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Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Leaving in about an hour and a half to go do the pictures. We got the whole thing rehearsed last night, and it should be really nice.


I just hope I don't trip or anything...
Posted by Mighty Blogger Snay (Member # 411) on :
Dude! Congratulations.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
As Vince Vaungh would say...
Well, let me be the first to say congratulations to you man; you have one vagina for the rest of your life. Real smart man.

Just kidding...god knows I'll take what vagina I can get... unless it's a fat chick... since heavy drinking may be involved.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Somebody's in for a big surprise tonight. B)
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Good for you man, congrats.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
All the best to you on this happy happy day.

Now dont go posting in during your honeymoon!

Wifey might object and hold it over you forevermore...
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Congrats on the marraige! I have to admit, I'm jealous..... ah, well.... someday.... maybe.......

Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Congrats! So how long before the parents start bugging you about grandkids?

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
What makes you think that isn't the reason he's getting hitched?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Wow Aban! GOOD LUCK! Although as I post this you are probably err... enjoying some... champagne! [Smile]

You know your wife automatically becomes a member of this board... so when will she start posting? [Big Grin]


I can't believe the day is already here - or again probably already passed!

Remember to post us some pictures!

Congrats again,

Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Congratulations, Aban. Marriage whips the donkey's ass.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Congrats Aban... where's your bridal registry? You should have let us know this before today!!!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"You should have let us know this before today!!!"

Someone hasn't been paying attention...
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I haven't been around lately. I had midterms... MIDTERMS!!!!
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Just checking in boys. I have a week and a half worth of spam to sift through in my email box. I'm dreading opening it.

I am very... relaxed. [Smile]
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
So does this mean your signature will now read:

She said "yes, yes, yes, oh my God yes, right there, ooh!"

Aban's Illustration

Shannon McRandle's Website
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
Oh, let us do hope not.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Could be worse.

She said "is that it?"

Aban's Illustration

Shannon McRandle's Website
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :

Yes could be worse...

She said... she had a headache! [Smile]
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
I say that all the time.... 'course, it's not as an excuse... it's truly beause I do. Migraine, every day. And you should have been there to see the look on my face when my doctor told me that, contrary to polular belief, sex will actually TRIGGER my type of migraines.

You know the old saying... sex cures a headache? Well, apparently that's a Big Fat Lie in my case.

I flipped out on him.... there I was, pronouncing to the world that I was saving myself for the perfect man and the perfect marraige, and my doctor tells me that the first time I had sex, I'd be down for several days with a headache.... that makes for a Very Unhappy Girl.

'course now I realize that I'm going to have a horrible headache everyday anyway, so I just don't worry about it [Razz]
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Of course, with even middling sex, you're not going to care about the headache near as much.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Ouch, LOA, that's horrible (both the sex-induced headaches and the daily headaches). Is there any sort of therapy or treatment program available, or are you and the doctor still looking into it?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Isn't there some new type of migrane medication just out. There was a bit of a furfy here in Australia the other week because something something a whole lot of people who could have access to the drug... don't.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
There's all kinds of "new" migraine medicines out right now... but I've tried them all, PLUS epilepsy drugs, heart medications, low level anti-depressants, sleep aids, muscle relaxers, birth control, opiods, and whatever else the doctor feels is appropriate at any given time.

So far no fix, but we'll get it eventually... just a matter of finding the right combo of drugs that will work for ME :-)
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I hope you do find something that'll help you.

I have a friend from college (who, I'm ashamed to say, I lost contact with a few years ago) who suffered from daily migraines. They were so bad that he eventually had to drop out of school. Nothing the doctors ever tried helped him; the possibility of a brain tumor was raised once, but the scans and tests turned up negative on that. I saw him just a few months ago for the first time in years, and he seemed to be doing pretty well. I hope he either found something that worked or they went away.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Mabye he's just getting laid now?

LOA, fuck the doctor's advice on the whole "sex will cause them" bit!

A) You've never done it so you cant know for certain.

B) Your doctor does not have your headaches so he's just guessing based on other's experiences.

C) I know from firsthand experience that doctors (even the best in a given hospital or field) can be WRONG.

