This is topic Hoaxes, Aliens, and the Truth in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Ok, I have a theory. With all this stuff around about aliens, ie autopsies, home videos, etc. you'd think someone would have nailed the truth by now, right? And all the while, people talk about how unforthcoming the 'government' is and how it doesn't give out any information on the 'truth.'

But I think, that who ever is in charge is assisting all the wild theories, the wierd stuff you read about or see on tv, just to keep the public away from what's REALLY going on. So all that anyone sees is a hoax, a facade...

Who knows? Its a possible. But then, the public is quite easy to deceive

"You bellowed?" - Black Arachnia - Agenda


Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
photos of real aliens on

The morbid dog known as shaun lyle...

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Perhaps it's all a clever plot of the Lemurians to make you think that you can't trust your own government, leaving you helpless and divided when the joint Lemurian/Atlantian invasion begins.

"I'll turn everything around and confuse you. I'll fix it so you can't remember what was true."
They Might Be Giants

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
*looks around fretfully*
You want to know the truth? what's REALLY going on?

It's the cats.

That's right, you heard me, it's the cats. Cats are a LOT smarter than people give them credit for, and it was just a matter of time before they got tired of simply being masters de jure, and decided to become masters de facto.

Everything, every little odd happening, every mysterious crash, every UFO sighting, it's all part of the cats' master plan to conquer the human race. They already have complete mastery over several multinational corporations, including General Electric, Walt Disney, McDonalds, and Microsoft. (Bill Gates is just a front for the REAL terror, a grey Persian named "Mouser.")

Cats have insinuated themselves into the highest levels of government. "Socks" is in the white house, but is only a figurhead for the true mastermind of the plot, a yellow tabby known only by the code name "Tybalt DeLion." Every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "owns" a cat. As do many influential members of congress. Beginning to see the big picture?

I received this information from my own cat, "Maximus," shortly before he disappeared last year. Apparently Maximus had grown soft on humans and was concerned about the cats' plans for us after the takeover (though he refused to divulge what those plans might be.) After Maximus disapeared, I discovered a cryptic note which took several weeks to decipher. It contained only the following message:
"You're too late. We're everywhere."

Be warned. The cats are ready. The cats are powerful. Fear the cats.

*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I've always thought it was the birds...flying around in squadrons and wings and groups, using aerial tactics far ahead of anything humans have...I tell you, they have a huge cache of tiny bird missiles stored somewhere, and when they get enough, they'll attack without mercy...

Dead End: "If we surrender our energon we're doomed."
Breakdown: "And if we don't we're doomed too."
Dead End: "Face it. We're doomed."

Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Are those really birds, or just a bunch of M's.

Here I Come To Save The Day : Mighty Mouse

Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on :
Yes, cats are in charge.

Slartibartfast: "...and the Mice are just furious about it."

No, really, I've heard this theory for a couple of years that THEY[government/military/multinational corporations/whoever] have been slowly training us to accept the idea of aliens, UFO's etc.

We've had decades of movies and TV, little ET, then the big news about the Martian meteor. Any day now, according to this theory, they will finally reveal the truth.

But then again, taking all this with more than a few grains of salt, some of those who implore us to believe in their shakey camcorder videotapes and questionable photographs and always suspect eye-witness testimony are also full-time believers in other paranormal or supernatural "sciences" which have been largely debunked in years or decades past.

I recently saw a "documentary" about UFO's that said that Mexico is now a "hot spot" of saucer sitings.

Okay. But they also see a lot of Chupacabre down that way too, don't they? Is that any less or any more plausible?

Agent Mulder's office poster said "I Want To Believe." Well, I would rather know, know about saucers or aliens like we know about anything else--- with proof.

PS: Baloo, you're United States Airforce...what have you guys been hiding?

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Well, AS an allien, I can say that we have no intention of revealing ourselves to you hairless monkeys anytime in the forseeable future.


*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Jordan on :
*looks down, sees his 2 cats, Ryan and Melody sitting on either side of him, reading the post about the cats taking over the world*


*and is thusly nibbled to death by CATS!!!*


Goodnight my love...the brightest star in my sky... have been my sky, my sun and my moon...


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
I'll tell you about CONSPIRACIES dear boy...

You know who's behind it all? The Corby Trouser Press Company! They're in every hotel room, everywhere in the world! And nobody EVER uses them. Or even knows how!!!!

"Those are tonight's headlines.....
God, I wish they weren't."
- Everyday THE DAY TODAY!

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Actually, I have a trouser press I inherited from my father. Believe me, when you get a proper job and wear suits to work, they really give the trousers a certain something that you just don't get from hanging them up. . .

