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Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
While I was working on the Akira page:

(which I must admit is not very surprising, Frank)

I suddenly felt the need to finally compile a comparative (and commented) list of the ship lengths given in our beloved official publications:

Criticism about the table content is welcome, but not about the table style. It took me the whole last night to convert the Excel table into a proper Frontpage HTML table. I reckon retyping would have been much faster. Boycott Microsoft products! (Not that I would suddenly support the Mac fraction, though ).

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
"Actually, most VFX scenes don't exclude the possibility the Akira is actually longer than 400m. 'Message in a Bottle' shows the Akira next to the Defiant, whose size is in dispute as well and the evidence is even much more contradictory. Under the assumption that the most recent VFX size of 170m for the Defiant has been used, the Akira would be longer than

Show me a scene where the Defiant isn't 120m, or that the 170m length has ever been used by anyone on the show.

"Assuming a standard deck height of 3.4m as on most starships seen so far the Akira would be 440m. There is no reason to assume that the Akira is an exception, and further evidence points to about the same length."

Well, if the Akira is a warship, it might have smaller decks.

"In the lower left corner of the above image the Akira top view from this book is scaled to the Sovereign so that the two bridge modules are matched. The result is surprising, since the Akira would be only 272m long, much less than the minimum deck height allows, but about the same size that is allegedly used for VFX, according to David Stipes."

It wasn't that small when I compared the bridges. ( But, we have no reason to think that either the escape pods or the bridges are similar (although realistically the Akira bridge should be about the same size as the Sovereign's, if not smaller).

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
Frank: you merely need to look at one of those full-disk views of DS9, where the Defiant is docked to the station alongside Excelsiors and other ships. For instance, the end of the episode featuring the death of Eddington. Calculate the size of DS9 using the Excelsior, and then calculate the size of the docked Defiant using the obtained diameter for DS9.

If the Defiant is less than about 200-300 meters in that scene, then the station must be less than about a mile, which means that the Excelsior is a real tiny ship.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
OK...if the Defiant is 200m, the Akira is, what, 550m?

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
actually I'd go the 440m on the Akira. After looking at Bernd's page I reckon that the 6**** registry is an anomaly - and that the Akira class to Sovereigns what Nebulas are to Galaxies...

actually in the top left picture I reckon the Saber class might be the 'new mirandas'

"Remove your hand or I will remove your arm!" - 7 of 9

Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
Comments on the size page:

1) Rick Sternbach quoted a 2108' figure three times on the web, which, taken together with the SciPubTech figure (642.5) and that in "Making of DS9" (642) leads me rather to suppose that M. Okuda made a mistake here converting the design size, as he did in the case of the Sovereign.

2) You should probably make mention somewhere of Alex Jaeger's comment about the size of Akira (someone needs to get the exact quote, but I'm pretty sure he compared the 'size' of the two saucers.

3) Why do you take the size of a Miranda for granted, but not that of a Nebula?

4) The size of the Oberth class was given as 395 feet in the ILM charts. Although not definitive, the number might be worth mentioning somewhere.

5) The size of the Vor'cha is 481 meters only to the extent that everyone puts it at ~3/4ths the size of a Galaxy. Rick Sternbach didn't explicitly confirm the usage of a Vor'cha to measure everything, but the numbers seem to work out in this manner (did you ask him?). I've played with the notion that he knew the size of the Negh'Var as well, since he designed it, but that one is far less likely.

6) The actual figure given by Probert is 1200 feet or 366 meters; however, this is close enough. It is worth mentioning that he couldn't convince the VFX people as to the scaling, and that an AMT kit (which otherwise uses the official 360' and 4400' figures for BoP and Warbird, respectively) quotes the size at 1600' or 487 meters.

7) In a separate post, Galor was quoted at "about 1200 feet" by David Stipes.

8) Which vessel do you mean by Vulcan Warp Shuttle? There is the TMP one, which the Encyclopedia, TMP blueprints, and Fact Files place at about 48-53 meters, and there is the lander, with about the same size range.

