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Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
This is gonna be long. It's therapy...

I have 5 days now to the first of my final exams.
My knowledge seems more scarce than even two weeks ago, and I am overwhelmed by a sense of impending doom. If I mess up these exams I am truly kaput.

My days are spent wandering my building at Uni, reading notes sporadically, but taking in little. My closest friends prefer to study at home, and refuse to organise any social activity as it would use up "study time". I instead have only freaks and inbreeds to interact with, so I interact little.

My evenings are similarly grim, as at home I get no rest with the constant racket of a crowded house full of siblings back from their already completed exams elesewhere. Siblings who have displaced me from my normal bedroom to a less confortable sleeping environment.

What is more, as I tour the building I find a developing resentment of all the freakish creatures I pass, who seem unconcerned by the impending apocalypse. Perhaps because they have their foul, diseased tongues down each others throats most of the time.

This is the fortnight of hell. Abandon all joy ye who enter here. :-(

"She turned me into a NEWT!..........
.....Well, I got better..."

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
Don't worry Monty, you'll do fine. I've just finished my last exam yesterday, and at times through the five weeks of work and revision, I didn't think I'd make it, but I'm through, and you'll get through too.

See you on this side mate.

BTW: if in doubt, just think of that IQ score and you'll be alright. Either that, or don't forget your Weetabix

The public has spoken. Common sense has prevailed. We have been returned what was wrongly taken away from us. All hail COCO POPS!!


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
I'm not too encouraged by that 160 IQ. All it means is I should know better than be doing this dumb subject. *frowns* *sighs* *falls asleep*

"She turned me into a NEWT!..........
.....Well, I got better..."

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
If anyone can make it through the darkness, and into the light, It's The Fox!



Posted by David Sands (Member # 132) on :
Monty, though I don't know you, I wish you the best of luck. I know the feeling, as I had a similar state of mind around the beginning of May too. I don't exactly know how you are doing in your subjects, but if you are as tenacious, relentless, and resolute in the classroom as I've seen you here on the board, then I think you are better able to pull through in the clinch than you may give yourself credit for. I hope you succeed in all your trials. I hope your performance is indicative of your drive and strength.

"Warfare is the greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the Tao to survivial or extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed."

"...attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War, 6th century B.C.E.


Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
You'll do fine, Monty :-) Don't worry.

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
Monty, you're going to do fine!!! I have faith in you, and your abilities.... but that doesn't matter, it's YOU who has to have faith in them. Just tell yourself that you're going to pass them, study as hard as you can, and sit the exam with confidence, that's all you can do!!
Remember that being nervous is going to make your thoughts slip out of your head, and you won't be
able to concentrate, so try NOT to be nervous.. it won't help you at all.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, and sending blessings and good wishes your way.
Good Luck!

3 days till the day of reckoning....
Seduce my mind and you can have my body,
find my soul and I'm yours forever.
- Anonymous


Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
The closest I've come to college level examinations were Air Force Career Development Courses, where I had to commit to memory over 700 questions and answers (multiple choice) for a 100 question test. A lot of airmen were failing this particular CDC exam. My trainer had me studing hard. The payoff was a place in the Temporary Duty Assignment to the Philipines--a very good vacation steeped in debauchery. I passed, barely. A few years after, the Big Wigs decides to break the course into three parts because of the failure rate.
Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Mont, I'm sure you'll pull through pal. Good luck.

"I have only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler.....If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourbale reference to the devil in the House of Commons".

-Winston Churchill


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
You like me, you REALLY like me!

Thanks for the support people. My Reckoning shall begin tomorrow at 0930 BST. My sword is sharpened, there can only be ONE!

"She turned me into a NEWT!..........
.....Well, I got better..."

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
Not really, we just want to increase our post count. (just kidding)

The public has spoken. Common sense has prevailed. We have been returned what was wrongly taken away from us. All hail COCO POPS!!


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Two down, two to go.
Phaser power running low....

"In the name of the LORD! We DEMAND entrance to this Sacred CASTLE!!!!"
"No chance, Engleesh bed-wetting types. I brush my temples at you and call your door-opening request a silly thing. You tiny-brained wipers of other-people's bottoms."

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
When do you finish? My six exams were spread across two weeks although the first four were in the first four days. I just about made it through with my sanity intact.

The public has spoken. Common sense has prevailed. We have been returned what was wrongly taken away from us. All hail COCO POPS!!


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
I have a hellish big one tomorrow and a last one on Friday. (I worry they may choose that day to cut off my computer access! Bloody well hope not!)

My world at the moment... (ulp!)

"I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
*fires a few spatial charges at Monty's attacking foes* There. Feel better?

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :

Yeah! Took 'em out one by one.

"I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"

- Monty Python & The Holy Grail


Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
And after you graduate, you probably wont be able to find any employment in the areas you studied.

"Get a life!"

Bill Shatner


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