In fact, my current pair o'pantaloons (from my MIB suit) were in there just last night and. . . DEAR GOD! They're alive! They're squeezing! GET THEM OFF ME!

*stands up and takes off his trousers in the middle of his open-plan office*

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I've stayed in all sorts of hotels, and I've NEVER seen a Trouser Press in one...

But everywhere I go, always in the top drawer of the dresser by the bed, some guy named Gideon has left a book...

*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
According to my dogs, they overheard some cats just the other day:

Cat #1: "So you're saying the plan definitely calls for exploiting humans, then?"

Cat #2: "Yes. The dog exploitation scheme was nixed as being too risky and the elephant exploitation scheme was voted down by a slim margin."

Cat #1: " So why humans? I thought elephants could stomp them flat?"

Cat #2: "The consensus was that the elephants would want too big a percentage if they ever found out. Most of the voters agreed that even if humans did find out, no-one would believe them until it was too late. Actually, thumbs were the deciding issue."

Cat #1: "Thumbs?"

Cat #2: "Yes. Know of any other species that can wield a can opener with such skill?"

At least that's what they said the cats said, but what do dogs know?

Carpe Canem!


Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
*sigh* We will never come across the truth anytime soon. The media is more concerned about what Monica, or Britney "no talent" Spears is doing. They consider such a subject hardly worth while.

There have been so many videos and pictures it is impossible to slap the, "It's all one big hoax and/or misunderstanding." label on all of them. There are the STS-47, 80, and 75 missions that are a real attention grabber. There are some Apollo videos that are even more interesting. There are many stories concerning abductions, Roswell, Shag harbor, the Nice, Italy encounters, back in the 16th or 17th centuries and crop circles.

Don't even start with me on crop circles. Many of them ARE fake, but many crop circles also had these features:
Blown out plant nodes,
Enlarged cellular wall pits
Slight traces of unusual magnitisim and radioactivity
The stalks would be bent, but not broken.
Seeds taken from some crop circles when compared to a control group would show either extremely accelerated or extremely deccelerated germination.

You simply can not produce these effects with a simple board and some rope. You simply can't!

I have heard one SETI dude say something to the order of, "Why don't they knock on someones door and leave their encyclopedia galactica on their doorstep?" This is even more outragious than E.T. leaving messages on the ground. Not to mention the fact that if they have been keeping tabs on us during these past 100 years or so, they wouldn't trust us with such things.

I also hear things like, "Why don't they contact us via radio?" or, "Why don't they land their ship in front of the white house lawn?" Again, both scenarios are unlikely.

With regards to radio, the aliens might not even know what it even is, or how to use it. Before you give me this, "But they are more advanced than us! They must know how to tranmit via radio!" speech, let me give you an example of something like this happening. A long, long time ago, in a land not so far away, Humans have build massive and magnificant structures such as the Pyramids and Stonehenge. As more effective methods of building great structures developed, every one soon forgot how they built the above mentioned structres in the first place in favor for learning more effective and easier ways to build. The same can be true with aliens and communication. Esspecialy if the aliens are thousands of years beyond simple radio. Even if they could transmit via radio, would we even hear it. We are not monitoring ever second of sky on all channels 24/7. We could easily miss a radio message sent from E.T.s

Doing something as intimidating as sending ships to hover over our capital city ala ID4 would also be a dangerous thing to do. For us AND them.

What is left? What would be an effective way to send messages in order to give humanity a nudge toward not freaking out when they "officially" come? A message that every one can see with considerable ease? Think about it.

There is also the theroies that we, in fact, decended from a race know as the Annunaki who come from a planet known as Nibiru. It is supposedly the 10th planet in our solar system.

P.S. THIS IS MY 1000th POST!!! YAY!!!!

[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
And *I* get bitched at for resurrecting old threads.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"There is also the theroies that we, in fact, decended from a race know as the Annunaki who come from a planet known as Nibiru. It is supposedly the 10th planet in our solar system."

Did you actually just write those words?

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Are you quite done with your little "archeological digs" into the forums of Flare? What's next, you dig up the first thread in the Officer's Lounge, "Hello"? On page 86?

Oops, I gave him an idea...

(heh heh, I wonder what Baloo is now doing...)

[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: Veers ]

Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
Fermi's paradox.

If they're out there - where are they?

"We can't see them BUT-"

"Nope, sorry. Come back when you're argument doesn't involve a negative."

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
We can't see air, but we know that exsists.

Yes, I am done digging up old threads.

No, I did not make the words, Annunaki, and Nibiru up.

[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Aliens will
Always want to go home

Aliens always want to go...
Where it's Christmas morning everyday
And every morning is the day
The earthling opened up the eyes

Music Tapes, "Aliens"
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Well, since MIB is breaking his 1000th, here's one step closer to my 2000th...

