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Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Anybody collect these? What do we all think of them?

I developed an interest by chance, when I decided that since I liked the Steamrunner so much, why not get one from their range? So I went on eBay, and next thing you know I'm sort-of collecting them in a half-arsed kinda way.

I started small. Since I was getting the Steamrunner, I reasoned, why not get all the FC ships? They were a large part of the reason why this place exists, anf why I'm here, after all. So I got the Akira, Norway and Sabre.

But then I thought, well, I like the Dauntless, and the Centaur, and the Prometheus, so why not get them too? Along the way I acquired an ENT-era Intrepid too when a seller sent me the wrong model, but refunded me and let me keep it. I also got a Nebula on a whim. And then the Reliant. And, after our recent discussions about deep space explorationm, the Cheyenne.

So I really should stop there. Except I just bought a Saratoga, and am now considering completing mny set of Miranda variants (there's the Soyuz, and the Antares, and possibly a Lantree too? not sure). I also rather fancy a Stargazer.

And since my mid-life-crisismobile convertible has come to be known as the Defiant, well, it would be rude not to...

And then there are the Enterprises. I'm not sure if I want to go down that road. Because there are SO MANY!

NX-01 Refit
1701 (Cage)
1701 (Discoprise)
1701 (TOS)
1701 (refit)
1701-D (AGT)
1701 (Abramsverse; I don't *think* there's a model of the Kelvinverse 1701-A... yet...?)

It's absurd, really. I might call it a day soon, if I can get maybe a couple more I want at a reasonable price.

There isn't a single one of the Discovery ships that tempts me at all! I saw recently that the guy runs the range for Eaglemoss had Tweeted that he'd received four sets of CAD files from the Picard show people, so I guess there's a La Sirena on the way - but still not getting that. The other three now... I wonder what they could be? At a guess, the ships used to attack Mars, a new Romulan warbird, and the Inquiry-class. As I'm only interested in Starfleet ships, this last might tempt me. We'll see.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I'm half-assed about them. Like, they interest me in a "that'd be neat to have" way, but for all the quality they touted, the reality seems to be kind of half-assed in the details, like the old Corgi toys. It's just enough to annoy the hell out of me. Also, I see they're doing STO designs now?, which just infuriate me.

The pictures of some, like Norway, have been invaluable to me, though.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
If they were to scale, or even some semblance thereof (even a couple of scales), I'd be all over it.

I do have DS9 from them, I think, and have considered other ones. However, so far, I have managed to avoid the crack. If I get tempted I load up my to-scale SketchUp ships and rotate them around and such . . . it's not tactile, but it gives me sufficient fizz.
Posted by Starship Freak (Member # 293) on :
I'm actually fond of them. I bought the Ambassador-class and then the XLsize of the same, and also the ringship Enterprise. I love that unique design. (Forgot that one btw Lee!) I was thinking of buying the Saberclass, my second favorite starship. I like all the pics were getting as well.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Since I got the Cheyenne, I’ve been toying with the idea of getting all the Wolf 359 ships - New Orleans, Springfield, Challenger, Freedom, Niagara... but there are also the assorted Excelsior and Nebula study models which also qualify, but that way lies madness...

The scale issue is a problem. It also causes issues with larger ships, with the Excelsior an oft-cited example. The Memory Alpha page lists the scales:
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Oh man, that Defiant scaling's gonna make Frank have kittens.
Posted by Starship Freak (Member # 293) on :
Oh, the Wolf359-ships...
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
The regular ships are just too small to make for decent display models IMO.

The Discovery starships are larger, but of course the issue with these is that the Klingon ships don't even look like ships and most of the Starfleet vessels only look decent in the three-quarter view.

Haven't seen the XL models in RL.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Shik:
Oh man, that Defiant scaling's gonna make Frank have kittens.

I'm with him, then. There are people who think the Defiant should be 120m, and then there are people who are wrong.

Of course, in this new gilded age of senseless JJ-verse and Disco-verse ships, those who still care about the mistakes of Stipes can still get along.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
I admit some sound quite tempting.
As yet I only have the 1701-D that came with the first edition test magazine for 1.99 Euro.
Definitely a bargain and worth every cent.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I subscribed to their XL line last summer. Actually, I tried to subscribe in the spring, but the model I selected was out of stock, so they didn't send anything to me for a couple of months, and then they told me why, and I was like "seriously" so I canceled and resubscribed and again, out of stock, but third time was the charm and I finally got the Enterprise-A as my first model.

