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Posted by Malnurtured Snayer (Member # 411) on :
They're up to it again.

Wait, you're a Pepsi guy ... nevermind.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Vanilla Coke. That actually sounds interesting. I'll definitely give it a chance. I mean, it can't be any worse that New Coke.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Jones released a Vanilla Cola, oh, three or four years ago. My tastebuds were not that receptive to it, though many of my friends developed a liking for it.

Fufu Berry, on the other hand, is without question the greatest artificial fruit ever created. In Vancouver, no less.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I've ordered vanilla Pepsi at a local drive-in for, oh, years and years now. Delicious. Who knows whether they would be able to catch the taste via mass manufacturing. Assuming they decided to follow Coke's lead, of course.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Sounds like Faygo Cream Soda......

I tried Gin and Pepsi..... I didn't think my of it....
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Wonder if we'll get it over in the UK? Cherry Coke never really took off here... we certainly never got diet coke with lemon....
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I used to put vanilla ice cream in both pepsi and coke, depending on what we had. Pepsi was vest in the begining, when I was little, but they changed it so much over the years that you can't recognize it anymore.

Tea, Coffee and Beer make up 98% of what I drink now. That'as two cups of coffee, a pitcher of tea most days, and the occational beer.

Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Geez, I tried New Coke and you know what it taasted like? Pepsi, pure Pepsi. What happened in reality was that most did not like Pepsi...New Coke was because it was too different from the original. Trust me, find a Coke factory somewhere and compare it to Pepsi and you will find a very strong similarity.

Vanilla Coke intrigues me, no more, no less. I don't hold a brand loyalty but I will drink Coke over Pepsi if given the choice.

They also said that they will try to tinker with Cherry Coke, which is bad for my bro since he seems to be addicted to it. (actually for some reason he will only buy it for his dorking out sessions)
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Hi, my name is Ritten..... and I am a Mountain-Dew-holic......

I have been off the wagon for 12 years now.....
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I'm an avowed Diet Pepsi drinker. "Standard" formulas are too sweet for me & Diet Coke dries out my mouth (thanks, Nutrasweet A!). But when I went to Atlanta to see my ex-girlfriend in July, she introduced me to the vanilla Coke...& I really, really enjoyed it. The ONLY thing I enjoyed about that trip.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I don't consider myself a 'Pepsi man'.. i hate Pepsi, as colas go, I find Coke superior. However, my favorite soda is Mountain Dew.. unfortunately my recent ill health prevents me from drinking caffeine, so I'm shit out of luck. I just think that Crystal Pepsi was fun. Fun! Actually, any new soda is usually fun since its basically liquid candy. I'll be sure to give this one a try.

Artificial sweeteners arent worth the side effects.. dont be stupid, just work off the extra calories.

BTW, thanks for the thread title.
Posted by Malnurtured Snayer (Member # 411) on :
Cold water. Ah. Nothing beats it.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
My capacity for caffeine blew out early this year in a rather sad, sad manner. Analagous to Shane MacGowan's liver shattering after another glass of Jameson's, I imagine. I used to literally be capable of drinking coffee by the pot. Now, any more than two mugs of black gold (or hell, two strong cups of tea) and I get all rumbly and ucky down there.

A terrible thing for a college student, to be honest. But I tell you, this unexplanable malaise will bear the brunt of the blame for this years marks. Absolutely.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Tea: I can drink quarts of iced tea (assuming it's sweetened properly) with no ill effects except the need to pee a lot. I once used a two-quart mix of cold earl grey to get me through an all nighter... then went two more days on it. Not jittery, just hyperkinetic. Everything seemed to move faster, thought and body.

Coffee: I have one drink of coffee, and I get ill. I just can't drink the stuff. I love the smell, though.

Pop: I'm indifferent to most pop. I'm supposed to drink only the 'clear' colas, (something to do with my allergies) which means I eventually developed a loathing for Sprite and 7-Up. I like Mountain Dew. I only tried Jolt once, and it coincided with a case of food poisoning, so I don't know if I like it.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Tom: that's weird, the same thing happened to me. I stopped being able to handle coffee at all. A cup in the morning would keep me awake that night. I was always asking my friends if I could just smell their coffee, I didn't dare drink any myself. Recently I've been able to drink it again, within reason.

But for the most part I don't like hot drinks. Coke is often my tipple of choice, but more than anything I love lime cordial, You know, Rose's, that stuff. Drink it by the pint.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I personally rarely get the effects of caffine. I can drink (and done this before) whole liters of soda within an hour and go to sleep easily.

I am a big fan of Mountain Dew. In fact right now I am drinking a 24oz Mountain Dew, and in my room somewhere I have awhole cart (12 cases of soda) of Code Red Mountain Dew and regular Dew. Someone said they are coming out with a Purple (or Blue) Mountain Dew in a few months. I am looking forward to that.

Someone told me that on a normal day they will drink Coke but on a hot day (like where I live a nice cool 93 degrees) Pepsi is the way to go.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I usually go through 2 to 3 liters of Dew a day.... Had to switch to diet after I figured out that that is 8 to 12 ounces of raw sugar..... diabetes runs in my family, sooo, I had to think about that....