Now if only I could get my cookies to work!

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Since posting this thread so long ago, I've become a skeptic. There is so much out there that can be played on human minds that I no longer speculate. I'll believe it when I see it and such.

And MIB, for resurrecting an old thread, you get... THE ACID BATH!

Don't worry, eventually your hair will grow back. JeffK's did.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Actually, not all of Jeff's hair grew back. I've seen the pictures, and the many bald spots are not pretty to look at!
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Acid bath? Oh, you mean the one you guys gave Jeff Raven by mistake?
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
Now listen. Can't I just spend a month as the Relativity's bartender? I think that would be a more appropriate punishment. *crosses fingers*
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
*banishes you to the NoActivity's Bar*
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"We can't see air, but we know that exsists."

Well done. I think you've just come up with The Worst Argument Of All Time.

Have a medal.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
This week, anyway. I mean, Christ, this thread is so old it's got my original ID posting in it. Don't you have anything better to do, MIB?
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
We've seen UFOs. Hell. I've seen a UFO or 2. We have even caught them on camera and such. However people continue to ignore them anyways.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I do hope that I'm not the only one here who is surprised that MIB has seen a UFO and that he has resurrected a long-since-dead thread on aliens, hoaxes, and the truth.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
*plans to start making crop circles in MIB's lawn*


Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i was going to pay someone to do that..
but he misread the memo and made crap circles instead
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
So YOUR the one who did that?!?! Do you have any idea what I had to go through to bury that mess?!?!?!
Posted by Mojo Jojo (Member # 256) on :

There's more, but this covers the basics.

Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
I've seen this thread appear and reappear a number of times, and have always avioded it, not wanting to get into a pointless debate. But what the hell, I've a had a few drinks. Oh boy, wouldn't this be a different world if every did know the truth, eh MIB.

There are people on this world, in certain positions of influence that do know the truth, the whole truth, because they need to know, and there are others that know less, but at least some of it nonetheless.

But everyone here seems to have at least some opinion on this, be it pro or con, so I'll add my two cents worth, for what it's worth. Opinions are based on knowledge, those whose opinions are con do not have the necessary knowledge, those that are pro, may have seen things on TV, or in books and also have a desire to 'believe' it. Then, there are those that actually do know things, for good or for ill, and perhaps this knowledge was aquired due to being a first hand participant to something where actual facts were available to them, and it will then transpire that a common feature of human psychology shall come into play where there will be those, that do not have the information, will unfortunately scorn those that do, simply because it seems incredulous.

What am I on about? I know about things, I do not simply believe in them. That's all. Saying anything more about this isn't important, I'm simply saying that those that cannot believe do not have the information. I do not attach blame because in their place I would be the same. It's like saying 'do I believe in vampires?' -Probably not, but I do not in truth know, because I don't have any hard information. This is not through blind ignorance and I would not scorn those that do believe, I simply haven't been exposed to the actual truth of the matter one way or the other.

Respond as you will, that's all I have to say.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I know.

I also know that you wouldn't believe I was telling the truth if I said "I know."

98% of all of it it crap. Most of that is made up, most of the rest is rampant speculation by the uninformed, and some fair part of it is disinformation spread by some of the people who DO know.

But that last 2%...


Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
For once, First of Two and I are in agreement. Even I will admit that 99% of this stuff IS garbage. It's that remaining 1% that can't be so easily ruled out as garbage that captures my interest and attention.

Despite how I portray myself on Flare I honestly do not believe everything I hear and see regarding Aliens and such. I don't know how many of you saw UFOs:The best evidence ever caught on tape 2 on fox last year. With the exception of the STS videos, everything presented in that special, IMHO, was crap.

If you want to see documentaries about the UFO phenomena, and I mean GOOD documentaries, flip your T.V. on to either the Discovery channel, TLC, or the History channel. They have excellent documentaries on UFOs every now and then. (LOL I made a funny. The History channel's documentaries about Ufos are called Ufos: Now and Then. ) However, please do not take the ones you see on channels like fox too seriously.

[ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Difference is, I know.

The last STS 'ufo' I saw was caused when a bit of thruster emissions made some nearby space junk (particles of paint, ice crystals, etc) look as though it were faraway motes of light jumping and moving at high speed.

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
There have been many, many, MANY more STS-encounters than the one you just refered to. There have also been films shot from some of the Apollo spacecraft showing wierd objects floating around. Many of the other videos I've seen don't involve tiny balls of light. Some of them involve clearly structured objects flying near our space shuttles.

