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Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
For a year now part of my daily routine when it comes to the internet has been to check out my favorite webcomics. The list of comics I read has grown since I started out, and they cover a whole range of media and humor. Anyway, I'm just wondering what webcomics you guys might read, or if there's anyone who reads some of the same ones I do. Anywho, here are the ones I read:

"8-Bit Theater"
I actually got this one from a link posted here a while back. It had a reference to Chuckles. All Final Fantasy based

"?" (AKA: Professor Ashfield)
Under a long hiatus at the moment, this one is just weird but simple. It had a small spinoff that appears to have been completely deleted...

Canadian video game comic. It also had a long hiatus because of technical problems, but is very good. Love the characters.

"Diesel Sweeties"
Gotta love any artist interviewed by Suicide Girls. This comic is just...hilarious. It's also my homepage on IE.

"Real Life"
Little more down to Earth, little better in the artistic department, heavily influenced by video games.

Spinoff of the artists former comic, "When I Grow Up" (W.I.G.U.), this one is rather good, especially in the characters and inside jokes.

"You Damn Kid!"
Love this one, it just bashes the hell out of religion. Not updated daily like the rest, it is great at poking fun at a lot of stuff in life.

Yeah, as you notice, thats a lot of comics...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I don't read any of those. Only Sinfest.
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
I currently read over 35 comics on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. [Razz]

Some I'd point out to others...

A kid named Wigu, his parents, his sister, and a poison potato superhero. Read it from the start.

It's Walky
More backstory than you can shake a stick at. Don't try to read it from the start... start about six months back.

Ozy and Millie
Too funny for any possible description. Too big to read from the start. Just pick it up now. [Smile]

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
"Seeing the past, the future, and IDIOTS" Currently in a rather dark storyline. Read it from the start!

Everything Jake
Not your average "superhero" story. Read it from the start. Very worth it.

RPG World
Before there was 8-bit theater...

Caution: Dark, serious shit. Read the archives first.

Flem 2.0
Political commentary. And other BS.

Errant Story
Features elven badasses and psychotic mage chicks. By Michael Poe, of Exploitation Now fame.

Elf Only Inn
Unfortunately, the author just finished the comic... An RP chat room in which nobody RPs. I'm sure you've seen at least one of these folks somewhere before...

VG Cats
Gaming comic. SWIFT, BRUTAL CRUSHING and Krug. 'Nuff said.

Sexy Losers
Adult content. Very much so. Funny.

I used to read the big ones, such as Sluggy and User Friendly, but they've lost their magic, IMO.

There are a few others that I read that are either generally to be expected, have been mentioned (Ashfield Online), aren't updated much, or are of questionable material... i.e. I don't know how anyone here would react to them. Jack is one of those.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
My idols.

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Argh! I warn you, if I develop anywhere near the sort of addiction I have to 8-Bit Theatre from any of these links, I'll hunt you all down!
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
These guys could be my roommates, man.
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Highschool drama, Canadian.

Weirdness, not quite sure why I read it.

Clone Army
Various webcomic I don't read, but plugging them anyways for disturbing factor.

College Roomies From Hell
One of the most successful college life webcomics.

Dub This
Anime club drama, I know at least Mark can appreciate this.

Eversummer Eve
Fantasy set in modern day, updates slowly, but goodly.

Fur Will Fly
A human gets thrown into the furry universe. I read it for humor. Really.

Jackie's Fridge
Talking fridge. Satanic pet. Weird people. Red head. Fun.

Mac Hall
Light hearted anime style college webcomic done in CG. Good stuff.

Mory's Education
Another anime style webcomic, this time with animal people. Not neccesarily furries.

Namir Deiter
Same as above.

Penny Arcade
Someone has to mention this eventually.

Lovecraft Comic
Iia! Iia Cthulhu!

More serious college webcomic, done in varying style.

Tsunami Channel
Anime oriented webcomic.

Unlike Minerva
Even more furry webcomics. Don't look at me like that. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

Knights of the Dinner Table
You want a piece of me? Roll for initiative, monkey boy!

Krakow 2.0
Anime style webcomic, current storyline is about assassins.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Scott McCloud would be all proud. But then not.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Damn, Charles, and I thought I read a lot of webcomics.

Must of the webcomics I read at hosted at either Keenspot or Keenspace. A couple were pointed out to me by friends, and the rest I learned about from online ads on other webcomics or the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards.

Currently, I read about 20 to 25 webcomics. I am just too damned easily hooked on these things. I've only listed the ones I really like, though. I don't need y'all thinking I'm crazier than you already think I am.

Avalon -- This comic's about a group of Canadian high schoolers and has a nicely developed plot and story going on.

Boy Meets Boy -- This is a gay-themed comic that I just started reading. Everyone in this comic's universe seems to have bisexual tendencies, but it's really well-written and drawn.

The Class Menagerie -- This comic recently ended, but all the strips are being rerun right now. It's about a group of animals living on the top floor of a college dorm.

College Roomies From Hell!!! -- This is the webcomic that started me on the downward spiral of webcomic obsessiveness that I suffer from today. It's about six people who's college lives are truly funky horrors.

Ctrl-Alt-Del -- This one has a lot of computer and gaming humor. It focuses on three guys with similar interests sharing an apartment.

It's Walky! -- This is my favorite webcomic. The plot is so involved, and the all of the characters seem like real people (they all have flaws). Deep dark secrets and twists are aplenty in this one, which is about a government organization fighting an alien incursion. I recommend reading it from the very beginning (when it was a college-theme comic). A lot of the current characters are introduced then. The artist is also doing a toy collector-themed gag-a-week comic called "Shortpacked."

The Life of Riley -- This comic has some of the most bizarre scenarios in it, but I love it. You have a bunch of housemates (including Al Gore's vampyric illegitimate son) who are into gaming, computers, paintballing, and doing crazy things with Starseeds, Angels, and a Sucubus.

Mac Hall -- I just recently started reading this one, which is about some college students living together in a dorm. It has some really funny moments.

Melonpool -- This one's a sci-fi comedy featuring a group of aliens stranded on Earth. The captain is obsessed with pop culture and Star Trek. I recommend reading this one from the beginning because of all the twists and time-travel stories.

Real Life = This one's about some friends sharing a house and their real life adventures (which include taking over the world and sliding into alternate universes as well as time travel).

RPG World -- This is parody of RPGs, and it's probably my second-favorite webcomic. It's definitely worth a read. The artist also has another comic based on him and his friends called "Iancomix" that's updated irregularly.

Stubble -- This one follows the life of an angst-ridden guy named Clint through high school and college. The art changes styles frequently, but it almost always pretty good.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Everything by Patrick Farley, though he is a bit too strident politically on occasion.

When I Am King by the enigmatic Demian.5 is highly recommended, though it may have too much cartoony nudity for some, I guess.

I used to read Astounding Space Thrills daily, but then it wasn't updated daily, and then I left college and gave up on webcomics altogether.

Come to think of it, I was reading Beecomix too, and stopped for no apparent reason. It is a murder mystery, like in the old days. Hey, you can buy it in a book now? Neato. Uh, and there are other ones, not involving Bee (a plucky film developer) or murders. (I stole 'plucky' from the creator's own ad copy!)
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Hey, I forgot Death to the Extremist.

And of course, a webcomic that needs no introduction (except this one, I guess): Pokey the Penguin.

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