As a kid I suffered from insomnia.... not I sleep hard.....
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Lee: Was your coffee divorce a gradual thing or not? Mine seemed to happen almost overnight, from unlimited Joe down the hatch with pretty minimal effects on sleep to two before gastric distress. The crowning achievement was way back in high school with 4 litres of coffee in a night. It made me, um, dizzy.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Full of piss and vinegar too.... well, maybe not the vinegar....
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i hate hot beverages, and coffee never agreed with me, but recently my stomach is so irritable that my usual dose of Dew that kept me aware during school causes massive stomach problems, same with a lot of dairy products. Im still being really cautious about what i eat too, as i lost most of two months to being hunched over a toilet.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
You know, this looks odd
Captain Mike ... (CaptainMike)
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
this thread does seem to keep jumping to my attention when i scroll the daily posts
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Kosh: You have a pitcher of tea? All at once? Doesn't it, y'know, get cold?

I've been having more trouble than normal finding Cherry Coke recently. Which is annoying, as I like some variety in what I drink. Dr Pepper's having a bit of a resurgence though, so that will have to do.

I am now off to think off 4 months worth of jokes based around the fact that two cups of tea gives Tom the shits. Bye.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Kosh: You have a pitcher of tea? All at once? Doesn't it, y'know, get cold?

A little at a time, with ice. I've never tried Earl Grey on ice. may have to try that some time.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
One night in 1993 when I was still at university I had a cup of coffee at a friend's place. This was quite a strong cup, filtered from a machine. I spent the whole night awake, feeling high as a kite. Don't know what that one cup did, but it totally destroyed my ability to handle coffee.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Is there some obscure part of the constitution that prevents you lot from drinking normal tea?

And damn Picard. Thanks to him most Americans now think that we actually drink Earl Grey.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I won't touch coffee. Horrible stuff.

Coke's about 10% raw sugar, and can eat through your car bumper. No, thanks.

Cappuchino's four bucks a cup.

Tea... on occasion, but not often.

I get most of my caffine from chocolate. [Smile]
Posted by Malnurtured Snayer (Member # 411) on :
When you say "we", Liam, do you refer to the English or the French?
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Cherry Coke from what I heard, (it says so in the link above as well) that it will get a newer taste. They slowing down the Cherry Coke production so that when the newer version comes, Coke won't have two versions still out.

I once had seven cups of expresso because if I am not drinking Coke I am drinking Coffe and expresso is just really small. Those seven cups made pee for at least 10 minutes however I felt no effects of being awake.

I guess caffine has no effect on me.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Iced tea for me most of the time.

I don't drink coffee.

As for pop, anything but coke, or pepsi. The Occaisional Mountain dew is ok, but not often.

I have an extreme Caffeine sensitivity. Two cans of coke is like two cups of coffee. Two cups of coffee is like two cups of expresso. And it will keep me up all night.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
'Espresso', please. I have recently kicked said beverage. I had a pretty bad jones there for a while. It is dangerous stuff to me. Too expensive and I feel SO good on it. But a week of super-depressive de-tox hurt far too much. Back to Diet Coke.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Is there some obscure part of the constitution that prevents you lot from drinking normal tea?

If you mean hot with no additives, no, that's gotten more popular over the years hear, I just have a sugar problem.


And damn Picard. Thanks to him most Americans now think that we actually drink Earl Grey.

Picard is supposed to be french, although I understand Stewart does drink EG. After hearing it on screen for so long, I bought some and tried it. Found I liked it, except that it seems to be stronger in caffine. Bergamont(sp) must have something in it to open your eyes.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Sounds like you need to add more milk.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Sounds like you need to add more milk.

I never admitted that!

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Balaam Xumucane:
I have recently kicked said beverage. I had a pretty bad jones there for a while.

Sorry, but can I request a translation? Into, y'know, English?

Isn't the sort of tea we drink here (and in Canada, Australia and all those places) called "English Breakfast" in the US?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I have never heard that term in my life, other than to refer to, well, breakfast. In England.

Anyway, to jones means to desire in an obsessive manner. You would typically jones for, say, heroin. Which is why, when applied to tea, or computer games, or sunny days, it becomes gleefully ironic. Yay!
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
English Breakfast is what the snobby tea companies here in Canada label what the plebian companies call Orange Pekoe Tea, except in cases where the tea company is so secure in their snobbiness that they can call it Orange Pekoe and nobody will consider them populist trash.

For me: cheap daily tea is Orange Pekoe/English Breakfast, and when I have an overwhelming urge to feel like Queen Victoria I hit the Darjeeling. My parents beat into me how to make a proper cup of tea; it's truly saddening how poor the tea-making technique of your average North American is. Perhaps they should read more Orwell.

Obscure fact of the day, and reason #234373 that Canadians and Americans are grossly different beasts: Iced Tea is by default considered unsweetened in American restaurants and sweetened in Canada. Something I've always found exceedingly odd, especially because unsweetened iced tea is generally gag-inducing. Hot tea's better without the sugar, of course. Everyone knows that.

(Sidenote: the first result for searching for "English Breakfast" on google image search is this.)