I've also picked up a few at various sales or promotions. The Enterprise-J is en-route now. I also have:

NX Enterprise
Deep Space Nine
Romulan Warbird
Klingon Battlecruiser

I think that's it. I've also bought some of their other models: the Runabout, Enterprise-E (both from before I subscribed), the Enterprise-C Probert Concept, USS Titan, the Enterprise-series Intrepid-Class, and the Mirror-Universe Enterprise NX (which I technically didn't buy they shipped to me by mistake and then never responded to my email asking if I should return it). I also have their special edition Enterprise (2008 film) and Buran from their Discovery Collection.

Also some of their BSG stuff: the Laura, Vipers Mk 2, 3, and 7, Raptor, Galactica, and Pegasus.

For the most part, I think they're great! I am running out of space to display them. I hope they expand the XL-line; but if not I'll need to turn to the regular line to pick up some essential models like the Oberth-Class and the Borg cube, and certainly I wouldn't mind scooping up a bunch of the Wolf-359 ships!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
There's a guy on Instagram who figures out paint matches to paint over the printed registries & makes custom decals for the Eaglemoss stuff. Goes by bobmat343 over there.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Plenty of custom decal sets being sold on eBay, too.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I still have been buying from this line. I recently added the XL Abramsverse Enterprise from the first two films, the XL Enterprise from Discovery, and the SE Abramsverse Enterprise from Beyond -- they shrunk the neck, pylons, and nacelles for that film, and the end result looks ... not good, to put it mildly.

Also scooped up some old stuff: their regular issue USS Stargazer, which has far too thin of a saucer; Oberth-Class; Bajoran wind ship; Jem'Hadar fighter (amazing!); the Phase-II Enterprise; and the Abramsverse Mayflower, Armstrong, and ... I'm blanking on the name of the other one ... Newton? Also preordered the Defiant concept that is coming out this fall.

My XL subscription supposedly continues. I received the All Good Things Enterprise-D sometime early winter, and then more recently, I'd bought the AKIRA-class separately from subscription, but apparently emailed the wrong customer service email to make sure they removed it from my subscription .... aaaaaand so a friend bought that off of me. In terms of the XL line, there's not a whole lot left to acquire (I've had most of their Voyager stuff removed from my subscription) -- off the top of my head, since I don't want to actually go to TrekCore to figure this out:

--Nebula Class USS Brochune
--USS Discovery
--USS Discovery -A
--USS Shenzou
--USS Pegasus
--La Sirena
--USS Enterprise (TOS)
--Klingon Bird of Prey
--Oberth Class USS Pegasus

For this XL line, I'm very much hoping to see:

--Star Trek Beyond Enterprise-A
--Jem'Hadar fighter
--USS Stargazer (with appropriate sized saucer!)
--Cardassian Galor-Class
--Borg cube
--USS Enterprise D (separating, perhaps releasing the Saucer and Stardrive as separate XL models?)

Finally, as a general note: while I love their regular and XL runabout model, and I believe they chose the Orinoco because it had that big sensor module atop, I really hope they produce a Rio Grande. A fitting tribute for the only runabout to survive all seven years of Deep Space Nine.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Someone got me a Kyushu for my birthday last year, & I realized I finally had what I wanted as a kid: an actual toy starship. Thinking of them that way, I'm able to let go the various inaccuracies & shitty details.

Since then, another friend sent me the D'deridex & I got Rhode Island, DS9 Yeager, & Ent-C on my oen. Was considering a Stargazer but it didn't seem to look right (& now I know why), didn't like how clean the Centaur looks (missing greebles), & thought about a Nebula but they all have the CGI wrong-window saucer. I kinda would like the Probert Ent-C but apparently they're impossible to find.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Outside of Eaglemoss's shop, Amazon has a nice selection, but also BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth. The latter two are also good about allowing you to preorder most items if they're expecting a restock.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I ended up getting all the Wolf 359 ships (but not the ST Phase 2 concepts and Excelsior concepts, couldn't be bothered with those). I feel the extended rane of Miranda variants calling me, still, and I quite like the Rhode Island - but then I'll have to get the Equinox too...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I've recently picked up a bunch of their Battle of Sector 001 models and, uh, not a huge fan of them, frankly. (They're LITERALLY too flat for my tastes).

Also got their Oberth-Class model. Absolutely fantastic!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
You mean the FC ships?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yes, the First Contact ships. The XL Akira is gorgeous.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
The Sabre-class is quite plainly a Nintendo 64 Controller...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Let's see if this works!

(Edit: It didn't. You can find the photos I was trying to embed here: )

Here's my collection, taking the top two shelves of an IKEA Fjallbo. Acrylic risers from The Container Store, lighting from IKEA, and I want to add a mirrored motorized turntable under Deep Space Nine.



Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Oh, there are a few models I have displayed elsewhere. Maybe at some point they'll make the transition over -- the XL Enterprise-J, the XL Runabout, XL Romulan Warbird, and XL Klingon battlecruiser, plus the Special Edition Enterprises from the 2009 film, and Beyond.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Ugh, you have the Probert E-C. Can't find one anywhere.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Got very lucky well over a year ago. It was in stock and so was the Titan.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Some exciting new announcements!

Jupiter Station!;
USS Ceritos!
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
I'm not really a fan of the way these ships are mounted. It's just destracting to have parts of the ship obscured by the clear plastic forks. The Jupiter Station solution is especially displeasing.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I mean, to each their own, but most other starship models I'm aware of have a hole in their hull for a mount to be plugged in; these don't.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Cerritos and Jupiter Station both arrived yesterday. Cerritos is pretty great but doesn't want to stay on the stand, and is missing some window detail on the saucer rim; also, the paint app is slightly misaligned which is frustrating if you take the time to look hard for the window imprints on the hull.

Eaglemoss did announce a Stargazer XL -- but unfortunately, it suffers from the same issues as the original release (saucer isn't deep enough).

I've also been ordering several of the shuttle sets. As a freak accident, in place of one of them, they sent me the oversized shuttlepod and type-7 (I think? the one that was modified from STV) shuttle that are supposed to be subscriber specials for those doing the "Build the Enterprise" kit. These are awesome! I hope the other subscriber specials are made available for order, or that Eaglemoss sends me the other sets by accident in the future. They're gigantic, and heavy, and look great.

Not Star Trek related, but Eaglemoss will be doing a Serenity model coming this summer.

The Defiant concept is wild and amazing. Highly recommend.

I love the Mayflower, Newton, and Armstrong from the 2009 film.

Also picked up Starbase 1 and the Section 31 starbases from a deep discount on the STD line. These are huge models!

I hope we continue to see more starbase models. I'd love to see the starbase depicted in the art behind Picard's desk, as well as the starbase we've seen in Lower Decks.

Recently Eaglemoss did restock a lot of models that had been unavailable. I was able to pick up the three concept Excelsiors, TNG-era Buran, the Melbourne, Bonaventure, and the Miranda-Class Antares variant from DS9; still waiting to acquire an Awanahee and Pasteur.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Still trying to get a Cheyenne & the Probert C. Can't find anywhere except for exorbitantly high prices.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I was going to say that I rarely see Cheyennes on eBay, but then remembered my saved search is quite specifically worded, so I wouldn’t. But then it would pick up Probert Cs, but I never see any of those either…

Now have the 1701 and refit, and the (onscreen) C, so contemplating getting the A, B, D, and E; but paradoxically do t want the NX-01 but want the refit.

I’m planning to get a couple of the Billy glass shelves to display them all. In my wife’s home office, I’m sure she won’t mind.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
"Sweetie, I've identified all my colleagues who were previously closeted Star Trek fans!"
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
Recently Eaglemoss did restock a lot of models that had been unavailable. I was able to pick up the three concept Excelsiors, TNG-era Buran, the Melbourne, Bonaventure, and the Miranda-Class Antares variant from DS9; still waiting to acquire an Awanahee and Pasteur.

I ordered the three concept Excelsiors (my first ever purchase from EM directly) and they sent me a double of one but not the third. After calling customer service they are sending me the correct one but I have to ship the wrong one back to them on my dime. Kind of annoying since it wasn't my fault that they sent me the wrong model.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Sometimes their customer service is amazing. They sent me a Hidecki with a broken stand, and mailed a replacement, and told me to keep the extra.

They also sent me, instead of the 4-pack first shuttle pack, sent me the shuttle Goddard and Shuttlepod that were supposed to be exclusives to those who bought the "Build the Enterprise D" set; they're huge! They also advised me to keep that and sent a replacement set.

On the other hand, they sent me the wrong XL, I returned it on my dime, and they still haven't processed a refund (that was six months ago).
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
The Probert-Prise is back on the Eaglemoss e-store! Preorder right now, but available for order.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Thanks for the heads-up. I use that design for the Renaissance class.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Originally posted by Shik:
Thanks for the heads-up. I use that design for the Renaissance class.

As do I.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Got my Probert-prise the other day. Not bad considering the disappointment of some (looking at you, Challenger-class!). Pre-ordered a NX-01.5 as well. Kinda waiting for a Disco 32nd-century Constitution, too.

