
And THX originals? Why don't you just go and read stuff written on stone tablets, eh? EH?
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
I still say in about 10 years Lucas will re-re-release the trilogy with new SFX the way he "Really, REALLY, had imagined it" before all the new (in 10 years) computer tech had been invented. Then Sci-fi channel can wait 20 years and "Reimagine" it.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Ironically it will look almost exactly like 'LEXX' at that point.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
There is NO WAY (no matter how many teen-boy fantasies) that Carrie Fischer will ever look like Xenia Seeburg!! (I hope that was the correct spelling)
I always wanted to see the scene in ANH of Luke going to Anchorhead and speaking to his friends.
I reckon they should put 'Troops' in there to show what REALLY happened to Owen and Beru!
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
You can see the "Lost Scenes" (Luke and Biggs, Luke at Anchorhead, and a Mos Eisley cantina cut) on the LucasArts CD "Behind the Magic," released in 1998. As of right now, it's the only place you can see them. Hopefully, this DVD will include them.
Yes, this is a great announcement, and everyone hope that the special features are superb.
Star Wars! Yeah!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I wish we'd get both SE and origibal versions on the disk but i'm sure not holding out much hope there.
Think they'll subject up to the horror of the "Christmas Special"?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Veers: You can see the "Lost Scenes" (Luke and Biggs, Luke at Anchorhead, and a Mos Eisley cantina cut) on the LucasArts CD "Behind the Magic," released in 1998. As of right now, it's the only place you can see them. Hopefully, this DVD will include them.
Yes, this is a great announcement, and everyone hope that the special features are superb.
Star Wars! Yeah!
Have you seen those cut scenes?
Does anyone know of a list of cut scenes that didn't make eps 4, 5 and 6?
Also maybe some of those rumours about them putting Padme in some scenes might be on the DVDs?
Of course there will definately be a sneak peek at Ep III.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"And THX originals? Why don't you just go and read stuff written on stone tablets, eh? EH?"
You're not suggesting that, with the existence of the special editions, the original movies should be relegated to the trash can?
A few months ago, I got the pre-THX (1992) videos of all three movies for a grand total of less than $15. They were all in pretty much new condition. In fact, RotJ was still wrapped in plastic.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
"She's dead... wrapped in plastic!"
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
The "fuck"? I thought Lucas was always adamant about not releasing the original trilogy on DVD until he'd completed the prequels?
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
He must be in desperate need of money...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
quote:Star Wars' DVD Set to Debut in September February 10, 2004 By ANTHONY BREZNICAN / AP Entertainment Writer "Star Wars" fans will finally get the Force-feeding they've been asking for. The original three "Star Wars" films -- among the most anticipated on DVD -- will be released in the digital format Sept. 21 in North America, LucasFilm Ltd. and 20th Century...
But then he realized he could make twice the money by releasing them as (at least) two separate versions. I can't wait for HD-DVD to get here and fuck up everyone's collections again. That's gonna be rad. I've got the laser disks (THX and others), and as soon as I get my G5, I'll be making some proper DVDs. Though I hear there is one Hong Kong release that's supposed to be pretty solid.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"That's gonna be rad"?
"That's suppossed to be pretty solid"?
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
AndrewR: Yes, I've seen the lost scenes, as I have the CD with them on. You can probably find them on the Internet somewhere. I'm not sure if these are all of the scenes they cut, just the most notable.
Also, I'm pretty sure Padme WILL NOT be added to the DVD.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I wouldn't expect him to make any changes from the SE. But then, out of all the changes, only two of them really, really piss everyone off.
1/ Stupid new dance number in Jedi (although to be fair, almost all of Jabba's Palace is rubbish).
2/ Greedo. Shooting. First.
If he just changes the second of them, people up and down the land will proclaim him as their new god. Again.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
3) Luke. Screaming. 4) Vader. Being. Redubbed.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Also, I'm pretty sure Padme WILL NOT be added to the DVD."
One would hope not. Her having been dead about twenty years before ANH started, and all...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
4. If you're referring to the "Alert My Star Destroyer To Prepare For My Arrival", I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly confirmation that it actually is James Earl Jones, and it's an original line that was never used.
