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Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Since I've been having a serious poblem with spelling since starting to use a PC, I did a little research on the problem. For one thing I found that My tendency to add a d to college comes from studying translations from eastern europe. A phonetic thing there, even the universities misspell it in some of their literature. Anyone else had this sort of problem? And are there any online tutorials that can help in learning the use of the key board?
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on : is your firend, as well as mine.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
"in learning the use of the key board."

I love this.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
And the proper expression would be? Really though I recognize that I have a problem here. I've been visualy impaired most of my life. reading and writting are very difficult for me. So if any one has any suggestions about how to improve on this I would like to hear it. The dictionary link I'll check out. Trying to look things up in books has become very difficult. Headaches and eyestrain make consentration difficult. More so in recent weeks this can lead to short temper and so on.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I am going to guess it isn't an issue of "properness" but instead old-tymeyness.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Oldtimey is cool. I'm new to trying to use the personal computer but I'm probably a lot older than you guys. Thats why I'm more interested in early Sci Fi than recent movies. Sci Fi was always one thing that really captured the imagination. As my vision has improved I've tried to get back into it. Still going to take awhile. And part of what I was trying to figure out is how the typo thing still seems to be a problem with more experianced users.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
What's going on here, anyway? We've had a 50+ and a 13 year old join in the same week. Is it "extreme age recruitment day", or something?

Besides, 53 really isn't that old. Or indeed, old. Go to the opticians and get a pair of glasses, like a real man. Go on. Grr.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Liam my vision problem was caused by damage to the optic nerves due to a post operative infection and cannot be corrected by wearing glasses. The nerve sheath was damaged,I do wear glasses. I require three different pair since the trifocal thing doesn't work for me. I was almost totaly blind for awhile and have great difficulty even now. The dictionary link looks like it will be a great help, any other links of this kind are welcome. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Did you do what most Yanks do at the drop of a hat, and sue them? I'm guessing there isn't any sort of corrective surgery that can be done...

But, er, for advice, the best I can come up with stuff.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Unfortunatly corrective surgery caused the problem. Failure of a prothesis. Alloy was off in the pins. Since blindness was the only alternative, to having the operation and since my sight was saved even though it did not turn out as well as I'd hoped, the Idea of a lawsuit never occurred to me. In fact the attitude toward lawsuits is very different in this part of the country. Litigation is frowned on here.At least in those days. BTW one of my family fell ill while in england sometime back and was treated at a clinic of some sort in london. They had never heard about socialized medicine and were suprized when told there would be no bill. They also said that the medical personel were very efficent and well mannered. Don't see much of that in the US any more.

[ September 05, 2003, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: Mountain Man ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Now is not the time to be getting into how much we rule.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Rule thats a good one. Any way just because some Brits are weenies, I don't hold it against the rest. Whats the deal, no pride? Any way this thread has probably shown about all the good results that it ever will. That dictonary link is great. So I'll just let this slide for now and if anyone wants to delete it,its fine with me.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Did rule, since the two world wars you holding have diminished....

Don't let misspelllings bother you to much,sense we all make them anyweigh, as Jason and I can attest.

Jason and I, that sounds kind of funny to me, as I am also Jason, almost like I am talking with one of my other personalities or some such...
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Did rule, since the two world wars you holding have diminished....

We'll be back, just you wait and see... [Smile]

Hey, MM which Brits are weenies?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Tony Blair. DARKSTAR. James II.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I've had just about enough of your James II bashing, Tim.

It stops.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Okay, Harold II, then. I mean, he did get conquered by the French, after all.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
What have you got against the sequels?
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
That black stripe down the middle of the page makes it so much more fun to read than normal pages.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Exactly what page do you mean? Because the one he linked to only has a stripe way over at the left side, which doesn't even come close to the text.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Then you either have a browser that doesn't know it's HTML, or have a ridiculously low resolution.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Wraith:
Did rule, since the two world wars you holding have diminished....

We'll be back, just you wait and see... [Smile]
Malcolm Reed?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Originally posted by Wraith:
Did rule, since the two world wars you holding have diminished....