Did they ever make an NX-2000 Excelsior, with the rounded aft bit & the single sunken impulse crystal as seen pre-TUC?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Kinda waiting for a Disco 32nd-century Constitution, too.
They've done two, out of stock?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Kinda waiting for a Disco 32nd-century Constitution, too.
They've done two, out of stock?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I...didn't see it anywhere.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Maybe they're just REALLY out of stock. They did one for the Discovery line, and an XL.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Are you talking about the 32nd-century Constitution II-class, or the DSC s2 version of the Enterprise?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Oh! Sorry - I misread. I saw "Discovery" and was like, "No, that's there." Sorry all! I was referring to the Disc S2/SNW Enterprise.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeah, I wanted the 32nd-century previously stated.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yeah, I wanted the 32nd-century previously stated.
I misread your statement ... as I previously stated.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :


Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
So, uh, I got one an Eaglemoss NX-01.5. I thought it'd be the same size as the others. IT IS NOT.

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
It's their "Special Edition" line, I believe -- sort of an inbetween of the regular series, and the XL.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Also: is it just me, or has Eaglemoss just completely stopped announcing new product? There hasn't even been a reveal for the Lower Deck shuttle which was previewed in the magazine for either the Cerritos or Titan.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Posted by Brown_supahero (Member # 83) on :
…. But my time is finally near…
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Well, that sucks. Especially for those who've already shelled out a small fortune for the "Build an Enterprise-D"-kit.

I had hoped we would get an updated version of the last Shipyards book. There were some rather egregious errors in the size charts which discouraged me from buying it.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :

Bless Eaglemoss's heart, but Hero Collectibles was using stone knives and bearskins by comparison. Yes, there's no metal here, but they're also a couple of dollars cheaper for smaller models (though a foot-long Discoprise was $300+), customizable, and so on.

Alas, there doesn't seem to be a custom scaling option at present.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
It’s a shame if they are folding, but hardly surprising. I’ve never bought anything direct from them, only from eBay.

OK, I bought one thing - the Borg cube advent calendar. But that was on a whim during a Black Friday event when it was half price. And even then it was NOT worth it. I literally put every single thing back in its box, packed it up in the shipping box and stuck it in the loft. I’ll put it on eBay in a few years.

I mean, character badges (that manage to be naffer than Funko Pops, I don’t even know how that’s possible), a tea towel, stuff like that, really? What they SHOULD have done is put an actual ship model in, for say 24th December. Something unique, limited edition, that’d never be available otherwise. A Prometheus that splits into three. A cloaked Defiant (though I think they did this one, maybe a ComicCon exclusive?). An Ent-D that does the saucer sep. anything with a bit of a wow factor, you know?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Maybe there was a cloaked ship in there. How would you know? 🤔
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I shook all the boxes.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
That’s a bummer. I just ordered a pair of models as a birthday gift to myself (the Orville and Rocinante), and they got delivered the other day, thankfully. I’m glad I never seriously considered that build-the-Enterprise kit, I can only imagine how pissed those people are!
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Yeah, there’s, what, about 240 issues? Not sure how far along it was - I was following a guy on YouTube building it, but then he decided to take the whole thing apart and build it his way. Might have to check in and see if he’s mentioned it at all…

I’m fortunate in that a) even if I could afford it - which actually I could - I really don’t want to spend cumulatively about two and a half grand on something you’d probably have to build into a coffee table to display; b) I really don’t like the Galaxy-class. It beggars belief that it’s regarded so mistily-eyed as the greatest spaceship in Star Trek. It winds me up, like all those twats who seem to fervently believe that Dr. Who started and ended with David Tennant and Billie fucking Piper. My only consolation is some of the cunts will actually wank themselves to death that the Tenth Doctor is somehow coming back…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Was that World of Wayne?

I think for many people, like myself, the Enterprise-D is the ship we knew when we fell in love with Star Trek, and I think there's always something special about your first Enterprise.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
I really don’t like the Galaxy-class. It beggars belief that it’s regarded so mistily-eyed as the greatest spaceship in Star Trek.

Is it the aesthetics? Does the model (svelte six-footer versus fat space truck four-footer) make a difference?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
It's hard to really break it down why. I don'tlike the way it looks from a lot of angles - and since the more generic exterior shots were reused extensively, there was plenty of opportunity to really compound the distaste. I'm not saying the class is incapapble of looking good - it looked fucking amazing when it appeared in that dream sequence at the start of PIC s1.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
It IS a bit front-heavy..
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
This sounds like the start of an "I like my starships like I like my women" joke...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I did consider some sich, but decided it would've been too obvious.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
It doesn’t look too great in side view - but then plenty don’t, the Akira-class being a particularly egregious example. And there’s one view from the front and below where the saucer looks particularly humongous - I mean, it fills the whole bloody screen - while the stardrive section looks tiny.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Never been a big fan of the Galaxy as well. Like Lee explained she just has a lot of unfavourable angles. The aft view is especially terrible. I did appreciate her more when they started to use her in the Dominion War battle scenes.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
So how do those who don't like the Galaxy feel about the Sovereign? Lee? Spike?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I like it, personally, though I get why many don’t. At the time it was a breath of fresh air (after years of nothing but Excelsiors and Mirandas, with only the occasional Nebula and assorted kitbashes - and nowhere near as many Ambassadors and Constellations as there could have been - to break the monotony), though in hindsight it also displays many of those annoying little Eavesian touches that have increasingly grated on our sensibilities with each new class he creates (how many is he credited with?).
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Two. He's made two. He makes the Starfleet CurvAngular Ship and the Alien Ship.

