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Posted by warbird5 on :
How powerful is the ship? Can the upgraded galaxy class ships that fought during the war destroy it? and how many of them were lost in the war.



Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
The number of Lost warbirds is unknown but in a fight a Galaxy Can destroy it but only by using superiour tactics for example if a Galaxy class ship found some way to make the warbirds Artificial Quantum Singularity Drive unstable there for knocking out power to the entire ship.

I recently wrote an article on the warbird you can find it at :

"I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life."

-- Omet'iklan Ds9:"To the Death"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I didn't read your artical on the Warbird, since this was just a quick post... I was watching Tin Man last night - brilliant episode - anyway you see that first warbird fly over the E-D and fire on it - Not THAT much bigger... also they were 'scared' of Galaxy class ships in "The Face of the Enemy" and there were reports that the D'Deridex class was a 'B' type vessel - presuming there is a better 'A' version - which I am willing to assume is the Warbird seen in "The Neutral Zone" - which was ONE HUGE SHIP! and was supposed to be according to Andy Probert I think...

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Elanor Rigby, The Beatles.


Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
Andrew Probert intended the ship to be 4400ft (1341m) long. That is consistent with Data's comment in "The Neutral Zone" where he says the Romulan vessel is "at least twice the length of the Enterprise". Unfortunately the Warbird has at times appeared much smaller (but not always).

I tend to assume that the A-type Warbirds are the ones that were mentioned in "Yesterday's Enterprise" (and were completely different) and the B-type was first seen by the Federation in "TNZ".

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Yesterday's Enterprise!?! You mean the A types - from 20+ years earlier... I'm sure they would have upgraded since then...

You look at nearly every episode since TNZ - the Warbirds have been just a little over the length over the Galaxy class... I reckon the Romulans - in their first contact with the federation in 20+ years in TNZ - would want to send their biggest ship to scare The Federation...


"All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Elanor Rigby, The Beatles.


Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
So you're suggesting that there's two different types of Warbird that are externally identical (filmed from the same miniature) yet have different scales? I see...

"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
have any of you read "The Romulan Prize" ? They introduced the D'Kazzanak Class , which is about 2000 meters long and dwarfs the Galaxy and D'Deredix Class maybe that D'K is the Type Larger Version , I have a Pic of it from the cover of The Book "The Romulan Prize"

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :

Why not? They did it with the Klingon BoP.

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Yeah, Dax they did it with the BoP - and its a very Romulan thing to do... maybe the one and only "giant warbird" we saw in TNZ - the one to show off the Romulan Star Empire - and to frighten the Federation - was a flawed design - so they scaled them down...

I would speculate that the Warbirds seen in such episodes as "Tin Man" "The Pegasus" and "Face of the Enemy" are on par with Nebula/Akira/Excelsior refits (refit to present day tech)

The Galaxies are probably a match or a bit under the TNZ Warbirds...

it sorta make sense since when there Was a Romulan buildup I think the supposed one in "The Defector" and the alternate one in "All Good Things..." The Federation sent Nebulas and Excelsiors to deal with the situation...

can anyone capture us a pic from "The Defector" when the Enterprise and Romulans are surrounded by the Klingon ships...

Also some captures from Tin Man would be nice... when the first Warbird buzzes the E-D.



"All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles.


Posted by warbird5 on :
The Romulans have hundreds if not thousands of Warbirds, why can't the Federation have that many Sovereigns or Galaxys.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Because the Federation is not totally dedicated to its war machine and builds at least dozens of different ship classes.

That new Romulan ship on the book cover looks a heck of a lot loke the D'Deridex class. Was the new class supposed to look different or just be bigger?

And why is it that every artist who does a TNG piece thinks he has to use that same old picture of Picard witht he little grin on his face?

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
Yeah its supposed to look the same they explained it in the book as an entimidation thing , its basicly a cost saving method that way they dont have to make any new Romulan models just pose the old one next to a smaller Enterprise thus creating a Mammoth Warbird.

But now that we have CGI the ships are going to very more.

As for Picards Pic , I have no idea :-)

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 04, 2000).]

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Just remember guys size isn't everything. Take for example a modern guided missile destroyer and a WW2 battleship. One is far larger, but the technological advancements and power of the destroyer will ensure that it is victorius every time.

I had a comparison chart of the warbird and galaxy awhile back (deleted along with all my other stuff in a pc F* up) which basically indicates that the size factor is, in terms of power irrelevant.

Why do the Romulans have so many Warbirds? I'd say it's an inefficient building practice. But, they are probably easire to build than Federation starships, as most of the surface area is just a hull. In contrast Federation ships are not hollow in the middle.