If not, really, it's not a big deal. Not on the Greedo level.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Who gives a fuck whether Greedo or Han shoots first? Honestly, that's about the most unimportant issue on the planet - or any other planet for that matter.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Because it speaks volumes about Solo's character, dammit.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
I don't see the significance, really. Han Solo is a hard-edged badass likeable kind of guy. Whether that Greedo punk shoots first or not doesn't change that fact a bit.
Get a life!
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I think it speaks more about Greedo as a credible threat. I mean if he can miss, by about half a meter, someone who is sitting right in front of him then he's pretty fucking useless, isn't he? To paraphrase Dr McCoy; how can he be blind with eyes like that?!
Not that changing the scene really bothered me (and I quite liked the 'Jedi Rocks' sequence ) but I do perfer the idea that Han is cold blooded enough to shoot shoot someone under the table without much warning.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I read an interview with Lucas a while back in either Star Wars Insider or Cinemafantastique or some similar mag where he stated that Greedo had always fired first, but the sequence of shots in the original cut didn't make that clear, hence fans thinking that Solo fired first. He said the more obvious shot in the SE was simply to clarify what he had always intended.
Now, of course, there are many fantics who will just say Lucas is full of bullshit, but for what it's worth...
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
If Han didn't fire first, Han is a moron. If Lucas didn't intend for him to fire first, Lucas is a moron. And that's all I have to say about that.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Shouldn't you do that hand-clap-with-vertical-motion thing now?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
The Greedo scene bugs me because it looks so very botched. It's like seeing editing on Benny Hill and accepting it as part of the story.
If they had re-shot someone in greedo's costume quickdrawing the gun it might have played fine, but to just add in the shot was....sad.
I'd prefer to lose the scene with "skinnny jaba" as well. That did little for the overalll story and loses the pacing of the story quite a bit.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
That, and it looks like crap.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
First off the "alert my star destroyer to prepare for my arrival" line was JEJ, but the line was cut from Star Wars. Lucas for some reason thought it fit better in that scene in Empire than Vader's terse originial "bring my shuttle" line.
As for cut scenes... STAR WARS �Stuff of Luke working on vaporator, witnessing battle in orbit, going to Anchorhead, meeting Biggs. �Scenes showing more of "life in Mos Eisley", some of which made it into the Star Wars Holiday Special. �Some stuff on Yavin IV, both at the briefing an in the hangar. Mostly alternate angles and padding dialogue. EMPIRE �The whole "wampas breaking into the Rebel base" sequence. Too difficult to pull off at the time, and in Lucas' retrospect, would have cluttered up the battle too much. Only elements that survived to the final cut were the ice chunks falling on Artoo's head, and the door with the yellow-and-red warning sign on it that Han, Leia, and Threepio run past on their way to the Falcon. �One or two little scenes on Dagobah, meant to show Luke's progress with his lightsabre. First, Yoda tosses a silver bar in the air and Luke misses. Yoda says "were you a Jedi, in seven pieces the bar would be". Later, just before his vision, Luke manages to cut the bar into four pieces before it hits the ground. There was also to be at least one scene showing him fighting some remotes, but I don't know if they actually got filmed. JEDI �An opening scene on Tatooine showing Luke building his new lightsabre in Obi-Wan's hut may or may not have been filmed, but it's made it into just about every other medium, from the radio play to the comic books. �A scene where Vader goes to see the Emperor, but is denied admittance by an officer. Vader force-chokes him, and the Royal Guards brandish their pikes to warn him to stop. The officer chokes out "it it the Emperor's command", and Vader stops and says something to the effect of "then I await his convenience". �An additional bit on Dagobah -- don't know if it was filmed or not -- where Obi-Wan tells Luke his mother took Leia to be raised as part of the royal family of Alderaan while he took Luke to Tatooine to be raised by his brother Owen. Needless to say, AotC has effectively ditched that notion.
Did I forget anything? --Jonah
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"An additional bit on Dagobah -- don't know if it was filmed or not -- where Obi-Wan tells Luke his mother took Leia to be raised as part of the royal family of Alderaan while he took Luke to Tatooine to be raised by his brother Owen. Needless to say, AotC has effectively ditched that notion."