That is all.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Originally posted by Guardian 2000:
So how do those who don't like the Galaxy feel about the Sovereign? Lee? Spike?

It's #3 in my Enterprise ranking after the Constitution refit and Excelsior.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I haven’t tested this fully, but a rough estimation would be:

[01 Refit]
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
So third-party retailers have sent out cancellation notices for the Caretaker Array, but still list Stargazer, Serenity, and Vancouver as available/pre-order, so hopefully these were actually manufactured and might still be fulfilled. Not holding out a lot of hope, but sometimes you only need a little hope.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Good luck on the last Eaglemoss bits.

As for Galaxy versus Sovereign ... huh. From the terraced undersaucer to the oops-I-forgot saucer-to-secondary dorsal to the completely forgotten nacelle ventral side to the utterly forgotten bridge fitment, I find the E design worse the more I think about it, but to each their own. For myself, it would go like:

Null and D6 tied
NX-01 and D4 (Bulldog) tied
Monsterprise / Monsterprise-A

I do distinguish between the six-footer and four-footer. If I had to merge them somehow, it'd be C & D tied, I guess, but maybe the D would eke it out since the down-pointing deflector on the C does tickle my OCD quite a bit.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I guess it's personal choice how granular you want to be. If you're going to get into differing models, well, where does it end? You get the Cage Null, the TOS Null, the DSC Null - and the SNW Null. And the FC/INS E and the Nem E. And frankly? Life's too short! All these are meant to represet the exact same ship, the differences are cosmetic rather than fundamental; it's easy however to exempt the TOS Movie/Null Refit from that, however, because there was a second, identical ship then introduced, the A. So even if you get dogmatic and say the Refit can't be included because "it's the 'same' ship as the Null," then it still stays in the list - as the A.

Here's a thought: if they were making TVH today, do you think the A would have been another Constitution-refit? It would probably be a new design instead...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I think a lot of that would depend on how much budget they had, and if they had enough to build a new model, and possibly a new bridge set (although of course they could use it for the Saratoga and Yorktown scenes).
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I mean, it was only that way because of the nostalgia factor & the stupid-poor test audience response to the original ending of Kirk & co. being put on Excelsior.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Really? I’ve never seen that stated anywhere..?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Am I the only one whose favorite is the C...?
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Kirk and company on the Excelsior with a DS9-esque "special dispensation" to rename it Enterprise might've worked.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Or just a newly-built as-yet-I commissioned (or hastily re-named and thus re-commissioned) Excelsior-class. Though I guess there wouldn’t have been any yet, given ST4 is set about three months after ST3 - when the Excelsior was just the Great Experiment and not yet a class ship.

Ha! Imagine if the A had been a Miranda… or an Oberth!
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
If you're going to get into differing models, well, where does it end? {...} All these are meant to represet the exact same ship, the differences are cosmetic rather than fundamental;

I was working on a blog post about this already, actually, after recent research on the C-type Galaxy, a.k.a. the "War Galaxy", the dark-neck one seen in "Favor the Bold" and, as I'd long ago caught here, "Image in the Sand". The post isn't done but here's some of the research, including pretty pictures:

Given that the B-type (Venture) was only ever seen represented by the four-footer with leftover AGT blisters (Blistered Bulldog?), then yeah, the Enterprise-D is always supposed to be the same despite model variations, but this need not be so for the B and C types.

(There's also the more obvious Excelsior vs. Enterprise-B differences, which (along with Picard's "B-type Warbird" line) is what long ago led me to refer to subclass variations by type designation. Of course, I started with the flared and be-boxed Enterprise-B as the "B-type Excelsior", missing at that point the fact that the NX style Excelsior and the NCC style Excelsior models had both represented later ships, suggesting both variations continued to be built. Fortunately, the variations are small enough I can use the USAF "block" terminology as a sub-type designation.)

As for cosmetics . . . given how different the cosmetics can be between certain models, and since we were talking subjective favorites based on aesthetics, I think the distinction is fine.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Well, yeah, obviously there are subtypes of ship, just as there were of Supermarine Spitfires, or F-15 Eagles. And that’s fine. If someone wants to say “My favourite Trek ship is the Ambassador-class” then nobody’ll find fault with that. And if they say that but then follow up with “… but specifically the Yamaguchi variant with the lowered nacelles (due to the shorter pylons”) then that’s fine too.