"That is the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lions mouth and then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel".
- Rimmer


Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
Finally somebody who knows that size isnt every thing :-)

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Yes, why does everyone assume size means power? I mean, look at the Kazon motherships... those things are nearly twice the size of a Warbird (the 1200 m. version) and yet one got its b*tt kicked in Basics by the tiny Voyager (somewhat contradictionary since it was the other way around in Caretaker)

Also, examine the Warbird's design: two huge wings (but relatively thin) and a heck of a lot emptiness in between. So there is probably not more internal space overall available then there is on a Galaxy/Sovereign. The forward section seems to be devoted to crew quarters and the bridge, and there is only one (or two) disruptor mounted there (the forward firing pulse thing or the continuous green-phaser like thing). Thus, even though the WB is BIG, it is not a very efficient design at all. Now if it was shaped like an Imperial Star Destroyer... (oops, wrong universe ) but in its current form any Galaxy or even Akira should be able to take it on.

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"

[This message has been edited by The_Evil_Lord (edited January 05, 2000).]

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
However, there's something to be said for sheer bulk: a modern destroyer could pound a WWII battleship for the better part of a week, until her Harpoon magazines ran empty, and the battleship would simply ignore the pitiful little missiles and approach to the range of her main guns, fire one shell and reduce the destroyer to aluminum toothpicks. As ships get more compact, they also get optimized to fight more compact adversaries...

The Kazon behemoths may be respectable adversaries to more modern vessels simply because of lots of body armor, or because of primitive but HUGE and NUMEROUS and thus powerful shield generators.

Also, a chronological difference may turn the tables in other ways as well: ancient weapons might take modern defences by surprise. See the tommy-gun against the Borg, or imagine a light WWII bomber raiding a modern airbase whose missiles refuse to lock onto the wooden toyplane and whose interceptors cannot match the speed or turning radius or ground-hugging maneuvers of the intruder...

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I have a side view of the D'Kazanak from a familiar homepage I don't recall. Probably not canon.
It looks like the D'Deridex, except the lower wings are removed, so the nacelles are hanging from the upper wings, and it has a belly.
Kinda "D'deridex meets K'vort"
Looks better IMO. More compact. Just what we've been looking for!

Does anyone know how the modern romulan plasma-torpedo compares to the photon and quantum?

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Timo, agreed, but you forget that a WB's hull is not much stronger or thicker then that of a Galaxy / Vor'cha / Whatever and that it is constructed from similar materials... and phasers do not run out of ammunition, unlike those Harpoon missiles... also,
between second World war and present day generation fighter aircraft there are much greater differences then between Kazon motherships and, say, Intrepid-class starships (the Intrepid is more advanced, but relative to its time not as much as today's fighters are ahead of WW 2 fighters)
The Kazon mothership has tons of armor, but I have yet to see any of their vessels with shields... a few good blasts at the unshielded (and unarmored) engines would disable the big mama quite fast IMHO.

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"

[This message has been edited by The_Evil_Lord (edited January 05, 2000).]

Posted by warbird5 on :
Size doesn't give you tactical superiority unless your a borg cube. The defiant could take on 2 regular warbirds. and probably kick the shit out of the 2000m warbird like she did to the Negh'Var. How many kazon ships did it take to capture Voyager in Basics?
Posted by bear (Member # 124) on :
Timo: I think one harpoon missile would send a WWII vintage battleship to the bottom very easily.

Oh,Does anybody have a pick of the Romulan WB that is featured on the PC game Birth of a Federation?



Posted by Laz1701 on :
Do you mean this one?

D'Kazanak class

The Starship Encyclopedia

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Timo, that's (I'm sorry) totally incorrect. If you took a modern destroyers missiles and hit a battleship (WW2) with them, the battleship would sink like a sardine can full of rocks.

Your example bears no relevance.

"That is the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lions mouth and then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel".
- Rimmer


Posted by BlueElectron (Member # 281) on :
Size isn't everything, but it does have its' advantages. Check on the modern day weaponry, getting bigger is a definiate trend.

And starship are not design to "explode" on impact; you would want to survive an attack rather than "rammed" your enemy in a suicide attack, and it does not carry explosive materials up to 1/3 of it's body weight!

no offence, but comparing a missle to a batteship is not a very promising evident

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Absolutely, Laz! It seems to be a good design. Now if the author could make a forward view, one could start to imagine it in 3d.

I share the opinion that a 350-450m ship is all the size you need to mount the weapons-arrays of today, like the Akira and the Prometheus. That's what the romulans need, not another behemoth.

-You are crazy.
-I thought I was pisces.


Posted by Raptor66 on :
I don't think that Romulan warbird, the D'deridex and the others are much easier to build... It's the contrary they are big so it's long to build much longer than shorter ships so the true reason it's they are military peoples with believe in D'era.They want to conquer and dominated the stars... they maked preparation to obtain their goal... Huge fleets is the key to dominated what they want.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Mmm...precisely year old threads.