We'll be back, just you wait and see... [Smile]
Malcolm Reed?
The worms in fry's gut?
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Interesting page. Sort of shoots down the Idea that racial hatred and the oppression of minorities is an American thing rather than being part of the history of the world. Take some peoples gratuitus use of the word "NIGGER", or the mention of any female relative in the sort of conversation that went on in another thread. Uncouth and obnoxious behavior is expected of children not of men. And "JAPS" the derogatory term would be "NIPS" and there are a lot worse things the Japanese military of WW2 could be called. "Jews" is a term no one I know of considers an offensive word. "KIKE" is the derogatory term. The politicaly correct "African American" terminology has never been popular among "colored folks" yes silly as it sounds thats the polite term here and the one the elderly "negros" prefer. "Blacks" as the younger crowd insisted on for a while was something that only stirred up memories of slavery. "Brother Man" is the term to use now days. I've lived and worked with blacks, colored folks,negros,and the brothers and since I'ved never bothered to make a point of mentioning their race to begin with no problems have come up. Race is less of a problem around here than most parts of the country.You have to look for trouble in order to find it here.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Interesting page. Sort of shoots down the Idea that racial hatred and the oppression of minorities is an American thing rather than being part of the history of the world.
That would be the idea espoused by...?

...and yes, Reed is our secret weapon in the reconquest of Earth. He will invent a special phased-mega-blaster-phaser cannon that uses the light reflected from Picard's head. [Razz]
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
In answer to your question"Weenies".Ever heard the expression"If that were true then I'm a Chinese airline pilot"? What do you think the expression means?

[ September 07, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Mountain Man ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Mountain Man:
"Brother Man" is the term to use now days.

The census form writers must be having a nightmare time of it lately.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Wouldn't know not an official terminology,something the brothers use.Care to comment on the "Chinese airline pilot", Or "calling a spade a spade".
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Then you either have a browser that doesn't know it's HTML, or have a ridiculously low resolution."

Mozilla 1.3.1 and Internet Explorer 5.5. Resolution is 1024x768.

"Or 'calling a spade a spade'."

See, now you're being derogatory.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
How so?
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
We will tell you later. The plan is coming together.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
What the hell is going on these days?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
All part of the game. Tick tick tick tick. Carry on.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Red Quacker Volume II: For Shizzle My Quizzle.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Actualy most of you have done quite well. "DA MIND BE AH TURBAL THANG" [Cool] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Wink]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
You're a 53 man from Tennessee.

And you remind me of major barcalow.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Don't recognise the name. Kind of odd to me how being from tennessee would automaticaly mean that I was a racist. Or anti anything really. When I mentioned race in relation to the study of history,I ran into the same thing Tolkien did here in the 60's. Since I am of mixed race myself this really perplexed me. Not black By the way in case any one thinks "NIGGER" is going to bother me personaly. This area has had so little in the way of racial violence in my lifetime that I was amazed by what goes on in the rest of the country and overseas. So while my questions may seem odd its because I found some of the attitudes odd. P.S. Tennessee was not part of the Confederacy. If the quote from Outlaw Jose Wales led you to believe differently thats tough.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Are we in endgame yet? I'm tired.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
Mozilla 1.3.1 and Internet Explorer 5.5. Resolution is 1024x768.

I'm using IE 6 and the resolution above that, and the right hand black stipe is over the text just to the right of middle.

In fact, even dropping down to 1024 x 768, it still obliterates the text at the top.

This is more fun, isn't it?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Ah, I see the problem now. I don't maximize my browser window, so the second stripe was actually off the right-hand side of the window and not interfering with anything. When I maximize the window and the text realignes itself, then I see the difficulty.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on : try this link see if it gives the same sort of blind spot when it comes to british racism and atrocities against minorities.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Tennessee was not part of the Confederacy.
Um, hello Mr. Historical Accuracy Man, that just isn't true.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I think it's important to remember that crystals in the winter only form when in the presence of the sublime, and also that rock salt Candyland Seattle.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
The state was not part of the confederacy at the begining of the war.East Tennessee my part and the only part that matters to me was union. We fought against the rest of the state. And paid a heavy price. War at every door they called it.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Tennessee joined the Confederacy in July of 1861.