Seriously, I live in constant pain because of a misdiagnosis from the head of a hospital's wound care center.
See several doctors that specialize in headaches and a general practiconer as well- to rule out disease or diffencies- and decide the best doctor for you.

One of my best friends from a few years back had one of her ovaries removed due to a tumor and was told by her doctor she'd never bear children. It really crushed her to know that she'd never be a mom. She eventually found love, got hitched has two children (three years apart) she bore just fine and with no complications.

You never know what'll happen...well, okay, we know (barring head trauma) Jay will never be a Republican, Omega wil never be a Muslim and I'll never type worth shit, but still...
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Who says I've never had sex? I just hadn't at the time he told me that.... ;-) But as I said, I realized that my head is gonna hurt no matter WHAT I do, so I just don't worry about it anymore. [Razz]

And Siggy: Your friend's story sounds a lot like mine... they've done two CTs and an MRI checking for tumors. Nothing there, so instead they've elected to simply build up my little collection of drugs. I get new ones every two weeks, and the little bottles of leftovers are WAY overflowing from my medicine cabinet. Ah, well... it's all just part of life, eh?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Moderately normal living through chemistry?

I know that song.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
So do you just wake up with the migraines, LOA? Or does it happen at a particular time during the course of the day. Or something. I get occasional migraines, but they were much more common before I figured out that I had certain triggers: bright or glinting sunlight with no (or bad) sunglasses, wind, cold hands. In fact, I've found wringing my hands under warm running water REALLY helps. It's crazy how often I offer to do the dishes now.

Alleve (naproxen) is the first and only drug I've found that does anything (and the best part is it does so in about an hour!). Of course now there's some study that it's going to give me a stroke or whatever. Other than that, laying down someplace dark and cozy for a spell is my best bet. Or, you know, sex. I don't know how much it helps anything, but it does feel great and it take my mind off any pain...
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
The headaches are random... the only thing I can count on is the fact that they will show up at some point in the day.... light definately exacerbates that problem, but it does not seem to always trigger a headache. We've cut a TON of foods out of my diet that are known "migraine triggers" (dairy, sodium, nuts, olives, chocolate, caffine, certain dyes, MSG, etc....) and it hasn't seemed to make a different. Aleve doesn't work for me... usually I take a combo of muscle relaxers and narcotic strength pain relievers for my bad ones, and just vicodin for the lesser ones. Triptans (migraine specific meds) don't seem to help, either, unless it's a really mild headache.

Ah, well... it's still just a part of life. My neurologist says some migraine sufferers are just harder to treat than others. Weird, but true. We'll get it fixed eventually though... I'm sure of that [Smile]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Maybe you should stop taking all meds....

........then maybe you'll have visions! [Wink]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I've had a migraine twice, and it was awful both times. The cure seemed to be vomiting and then passing out. Or at least that happened both times.

I can't imagine what it would be like to have them regularly. I mean, how can you do anything?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I think like any kind of constant pain, one gets used to it over time.
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I've tried vodka for my migraine headaches... kinda helps or helps make me less bitchy. I am currently on Naproxen from my doctors and so far I haven't had any major problems. Although it took different drugs to get to this point for myself also.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
My mom used to have migraines all the time. But then she finally stopped. Evidently, the cure is menopause.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Something to look forward to then. I get pretty bad headaches, and it's pretty random what causes them. At times it's seemd it was not having had enough to eat, or to drink - water-wise that is, meaning I'm dehydrated. I wouldn't say I've cut alcohol out totally, but I never drink to excess anymore - I've almost developed a fear of getting hangovers. Usually I can tell as soon as I wake up in the morning if I'm going to get one. In fact, sometimes it's like getting too much sleep can cause them. But since I have to get up and give Lula her breakfast, that's not a problem these days. Unfortunately I think it really comes down to weight. I have a desk job and don't have time to exercise.
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Well the only thing that is a red flag for me is the coffee habit that I've cultivated. Then again I'm drinking 1 cup of coffee a day now instead of 20.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Huh. I have not (thankfully) had a headache since high school.
I rarely get sick either, but when I do, it's baaaad.

My siser gets migranes though- usually a period thing with her though.
Has your doctor ruled out hormonal imbalance in your case LOA? I dont know haw they'd measure that (or if it's even possible).