But is that relevant to what we were talking about - ranking our favourite Enterprises? Does it matter if two empirically different models were used to represent the same ship (during the same time period)?

Trek has a reasonable degree of internal consistency. To an extent. Ultimately it comes down to how much you can put up with. Personally I couldn’t tell you the difference between the 4ft D and the 6ft D without looking it up. So I ignore it! Same with ship scaling which we all know is all over the shop…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
My favorite Mustang is the P51D!
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :

To me, the six and the four are so wildly different (and not "one-off" level guest models like the two-foot) that it makes a huge difference, even if they're both meant to represent 1701-D. That they're roughly equal in representing the ship makes it notable.

(One guy literally constructed and textured an entirely new 3D CG mesh of the Galaxy for game mod use just to capture the flavor of the Bulldog better, even after an amazing Svelterprise-D existed. )

If they're close enough for you, then that's fine, but there's enough difference for me to more than justify the distinction.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
News from Ben Robinson:
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I was able to grab the XL Stargazer and the Lower Decks special edition USS Vancouver from Master Replicas. They just arrived a few hours ago -- both in mint condition, well packaged, although the individual boxes weren't shrink wrapped. Also, no magazines.

The Stargazer looks to be in the same scale as the Enterprise-A. The Constellation-Class is an absolute beast. Promotion photos didn't do her justice -- the saucer appears to be the appropriate depth (the regular edition seemed fairly thin), although some details (like the robot on the underside) are missing, and the bulbous projection with antenna on the underside is now on the starboard when it's on the port side of the regular edition).

The Stargazer has an absolutely beautiful aztec paintjob, and feels nice and hefty.

And then we have the Vancouver. I don't know. Feels light, but looks fine. Or looks fiiiiiiiiiine.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I made a conscious decision to steer clear of the XLs. Wouldn’t have the room for them. Thought about maybe getting just one… but which one?

The original or the refit, well, much as I like the former, I feel like I have plenty of (smaller, granted) representations of that. The latter, it just doesn’t grab me for some reason. In fact that’s how I feel about most of the XL offerings. If I’m going to get one, I want wow factor. In the first MR drop, I spent a lot of time considering the Prometheus and the Ent-E. Ultimately it was price: I wanted a Discoprise so that’s what I got.

That said, its mid-size status displeases me a bit. Same with the Vancouver I subsequently got in the last drop. So those, I’ll probably put away for a rainy eBay.

In the end, I keep coming back to the E. It’s my favourite. I note the next drop has more of the XL in, so there’s my chance. But… the week after, the unreleased gold XL is dropping. Gold or standard Sovereign-class Enterprise? Hmm…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Thought about maybe getting just one… but which one?
Why is this even a question?

Ask Gowron what you should buy. I did, for you. Here's what he said: "Think of it. Thirty years ago, no one had ever heard of Bajor or Deep Space 9. Now all our hopes rest here. Where the tides of fortune take us, no man can know."
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
XL DS9 is going up this week ....
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And the gold E XL. I think if I was ever going to get one XL, it’d be the E. So far I’ve missed out on both drops (including in the latest one when it wasn’t released in time with the rest; I checked at zero hour and it wasn’t there, assumed it’d been left off again - not the first time - and by the time MR posted about it, it’d sold out again). I don’t know whether I would want a gold one. Assuming I even managed to nab one at all.

The smaller OG Titan is still available, incredibly - it seems people only want the larger/more vibrant LDS one. They’ve also (just?) released (more of?) two of the 32nd-cent ships, the Nog and the Liu Cixin.

Look, I like the smaller ones. So I’m feeling a bit unimpressed with the mid-size ones I have got - the Discoprise, the Vancouver and the… bugger, what was it? Oh yeah, the NX-01 refit. I may keep the latter; will probably keep the former; but will likely sell on the Vancouver eventually, there’s something about it I just don’t like.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And then they released the gold Ent-E XL… with a strict prohibition that one per customer… and they priced it at £249. Fuck, and indeed, off.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeah, that $USD 315 price was laughable even if I HAD been interested.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Just tried to get shit in this drop, had it in my cart, went to pay...& it said sold out. Fucking bullshit. If it's in your cart it should be fucking held until paid.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Well, got fucking sniped again. I had what I wanted, was checking out. GONE in under 60 seconds from going live. Fucking reprehensible.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Pretty good luck with the last couple of drops -- got the SE Cerritos about a week ago, and in today's drop managed to get the Pasteur and Ahwahnee, meaning I believe I have all of the 24th Century Starfleet ships.

