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Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*wonders how many Americans are waiting for Canada to actually melt*

"A Star Wars picture that preaches against greed is a little like Bill Clinton in the pulpit for a chastity-begins-at-home campaign."

-Rex Murphy on Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
What's PEI?

You missed Maryland, but I did get a map to check, mostly because I'm lazy.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
PEI = Prince Edward Island. I believe it's the smallest province, located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, North of Nova Scotia and East of New Brunswick.

>Um... first of all, be glad that the DEW line existed. Without it, you would have been wide open to nuclear missiles from the Soviets in the Cold War.

Right, you built and maintained the DEW line and NORAD all by yourself...

>Oh, and how about that little thing... the.. um.. Suez crisis? What was the name of that guy who solved it? Pearson? A Canadian? Naaah... the sheer thought that a non-American would invent the UN peacekeeper is ludicrous.

Yeah, that was only what.. 40 years ago? I wouldn't call that flexing muscle.

>And how about the treaty that the US refuses to sign because it's too dirty... you know, the Treaty of Ottawa that every civilized country (except the US... or is pointing this out even necessary) has signed to ban Anti-personnel landmines. Who came up with that?

You're right on on that one. That's a good example. But I don't see y'all enforcing it. Coming up with a good idea is one thing, implementing it is quite another.

>Or that battle in France in WW1 where the Canadians saved the asses of everybody... Vimy something?

More 80-some year-old "current events?"

>Basketball's Canadian too, just in case you were asking. And Trivial Pursuit. And William

I hate basketball. It's dull. Trivial pursuit is a good game, but it hardly influences world events, the movie "Spies Like US" notwithstanding.
And the director of Star Trek V.

>You hit the nail on the head there by saying all the US cares about is its immediate borders, or whatever it can blow up in order to preserve "the American Way" outside the US. But if that was the way "ALL other countries" acted, then this planet would be a radioactive cinder. Canada, unlike the States, is far less concerned with appealing to the lowest common redneck denominator than the fate of humanity in general.

Or so the Germans would have you believe. Remember, self-preservation is enlightened self-interest, too. Don't like the way we do business? Then shop on your own side of the border.

>Screwball Fact: Americans are so ignorant that, as a percentage, more Canadians can name all 50 American States than Americans can name all 10
Canadian Provinces. Talk about one big, close-minded nation.

I can and would, but somebody already did. Course, the way you're holding onto Quebec, it might be 9 pretty soon. The maritimes aren't particularly economically healthy, either. Heard some grumblings a while back about that..

More than that, I can point out any country you can name on an unlabeled world map. Including a lot of places that aren't there anymore. (Anybody else here remember Tannu Tuva or the State of Franklin?) I know the names of most of the "autonomous areas" in Russia, I can draw a fairly good N. America map, states and provinces included, from memory. And I predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union while my PolySci professor (guess where he was from) was still saying it was "extremely unlikely."

"... Then you'll see me do some MAJOR dancing on your face!" -- Cosby


Posted by Holst on :
For the record I'm Canadian. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I can begin.

First of all it seems to me very foolish to carp about history that happened so long ago. You all can brag about how each of our respective countries did that and did this and how the other country ruined this and screwed up that. The point is that both Canada and the US has done great things for the world and also screwed it up in many ways. Most people with a cool head and some common sense will be able to see that. There always be those people who'll need to show how superior they are. Unfortunately, most of us tend to focus on just those people and forget about everyone else.

"It's good and well to leave the government in the hands of the perfect man but what happens when the perfect man gets a bellyache?" - Belgarath the Sorceror by David Eddings


Posted by bryce (Member # 42) on :
LOL @ First of Two!

Tell'em where to do their shopping.


"Everything I needed to learn in life I learned from Optimus Prime."

Rule #1 : Always try to help a friend redeem himself from a past mistake.


Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
My immediate question is why can Canadians name all fifty states? What is the Canadian interest there? Why are you people concerned about our state names if we are not overly concerned with yours. Big deal. You can do something an American 12th grader hasn't the interest, or knowledge, to do. Trivial if you ask me.

But I like Canada, haven been there to wonderful Grand Centre and Cold Lake Alberta--near Edmonton! I'll say this, the strippers are a hell of a lot better--tossing loonies at snatch requires more skill than slipping a dollar into a garter-- and so is the Molsens Triple X. (I believe this idenitifies my priorities and concerns.) Also, Canada has the balls to put a demon, and a couple of guys rowing a boat across the sky, on a beer lable. That's cool!

[This message was edited by Cargile on June 05, 1999.]

Posted by Simon on :
When I mentioned some of Canada's military achievements it was not to say that Canada is superior because it did more than the US in the past. More it was to show a difference between Canadians and Americans today. Americans seem to constantly be taking credit for saving the western world during WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. Or they go on about how heroic the Americans were in fighting the enemy when no one else would. Canadians who have a military history to be even more proud of, on the other hand, rarely discuss the sucesses of thier history. If it wern't for Canada Post commercials most would know very little of them.
Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Hey! Frank, you forgot New Brunswick!

*thwaps Frank as over 1% of the Forums' population is from here*

Vreenak: "The man who started the war with the Dominion... Somehow I thought you'd be taller." (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Sorry. I just did the first ten that came to mind.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Wait! Never mind, that's two per cent.

Vreenak: "The man who started the war with the Dominion... Somehow I thought you'd be taller." (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

[This message was edited by Elim Garak on June 05, 1999.]

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
That's right, Ben. I'm from New Brunswick, too! And damn proud of it. Ever notice how green Canada is and how grey the US is? We've got more trees here in NB that New England does! (Exaggeration there, Maine has a lot of trees). And cold? Why is it that everyone thinks Canada is cold all the time? It get's pretty damn hot around here. Upwards of 40 degrees! (that's 102 for those of you that don't know Celsius). Sure, NB may have the longest winters, but that's part of our tourism! How many states can have snowmobiling for 4 months a year?

That's about all I'm gonna say for now.

Star Trek : Dark Horizon
Creator, Owner, Only Writer

[This message was edited by Fabrux on June 13, 1999.]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
*Monty, Liam, Lee, Orion, MaGiC, Chris, Chris, and friends all knock on the front door, feeling left out in the cold*

One thing for you all over there in the continent of North America. What's the capitals of England, Scotland, Britain, Wales, Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, and EIRE.

And don't look at the US citizens/Canadians (delete as applicable) answers.

"In my defence that bush is actually quite big"
-<i>M the F.</i>

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
*hiss* We're not that stupid.

England: London
Scotland: Edinburgh
Britain: London
Wales: Cardiff, isn't it?
EIRE: Dublin
Northern Ireland: Belfast, I believe
The UK: London

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Actually, the correct answers are Wubble, Wubble, Wubble, Wubble, Wubble, and Napoleon XIV.

[This message was edited by Baloo on June 15, 1999.]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Damn, thought I'd catch you out with the whole British, UK thing there.

Although I have to correct you.

The correct answer for the capital of Wales is: WGAF.

"In my defence that bush is actually quite big"
-M the F

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