[ April 19, 2002, 14:08: Message edited by: The_Tom ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Good lord, who on earth could eat that amount for breakfast! Especially chips. And that bacons not cooked.

That peson is wrong. Milk in first. Mainly because putting the milk in first seems to stop those hard water clusters that can otherwise form. And he's also wrong on the sugar. Yes he is.

Using plain tea leaves has gone completely out of fashion over here. As have tea pots, so such an extent that tea companies have invested heavily into how you can infuse water with the tea flavour in a cup. Hence, first we had circular tea bags, and then fully 3 dimensional pyramid bags, the tea of kings.

Do Canadians (or Australians) share any brands with us? Typoo? PG (Brooke Bond), or, er, others?
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Now I understand. I've had what purported to be "English Breakfasts" in some strange corners of the globe (don't even think about it, Timothy). There was always something fundamentally weird about the end result. Now I know - they were working from this image.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Liam: A lot has changed since 1946. And the man was smart. He told us communism was bad, for God's sake.

So while I'll grant tea bags as a necessity of this modern world, one cannot deny that pots beat the snot out of the bag-in-cup method. (Though the pot has to be all-broken in and so-ingrained with decades of tea flavouring that you could piss in it and it would come out tasting like tea.) Tea on milk rather than vice versa is a simple cosmic law. And sugar in tea has got to be the leading explanation for British dentistry.

Lee: Hey, the picture's from a British site.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'm sure a can of coke is far worse than a simple cuppa with two sugars in it. And I have flat portions anyway. None of this heaped rubbish.

The chances of a tea pot surviving long enough in todays modern world to become such a tea marvel is unlikely. In the end, pyramid bags produce 90% of the flavour at 10% of the hassle. Worship PG. Now.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Do Canadians (or Australians) share any brands with us? Typoo? PG (Brooke Bond), or, er, others?

I have a can of Typoo in my cupboard.
Tea must be made in a pot or it's crap. And you must use a cozy. There is a reason for this, tea must be kept as close to boiling point as possible while it is brewing in order to reduce the production of tannens(sp), these turn the tea bitter.
Iced tea must be sweetened, but only slightly.
I only drink tea black, no sugar. I know that is strange I don't know anyone else who drinks it that way. It all comes from hanging around with a guy who was kicked out of the house when he was 16 and all he could afford was the tea and never milk and only occationally sugar, so I got used to it that way. I drink black coffee for the same reason.
And what is with the french fries and beans with breakfast? The french fries should be homefries, and scrap the beans I don't want to work in the same room as someone who has had beans for breakfast.

[ April 19, 2002, 21:39: Message edited by: Grokca ]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Lee: Don't think about what?

Tom: I think they sweeten iced tea in restaurants in the south. When my family was going to Florida on vacation once, we ate in a restaurant in, I think, Georgia, and my mom ordered iced tea. She was unpleasantly surprised when it arrived w/ sugar in it.
Posted by Fedaykin Supastar (Member # 704) on :
hmm, caffeine has absolutely no (noticeable) affects on me - cept most of the time my friends reckon i'm completely certifiable and should cut down on watever i'm on (which is usually high caffeine/sugar intake). But i can sleep after a high intake of caffeine so i guess i'm lucky.
When it comes to Pepsi or CocaCola, i'd go for Coke. [in singapore they had this Pepsi Challenge taste test promotion to see which brand the ppl prefered, and when i participated at a booth in a mall i went for coke]. But the flavour of the drink (at least in Singapore) has gotten a bit too sticky for my taste, its like really bad mixed soda u get in resaturants where the pop is on tap.
but i'm a big fan of Dr. pepper and Mountain dew/
as far as coffee goes i like mine Cold, unsweetened, no milk!

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I'm concerned about the cumulative effect of all this nixpicking, Timmy. I assume you'd like to have lots of little Nixes one day; God only knows, if you got started on whether a globe can have corners, it might be the last straw. . . 8)
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Everyone loves Moutain Dew these days. For me, it has an unexpected thrist quencher. Yeah, what they won't tell you in the Pepsi challange, that a little more than half the people tested chose Coke. Also the ones who picked Pepsi, some were 'bribed' into picking Pepsi, because they could get a free Pepsi afterwards. I know this because those who were testing us, was testing near where I work. I talked to them, chose Pepsi, so I could get a free Pepsi etc. They explained to me that its been 50/50 so far.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Yeah, what they won't tell you in the Pepsi challange, that a little more than half the people tested chose Coke."

My God? A little more than half chose a drink that tastes almost exactly the same?

The statistics DO NOT LIE!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
But a globe can have metaphorical corners in the phrase "the corner(s) of the globe". Surely you've heard the phrase before, considering that you were the one who used it.

As for "little Nixes"... Didn't you ever see the quote CC used as a sig in which I gave my opinion of human larvae...?
Posted by ? ? ? ? ? (Member # 417) on :
Metaphorically speaking don't call me Shirley....
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Mr. Pibb
Posted by ? ? ? ? ? (Member # 417) on :
A&W Rootbeer.... with ice cream.... in a frosted mug.... mmmm, and A&W is on the otherside of town too.....

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