There is absolutely no way you can make a valid claim that it was not part of the Confederacy simply because it joined after the firing on Fort Sumpter, irregardless of regional loyalties.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
A) That's funny. I lived in Chattanooga for ten years and I never heard a thing about that. Apparently it's not considered that big a deal in that part of East Tennessee, given that, y'know, everyone who fought in the civil war is dead...

B) My goodness, this man is from MY STATE!? What city, praytell?
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Matter of regional loyalty. Also of legality. We fought for the Union. I never think about middle and west tennessee as my home. Crooked politicians afraid to stand up for what was right. East Tennessee was solid against slavery and preserving the Union. Unionist was the term.We had our own war inside a war. Not something you hear about anymore.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
I never think about middle and west tennessee as my home. Crooked politicians afraid to stand up for what was right.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Say whatever you want to about parts of states and regions, the fact of the matter is that the state of Tennessee seceeded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Screw middle and west tennessee they don't speak for us and we can still kick their butt. Long story. Too complicated to go into now.Read "War at every door". It lays out the time lines and legal aspects.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
I understand the regionalism that took place during the American Civil War, and I understand the strong Union sentimentalities of parts of the state, however, there is no way you can make the claim that "Tennessee was not part of the Confederacy."

It just ain't true.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
The second vote was rigged we proved it. we kicked their butt. East and middle tenn. had a lock on it and the crooked politicians stole ballot boxes and used troops to keep middle tenn. voters away from the polls. Crooked deal, it never was legal."History is written by the victors"We won so we write the history.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

Tennessee seceeded from the Union after a majority of its citizens voted to REMAIN with the Union - it's the only state that voted to remain in the Union but left anyway (and that does say something about their politicians, as M.M. says). A good chunk of Tennesseeans did fight with the North, and quite a few of those were massacred at Fort Pillow.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Thank you sir. While the history books seldom give us credit we were loyal to the union. The war here was terrible. We were always out numbered but we never quit.In this case its a matter of the history books not addressing the fact that the second vote was invalid. It should be corrected but it probably never will be.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Is there some sort of signal degradation between your brain and your fingertips, or is there, as I fear, a real direct corellation between your thoughts and the words (I can't go so far as to call them "sentences") you post?
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
My communication skills are limited by a medical problem. My line of reason is sound. Acepted history is incomplete in this case. Our state was not confederate. The results of the second vote were false. The people of this state took up arms to correct this and won in the end. Though the facts are not in question on this, recorded history does not ,in most books at least, show the whole story.Only by knowing the complete story would the truth be told. While it doesn't matter much to anyone today, it illustrates that the devil is in the details when studying events of long ago.

[ September 08, 2003, 04:11 AM: Message edited by: Mountain Man ]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Kind of odd to me how being from tennessee would automaticaly mean that I was a racist
What!? I did not even mention the word racist. Just reminding you that you are, in fact, 53, and not 13, which it seemed like at the time.

I don't know anything about the American Civil War, but if Tennessee joined the Confederacy, they *were* a Confederate state. Even *if* the majority of people living in Tennessee (Tennesseeers? Tennesseeans?) did not support that decision.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
So, your saying there was a civil war within the Civil War...even in Tennessee?

I had no idea. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
A lot of the problem with communication comes from my vision. Sometimes I get some of you guys mixed up with others. The second vote was not legal and the politicians involved commited treason under those circumstances. After the War it was considered a moot point. Some historians never bothered to study the details or the legal aspects. The schools here made a point of it in the 60's. Aparently no one else bothered to until recently. The fighting here went on for years after the war ended.
Posted by CaptainMike20X6 (Member # 709) on :

Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
The numbers indicate that quite a few people in Tennessee did indeed support the Confederacy.

Tennessee provided approximately 79 regiments of infantry, 69 of cavalry, and 36 of artillery to the Confederacy.


26 regiments of infantry, 23 cavalry, and 8 artillery to the Union.