Also grabbed a 22nd Century Klingon BOP.

I think Master Replicas has one last Lower Decks model -- the Cerritos shuttle -- coming sometime towards the end of August or early September.

Also grabbed one of the very few 1:6 QMX Captain's Chairs, which will be a good place for my Exo-6 Captain Sisko to rest his feet after a long day slaughtering Jem'Hadar.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I decided I quite fancied the Courage-class USS Jubayr, so got that. Ben Robinson has teased another likely 32nd-cent ship he hadn’t realised had gone into production in the US: could be the Dresselhaus-type (the flying letter J) but obviously the Holy Grail would be the Constitution… IV? -class USS Armstrong.

And I got the small gold 1701-null on a bit of a whim. There’s not much else I'm really interested in. Not the Cerritos (midsize or XL), not the Titan (OG or LDS variants in any size)… I toyed with the idea of getting the Voyager-J but decided I really don’t like models with the detached nacelles (otherwise I’d’ve gotten a Nog). I might still bite the bullet and get the non-gold Ent-E XL.

I would also quite like a Viper mk.2 but it’s too big for my tastes - 10 inches long!! I’m not interested in The Orville so those are out. The Doctor Who merch all seems naff to me. And none of the available Expanse ships appeal to me…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
The Mk 2 Viper is an incredible model, although I do wish Eaglemoss had stuck to a small scale for that line! They take up a lot of space...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I've been getting stuff for myself, but also stuff for later sale. Regular-size E-J is for me, & have 3 OG Connie refits partly by accident, a Sisko figure in box (got one to open for me), a Reliant concept, aType 7 shuttle, a large T'Plana-Hath which I might keep, a reg-size Voyager. XL Cerritos will arive by Friday; waiting on Oberth for me plus a reg-size Titan & a large Lower Decks one. Just got a Lantree for me & an E-B (plus 2 extra; meant to get only one extra for sale but couldn't change it after adding to cart), plus a Kumari & a Xindi-Aquatic cruiser, which I may or may not keep.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
I decided I quite fancied the Courage-class USS Jubayr

Okay, so it isn't just me, then. Thanks.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
There’s something about it. Can’t put my finger on what. It is SO different to just about anything Starfleet we’ve ever seen. At best, if you were being generous, you might suggest that it still shows what would once have been a secondary hull. But that’s it. I sort-of want to suggest that the Eisenberg-class could be considered an intermediate step between “classic” designs and the Courage-class, but I’m not wholly convinced of it…

Also, used my “40% off a second ship” code to just bite the bullet and get the Ent-D along with the Ent-B!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
The Courage design looks like Arabic. Like, the entire ship feels like someone looked at a word or phrase in Arabic or Farsi & said "yeah, that's perfect for a starship".
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
If the ship itself is called the Jubayr, then they may actually have been going for something like that.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Today, in the Greek bay below where I’m staying, there turned up a superyacht. But not just any - an original (refitted & restored) 1930s motor yacht. The second we’ve had this holiday in fact, whereas previously in all the years we’ve been coming here they’ve been the more-conventional modern designs. But I digress - the point is, during WW2 this MY was commissioned into the Royal Navy, and given an HMS designation before the name it bore at the time (it’s had at least a half-dozen owners in its 90 years of life, and four or five different names). Perhaps this is a similar situation - the surviving ships of this class (Courage, which doesn’t scream Arabic per se) were UFP civilian vessels conscripted into Starfleet service after the Burn, to make up the numbers. Perhaps their unconventional design doesn’t just reflect that, but also might imply some other non-dilithium-based propulsion method? Probably not though given we saw this design being blown up in said Burn…
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Since 1987 I've been taken by that admittedly nonsensical adage from the Star Trek TNG magazine of TNG representing a time when aesthetics had surpassed technology. The Courage Class tickles that little spot in my brain. It's as if a whole ship was created mixing TNG's curves and those astonishingly thin and small TOS pylons . . . if there's a negative to the ship, other than the comparisons to a toilet, it is that the ship is perhaps too chonky.

(image from beammeupchief on DeviantArtl

Moreover, it represents a whiff of realism insofar as changing technology over time. The Enterprise-J was largely a bomb in that department. "Oh look, saucer and nacelles (yawn).”
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I wish it had defined warp engines though. Also, which way is front?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
The tall part.

I’m in record as not liking the detached nacelles. Plus I’ve just seen an animation a modeller did with the Voyager-G flapping its nacelles like a duck, and I can neither unsee that nor fail to imagine the Eisenberg-class doing the same.

