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Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Or else what?

Personally, I'm in favor of letting someone who is terminally ill and/or suffering debilitating pain die, if they want to.

But Jacko crossed some lines, including videotaping it. Don't wory, eventually someone will take his place. Hopefully someone who isn't such an attention-hound.

Oh, and to the people who say that chronic pain sufferers can be treated with medication. You know what? They can't always. I know. See, my gf suffers from chronic pain from three sources: cervical rib resectioning collateral damage, interstitial cystitis, and chronic severe migraines. (if you want, ask and I'll explain those things).
She's also allergic to most forms of pain medication (because they're all in the same two or so "families" of drug, the bases of which she's allergic to) except Demerol.
Since Demerol is classified as a narcotic, it's extremely dificult to find a primary-care physician who is willing to prescribe such medicine to a patient on a regular basis.
Because of the crackdown on addicts, and doctors who prescribe narcodics, an innocent person suffers. (&^%$ing HMO's!)

*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
First of Two, are so correct. My mother has Cerebral palsey, and she deals with so much pain and migranes, its hard to get the right medications. She had to go to a special clinic in order to get a doctor to prescribe what she needed.

Jeff Raven - Having more fun than any human being should be allowed to have

Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
definition of HMO:
Shortened from the original"Hey,Moe", named for Dr. Moe Howard, who discovered that a person would forget about the pain in there feet if poked sharply in the eyes.

The Naked Now


Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
I did a paper on this...

He isn't murdering anyone ... he is providing relief to the patients that need him. And it's not like he goes out there and advertises...
"Want to Die? Call 1-800-kill-me-now" ..

He doesn't do that ... so what's the other people's beef? .. I just don't see it.

There are people who one loves immediatly and forever. Just to know that you exist in the same world together is sufficient. Till I loved, I never lived - enough.

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Jubes.... videotaping and putting it on 60 minutes isn't advertising?

�������������-The Breen at Internment Camp 371


Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
There is a difference here between advertising to make a profit and broadcasting to raise awareness.

I have no qualms with what he did. TV is a communication tool. Use it.

I drink therefore I am.



Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
What he did was illegal. He had been aquitted several times, but video taped this one to force the issue. He created the evidence that sent him to jail. He lost in court.

Do I agree with what he did. I don't know. I've never known anyone who was so sick that they wanted to die.

The Naked Now


Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
I may eventually be that ill, as my disease progresses. *shrugs* But I still don't know if I would want to take my life because of that.

However, it is not whether or not we would do something like that, or whether or not WE PERSONALLY think it is right. It is a simple matter of who has the right to do something, and who doesn't.

There are people who one loves immediatly and forever. Just to know that you exist in the same world together is sufficient. Till I loved, I never lived - enough.

Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :

If that doesn't sound like a sci-fi alien race I don't know what does.

Dominion Forces Take Kevorkia

Dominion battleships and Cardassian warships launched an all attack against Kevorkia, taking the planets in a matter of hours. Thousands of Kevorkians fled their home planet, but many were captured in orbit and millions remain on the surface.
"It was horrible. They have destroyed our quality of life. We could just die," reflected one Kevorkian. The concensus was mutual among all survivors.
The Kevorkians where last reported to be heading towards Heaven's Gate.

IF is the middle word in Life.
--Appocalypse Now

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
I saw a documentary about a doctor in the Netherlands performing euthanasia. It was one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen on TV.

"I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here." - William Temple


Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

In what way?

Euthanasia is a good thing!

Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

And it's legal here.
Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

which is good.
Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

If you are really very ill and going to die in a short time anyway and don't want the pain anymore.
Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Upsetting because you were watching someone die. Yes, he was terminally ill, his wife was with him, he was in the comfort of his own home. . . but that doesn't change things.

I don't know whether euthanasia is right or wrong. I've never been in a situation where a change to my health meant that dying might be hetter than living. So for others to condemn it because their religion says they should strikes me as wrong. Especially when these are usually the same people who oppose abortion. By their lights, abortion is wrong, euthanasia is wrong, but sentencing teenagers, the mentally impaired (and above all else, anyone who's black) to death for any sort of crime is OK. And they find nothing wrong with that.

Actually, I HAVE been in such a situation. But I don't like talking about it.

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