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Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Has anyone heard about any merchandizing for "Enterprise"? All they have over at are a few polo shirts with the Enterprise patch. Has a "making of" book been announced? Since the licenses of both Playmates and ERTL have lapsed, is anyone making figures and model kits?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I haven't heard anything at all, but I'd really like to get my hands on a model kit. Actually, any model kit. I have some free time, and I'd really like to try my hand at building a model. It's been ten years since I last tried.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I haven't seen an ERTL or a Monogram Trek model in ages. Not that I cruise every hobby store I see, by any means... My best guess is that you can find models at conventions still. But that's about the only place I've seen them. There's a few on-line places that sell them for a pretty penny.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I was cruising the local 'Job Lot' (which is a closeout warehouse for shit that didnt sell at other stores and get it while you can for a quarter price) and i found a wall of star trek models... i bought seven of the little TOS 3 ship sets with the Rom BOP, Klingon BC and Constitution. The plan is to recombine all my constitution-class pieces into a small fleet of FASA and Tech manual ships. I also got a Defiant 2 footer and a maquis raider...not sure what those are gonna be for, probably just build them and give them battle scars.

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