What, just because Owen is now Anakin's step-brother, rather than Obi-Wan's brother? That seems rather minor, since all the rest of it is still intact.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Right. Just saying that the scene, as scripted, cannot now be included in RotJ. It would have to be modified, and therefore would no longer fit my criteria of a cut scene (part of the original version of the film that was excised).
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Omega: If Han didn't fire first, Han is a moron. If Lucas didn't intend for him to fire first, Lucas is a moron. And that's all I have to say about that.
Look - why else would there be a close-up of Han reaching for his weapon - if he wasn't going to do an under-the-table shot!?! Lucas is full of SHIT. And it's sloppy and running out of his ears and eyes a la black oil from The X-Files. There I've Said it!
Han is a BAD guy - we have to believe (if you are watching Star Wars for the first time) that Han might not be someone for precious farm-boy Luke and kind old man Ben Kenobi could actually trust.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I would indeed like to see Luke witness the battle in space above him.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Han was'nt bad. He was just "Greedo challenged".
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
And kid-unfriendly.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: Han was'nt bad. He was just "Greedo challenged".
OK - he was... not the best of sorts for a young boy and an old man to hang around. (well that's what you want to be led to believe at first as his intentions - aren't all clear - until he joins the fight at the end of the film.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
quote:On altering the cantina confrontation between Han Solo and Greedo
It was always meant that Greedo fired first. In the original film you don't get that too well. But in terms of Han's character, I didn't like the fact that when he was introduced the first thing he did is just gun somebody down in cold blood. That wasn't what was meant to be there. The other issue is a perception issue. We had three different versions of that shot: one he fires very close to when Han fires, one was three frames later, one was three frames later. And we sort of looked at it and tried to figure out which one would be perceivable, but wouldn't look corny. It's very hard to do that, because, I mean, obviously if you know the film real well and you're looking for that you see it. If you don't know the film very well and you're just watching the movie, it almost goes right by you. People don't perceive what's happened there, even now. So, it's trying to find that medium ground, and it's always this way in film, of what can the majority of the audience perceive and what can't they perceive. I like fast-paced movies--accusations have been made about this--and I like things to go by in an almost surreal way. So I'm caught between doing things that work for me--really understanding the scenes and understanding what's going on--and the audience, which I know is looking at something for the first time, and things go by in a very different way. So, there's always the conflict about where you draw the line. Perhaps I should have done it two frames sooner.
There you have it. Again, for what it's worth...
-MMoM Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by AndrewR: I would indeed like to see Luke witness the battle in space above him.
I'd like to see it as an extra, but there's no way it should be put back into the film. It would completely destroy the pacing.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Do you really think so? I'm not sure on that. Could work.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I agree with Psy, it would destroy the pace of the battle. Besides, it's not as if Luke actually does anything significant to the story until the Sandcrawler pulls up next to the farm. Also, all that stuff at Anchorhead is just padding with little significance, save for an introduction to Biggs. Which might have made his death have a little more impact than it did since we never got a good sense of the connection between those two. Still, you never see any of those other characters again and their impact on the story is nil, so those scenes are better left on the cutting room floor.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Lucas mentions in the scriptbook that the characters lead you to each other. The Droids to Luke. Luke to Ben. Ben to Han. Having Luke pop up early would ruin that.
And not only would it destroy the pace of the battle, it would hurt the opening of the film. Tatooine is boring enough without extending it even more.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Plus, we already see the battle first-hand anyway, so there wouldn't be much point to another Binary Sunset-ish scene with Luke gazing up at the stars only to have them substituted for some more pretty explosions, now would there?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by PsyLiam:
quote:Originally posted by AndrewR: I would indeed like to see Luke witness the battle in space above him.
I'd like to see it as an extra, but there's no way it should be put back into the film. It would completely destroy the pacing.
Oh yeah - as an extra... all those cut scenes as extras... he's already done a SE - he's not going to change anything else. He'd be too busy with Ep:III anyway.
The thing is though - these will probably be the bare-bones releases and there will be different versions come out in a few years, chock-full of extras - like the Trek releases.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I have no doubt that they'll eventually release all six movies as a set. I'll be waiting until at least then to get them.