Originally posted by Topher:
Maybe you should stop taking all meds....

........then maybe you'll have visions! [Wink]

Or take them all at once- that'd definitely do it.

Hmmm...I dont think the world is ready for LOA the prophet just yet.
...though a branch of Christianity that uses car stereos for communion would be a big draw for new members. [Wink]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Y'know, I also find it kind of odd that a chronic migraine sufferer is big into car audio. One would think that a souped up sound system would aggravate migraines...
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
A suprise twist worthy of an M. Night Shyamalan movie.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Actually, since my migraines got really out of control early this year, I haven't been able to be big on stereo equipment. I mean, don't get me wrong.... I've still had multiple installs done on my car, but I haven't been able to enjoy them, unfortunately. On good days, I'll be able to turn it up a LITTLE, but usually, the music is down low (if it's even on) and the sub is almost non-existant.

I also did a stint working at a stereo shop in Anchorage this summer.... while I loved the job more than ANYTHING, the sound of the bass as the gang-bangers came in to test out the 15"s was WAY too much for me and left me hurting for hours afterwards.

The doctors in AK couldn't treat me, anyway... so they sent me back to Spokane. And here I am. *sigh*

I would like to go back to AK though... more than ANYTHING, I'd like to go back [Razz]

And yes, Topher is right, like any chronic pain, one DOES get used to it. What used to leave me paralyzed is now pain I can function on. Sad, but true. The problems is though, along with the pain tolerance comes drug tolerance... so you just keep taking more and more and more and more.....

Eventually, my liver will explode, I'm sure of it.

As far as the hormonal imbalane is concerned, yes, they've checked for it several times, and I've come back negative for any problems, but I'm not buying it because along with the migraines, I've had some random girly problems at the SAME TIME. My gyno thinks there's no corrolation. I think she's a tool. I'm getting a new gyno next month when my medical benefits change. [Smile]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
My migraines were accompanied by some sort of full-scale visual cortex freakout. The first time I was going through some papers a friend had brought back from a trip, and suddenly noticed I had lost the ability to read. I could see the letters on the page, but they just ran together into gibberish and strangeness. Plus there were weird sparkles. The second time I wasn't reading, I was in the bandroom at school, but the sparkles appeared.

This was ten years ago, so I'm assuming it was some sort of adolescent biochemical thing. I don't think I'd have the. . . I don't know, gumption? will? to make it through one every day.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
My mom used to have migraines all the time. But then she finally stopped. Evidently, the cure is menopause.

Either that or you moved out. [Wink]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by LOA:
And yes, Topher is right, like any chronic pain, one DOES get used to it. What used to leave me paralyzed is now pain I can function on. Sad, but true. The problems is though, along with the pain tolerance comes drug tolerance... so you just keep taking more and more and more and more.....

Eventually, my liver will explode, I'm sure of it.

Sad is'nt it?
I'm in the same boat with Percocet- I know I'm hooked, but my tolerance is so high that even the 10/650 mg versions dont have much effect.
..and I declined Demoral- That's just too dopey. Kurt Cobain dopey.

I've heard that most painkillers can be made in time-release patch form now to save the liver- I'm going to ask my doc about that next time I see him.

A friend that works in an E.R. suggested making a "resume" of doctors and treatments I've already gone through, then calling the major hospitals countrywide and faxing it to them.

Whoever has a good idea on treatment, I'll get on a plane and go to see.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
(Hey, Aban! Hope you're enjoying your post-wedding bliss)
Originally posted by Sol System:
My migraines were accompanied by some sort of full-scale visual cortex freakout. The first time I was going through some papers a friend had brought back from a trip, and suddenly noticed I had lost the ability to read. I could see the letters on the page, but they just ran together into gibberish and strangeness. Plus there were weird sparkles. The second time I wasn't reading, I was in the bandroom at school, but the sparkles appeared.

Wow, you had The Bad Kind�. Maybe you got it out of your system back then. Hope so. Usually when I start getting dizzy and any and all sensory input gets translated to pain, that's when I lay down. Before the nausea gets too bad. I've only had the sparkles once or twice and it scared me so bad I just tried to make sure I never got there again.

