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Posted by Trinculo on :
I posted a thread in the Starships about the new Defiant. I asked for photos. I am being told this is a spoiler by several members.
I believe a spoiler is something revealed about an episode. The new ship was revealed in early May. This makes my posting of May 24 not a spoiler, but a continuation of an earlier dialogue. I feel from reading the responses that people do not read the threads they respond to or forget about those earlier threads.
I feel this is a serious issue. We need to define:

*what a spoiler is
*length of time an item is a spoiler
*what can be said in a spoiler


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It's quite simple, really. Not everyone has seen the episodes in question. The existance of a new ship, especially that new ship, constitutes a rather major spoiler.

"Should have changed that stupid lock. Should have thrown away the key. No no, not I, I will survive, right down here on my knees."
They Might Be Giants


Posted by LB4747 on :
$$$ Slight DS9 Spoiler ahead $$$

I'm not clear on what you mean when you say the info about the new ship was revealed in early May. Are you referring to the info that was on the web, or the hint given on the show by Ross when he says he'll get Sisko a new ship? Either way, it's still spoiler material because it doesn't become fact until "Dogs of War," which has yet to be broadcast in many places.

As for a definition of spoilers, I'd say *anything*, in some cases even a title of an episode, that has yet to be broadcast should be considered spoiler material.

How long should spoilers last? It's a difficult question because this is an international forum, and how far behind some countries are from North America varies greatly. This is probably an issue best decided by those living outside North America.

What can be said in a spoiler? I'd say anything can be said, even giving a way the ending of an episode (although that might not be the smartest thing for a person to do) so long as there are appropriate spoiler warnings and as long as it's in an appropriate forum.
"Since you put me down
It seems
I've been very gloomy
You may laugh
But pretty girls look right through me" -In The Darkest Place

[This message was edited by LB4747 on May 26, 1999.]

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
"Revealed in early May." Gosh, ages ago. That must make it all right then.

Now, again there are spoilers ahead. People in other countries will not get to see these episodes for months or years. They may not wish to know that the Defiant gets destroyed, since it's a central event of the Ds9 Final Chapter arc. So to come along and quite blithely say "oh, now that (whatever) has happened, what does everyone think about. . ?" is deeply insensitive.

I've complained, I've asked, I've threatened, all to no avail. The most common response I've had is "don't come here then." PLEASE say that to me, I haven't made anybody's life a misery in, ooh, weeks, and that's AGES, isn't it?. 8)

Just. . . think before you post, OK? If in doubt, warn of spoilers!

Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Our usual guide line is one year from the US opening broadcast. Anything that is less then a year old, I automaticly think of as a spoiler.

You can say anything in the spoiler. As long as everyone has been warned, go for it. Our use of bad langue here has been on the rise. 1st one slowed the tide, we do that because of so many kids comming in, at least they used to.



Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Maybe their parents read the interrogation threads and decide "Right, no more internet for YOU young man!"

"It seems strange that I, Kudos, a doubter, should be given this luxurious window seat whilst you.... AGEING with age, rot away in that disgrace of an aisle seat. Ha, Hah!
Where is your God now old woman?!"
"Jesus, I'm sorry I asked...!"



Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Spoiler: does not go in thread title; is valid for ten months to one year after U.S. airdate; is to be warned of.

My two cents. Again.

Garak: "I do apologize. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I'd... grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me." (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Posted by jh on :
Those seem fair enough, Garak.

"A screaming comes across the sky..."


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
I have to wait until december 1999/januari 2000 until I can see the DS9 final episode, because the tape will be in the stores in Europe around that time.

Now I know I speak for only a small group of people, but some of us won't see an episode until about a year after it is shown in the US.

I agree with Garak on this.

my 0.02 Euro

"Isn't Y2K year 2048?? I mean last time I checked 1K was 1024.
Now that Y1.953125K, that's where the real problem lies..."


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