Nice job overall, might be useful to add a column such as "other sources", just in case we receive further information in the future.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
Frank: I don't know yet, for all we know, somebody might adopt Stipes' 262 meters in the future and scale the Akira down to that in a hundred conclusive shots, or we might see a compromise emerging between 262 meters and the intended 450 meters, as a different team acquires using the correct figure. Might result in the greatest confusion of all times, but wouldn't be the first one.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
"Show me a scene where the Defiant isn't 120m, or that the 170m length has ever been used by anyone on the show."
I'm still looking for that pic where the runabout is tractored by the Defiant, and the Defiant is 7 times as long as the runabout in front of it. I also have the impression that the Defiant is about the length of the Miranda main body in SofA. I'm not so fond about the Defiant comparison anyway, so I might reconsider or replace it sooner or later.

"Well, if the Akira is a warship, it might have smaller decks."
I disagree. Firstly, we can't know if the Akira was really supposed to be a "warship", this would make the Defiant much less radical and also much less powerful than always stated. I think the Akira is a normal explorationcruiserthing with unusually strong armament. Even if the Akira is a warship, who tells us the decks have to be less than 3.5m? There has never been such a ship, and the 120m Defiant (warship) has even decks of 4m or so. I will include your argument to the page, though (I already wanted, but just forgot it).

"But, we have no reason to think that either the escape pods or the bridges are similar (although realistically the Akira bridge should be about the same size as the Sovereign's, if not smaller)."
The escape pods are an additional hint pointing to 440m, I wouldn't exclude they are actually of different sizes. I can imagine a larger bridge module was chosen for the Akira for aesthetical reasons. The ship has much more pronounced components than other designs, and the large bridge counterpoises the catamaran hulls.

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
1) This could save one column, and I could use it for the "other sources"
2) Yes, I didn't have it at hand, either.
3) We have seen Miranda schematics for many years, and they are all 243m. The Nebula schematics are not that clear, with lengths between 440m and 465m. Spontanaous idea: I should do a page about the Nebula size and the variants (Phoenix, Sutherland, Farragut, the "Future Imprefect" Nebula, and the Nebula in Sisko's office).
4) I should take it for granted, although I like the 127m a bit better.
5) I should present Rick Sternbach the results, so far I have grabbed the argument from your site
6) I should have noted 366m somewhere, but I was obviously confused by the many different figures in the FF. I should also add the 487m from the kit. I wonder if anyone ever cared about the size of this ship.
7) Thanks. This one was missing. I already thought it would be some 370m "officially", although I have the impression the Galor is always 481m in VFX.
8) The TMP shuttle. I have included it to demonstrate that the error gets intolerable for the small ships no matter which reference is used.

Thanks for the additional info. I will change the following:
Take only those figures as granted that are confirmed by the designer, the structure of the ship itself and a reliable printed publication.
Add a column with "other sources" (e.g. D'Kora length, the rough design sizes such as "half the length of...")
Ask Rick Sternbach for the reference for the DS9TM (should have done this before).

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
Bernd: In your site, the Akira entry under Starfleet Ship Classes mentions a length of 427m from Ency II. I don't personally have any of the Encys. Anyway, the figure interests me as it equates to 1400ft. Get 1400ft and convert it, you'll get 426.72m! Could 1400ft be Jaegar's original intended length. It's suitable when taking into account the deck structure. It also fits his supposed comment about the saucer being the same width as the Sovereign's.

Oh yeah, where does that 127m Oberth figure originate from?

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

[This message has been edited by Dax (edited November 04, 1999).]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Bernd: The image you want is here. How far away is the Danube?

Aren't the Galaxy's decks something like 3m?

Why would the Akira have a bigger bridge than the Sovereign?

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Oh, God. . . the square of the Hypotenuse and all that. Anybody good with Sines, Cosines, all that stuff I haven't used in 15 years? Take the Danube as 25 metres (?) long, guess the angle of the spread of the beam. . .
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Actually, the problem with that scene is that the Danube is closer to the camera than the Defiant, causing distortion and such.

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
Dax: the 1400' is quite a possibility. Perhaps even 1000 feet (305m) for the Steamrunner, and 1100 (335m) for Norway.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Check the windows on the Norway.

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Dax: I have the 427m from the size comparison chart, all scaled to the Sovereign (not a good idea). I didn't notice the round figure in feet, but it makes sense. Still 100 feet more (460m) would be a bit large, but still possible. I would prefer the 427m. Someone know how to contact Jaegar?

Frank: You are probably right, I also have in mind that the average Galaxy decks are not quite 3.4m or 3.5m. If I get it right, the Galaxy, the ship with a kindergarten and elementary school, carpetry in engineering and a weapon console that looks like our former living room furniture is supposed to be a warship.

The Danube: The pic is from the scene I was talking of, but here the Deffy is only about five times the length of a Danny (which for most of us yields the desired length). Could there be another screencap where the runabout is closer to the Defiant and therefore appears smaller? I remember a factor of 7.

BTW, which episode is it? It's probably before the shuttlebay was installed.

Bridge: There is no definite reason why the bridge should be larger on the real ship.
*engages speculationjustificationconjecturedevice*
Maybe there is an additional hull armor around it?

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, regardless, the Galaxy does have ~3m decks, anyway.

The image is from "By Inferno's Light."

Frank's Home Page
"Okay, what's an MSD?" - Rick Sternbach


Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
People -might- want to check who supervised the Effects for the episode. It would be interesting to determine whether any of the episodes featuring a clear 100m length were supervised by David Stipes. I've had enough e-mail exchanges with him to be pretty certain that those sizes -are- used in his episodes most of the time.

While he does fudge the numbers from time to time in order to make a particular shot fit, the deviations we observe are far more likely, in my opinion, to be the work of other supervisors using different figures. I'm gonna be sending a regular letter to Gary Hutzel in a couple of days (now that we're in the same country), asking him about the Defiant and perhaps a few other issues.

The tractor emitter remained there a long time after the shuttlebay was shown. One of the clearest views is in fact provided during the Defiant's destruction.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 04, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 04, 1999).]

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
Bernd: I've noticed a couple of things in your Starship Size Table-

1. Your ** says that the ILM chart is from TWOK. The chart was for ST:III.

2. Shouldn't the length of the Sovereign-class be accepted as 685m? 2248ft is written twice in the TNG Sketchbook. 685m is also listed on the SciPubTech poster.

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

[This message has been edited by Dax (edited November 04, 1999).]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
A couple things to keep in mind:

1. When you calculate your decks, you have to leave additional room for Jefferies Tubes between decks.

2. Can't we just say that the Danube is about 1.5 decks thick (the main deck plus room for storage and crawl spaces above and below)? If the Defiant has five decks (I know the Tech Man says four, but Jadzia said "Hull breach on deck 5") and the Danube has 1.5 and they're close to the same should be able to calculate the Defiant size.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
If it were only that simple ...

The fifth deck on the Defiant was mentioned in three episodes, "To the Death", "Rejoined", and "Way of the Warrior". Sure, we can arrive at a pretty good lower limit using the five-deck figure, but we also have to keep in mind the fact that the MSD shows four decks plus a little subdeck downbelow.

This means that Deck 5 is likely an accessway of some kind, which could be ceiling-less in some spots so as to allow people (Sisko) to walk on it. In order to emphasize the deck-function of the crawlspace, we should probably assume the greatest size possible for those four decks, which gives us perhaps 110-120 meters as the length.

The upper limit to the size is, of course, provided by the observed set spacing of Engineering levels 1 and 2. I'd really like to know what this works out to.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
OK, I'm going to try and end this once and for all.

I measured the AMT Defiant model. The height from the bottom of the nacelles to the top of the circular area around the bridge (basically, the distance you'd get if you placed the model flat on a table and put a flat piece of wood across the top of the circle and measure the distance between the wood and the table) is 6 cm � .5 mm (I sure hope you guys can see that "+-" thing; if you just see some odd character, it's a "give-or-take" thingie). The length from rear to deflector was 41 cm, � 1 cm. Using these measurements, estimating a reasonable deck height, and agreeing that the Defiant has to have at least 4.5 decks, we should be able to come up with a reasonable range for a completely internally consistant size for the Defiant. Assuming, of course, that the AMT model has the same ratios as the official physical model and the CGI model. I think we'll all agree to that.

Let's start with the minimum size. If the Defiant only has four full decks and no subdecks (just for the sake of argument, and so we won't have to debate about the size of deck five), the length of the model is 40 cm, and a deck is two meters high including all space between (ala Jefferies tubes), we get 55 meters, � two for outer hull and armor.

Now for max size. Say deck five is actually a full deck (again, for the sake of argument), the length of the model is 42 cm, and a deck is three meters high, including all space between, we get 105 meters, � two for outer hull and armor.

So using those assumptions, and throwing in a reasonable margin of error, we get a length somewhere between 50 and 110 meters. The only real guesswork involves the height of a deck. Anyone have a dispute over that?

If not, I'd say that the average of the boundary lengths is as close to the real length as we're gonna get until new evidence emerges. That would put the Defiant around 80 meters. Internal consistancy only gaurenteed, of course.

As for comparisons to other ships, the only way this works is some odd subspace phenomenon. Then compairing to DS9 would be a problem, since no subspace field could be active when docked. So we could say it's a problem with the size of DS9, not the Defiant!

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
Omega: The AMT/FFiles model is NOT accurate. It can be used to obtain rough measurements, though.

55m??? There is no way the Defiant could be that small. 2m high decks? I think not. Realistically, no full starship deck should be less than 3m tall. This gives a minimum length of 90m for our friend, the Defiant. I would be surprised if the ship was actually less than 110m long, though.

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
OK, so we've narrowed down a variable. Say three meter high decks including the Jefferies tubes below as part of a deck. Then you can count deck 5 as part of deck four and give deck four a full count. Three meters per deck over four decks makes twelve meters tall. Say thirteen including outer hull and armor. That gives a ratio of 2.167 meters per centimeter. After remeasuring the Deffie with a different method, I get 40 cm, � 5 mm. That gives somewhere between 85.6 and 87.75 meters. So say somewhere between 80 and 90 meters. Unless someone has a better deck height, that is.

So the AMT model has a different shape that the official model?

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
The actual model has a greater relative width (assuming a 560' length, the AMT model is 380' wide while the official is 410'). Which doesn't make me a believer of the 560', I only remember the ratios from past measurements.

And you have to keep in mind that the bottom of the nacelles isn't the actual bottom of the Defiant. For reference, MSD Deck 3 is the bottom of the ship, while Deck 4 is the surrounding shell areas. The nacelles extend a little below the shell areas.

"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
OK, so the AMT is shorter than the real thing by a ratio of about 8%? That would make the Deffie somewhere between 85 and 100 meters. Except, of course, for the problems with the deck locations you mentioned, which I don't quite understand. Could you clarify, please? If I DO understand, there are three decks between the top of the bridge and the ventral side of the ship in a straight line down, with deck four being the biggest part of the nacelles, and deck five the small area below that. Correct?

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
According to the MSD ship structure, deck 5 would have to be inside the nacelles at the absolute bottom of the ship. It would give access to the nacelle internals as well as the lower pulse phasers (those pulse phasers can't be a part of deck 4).

One question- why would Sisko take Weyoun and the Jemmy soldier to this deck 5 (turbolift ride in "To the Death")?

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
Very good analysis, completely agree with the placement. Did they ever exit the Turbolift, would it be possible that the two had gotten off before deck 5?


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide


Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
We don't see them exit the turbolift.

All three get on together and then Sisko says "deck 5, section 1". The scene does imply that they are all going the same place. Emphasis on the word "imply"

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
OK, so the top of the bridge to the bottom of the main body is four full decks, and deck four runs into the nacelles, deck five being a smaller deck below deck four, only under the nacelles? That's what I thought, if so. Any other problems with my analysis?

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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