20th century, go to sleep.
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Show no patience, tolerance, or restraint.


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
I hope the Romulans have learned a lesson out of the Dominion war and the Prometheus accident. They are really in need of a smaller ship, or at least more weapons. The Warbirds in DS9 and Voyager seem to have only a single forward array...

"That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!"
- Crighton, Farscape.

Posted by Raptor66 on :
The smallest vessels are not inevitably the key at the time of a battle but rather of a complement. The large vessels have innumerable advantages on the smallest vessels.

They have better weapons in greater number with better shields without counting the shielding which is higher. They are larger thus more structures to be destroyed.they bring much more troops of soldiers.

It is not because a small vessel as the Defiant is modern that the others larger are not. The Federation are not people of war, they do not have as much experience or the knowledge in this field than the Romulans or Klingons for example.

Moreover I add that Romulans have already and will increase and add new classes of Bird of Prey who is the equivalent of the Federation Escort Class like Defiant in other. The first of the kind in the revival will be Vithrel-Class swift bird of prey envisaged into 2376 thus it is already made.

While passing what we see in Startrek it is well what they want to show us, it is not because D`deridex fire from the front only that they do not have others weapons elsewhere. Remember that!!

[This message has been edited by Raptor66 (edited January 03, 2001).]

Posted by Raptor66 on :
A new upgrade programm for the legendary D'deridex class is scheduled to begin in 2378.

The new singularity torpedo(black hole) introduced on the Vereleus-Class Dreadnought in response to Starfleet quantum torpedo. Improved armaments, improved cloak , new sensors, etc...
Many new Warbirds will arrived soon like the T'Kassan-class. Others already exist but are not known like D'Valek-Class Swift Warbird(Very Fast). An other Dreadnought the Praetorian-class in 2379 and many more..... They do not have just of Warbirds but also cruisers, Frigates, Gunships etc...

[This message has been edited by Raptor66 (edited May 11, 2001).]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :

Me: "Why don't you live in Hong Kong?"
Rachel Roberts: "Hong Kong? Nah. Oh, but we can live in China! Yeah, China has great Chinese food!"

(discussion with fellow classmate, 9/5/00)

Mustang Class Starship Development Project


Posted by Raptor66 on :

In any event when the Defiant fire on the Negh' Var, We never saw the shields being activated. Then that does not astonish me that the Federation always wins.

I`m sure that the D`deridex and the Negh'Var will blow the Defiant very easly!!!

[This message has been edited by Raptor66 (edited May 11, 2001).]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
uh, ok, what the heck are you talking about?

Me: "Why don't you live in Hong Kong?"
Rachel Roberts: "Hong Kong? Nah. Oh, but we can live in China! Yeah, China has great Chinese food!"

(discussion with fellow classmate, 9/5/00)

Mustang Class Starship Development Project


Posted by Raptor66 on :

Anyway, we know all that in Startrek the principal actors never dies, even if the situation would kill them 1000 times. Then forgets the Defiant, this ship is not so special...

[This message has been edited by Raptor66 (edited January 03, 2001).]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Welcome to Flare, Mr. Raptor.

I believe this topic is more concerned about information about the ships that has appeared onscreen, what little there is.

20th century, go to sleep.
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Show no patience, tolerance, or restraint.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I did a double take when I saw this thread was from this time last year! I remember posting my posts, like they were yesterday.

Anyway... I'm not sitting well with this whole little ships are better than big ships... There would have been a power come along well before this using smaller ships... I assume that the big arsed ships like the Enterprises and the Galors etc would have just swatted them down like flies. What bugs me (excuse the pun) is that Trek doesn't show REALLY what the ships can do... I would love to see a real starshipVstarship battle within a planetry system... with the crew using tactical strategies and the (powerful) phasers/disruptors arcing out across thousands of kms - just like they really do... and the torps - well they can reach warp speeds... I'd like to see them travelling halfway across an entire system!


"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
It would be very, very dull.

"And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!"

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Weird. It says there are now two pages to this thread, but the 2nd page comes up as a 404.

Luke Ford: "What's it like having a dick in your ass?"

Zoe: "Imagine taking your bottom lip and pulling it over the top of your head. You get used to it but it does hurt."

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Ah, there it is.

Luke Ford: "What's it like having a dick in your ass?"

Zoe: "Imagine taking your bottom lip and pulling it over the top of your head. You get used to it but it does hurt."

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Andrew: You must have loved the Voyager vs Equinox fight

"That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!"
- Crighton, Farscape.