Sometimes there are, er, digestive things that happen. Sort of goes along with the weird muscle contraction thing. That's bad too. Last place you want to be when your ears are thundering.

LOA, I don't know if you've tried, like, accupressure, but I've had good luck with pinching a couple spots on my hands and wrists, and pressing hard in certain spots on my feet. If there's someone I don't mind touching me, there are a couple on the back too, under the shoulder blades. Yea, verily, it sounded like silly hippie shit to me too, but then I live in California and I didn't want to get stuck on a bunch of drugs. Also mine don't sound like they are nearly as bad and certainly don't come so often.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I relax after touching the bad place. [Wink]

How's wedded bliss, Aban?
Sorry we've turned your thread into a medical discussion on pain, headaches and alternative medicine.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Accupressure was mentioned... I'm gonna mention chiropactic! I had shooting/wincing pains up the back of my neck, over my head and into my eye. The chiropractor has done good work! Gotta get a good one though - don't feel bad about trying a few or get some advice/ratings from people. Oh and make sure they are a REAL CERTIFIED chiropractor. I've heard some scary stories.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I do not have any notable health problems beyond needing a filling. Sorry.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
I had some severe migranes through high school and college, but they've seem to have gone away for the most part now. And yes, we're talking the painful, barfing, light-sensitive, funny sparkly colors in front of your eyes kind. I'd like to think it was caused by stress, but there were a couple of times it made no sense, like once when I was on vacation. Even so, there are only two times out of the dozens that I can actually attribute to stress. Once I got one in the middle of a college English final. (As an engineer, I *hated* having to take liberal arts classes.) There were three essays, and the first one was okay. The second, you could start to see the degredation in my writing. I'm not even sure the third was comprehesible, what little I did write.

The other time I can pin down to stress is the one I got the night before my wedding! My parents had to take me to the hospital so I could get rid of it quick and get some rest. It was funny, looking back now. My mom told the doctor that I needed to be in a wedding the next day, and she asked what part I had in it. When my mom said I was the groom, she just said "Oh." I don't know what they gave me, but I don't remember anything after that. Somehow, word got to my wife before I showed up the next day. That, combined with the fact that I was late, really freaked her out!

I don't know why they've mostly gone away, aside from my guess about stress, but I'm glad they're gone. Of course, that's been replaced by chronic kidney stones (over 30 in 8 years)......... Now that I think about it, I'd rather have the migranes back.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Liam... a "filling" - that's not a euphamism I hope! [Smile]

Ouch! Kidney stones - do you have to pass each and everyone one of them out your penis?

Didn't Shatner just show one off? Kidney stone that is not a penis.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Yes, we've tried accupressure and chiropractic. No luck.

And I only get migraines with auras every now and then.... I used to get them all the time, but the medication, while it hasn't fixed me completely, has at least gotten THOSE migraines down to something I deal with once every few weeks, instead of several times a week.

Demoral IS a dopey drug... when I go to the ER they give that to me... No Fun! It knocks me flat out for HOURS, and I feel hung over then next day.... Percocet though, that's like candy to me... same with Vicadin, Ultracet and Fiorcet... I get the same effect from taking those as I get from eating skittles most days. That's 'cause I've taken too much of it.... [Razz]
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Ouch! Kidney stones - do you have to pass each and everyone one of them out your penis?

Yes. It's no fun. Luckily, most of mine have been small enough to pass with no problems. Then there's the occasional spiked one that gets stuck and puts me in intense sharp pain. I have to go to the hospital, but usually all they can do is give me pain killers and push fluids. Ultrasound is used only with really huge ones that wouldn't be able to pass, and I haven't had to do that yet. I also haven't had to have a catheter go up and grab one yet (thank goodness!). So pretty much with all kidney stones, that's they way they have to come out. Really puts a damper on things sometimes. As for Shatner's, his is what I would probably call a relatively minor one.

