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Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Has anyone here played this amazing board game? A friend from work introduced me to it a few months ago; he didn't have to get me hooked, though, it was addiction at first sight.

Tons of shippy goodness, lots and lots of references and trivia, clever integration of various plot points as game rules. It's the game I never knew I was waiting for.

Anyone else here playing? I have a couple of ideas for possible custom scenarios and figure this would be the perfect place to plan them out.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
The concept is very reminiscent of Starfleet Battles and the FASA RPGs. I'm more interested in the miniatures. I kinda wish you could buy them independent of the board game. I already seen some people have painted and modified them, and they look boss. Although, I think its a shame there isn't more diversity with the Klingon Ships. Maybe they could have thrown in some more Klingon designs from Enterprise besides the Raptor.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
This looks interesting for ship combat and the Heroclix people make amazing miniatures- looks cool.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Oh sweet! They do sell the pieces independent of the game under ther heroclix brand.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Troll and sells single ships so you dont need to buy whole sets.
Posted by Scott Nixon (Member # 540) on :
Yes, I've played it--and I really like it! Mainly because it is more of an adventure game than a starship battle game.

@ Mars Needs Women: The game is nothing like any of ADB's products or FASA's STCS; if you're interested, you can read through the rulebook (though there have been complaints that it is a bit of a disorganized mess), which is available here:

You can read all about the game and its pros and cons at BGG. Here is the link to the game's main page on that website:
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
I don't like to look a gifthorse in the mouth, as it is nice to have officially licensed Micro Machines sized model ships, but they're not very sophisticated molds. They're very nicely detailed for game pieces, but not that great outside of the game setting.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Yeah, but I'd just assume skip the game itself and use the ships for some old fashioned FASA tactics o' destruction!

All the TNG and DS9 ships now have plausible FASA stats too- only a matter of time before someone makes an ap for the impossible to extinguush FASA game!

On that day I must give in and let the Google monster officially track (and sell, of course) all my electronic bullshit with their Android technomancy nonsense.

Man, the world really needs a freeware Firefox kinda operating system- but god luck getting the big wireless carriers to support something not gamed by the big two.

I blame Psyliam.
He's too busy for us now that running Apple now that he's gotten rid of Jobs. He sits atop a mountain of cash gleaned from overpriced ipads and works off a laptop made from the polished teeth and vertebrae of Foxconn suicides.
It's really quite pretty.

I'm thinking of suprising my (RPG gamer) best friend with a Kindle choc full of every D&D everything so he can finally lose all those books before he becomes Igor from Young Frankenstein. He's a big Heroclix collector too and a Trek fan...but strangely has not gotten this new game.
Maybe he thinks/knows the Oberth and KBOP would get repainted and stuck into my fleet as cheap additions.

hmmm...maybe I can do the same with the FASA stuff- it's all black and white anyway....

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