It's my 23rd birthday.
I feel so old.
And yet I'm so happy
Anyway, in hono(u)r of your 23rd birthday, the members of the Flare community shall line up, and each one will give you 23 whacks on your butt. Jubes gets to use the cat-o'-nine-tails with the metal stud handle. Liz can use the whip. Omega will get to use the feather duster. I'm going to stand over here and take pictures.
He's half man, half jeep, and half pizza.
Okay, everyone, get in a line. When I call you up here, you give Jeff his 23 whaps on his butt. Then you move over to Frank and give him 120 smacks on his butt.
Oh well, I'm sure he'll post and tell us.
Happy Birthday Jeff.
"He's half man, half jeep, and half pizza."
"Don't you mean, a third man, a third Jeep, and a third pizza?"
No. You're a big fat mother.
It's my birthday in a month. I'm terrified. I have no important ones left.
No, I've got 4WD with my Jeep. I want something fast and air-conditioned.
While we're at it: I just got my license! Whoohoo, and all that. All pedestrians within 200 miles to Red Alert status!
Now, all I have to do is land myself an at least half-decent hotrod, which is no small task...
Liam, I think you're just jealous of people with more disposable income
Actually, what that amounts to for me is more financial control. Need to pay off the credit cards, and be consistent in deposits to my savings account. I drew up some rough figures, and I can have three of my cards paid off by this time next year and still have $1800 in the bank. Since I'll be down to one credit card next August or September, I can boost the amount of $$$ to my savings' account and have a rather nice down payment saved up for my 25th birthday: which will, also, completely and entirely coincidental, coincide with the traditional drop in insurance that comes with the marking of a quarter-century spent alive.
And since my record is very clean insurance wise, I'll get a big cut (as it is, I pay $150 for my Jeep, with no reported claims on it).
And then comes spectra blue mica, 6-speed, 180 horsepower at $320 a month for 72 months (assuming I put a $7k downpayment on it).
Speaking of which, I've just learned your friend and mine, Fabrux, has just placed a down-payment on an '88 Ford Ranger. Congrats! Try not to wreck this one, okay?
[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: MeGotBeer ]
Bad choice on cars, dude. If you get one, at least get a stick shift.
Well! *produces tuba* BOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Man, that sounded like horsepuckey. BOOAAABOOAAAAAHHH!!!
There you go...
quote:Yes, he must be very large.
Originally posted by Jay the Obscure:
He's half man, half jeep, and half pizza.
And now apparently, half Glock.
quote:Ahem, and us 30-somethings too - which probably makes us even sadder.
For some reason, 20-somethings talking about fictional starships on the internet is much cooler that 20-somethings talking about penis-substitute cars on the internet.
quote:See? I told you that you should listen to me, but would you? Noooooooooo...
Originally posted by Aethelwer:
As of today, I'm 20. I definitely wasted my teenage years.
Originally posted by Snay:
I plan on buying a Ford Mustang 6-cylinder (manual transmission) at or around that time.
quote:Jeff's jeep can't handle going over cattle-grids without falling to pieces. He's got no chance with even a small puddle, let alone the ocean.
Originally posted by The359:
Pfft, it's just an ocean, a Jeep could handle that...
quote:It comes and goes. I seem to be having more trouble this year. I think it's because there are onlt four of the next older generation of my family left, then I'm one of the elders. Both of my parents are gone now, and they have a brother and sister each still living. Ones 80, ones 78 or 79, and two are in their 60's. I'm the youngest of my sibs and I'm past 40. Yeah, I guess it's getting to me a little.
Are you feeling really old all of the sudden or something?
Originally posted by Ultra Magnus:
Fuck birthdays.
quote:My adsvice from last year still stands.
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Happy birthday.
Go get laid, for God's sake!
quote:You'll be here resurrecting this thread again.
Who knows where I'll be this time next year ... eh?
quote:No comment
Originally posted by LOA:
Jeff poked me today while I was sleeping. I didn't notice it
quote:Probably reviving the thread again. (Like birthdays, this joke comes around every year!
Wonder where I'll be August 9th, 2009. Can't wait to find out!
"So what did they fry the butter in?"