Whether it's migranes or kidney stones, demoral is usually what they give me in the hospital. And whatever they gave me most recently also gave me the runs, but I think that med was for the nausea. Luckily, I haven't developed a tolerance for anything yet, because I have a nice bottle of percoset just waiting for the next problem.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Ow. My dad has had a few kidney stones. One of them, they had to put a catheter with a little basket on the end of it in, and go fish the little booger out. He had to walk around with a tube and a string hanging out of his Johnson fora week or so until the swelling went down. Then they had to pull that out. I think he cried.

The only migrain I've ever had was dealing with my boss that just got fired. And I suppose that wasn't really a medical condition.

Wedded bliss is great thus far. We're back from the honeymoon and we're slowly getting the house squared away. This is my first day back at work, so she's getting used to her routine. I would recommend our honeymoon to anyone. We drove around the back roads and penninsulas of Northern Michigan (lower penninsula) around the area of Travers City. Other than hotel bills, it was dirt cheap, and we got all kinds of time to talk and get to know one another better. We just had a little adventure together and it was really nice.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"My migraines were accompanied by some sort of full-scale visual cortex freakout. The first time I was going through some papers a friend had brought back from a trip, and suddenly noticed I had lost the ability to read. I could see the letters on the page, but they just ran together into gibberish and strangeness. Plus there were weird sparkles."

I've had that once or twice before, except, strangely, without the migraine part. (I rarely even have headaches.) It was as if my brain had suddenly decided to reject oxygen and die on me for five minutes.

Then I passed out, and the problem solved itself.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I'm in the same boat with Percocet- I know I'm hooked, but my tolerance is so high that even the 10/650 mg versions dont have much effect."
"I have not (thankfully) had a headache since high school."

Hm... I wonder why...
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I've only been on Percocets for about 2 years....gradually ramping up the doseages as things get worse.
If someone got hold of my percocet to get high, they'd likely get more than they bargianed for. [Eek!]

Originally posted by LOA:
Demoral IS a dopey drug... when I go to the ER they give that to me... No Fun! It knocks me flat out for HOURS, and I feel hung over then next day.... Percocet though, that's like candy to me... same with Vicadin, Ultracet and Fiorcet... I get the same effect from taking those as I get from eating skittles most days. That's 'cause I've taken too much of it.... [Razz]

Ug...I had a baaad run in with Vicadin.
I was broke and out of Percocets so a friend gave me four Vicadin tabs (the kind you break apart into four section "bars" each). I was in serious pain so I took a "bar" and it did...nothing. Figuring my resistance to percocet was blocking things, I took a whole tab.

Then it was Wednsday.

I later found out that I'd gone to my local breakfast joint for tea (as usual) and went to the post office to get a package- all via car- and lost all memory of the day.

Scary stuff, that Vicadin.
If you ever encounter a time traveling future version of yourself, and need to erase your own memory to prevent a causality loop, Vicadin is my reccomendation. Mabye that's what happened on that tuesday....hmmm...

"Ultraset" sounds intresting- like a superhero drug: Someone call Hourman!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Vicodin". And "Demerol". Just for the record.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
*thwaps Tim*

Because I can.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Well, I'm glad someone thwapped him.
Now if we can just get him laid...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
We'd have to find a woman who'd go on top (yeah, cos that's hard), otherwise it would be phsysically very dangerous for the poor lass.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Lords of Kobol, you are cruel.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
But also kind.
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Well, I'm glad someone thwapped him.
Now if we can just get him laid...

You know me always up for a challenge....
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
You guys, I STILL want to get married....

How do I convince the guy that I'm with that he can't live a day of his life without me and that for christmas or our anniversary (they're only a week apart) I want a ring - not a PDA like he's BEEN looking at.

I'm trying to be subtle, but we've both always been like "No, I never want to get married!" so now I'm freaking out 'cause I'm not sure how to tell him I changed my mind without scaring him off if he's not ready yet..... oy. Men are so confusing! I wish I could grasp what goes on in that head of his........

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Nah, men aren't confusing. He's acting exactly the way he said he would act. You, on the other hand, said one thing and now want something else [Smile] People change their minds. It happens, and I'm not trying to be mean, but if there's something on your mind, the only way to get it on *his* mind is to tell him. You can do it in a kind, loving, subtle, low pressure way, but he won't know unless you say so.