Tennesseans in the Civil War
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
After they hijacked the state and all its resources, Raising troops was a real problem. I said we were out numbered after the rigged vote. The criminal politcal gangs acted the same way that they always do. The State of Tennessee was in the same position a lot of small countries find themselves in,When people like that take over. Those who tried to do anything about it were often murdered before they had a chance. Study the history rather than just looking at numbers. You are actualy siding with the confederacy when you defend their actions. Are you pro slavery? ps. Not you personaly jay I'm still thinking of someone else. Actualy this all fits with how history gets twisted around. Not knowing the details causes misconceptions that grow over the years. Just looking at numbers tells little. And remember to check my spelling and word use thats what the threads about. This has already been a great help.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Please, don't try to tell me how to study history.

The numbers, that you try to disparage, tell you that the actual amount of persons from Tennessee who joined up to fight was weighted three times in favor of the Confederacy. So while sections of any given state may indeed have leaned toward Union sentements, in this case, an overall view of the state of Tennessee says they supported the south.

[ September 08, 2003, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Jay the Obscure ]
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
You obviously don't know how armies were raised in those days. The figures that you gave are of forces equiped by the Confederacy from Tennessee stores. While the Union forces mentioned were East Tennessee volunteers equiped by the Federal goverment. Soldiers came from all over the Confederacy to Tennessee because thats where the money, weapons, and supplies were. The figures give a wrong impression because you know little about the subject beyond numbers. A common mistake.P.S. Now I've helped you by pointing out your mistake so don't forget to point out any spelling errors on my part.P.P.S. You also forgot the irregulars and guerrillas. And of course those men conscripted against their will by the Rebs. The people of Middle Tennessee that had to serve the rebs or die, And the horsemen from the Indian territorys that also served the south as cavalry.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
And you will have to excuse me for a while I'm working on Six Projects at one time and only have a few minutes at a time for this.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Maybe you should stop this one altogether.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Whats the matter afaid someone will learn something about military history? Numbers don't make history people do. Compare the situation here to similar situations in the third world or europe. It was a military junta that derailed the democratic process through bribery, murder,extortion, terrorism, and much worse. Good men driven from their land returned, and prevailed. Its Better than counting Orcs at Helms Deep.There was real evil at work in this story.Now I'm going back to work.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
A thought came to mind regarding your spelling and syntax issues, you might try typine your posts in an up to date word processing application before posting. This will show you spelling and other errors and all you have to do is cut and paste the post.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
As regards the history of the American Civil War, one might have thought all those years spent studying the subject in college, reading about it, and heck, even re-enacting it might taught me more than a few things.

Although as you so sagely point out, I obviously don't know much about the period in question.

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Thanks for the tips on typing. This medical problem is tough to overcome. And I hope you don't think I'm trying to put you down personaly. I've been involved in Military renactment For many years. Though not in the field. Its the legality issue that supports my statement. The oppressive and illegal power group had a strangle hold on this state. Tennessee was no more than an occupied territory after the war began. You really should read up on the details. You are a good dude and I know that you will agree when all the facts are before you in their proper order, that the whole thing was illegal, and not what the people of this state wanted. Got to fly something just came up. Think about it and we will continue later.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Well, considering the entire succession of states was "illegal", I don't see how Tennessee's succession was any different. It doesn't change the fact that you said Tennessee didn't join the Confederacy, when in fact they did, regardless of the means.

Also, let me get this straight, you hate 2/3rds of your state because of some corrupt political manuevering that happened 120+ YEARS AGO? You do realize everyone from that era is long dead and that things are no longer like that, correct?
Posted by CaptainMike20X6 (Member # 709) on :
Originally posted by Mountain Man:
And you will have to excuse me for a while I'm working on Six Projects at one time and only have a few minutes at a time for this.