Unless episode III turns out to be total crap, in which case it probably wouldn't be worth buying the prequels at all.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
quote: Plus, we already see the battle first-hand anyway, so there wouldn't be much point to another Binary Sunset-ish scene with Luke gazing up at the stars only to have them substituted for some more pretty explosions, now would there?
Pretty explosions are the point, of course.
quote: he's already done a SE - he's not going to change anything else.
Lucas has explicitly stated that he would like to do so.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Logic. It can be. Most... annoying.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sol System:
quote: he's already done a SE - he's not going to change anything else.]
Lucas has explicitly stated that he would like to do so.
Oh gawd, Lucas will keep going until the original 3 are just as crap and over done in effects as the latest 2 (probably 3).
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
quote: OK - he was... not the best of sorts for a young boy and an old man to hang around. (well that's what you want to be led to believe at first as his intentions - aren't all clear - until he joins the fight at the end of the film.
Then Again. A Young Boy shouldn't be hanging around an old hermit who likes to be called "master"
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Especially one who can make that scary groaning noise.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
What about luke's effimine protocol droid calls him "master" and that Han calls "goldenrod"?
Nothing wholesome in that arrangment.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
*hee hee* Remember the old airbrushed Topps SW card?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I'd blocked it from active memory untill you beought it back up.
...well, back to thearpy then.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Block this, mothafucka! B)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It's disturbing that you had that image so readily available.
If 3P0 was really equiped like that, Han would'nt have stood a chance with the princess.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I don't know. He'd have to be fluent in over six million forms of stimulation just to please her. B)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Han just knows how to use his blaster under the table whlie smiling.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OMG is that picture for real, or has it been doctored? What is going on!?!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I believe it was an actually published card from the early 80's that was "doctored" and printed that way before being recalled. There's a lot of those kind of things like the Little Mermaid video cover havinf a penis shaped castle on the beach in the background. When illustrators go bad...
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Parlez vous box-art?
Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
quote:Lucas has explicitly stated that he would like to do so.
Where has he explicitly stated this? All my sources point to he isn't going to do any more Special editions or change them again. I can see cut scenes being added as a separate thing, but all that I've read is that Lucas considers the special editions as complete and final, which is what we're gonna get on the DVDs.
On a side note, in TESB, when the Imperials invade the Hoth base, C3PO removes a sign from a room where some wampas were being kept. Some Snowtroopers open the room and get attacked by the wampas at least that's what Star Wars:Insider said in its TESB 20th anniversary issue.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
The packaging has been removed as per the page.
I saw something on "Entertainment Daily" that is from the US... about some website having 50,000 signiatures from fans wanting the original non-special editions ALSO released on DVD. Lucas in response said "no". He said that there would be 'behind the scenes' docos and they are cleaning up the film to get rid of scratches etc. He said there weren't many deleted scenes as they didn't have the money back then to film extra.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I can't wait to have the first Star Wars-movie on DVD; I'm going to take a fat screencap of Darth Vader in the 'trench ("The force is strong with this one") and then up the brightness and contrast until you see David Prowse's eyes through the helmet. It looks like Rick Moranis. This is gonna be great.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Funny you should mention that, I was planning to do the same thing with Vader's "skeleton scene" in Jedi...
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
Nim said elsewhere:
"We've deprived you of your flare forumic hymen and soon we will deprive you of your brains."
Now we know how he means to do it.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
quote:Further Details Fox have kindly sent over further details on the Star Wars Trilogy which will be arriving this September. Firstly, we can confirm that each of the films will be presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen, along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 EX, English Dolby Surround, Spanish Dolby Surround and French Dolby Surround tracks. Each will be THX Certified. As for extras, A New Hope will include a commentary by George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher. Empire Strikes Back will include commentary by George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher, and Return of the Jedi will include a commentary by George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren and Carrie Fisher. The fourth disc includes the most comprehensive feature-length documentary ever produced on the Star Wars saga as well as never-before-seen footage from the making of all three films and much more. We'll bring you the full specs just as soon as we have them. Stay tuned.