And what guy wouldn't love to hear, "I never thought I'd want to spend every day of my life with one person until I met you."
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Originally posted by Aban Rune:
And what guy wouldn't love to hear, "I never thought I'd want to spend every day of my life with one person until I met you."

Um...every bloke i've ever met?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Yes, just reading that sentence gave me this odd urge to run away very fast.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, coming from the woman I love, I would think that would be a very reassuring thing to hear. Coming from, say, Lorena Bobbit or Tammy Baker... yah... scary stuff.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by MaGiC:
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Well, I'm glad someone thwapped him.
Now if we can just get him laid...

You know me always up for a challenge....
Did I say him?!? I meant me! ME!
see what happens when you think of others? Shit! Never think of others first!
Originally posted by LOA:
You guys, I STILL want to get married....

How do I convince the guy that I'm with that he can't live a day of his life without me and that for christmas or our anniversary (they're only a week apart) I want a ring - not a PDA like he's BEEN looking at.

I'm trying to be subtle, but we've both always been like "No, I never want to get married!" so now I'm freaking out 'cause I'm not sure how to tell him I changed my mind without scaring him off if he's not ready yet.....


Can you do a decent Rick Moranis inpersonation? If so, tell him you're pregnant.
Then, after he does the "right thing" and marries you, you can do the Dark Helmet voice and yell "FOOLED YOU!! What's with you man, I mean, come on!"

Sure, you'll get dumped and he'll be in therapy for the rest of his life, but sacrifices have to me made for comedic value.

But that's just my take on it.

Or you could buy him a PDA with a bunch of marriage tips installed in it- if that does not drive home the point, just marry some russian chick online...or fight Aban's new wife for his hand in matrimony while TOS "gladiator music" plays- we can webcast it and pay for the wedding/funeral.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I wager 500 quatloos on the newcomer... (But I'd totally pay, like, 50 quatloos just to watch.)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
1000 Woolongs on Aban's wife- she's there and she aint leaving willingly.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Aban is right, men are ridiculously simple. If they're tired, they will say so. If they are hungry, they will say so. If they want something, they will say so. It's a chiche, but have you ever heard a man say in an argument:

"well, if you don't know what's wrong then I'm not telling you."

Understanding a man doesn't involve trying to work out what he really thinks. It involves you understanding that what he thinks is what he says that he thinks.

Originally posted by Aban Rune:
And what guy wouldn't love to hear, "I never thought I'd want to spend every day of my life with one person until I met you."

I never believed that until Tim said it the other day via IM. Now I wlak with a skip in my step and a song in my heart.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Disturbing....most disturbing.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I know there are roughly seven billion guides like this, and probably roughly seven billion threads like this as well, but, just to cruelly intercut Jason and Magic's budding romance (and help LOA, of course):


Men's rules (critical information for women):

These are our rules! Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one:

Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.

1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing", we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or golf.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Pay special attention to number 1. B)
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Did I say him?!? I meant me! ME!
see what happens when you think of others? Shit! Never think of others first!

Hmmm...ignoring Cartmans interruption...can be arranged I am in Orlando from 15th December remember? Just have to find a way to ditch my girlfriend for an hour or two....
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Cartman's rules are all rediculously true. Except, with geek guys like me, you need to replace all mentions of "sports" with "Star Trek", or "Stargate".
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Okay, so the other week, I was cooking dinner, and I made some girl comment about how one of my friends at work just got proposed to and how I'm so jealous 'cause she got a pretty new ring, blah, blah, blah.... well, Scott says to me "Well, do you even want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

I didn't know how to answer.

In my head I'm screaming "YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!" but this little voice is saying "It's a test... don't scare him away...."

So instead I said "I dunno... I haven't decided yet...." in a kidding tone.

Now I'm wondering if I should have said something different. 'cause what if that was his way of feeling me out, and I TOTALLY made him think that I don't wanna marry him yet. But on the other hand, I was afraid that if I said yes, and he was hoping for a no, he'd have gotten freaked out.

So blah. This sucks.

His family keeps talking about us getting married... ALL of them. Mine, too, but my family is psycho, so that doesn't mean nearly as much to me.

Anyway, I dunno what to do here, kiddies.... but i do want a commitment from the guy... which is weird, 'cause up 'til now, I've been as anti-commitment as they come.....