i've never been much of a fan of trying to give people helpful advice online, but if you have trouble keping up with your life maybe you could
the threads so far off topic, its like, i've seen the thing with the stuff at the tannhauser gate, time to die, etc..
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
"Keep it before the people that it is proper and right for union men to shoot down upon sight, each and all of these murderers and that it is the duty that East Tennesee Union men owe to their country, to their God and to their abused relatives to see that these men,each,anyone of them,or all,die violent deaths,if they dare show themselves in East Tennessee during the present century." Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Posted by CaptainMike20X6 (Member # 709) on :
everytime we answer him it's like putting a quarter into one of those fortune telling machines.. you never know what fucked up shit will emanate..
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
The major difference between the people of Western Virginia and the people of Eastern Tennessee is that that the Tennesseans were less successful at freeing themselves, politically, from their confederate brethren.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
"Almighty God,our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the hearts of men,and the issues of events,not mixed up by locofocism,nor rendered offensive in thy sight by being identified with men of corrupt minds,evil designs,and damnable purposes,such as are seeking to upturn the best form of government on earth,Thou hast graciously promised to hear the prayers of those in a humble spirit,and with true faith-such as no Secessionist can bring into exercise-call upon Thee.Be pleased,we beseech Thee,favorably to look upon and bless the union men of this commonwealth...Possess their minds with the spirit of true patriotism,enlightened wisdom,and of persevering hostility toward those traitors,political gamblers,and selfish demagogues who are seeking to build up a miserale Southern Confederacy,and under it to inaugurate a new reading of the Ten Commandments,so as to teach that the chief end of man is Nigger!" (Brownlow.) Since we did not actualy lose the second voting and did in fact win the Civil War, what's the problem? Are you all Confederates? I thought Most of you were Commies. All this stuff comes from universities not some punk kids rant page. So you all look pretty stupid. Really boys the South lost. We won ,Is that so hard to understand. Their claims were not valid. They were criminals, so we hunted them down and killed them. Its what we do best. [Cool]
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
And First of two has part of the answer. We really did have the Confederates beaten at the polls.They pulled a fast one, stole the state returns and ballot boxes of seven counties.They also registered Confederate troops for the sole purpose of that one vote.So Tennessee was never legaly part the confederacy. :)P.S. We had no Confederate Brethren just enemies to destroy.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Originally posted by Mountain Man:
Since we did not actualy lose the second voting and did in fact win the Civil War, what's the problem? Are you all Confederates? I thought Most of you were Commies. All this stuff comes from universities not some punk kids rant page. So you all look pretty stupid. Really boys the South lost. We won ,Is that so hard to understand. Their claims were not valid. They were criminals, so we hunted them down and killed them. Its what we do best. [Cool]

Dude, get with the program here...
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
The point was proven long ago. They just don't mention it in schools now days. Just another bit of history. Good read though. WAR AT EVERY DOOR; Noel C. Fisher, 1997, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill and London.
Posted by CaptainMike20X6 (Member # 709) on :
i'm calling gimmick account. only cuz he called us all commies. i think the last time a real, non-satirical, person seriously called someone a commie was 1998
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Keep it before the people that it is proper and right for union men to shoot down upon sight, each and all of these murderers and that it is the duty that East Tennesee Union men owe to their country, to their God and to their abused relatives to see that these men,each,anyone of them, or all, die violent deaths, if they dare show themselves in East Tennessee during the present century."

Okay, see, that century is over, though. So's the one that followed. So you're a little out of date.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
How the hell did you figure we were commies? let alone supporters of the Confederacy? The fact remains that Tennessee supplied large numbers of troops to the Confederate army. Yes, there were significant pro-North elements but the state was still part of the CSA, regardless of the numbers it supplies to either side. Read Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson for a very good narrative and analysis of the war.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
Still mixing up numbers with facts. Since you don't realise why the numbers came out like they did. Tennessee was occupied by the Confederates. People were intimidated,beaten,kidnapped,murdered,and unable to even get to the polls because of outsiders and their corrupt political allies.For an east tennessean to join the federal forces they had to escape from their own state,which was sealed off by the rebs. Middle tennesseans who did not toe the line were often killed by the rebs. Changing the outcome of that second vote by fraud and terrorism, change what happened later.By ignoring that your logic is flawed. The same is true today.The second vote was invalid and there for Tennessee was never truly a confederate state. The facts have always been there. Your lack of logic in the face of facts is the problem. Before the facts are presented you have an excuse after that you don't. And Commies is a jest. They always were a joke.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
The Confedracy took control of this state. We did not join them. Tennessee was captured territory. Any other point of view supports terrorism.Not fighting terrorism supports terrorism.Not recognizing the effects of terrorism supports terrorism. Why people do what they do is more important than what has been done. Ignoring human nature in the study of history is stupid.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Riiight. Just reading back this topic.