As for the one you saw; if these ice particles were so close to the thrusters, why didn't they change coarse the very instant the thruster was ignited? If you take a close look, there is a very noticable lag time between the ignition of the thruster and the coarse alteration of the ice particle. Not to mention the fact that if it was a thruster, we would also be seeing very slight movements made by the earth on the video due to the fact that the shuttle would be changing it's position after the thruster was ignited.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
The answer to your first question is that the particles did not necessarily have to be right up next to the thruster to reflect as much light as they did, they could have been several yards away when the thrust hit them, doubtles they were all at varying distances, which accounts for the differences in angle and speed. Blow on particles of smoke from a campfire or cigarette, they will behave similarly.

The answer to your second question (no Earth movement) can be answered in one word: "parallax" (no, not the entity that Green Lantern Hal Jordan became). The Earth is larger and farher away, thus its apparent movement would be tiny (and that's assuming that the thrusters were being used to MOVE the shuttle, rather than to steady it or STOP it from moving.

I should also point out that a large # of the 'UFO photos and films' taken in space were taken through the windows of ships.

Windows reflect some light, and images of things inside. The reflections can sometimes look nothing like the objects they are images of. I have seen this phenomena on countless occasions.

[ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: First of Two ]

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
So have I. You make excellent points on your previous statments.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Was there ever any doubt?
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
I'm sorry. I just had to show you this. I found this off of a website, and it perfectly describes how I feel about UFOs.

By: John B. Alexander

In a recent article Seth Shostak drew attention what has become known as the Fermi Paradox. Typically discussants raise the famous off-hand luncheon comment by Enrico Fermi, "Where is everybody?" when dismissing the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The invocation of such a distinguished figure is polemic and used to make the position academically unassailable. In the ranks of scientific loyalists there is a constant refrain pertaining to the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Best phrased by Carl Sagan, known for his "billions and billions" quotation in developing the hypothesis that we share the universe with other forms of intelligence, he added "but there is not one shred of evidence to support it." Really? Actually, the book he co-edited with Thornton Page, UFOS: A Scientific Debate, refutes his own statement. The deductive error is conflation of lack of evidence with proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Edward Condon fostered this misconstruction in his fatally flawed and internally inconsistent report on UFOs. Despite the widely published conclusions, his report too contained substantial evidence supporting the physical existence of these objects. The error is the a priori assumption that UFOs cannot exist therefore no evidence to the contrary will be considered, never mind accepted. Few scientists would allow such faulty logic to prevail in their own field of expertise. Yet, in the emotionally laden field of UFOs, scientists let Condon stand uncorrected and disregarding pertinent facts has become the accepted norm.

The undeniable reality is that there are a substantial number of multi-sensor UFO cases backed by thousands of credible witnesses. In the physical domain there are many photos, videos, radar tracking, satellite sensor reports, landing traces including depressions and anomalous residual radiation, electromagnetic interference, and confirmed physiological effects. Personal observations have been made both day and night, often under excellent visibility with some at close range. Included are reports from multiple independent witnesses to the same event. Psychological testing of some observers has confirmed their mentally competence. Why is none of this considered evidence?

There are over 3000 cases reported by pilots, some of which include interference with flight controls. On numerous occasions air traffic controllers and other radar operators have noted unexplained objects on their scopes. So too have several astronomers and other competent scientists reported their personal observations. Many military officials from several countries have confirmed multi-sensor observations of UFOs. The most senior air defense officers of Russia, Brazil, Belgium and recently a former Chief of Naval Operations in Chile all have stated that UFOs are real. These cases and comments are a miniscule fraction of the total body of evidence.

Of course they do not constitute irrefutable proof. However, to state there is no evidence suggestive of intelligent extraterrestrial life simply belies the facts. Decades in duration and global in nature, there are too many hard sensor data-points and millions of eyewitnesses to ignore. We certainly can debate the significance of specific data and question whether or not it establishes a causal relationship between the observations and extraterrestrial life. However, it is only through ignorance or pomposity that one can say no evidence exists.

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Paraphrasing Elle's father from Contact, asked if he thought humans were alone in the Galaxy ... "Be an awful big waste of space."
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
The author/s of the post quoted by MIB also make a giant logical fallacy:

The existence of UFOs is NOT evidence of extraterrestrial life.

All the 'existence' of UFOs confirms is that there are, at times, incidents wherein human beings, members of a species not known for the sharpness of their senses, but known for their imagination, see or detect objects that seem to be flying which they cannot conclusively identify.

That's it.

Every time you see something flying above your head, and you can't quite tell what it is, it's a UFO. Could be anything from a gnat to a bird to ball lightning to to a 747 to a Sovreign-class starship... but if you can't determine what it is, it's a UFO.

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