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, I definitely wouldn't try to have the conversation when he's stuck with you for the rest of the night, especially if it's a brand new thought. For instance, in the middle of cooking dinner when he's guaranteed to have to be there for the next 4 or 5 hours, would've been the wrong time to say, "I'm thinking I'd really like to be married to you" for the very first time. I think he'll definitely need time to let it sit without feeling like an answer is expected in the next 30 minutes. I'd talk to him about it over lunch, or some other midday meeting after which he will be going away.

Tell him you'd like to run something by him for him to think about over the next week or so. After you talk about it, depending how it goes, say, "Maybe we can talk about it again next week."

Then *don't bring it up again for a week*.

You may be surprised. He may be thinking the very same thing and you won't have to wait a week for your answer. But chances are, if that's the direction he was heading, you'd know it. You just have to have to have to tell him what you're thinking and give him the chance to feel how he feels and decide what he wants on his own time table.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Originally posted by LOA:
Okay, so the other week, I was cooking dinner, and I made some girl comment about how one of my friends at work just got proposed to and how I'm so jealous 'cause she got a pretty new ring, blah, blah, blah.... well, Scott says to me "Well, do you even want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

I didn't know how to answer.

In my head I'm screaming "YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!" but this little voice is saying "It's a test... don't scare him away...."

That little voice is obviously a woman. If he didn't mean it, he wouldn't have said it.

Now I'm wondering if I should have said something different. 'cause what if that was his way of feeling me out, and I TOTALLY made him think that I don't wanna marry him yet. But on the other hand, I was afraid that if I said yes, and he was hoping for a no, he'd have gotten freaked out.
Again, he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it. If he was hoping for a no, he wouldn't have even come close to mentioning it!

Honestly, I'm not sure if I would have even thought about getting married before my (now) wife started asking me "So when are you going to ask me?". Blunt and to the point. That's how you talk to guys and actually get your point across.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
As I see it, there are two possible situations here. One is that he's interested in (or, at least, amenable to) marrying you at some point. In that case, bringing it up wouldn't be a problem.

The other possibility is that he doesn't want to marry you at all, and will, as you put it, "get freaked out". And, if that's the case, who cares if he ends the relationship? If you want marriage, and it's not going to happen, what are you planning to do? Just hang on to him until someone marriable comes along?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by MaGiC:
Did I say him?!? I meant me! ME!
see what happens when you think of others? Shit! Never think of others first!

Hmmm...ignoring Cartmans interruption...can be arranged I am in Orlando from 15th December remember? Just have to find a way to ditch my girlfriend for an hour or two....
I will make it happen....(plots distractions, interruptions, excuses to get away for a few hours...)
Originally posted by LOA:
Okay, so the other week, I was cooking dinner, and I made some girl comment about how one of my friends at work just got proposed to and how I'm so jealous 'cause she got a pretty new ring, blah, blah, blah.... well, Scott says to me "Well, do you even want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

I didn't know how to answer.

In my head I'm screaming "YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!" but this little voice is saying "It's a test... don't scare him away...."

So instead I said "I dunno... I haven't decided yet...." in a kidding tone.

~LOA could have said something like "well I love you, so I thiink we'd be good together" (assuming you've said -and meant- the Three Big Words- if not- run like hell, 'cause he's not going to marry you without knowing that).

You might have some damage control to do, but you can bring it up by just saying "I was thinking about what you said the other night..."
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Of course we've said the "Three Big Words"

But here's the thing.... he's like the uber man.... as manish as a guy can get. He doesn't like a lot of affection or sappyness, so we don't get all ooshy gooshy with eachother ever.

Now, I'm like the uber girl. I WANT the sappiness and romance.... so I think that's part of what confuses me about him. But I understand, he's just being himself, so I try not to let it get to me....

Now, this is why the man is hard to read: As I said, he's not super affectionate, and he's not one to talk about his feelings very often. Plus, he likes throwing me off with things, because usually people can't throw me off. He enjoys the challenege.

You guys say that if he wants to get married, he'd probably just tell me. I don't believe that to be true. He's the type that will continue to PREACH TO THE WORLD that he will never get married until the day that he shocks me with a ring. So even though he keeps saying he doesn't want to ever get married, I don't know if he means it or not.