It all started with me explaining to Mr. Mountain Man that he was, in fact, 53 years old, and not 13.

And then, suddenly, Mr. Man says:

P.S. Tennessee was not part of the Confederacy.

Which simply isn't true. What then followed was a hard-to-follow, mostly one-sided list of arguments why Tennesseans ARE NOT racists, and WERE NOT Confederate.

While in fact, no-one has on this board has ever said you were a racist, and no-one here really cares about what side your state was on during the Civil War. Perhaps now you can understand our general feeling of "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MAN TALKING ABOUT!? AND HOW DO WE STOP HIM!?"
Posted by CaptainMike20X6 (Member # 709) on :
I think that what everyone fails to realize is that we are in very dire danger that the Tennessee union men and confederates might very well be zombies and continue fighting today. Of all of us, only MountainMan is brave and intelligent enough to bring up this very real threat of the Civil War beginning anew one hundred and forty years later with no concern for the progress which may or may not have been made during the roaring 1920s and the new wave/progressive rock era, possibly spilling over into other states, such as Utah.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
It's a matter of the stolen ballot boxes. We've Always had crooked politicians. When they get caught at it and no one does anything about you have this kind of stuff carried on for centuries. It happened again on a smaller scale in 1946. Ex GIs caught crooked cops stealing the ballot boxes. There was a day long shoot out. The GIs won. It still happens here. History is not accurate unless it is complete with details. There are some who claim the Civil war wasn't about slavery. Thats a mighty poor argument. Any body want to open that can of worms.

[ September 09, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Mountain Man ]
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
No, why would we want to?

Get yourself a punching-bag.
Just because you have a compulsive urge to defend your opinions doesn't make it right to project the opposing views on us.
On the contrary, it makes you sound like you want to be a martyr. Almost a little masochistic.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Incidentally, I've just looked up the appropriate part in a couple of books. Seccession was supported by a margin of 7 to one in Western and central areas of Tennessee (Which had a slave population of 30%). And no matter which way you look at it Tennessee was part of the Confederacy, no matter how few people in east Tennessee supported it. That is historical fact.

Don't know why you're getting so worked up about the whole thing anyway.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"The Confedracy took control of this state. We did not join them."

So, in other words, Tennessee was part of the CSA. Just as much as northern and western France were part of Germany during WW2.
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
As long as the war lasted the East Tennesseans resisted the Confederacy. And If you ever did study the Final poll you would understand that we had enough support in Middle Tennessee to win. The Terrorist in those days were Rebel slave owners from North Carolina. They and the Confederate Troops prevented the pro union supporters from getting to the polls. The incidents of Confederate interferance with the democratic process and the missing ballot boxes prove that the Confederates rigged the whole deal. Without a real chance to make the decision The people were no more than a subject population. The whole process was invalid. We finally won after years of struggle. Legaly we were not a Confederate state only occupied territory. Was Norway an Axis country? No.Was the Phillipines an axis country?No. There was no Confederate State of Tennessee because there was no valid second vote. Its all there in the history books that cover that part of the war. We never took the guilty parties to court since we found it more fitting to kill them. And of course because they did not want to be taken alive. The fighting and retribution here went on for four years after the south laid down its arms. Really folks they deserved the punishment we gave them. If not for what they did to innocent men, women, and children to hold on to property they stole from us we would not have gone to that much trouble after all those years of war.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Who gives a fuck about Tennessee?
Posted by Mountain Man (Member # 1114) on :
You obviously since otherwise you would ignore this thread. You racist confederate sypathiser.Too much hollywood instead of history must have given you the Idea that the rebels were honorable southern gentlemen.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
You racist confederate sypathiser.
You need to be more careful with the sarcastic questions.
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Okay, that's quite enough of that. I've given everyone here far too many warnings.

MM, you are on notice. Shape up or ship out. And my name is Charles, you will address me as that.

UM, Jay, Nim, and the rest of you folks... lay off of MM.

Any further BS will result in a few accounts getting locked.

If I haven't made myself perfectly clear, please let me know.

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