Yech. I've suddenly completely had it with studying. My exam for today was a complete waste of time, and on top of that, I was told that a 20-page technical report had been due yesterday .
I was completely sure that the report had to be ready for the review tomorrow, and that I would finish it today.
And now I'm sitting here wondering if it's even worth continuing with this study. Last Tuesdays exam was abysmal as well, and this report crap isn't really helping my motivation.
Add to that that I have to be up very early tomorrow for bloody work. And I feel even better considering all those people where I work never studied at all, and don't seem particularly bothered by it either. What the hell am I doing!?
No fucking clue why I post this here. The little voice in my head tells me I should be working on that stupid report already.
And you know.. that report is written in pairs. But I honestly don't have an objective view on whether my counterpart has already done his part of the job. I just feel that I fucked it up for him, but I also have the idea that the bulk of this report is actually written by me :|
Well anyway.. that's enough pointless ranting....
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, if your field of study requires a degree for you to get a decent job, than you can look at schooling, pointless though it may be, as a job. It's a means to an end and required to get where you want to go.
If, like me, a degree is pretty pointless, then you might want to save your money and your sanity and just start looking for work.
I always sort of viewed school as a means to an end. It was simply more relavant at some points than others.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
If you dont use your degree, I say you should be able to return it for a full refund. Or at least skip on your student loans without consequesnces. I also think that for $20,000, I should get an honorific to be used with my name.... Jason Abbadon G.D. has a nice ring to it. Aban, is your degree a Graphic Arts Degree?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Come on, everybody flunks an exam or two once. You're not going to throw away your future* because of one bad test and a missed deadline, are you? That'd be a bit... drastic.
Although, if you're REALLY not happy with what you're pursuing now, then don't go against your instincts and switch while you're still in your first or second year. It'd be a temporary setback, but at least you'd begin from a clean slate again.
*Which isn't to say you couldn't also do well for yourself without an MSc or BSc, but you would have more avenues opened up to you with one of those neat titles behind your name.
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :
Yeah, maybe you don't want to do the work because your heart's not in it, and if it's not, what's the point?
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
Try showing up for your Surveying final and realize 5 minutes before the exams starts that you forgot your trig function calculator and you are now having to use the tables from the back of the book and hand multiply all of the sine, cosines, and tangents of every freaking angle and STILL close with a precision of .001
Final exam: Four problems with a three hour time limit.
Worst class in my life. It didn't help that the instructor knew very little English and that some IDIOT supervisor waived the trigonometry prerequisite for two idiotic-redneck-couldn't-pass-the-third-grade-mental-midgets-wearing-freaking-John-Deere-caps-with-the-brim-halfway-up-the-crown who took the instructor's ENTIRE time having him explain BASIC TRIG.
There were 18 of us in the class. Three worked on surveyors crews and were only there to get their certificate. There was only 4 people that PASSED the class. Not got "A's"...PASSED with nothing above a "C". To say the least, there was a near insurrection.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cartman: Come on, everybody flunks an exam or two once.
D'oh are you only supposed to do it once or twice!?! Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Time for your weekly emoticon enema again?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Sounds painful.
I've just had my first set of exams this year and it hasn't been fun. I need a minimum of AAB and preferably AAA and a Distinction on an Advanced Extension paper. Real fun. There are always times when doing these things that people feel like giving up, but if the qualification will give you an advantage you may as well go for it. Just go and play in the snow for an hour or so . That usually works.
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Sooooo glad i don't study any more...I don't miss exams at all.
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :