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Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
No one has mentioned this yet, but apparently, according to Pocket Books' website, a comprehensive ship book is indeed go for production. More details than that do not exist.

So, should we panic or celebrate? Most people are going to have flashbacks to the hastily prepared ship section of the DS9 tech. manual. However, I think there is reason to hope. For one, this book would presumably be dedicated to ships, ships, and nothing but ships. Now, the parts of the DS9 manual that were actually about DS9 were wonderful, in my opinion. Hence, I would say that, with focus, we could expect some lovely or at least entertaining information.


"If you are going to be my girlfriend please don't dump me after I like you."

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
[Refuses to hold breath until he sees the finished product.]


Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
--Mark Twain


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
We should contact pocket books and tell them to get their asses over here and to and we can tell them where they are going wrong... or at least steer them in the correct direction - A mention in the aknowledgements would be sufficient payment !?!

Ralph: Um, Miss Hoover? There's a dog in the vent.
Hoover: Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?
Ralph: He was going to the bathroom.

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Yes, we definetly want them to have an outside source to do some corrective reading!

-You're crazy!!!
-I thought I was pisces!


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
*goes into spasm*

Methinks 'tis all a wicked, wicked lie.

"You will be swept away....
You, your men, your ship, your WORLDS!"


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
If they give a 120-metre Defiant I shall annoint them with cranberry juice.

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
My incessant lobbying has paid off.

But yes, you'ns should probably offer aid and assistance, since we don't want to se a rehash of the ships section from DS9TM. Let them know THAT, too.

Personally, what I think we/they should be aiming for is "Jane's Starships." Perhaps in a multi-volume set, if that would save on cost...

2002: Vol 1: Jane's Federation Starships
2003: Vol 2: The Allies: Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian Starships
2004: Vol 3: The Players: Ferengi, Breen, Gorn, Tholian, Bajoran, Dominion, Borg, 8472, etc.
2005: Vol 4: Merchants, Pirates, Private Vessels, and One-shots.

Of course, you could rearrange the above to make better sense, but The concept is sound.

At least offer solutions to problems we seem to have resolved... let THEM figure out the size of the Defiant. In any case, I wouldn't expect to see this product until at LEAST 2002... if they intend to do better than a half-a$$ed job on it.

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson

Baloo and I have been reading the same books :)


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Who is going to contact them then!?! Like that Farside comic where the aliens have landed outside a karate do-jo SP?? and the aliens are made of wood and bricks... this is OUR time! heh heh

no seriously... a few firm helping hands would keep them on track - they must REALISE that all 253 or so of us would automatically go out an BUY this book if it was done correctly... if it was seriously rooted - then they've wasted their money haven't they...


who's contacting them then...

Ralph: Um, Miss Hoover? There's a dog in the vent.
Hoover: Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?
Ralph: He was going to the bathroom.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I wouldn't even know how to who to contact at Pocket Books. Hopefully, they wouldn't be annoyed, but they probably would.

In addition to six-side schematics, which may be better than normal reuses of the Illustrator graphics used in the Encyclopedias, I want to see several correct 3/4 views of each canon ship. This would include the new ones like the Raven, the Centaur, the Yeager Class, the Shelley Class, etc.

These should be good, quality CGI pics not just fuzzy screen caps.

Publish it in paperback so'z we can all afford it :-)

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Jim Phelps (Member # 102) on :
I believe I speak for many people when I say that the book's official status doesn't hold -that- much significance. There's no longer that feeling "it's by Rick Sternbach and Mike Okuda, and therefore it's canon until proven otherwise, except for maybe the phaser beam coming out of the torpedo launcher".

The show is canon, everything else is Rick Sternbach's opinion. And whatever Gary Hutzel says about the Defiant is going to be more valid than whatever Rick Sternbach says on the subject, even within the context of a manual, because Gary Hutzel is making VFX, while Rick Sternbach has zero input into the whole thing.

Therefore, if the book is to succeed with us, Rick Sternbach would -have- to contact two main groups: the Visual Effects and the designers. Ideally, the entries would be reviewed by these people, however, a couple of phone-calls would also be sufficient. I mean, what's the next best thing to visually determining the origin of Defiant's phaser emissions? Knowing where a visual effects supervisor would put them in. If he doesn't have anything planned out, even a mere "we'll if I had to I'd put them riight here" would be valuable.

And of course, increased interaction between Rick Sternbach and the Visual Effects works both ways, with the latter providing his tremendous background knowledge to the crew, which means better consistency for us poor analysts.


"Wrong again. Although we want to be scientifically accurate, we've found that selection of [Photon Energy Plasma Scientifically Inaccurate as a major Star Trek format error] usually indicates a preoccupation with science and gadgetry over people and story."

---a Writers' Test from the Original Series Writer's Guide

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 14, 1999).]

Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
It does seem incredible that Sternbach "documented" the Defiant in the DS9TM when he obviously new nothing about the ship.

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Really nothing, not even the size...

The starship book: six views on a double page, no distracting lettering ("this is a window"), high-resolution images on another page, MSD's. I would pay a lot for a really well-considered book of this kind.

On the other hand, imagine the following: The Defiant is still 170m and has still 4 decks, the BoP comes in 5 sizes, the Sydney is a runabout, the Niagara looks as depicted in the FF, this time proven by model photos. I wonder if they manage to abandon all views that have been previously established and create a consistent and reliable book.

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Bernd: I agree with your assessment of the disaster that could be! The existing ships could be totally ruined. The people at ST:The Magazine have already taken to completely mislabeling the 6-view plans.

Here's what I think we need for EVERY canon class:
1. An Intro to each ship with stats, the design group logo, and some cool looking type faces
2. A Six-view plan (like mentioned above spanning 2 pages). These should be the great kind of illustrations like the Breen ship and the Prometheus from the Magazine.
3. A cutaway deck chart in the likeness of the master systems display.
4. Original CGI images of the ships in flight-at least 3 or 4.

If done well, and designed nicely, this could be a killer volume!

They would need to be careful about going overboard and establishing a bunch of facts that are just going to be changed later though.

They could also design a couple of the non-canon ships (cool original designs *flashes back to DS9TM*) like the Sequoia and the Wambundu.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Hi there!

Think I really have to post a reply on this subject (actually my first ever)!

I've been waiting for a book like that for years and, to agree with Bernd, if it is well made it should be worth a few extra $$$. (By the way, Bernd, greetings from a fellow "Currywurst"!)

How about a special section dedicated to design studies and models that never made it to the screen (as in "The Art of Star Trek)?

oh behave!!


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Oh, you can count on it. They may even call it for what it is:


Let's face it, there's not a great deal of info about these ships. So what will they have to do? Make things up. And the fans aren't going to accept it in the same spirit they did the TNGTM - no, they'll find fault with everything. Nothing will fir in with what they think. No wonder they're in no hurry to do such a book, they know it'll be a waste of time.

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Maybe if we all just printed out our collective website contents on a colour printer we could make our own...

"You will be swept away....
You, your men, your ship, your WORLDS!"


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
It'd probably turn out alot better than what may happen if we leave those guys to their own devices...

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Erm... Did you say "model photos" of the Niagara...?

"Alright, so it's impossible. How long will it take?"
-Commander Adams, Forbidden Planet

Posted by Starbuck (Member # 153) on :
Um... If you ask me, Mastercom's "Ships of the Star Fleet" was on the right lines... Mike Rupprecht duplicated this style in his USS Avenger deckplans - using numbered labels and clear outboard views.

So now we're into the Nineties, and we can do even more of the same, just better! How 'bout we all pool our resources to make an expandable set of, say, PDF or MS Publisher files that people can print off as they wish, containing as much info as we can find?
The nice thing about it being a fan production is that it will be more accurate than an official one and we can clear up all those pesky SWDAOs, put in conjectural ships, and blueprint all the known variants - as well as our own creations!
All in favour of starting this as a project??

WARNING: Storing semtex in the microwave
may be hazardous to your health!


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Blatantly advertising my pet-theory-of-the-afternoon, currently also running on the design/artwork/creativity sub-forum thread titled "chart":

Perhaps it WOULD be possible for the Niagara to exist as portrayed in the Fact Files. The key issue is, where did TPTB find an Ambassador secondary hull when there were no AMT kits to go by during the filming of "BoBW"? And one at first ridiculous-sounding possibility is that they actually used the Ambassador photographic model.

Hold that thought (and that mean-looking fist!) for a while and let me finish. We know the secondary hull of the Ent-C model got an extensive revamping after its initial appearance, for some truly mysterious reason. Simple repairing of "battle damage" would certainly not have necessitated all the changes - least of all the recontouring of the aft hull, something that is difficult to do with just gluing on pieces of plastic. But if the original secondary hull was lost at some point between "Yesterday's Enterprise" and the appearance of the "Yamaguchi version" of the ship, then the differently shaped secondary hull and all the trouble in "re-"mounting it to the saucer would be explained.

Perhaps the reason the original secondary hull was lost was that it was used as raw material for creating the Niagara? That would require the existence of correctly sized Galaxy nacelles, but not much else. The saucer is some sort of a scratchbuild anyway, if we believe the FF (and their Freedom, sharing the saucer, seems halfway credible at least). Could the nacelles come from the 1/1400 Enterprise-D? The real size of the E-C model is hard to judge, but it *seems* to be in the very upper limit of the ballpark.

The modelmakers themselves might have been so unsatisfied with the results that the Niagara never got a prominent showing in "BoBW". Or then it simply was a tie between the various kitbashes, and Freedom, proto-Nebula and that Excelsior study model won the screen spot.

Okay, stop holding the thought (and the fist), and let fly.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Hmm. But not in a common sense universe! "Gee," they said, "the Ambassador is a really good model and people like it, but I'm sure we'll not need to use it again. Let's rip the saucer off and use it for a dodgy kitbash. . ." Two months later: "D'Oh! we need the Ambassador again! Better build another saucer." One year later: "Bugger! Dropped the model. Oh, well, we'll get round to fixing it one day, it's too good to leave lying around. . ." Seven years later. . .
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
I'd gather they would store the secondary hull and the saucer separately to begin with, judging by how the neck structure seems to be a "weak point" (the saucer of the "Zuhkov" is badly twisted wrt the secondary hull in the photos). They could then pillage their closets for parts to be used in "BoBW" and stumble on this. "Greg, remember what this was for?"
"No idea. Seems to be a secondary hull or something. It's all charred and the pylon's broke." "I just did a nifty new saucer to go with the single nacelle - might fit on this one as well." "Okay, let's give it a shot!"...

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Not necessarily. Models of a certain size seem to be stored in one piece. The Ambassador nodel looks to be about three foot long in the photo I remember. . . and yet when they dropped it it's the nacelle that went. I'd expect the neck to be pretty strong overall.

Remo Williams: "Chiun, you're amazing!"
Chiun: "No! I am BETTER than that!"

- Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous (1986)

Starfleet Weapons & Tactics


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Timo: The Ambassador class miniature is much bigger than a 1/1400 Enterprise-D, I think the saucer diameter more than 50cm, more than the overall length of the 1/1400 E-D:

TSN: Just speculation. If the Niagara looks like in the FF, the model and all possibly existing photos should be eradicated. Krenim, do your job!

Austin: Welcome to the Forum. Actually, I have stolen the Curry from our resident but often absent Curry God. Only the Wurst is indigenous.

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Ooookay, bad idea...

Anyway, I sort of like the Niagara saucer/secondary hull configuration. Of course the nacelles jar badly, and the pylons are quite unlike anything we have seen before or after. So if the Niagara (or the Rigel) looks anything like the FF but with a Constitution secondary hull, then what little good qualities it has are lost.

It is very difficult to do a good-looking three-naceller without making it look out of balance. If you put the third one atop the ship, the thing just gets top-heavy. If you put it down below, it looks as if you took a normal starship and grafted something to it that doesn't belong. And putting two to port and one to starboard isn't going to help, either

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
There may not be a real technical law behind it, but GR's rule "nacelles in pairs" still rules. I mean many of us don't like the odd-nacelled ships not only because we are used to even nacelle numbers, but because they are unbalanced in the way Timo described it. Unless the ship has a 120 degree instead of 180 degree symmetry:
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Incidentally, the person I assume one would contact about a ships book would be Margaret Clark, who is in charge of editing and such for Star Trek reference books.

For those of you who may not know that, at the simon and schuster star trek web page, ( there is a link to the editors' logs, on which messages and comments to the editors can be left. They make an effort to answer all the messages they get there. Margaret Clark and John Ordover each have their own page.

More useless(?) info: the current book publishing schedule (through 2000, and some beyond) can be found on psiphi's page (

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson

Baloo and I have been reading the same books :)


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
So who is gonna go over there and tell em to get there asses over here - if not to post but to lurk...

Ralph: Um, Miss Hoover? There's a dog in the vent.
Hoover: Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?
Ralph: He was going to the bathroom.

Posted by chaz147 on :
In the November issue of Star Trek: The Magazine, Magaret Clark, the non-fiction editor for Pocket Books, said that there will be a millenium art book called "Starship Enterprise", by the Okudas and Drexler - "Every Enterprise - from no letters to E, and all its cousins in between." Is this the one that's being discussed here? or something else?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
No, we're talking about a book about all starships.

"And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave."
Will Rigby

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think it would be a good idea to e-mail them and see what kind of response we get. I'll try to do it when my boss isn't looking. Sadly though, I can't see them changing their production plans based on the some fans' yammering. Of course, we're really the people they SHOULD be listening to when it comes to what the fans want to see. But hey, that's the way it works I guess.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
I think some time ago Rick Sternbach said a book about *all* ships would be less likely than a book on the major ships only or maybe a Voyager TM. Could it Pocket Books already changed their minds?

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
OK, I gotta say, I want a Voyager Tech manuel. I want to see what all those big windows on the underside of the ship are for and I WANT to see the dropship. Does anybody have any info on that dropship? I know it appears partially cutaway in the Voyager cutaway poster.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Pocket Books is being cryptic about it. Aside from confirming that a big book of starships was not a verbotten idea, they just say that several tech. books are being "discussed". So we shall see.

"And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave."
Will Rigby

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Why all the negative attitude - we're the ones who live and breath this stuff... OK they can scoff and call us all no life freaks - but then I don't see them employing anyone who lives and breathes it as much as us... I mean - what would it hurt them to ask a few questions - or ask for what we would like to see... companies do that all the time to see what product they should produce... and we wouldn't have to get paid - just a name in the acknowledgements page would be enough like the Encyclopaedia...

Ralph: Um, Miss Hoover? There's a dog in the vent.
Hoover: Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside?
Ralph: He was going to the bathroom.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Hm. We should probably elect a representative or two to go over there and encourage them to tell whoever's assigned to write the Starship Book to check out some of our concepts.

I would nominate RW (what, this surprises you?) and.. um.. Oh, crud, I can't remember who designed the Sentinel. Lee, was that you? Oh, and Frank, just to have someone on the team to balance the exuberance.

(There's a starship name... NCC-74302, USS Exuberance.)

I'd nominate Cargile, too, but he seems to be MIA and he never posted my ships. *SIGH*

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
You couldn't be more right, Andrew. I wouldn't hesitate working/assisting on an "official" book for free. The knowledge that the job was done right is all. An acknowledgement would be nice, though

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
This would be the ideal opportunity to present them our ASDB designs of the obscure ships (Andromeda, Merced, Renaissance and such). They would be all for free. Frankly, I don't expect them to accept *any* advice from fans.

"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way."
A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness"
Ex Astris Scientia

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
My latest intelligence on 2000 Book releases is notable for having REMOVED a reference to a Starship manual.. Instead we find a mysterious entry for a "Technical Calendar 2001" on sale in Aug 2000.


"You will be swept away....
You, your men, your ship, your WORLDS!"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
First of Two: I just spoke to Cargile, actually...he says that he recently moved, and your ships are still at his old place, but he'll try to get them ASAP. Patience, patience.

Frank's Home Page
"Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The Sentinel was designed by Adam "The Vorlon" Heinbuch, if you're talking about the Sentinel I think you're talking about...

"General Hammond: Request permission to beat the crap out of this man."
-Colonel O'Neill, Stargate: SG-1: "Bane"

Posted by Wes (Member # 212) on :
Remember the good old days when the first TMs came out and we were thrilled with the information? We didn't have fits over its canon-ness or if it agreed with the show, we were just happy with it. I miss those days.

Wes Button[email protected]
TechFX GraphicsThe United Federation UplinkAxisIRC
Janeway: "Dimissed"
Neelix: [stands there dumbfounded] "b..but.."
Janeway: "That's Starfleet for get out"


Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
True, but back then it wasn't such a blatant effort to bleed the Star Trek cash cow dry as it appears to be nowadays.


P.S.: I still have my Star Fleet Technical Manual and Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual.

It is less important that you agree with me than it is for you to to understand what I'm saying.


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Not ever having any non-canon reference book, my first contact was with the Encyclopedia I. I was so happy about it I believed nearly everything. Lucky days.

"Naomi Wildman, sub-unit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions." (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
Ex Astris Scientia

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