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :

Moreover I add that Romulans have already and will increase and add new classes of
Bird of Prey who is the equivalent of the Federation Escort Class like Defiant in
other. The first of the kind in the revival will be Vithrel-Class swift bird of prey
envisaged into 2376 thus it is already made.

A new upgrade programm for the legendary D'deridex class is scheduled to begin in

Many new Warbirds will arrived soon like the T'Kassan-class. Others already exist but
are not known like D'Valek-Class Swift Warbird(Very Fast). An other Dreadnought the
Praetorian-class in 2379 and many more..... They do not have just of Warbirds but
also cruisers, Frigates, Gunships etc...

Really? I thought the Romulans, in 2379, were going to construct a new Romulan Dreadnought called the 'Fnbyz'sck' Class, or translated into Federation Standard, roughly, "Those who are without knowledge should be beaten into a pulp". Sounds good to me.

Anyway, I KNOW FOR SURE that this class is going to be 8000 Meters long, and have a crew consisting of 20,000. It will also have a phase cloak, pulse-driver-inverted-tetryon-beam-flagstaff-poleron-beam-duty-free Torpedo Pulse launchers, more powerful than 90 Ticobalt Torpedoes combined (Those are the most powerful Federation torpedoes. Only carried by Sovereigns. And Voyager, because it has Seven. And she makes my Tri cobalt. If you know what I mean.

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." - Dave Barry

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
C'mon, he's just a kid. He didn't know any better. He'll learn. They all learn. BWAHAHAHAHAAAAH!!! *swings cape and runs down dark tunnel with torch*

Here lies a toppled god,
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
No no no Ultra Magnus, you've got it all wrong.

The Romulans are changing there design the match Federation saucer designs. There latest ships will be 24km wide saucers called the Vris'Be class. The main gun is a huge laser beam located on the bottom at the exact center of the ship.

They are also planning to create a giant saucer dropship.

"That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!"
- Crighton, Farscape.

Posted by warbird5 on :
LOL.....IS this pre-DARKSTAR times?

Sorry Darkstar but you been replaced as the super-creative Crazed Star Trek fan.

Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
Regarding the issues of the size and features of the Romulan Warbird, I spoke to Andy Probert about the ship one day, and he told me exactly what was what on the design.

a) beam weapons -- the round 'eyes' on either side of the ship's head are weapons. There are four other pairs of these on the ship. Two of them are on either side of the vertical portion at the back of the ship, and there's one pair each on the top and bottom of the ship along the trailing edge of the "wings" (near the center). There's also a paiur in an indented area on the top of the ship just aft of the root of the neck

b) torpedo launcher -- an opening on the top of the ship, at the root of the neck (just forward of the indention with the beam weapons)

c) navigational deflector -- the traingular "mouth" on the front of the it's not a weapon as seen on the show

d) impulse engines -- the ship hasn't any! Andy said the ship was the last one he designed and he had very little time...he never got around to drawing the back, and the modelmakers never thought to add them. There are supposed to be a pair of stacked impulse exhausts at the very back of the ship.


P.S. The Ferengi Marauder has no navigational deflector...when I asked Andy where it was he said, "I forgot it!"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Did he mention what the Marauder's drop-down shuttle was supposed to look like? It doesn't fit with the Ferengi Pod...

"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"

Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
One other thing I forgot to mention about the Warbird, Andy pointed out there are two cargo bays/shuttle decks on ther ship. They are the two rectangular openings on the front edge of the thick portion at the center of the lower "wing". In "Contagion" a light appears on one of these when the Romulan ship is seen to be arming torpedoes. Again, the SFX people didn't seem to know where the weapons really were!

>Did [Andy Probert] mention what the Marauder's
>drop-down shuttle was supposed to look like?
>It doesn't fit with the Ferengi Pod...

As far as I know, what you see of it sticking out of the bottom of the ship is all that was designed. I know it was a swept-forward wing, but that's all.

Other Marauder features lost were the moving parts on the model, which only were ever used in The Last Outpost, and not clearly seen. There's a shot of the Ferengi ship ont he viewscrren where the front end appears to be moving towards the Enterprise. There's a seam along the next where the ship kind of separates, the idea being that when a Ferengi ship surrendered it would open this gap, "exposing it throat", so to speak, as a gesture of capitulation. The clawlike weapons were designed to fold down too. The idea was that the Ferengi ship would do this gesture and the Enterprise crew would misinterpret it as opening gunports or something, but this never happened and the ship's moving parts were never really seen in action again.


Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
A quick followup to the Ferengi Marauder notes...

While poking around the net I found a photo of the Marauder model with it's neck joint opened and its weapons folded down, as well as the coffin shaped upper structure at the top of the ship raised.

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
That upper coffin is the torpedo launcher, at least it was in one TNG-episode.

Here lies a toppled god,
His turnip not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram


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