He did this same type of thing to me last Valentine's day. I was out of town for the week prior, and he made a HUGE to-do out of how he HATES valentine's day, and he'll never participate in it, and I'd better not be expecting anything, because it's not going to happen, and he doesn't want me getting all butt-hurt about it. He also made it ABUNDANTLY clear that I'd better not get him ANYTHING, because he hates the holiday so much that if I get him anything, it's over.

So I didn't get him anything.

And I got off the plane that valentine's day morning, he was there waiting, and instead of taking me home, he took me on a romantic getaway. He had flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals, dinner reservations, a suite at a hotel.... everything you can imagine, all set up. It was like the valentine's day dream package.

And again I say, I didn't get him anything. Why? Because he was SO ADAMENT about hating the holiday that I believed him.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I never know what to think with the guy. Pleh. You say men are easy to figure out? I say that's a dirty lie! [Razz]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
This guy is my hero.
Posted by Home Decor and Gardening (Member # 239) on :
He sounds like a twat, is what.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
He's not a twat... he's my boyfriend, and I love him more than I ever thought I'd love anyone... [Razz]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
He's Spock with a romantic streak.

Sounds pretty cool....I doubt you'll have to rent a billboard to get him to propose- he might just be saving up for a ring for all you know. [Wink]

Though I'd still pay to see you wrestle Aban's wife for- I'm sure he would too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"So even though he keeps saying he doesn't want to ever get married, I don't know if he means it or not."

Then ASK him seriously, seriously. If he cares about you at all (ie. if he isn't some joker who likes to toy with you for the fun of it), he'll tell you how he really feels.

(People who never say what they mean also never mean what they say, and are twats.)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
He's not going to get into it if he's planning a suprise of it though- it could lead to an argument (something no man looks for) and then any engagment suprise would seem like he's just backed into it.

See how the anniversary goes first.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Ok... not to drag this back onto me or anything, but it's picture time. I only have one to share right now, so don't roll your eyes or anything:

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Aww! Ook at how happy the cwute lickle couple is!

Personally, I'm not sure who is more attractive. But it's a feast for the eyes for people of all sexual persuasions. Apart from furries.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
She's the much more attractive of the two. Trust me.
Posted by tricky (Member # 1402) on :
You've just stepped on her foot in that photo haven't you :-)?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Do not put yourself down, sexy Aban man. That photo could be put in a photo frame and used to sell said photo frame while it is displayed in some sort of shop windows that is advertising the photo frames that it sells inside.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
*wonders when Liam started channelling Mojo Jojo*
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Nice tie.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Y'know, I half-expected Alan to be wearing one of those ties he made modelled on those from "Past Tense"...
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
It crossed my mind.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I bet it might have gotten away with it too (assuming your wife never saw- or will see-that episode).

You're a lucky man, Aban....are you blushing there or laughing?

Laughing at our lonliness and pain! Bastard! [Wink]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Aban - does she like Star Trek - that is the big question! [Smile] `````
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I'm laughing. She was all nervous about being in front of tons of people, so I was trying to lighten things up.

She's not wild about the Trek, but she is now officially addicted to Stargate SG-1, which I'm quite excited about. I told her to get through seasons one and two, which I have on DVD, and we'd order seasons 3 and 4.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
I'm very lucky to be married to a woman who's as much into sci-fi as I am, and that includes ALL the major franchises. When I happened to point out that the Firefly DVD set had some unaired episodes, she grabbed it from me and made a dash for the checkout counter!

Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Wait a minute, "Past Tense" ties?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Aban... your tie... I just realised - is that made out of Romulan uniform material (From DS9 season 3 onwards) [Smile]
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
Wait a minute, "Past Tense" ties?

Yep. I took the photo that I used for that drawing wearing a tie that I made by snipping the thin end off a regular necktie and sewing a snap and button on to it.

Originally posted by AndrewR:
Aban... your tie... I just realised - is that made out of Romulan uniform material (From DS9 season 3 onwards) [Smile]

Why do you think I bought them? [Smile] Shhhhh... don't tell my wife.

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