So I’m quite happy with the lack of any visible or identifiable nacelles on the Courage. Plenty of non-UFP ship designs don’t have nacelles as we usually think of them - long and thin, glowing grilles, bussards at the front. Think of those Vulcan ring ships…

It’d be interesting to divine how the Courage’s form is defined by function. Many designs have bent or cherry-picked the Roddenberry rules for starship design; this rips them up and throws them away. There have been many theories about how, well, warp field theory dictates starship design: why is this so different? Maybe the answer to that is, there are plenty of warp ships that don’t look like Starfleet ones, so why not?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Hey guys, I've done some searching, because my STD-SNW Enterprise XL and Cerritos XL both have broken stands, and came across these folks:

Stands made to order, so we'll see how they are when they arrive in a month.

The Lower Decks-run Cerritos from MR's drop two weeks ago arrived today! It's about two thirds the length of the XL, and is just super adorable.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
The tall part.

Wait, really? Hmm.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
So I’m quite happy with the lack of any visible or identifiable nacelles on the Courage. Plenty of non-UFP ship designs don’t have nacelles as we usually think of them - long and thin, glowing grilles, bussards at the front. Think of those Vulcan ring ships…

Which is why I specifically said engines & not nacelles. I don't care how they look, I just wanna know where they are.

Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
The Lower Decks-run Cerritos from MR's drop two weeks ago arrived today! It's about two thirds the length of the XL, and is just super adorable.

Pix mayhaps? Mine got here on Monday & since it's still sealed in box, I haven't opened it because I'm probably going to sell it at some point.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Well, fucked again on the Nilo Rodis Excelsior concept II, this time in 36 seconds.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Been trying to think what more I could get. In no particular order:

Ent-E (XL?)
Ent-A (I have the refit -null, but for completeness…)
Ent-F (well, maybe - again for completeness. And definitely not the STO version)
Inquiry-class (ideally the Zheng He, as that was the “canon” one; problem is many others seem to think the same way! But if I did, I might then want to get one of the other versions with the other nacelle configuration… fuck off am I getting all four though!

All the above have been up before, and I’ve either missed out or often balked at what they’re charging. I don’t mind paying in the £50 range for something I really want or that is rare and/or could have good future resale value, but their prices remain all over the shop and some of them I object to paying.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Looks like FanHome has secured the rights to produce new model starships -- I assume they scored Eaglemoss's production assets...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
“FanHome has secured the sought-after license granted by Paramount and CBS for the production of an all-new collection of Star Trek starships. Speculations circulating within the industry suggest that this new line, highly reminiscent of Eaglemoss' renowned offerings, will commence with a meticulously crafted mid-size replica of Captain Picard's Titan starship.

FanHome’s announcement joins the impending arrival of more collectible Star Trek models, not only from Corgi but also a larger-than-life, Kickstarter-funded Enterprise from TOMY, slated for an early 2024 debut.

However, the sun appears to be quickly setting for Master Replicas as a litany of challenges continue to beleaguer the company. Reports detail perilous financial overstretch, warehouse staff walkouts, a snowballing accumulation of order backlogs, fulfilment errors, and persistent issues with quality control. Adding to their tribulations, the recent licensing agreements inked with MGM to produce Stargate models and Legendary to produce DUNE models, with a distribution strategy centered around a "Collector's Club" subscription model, has elicited wearied responses from loyal aficionados of the niche franchises.

The wider collectibles market finds itself navigating treacherous waters, compounded by the global economic downturn. As two notable companies teeter on the precipice of collapse and several others edge closer to administration or bankruptcy, potential consumers are adopting a cautious stance. In a climate of uncertainty, committing to preorders or subscriptions based on the promise of future model releases is increasingly viewed as a perilous endeavour for consumers.”
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
That's cool, I pretty much got everything I wanted. Got no interest in the Disco, Picard, or STO abominations, & unless they do some more of the DS9 Frankenstein fleet, I'm good.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
That link doesn’t work anymore, and I’m not finding any alternatives. How sure are we it’s genuine? And something about this feels off:

“Reports detail perilous financial overstretch, warehouse staff walkouts, a snowballing accumulation of order backlogs, fulfilment errors, and persistent issues with quality control. Adding to their tribulations, the recent licensing agreements inked with MGM to produce Stargate models and Legendary to produce DUNE models, with a distribution strategy centred around a "Collector's Club" subscription model, has elicited wearied responses from loyal aficionados of the niche franchises.”

Really? I’ve not noticed any such reports, and the response to the announcement of the Stargate range - quite a new announcement at that - has so far been positive. Lots of people were excited about the release of the X-304. Quality control issues? They’re selling reclaimed stock from a bankruptcy, if they weren’t checking it before shipping I think it’d be getting widespread comment, and I’ve seen nothing. And as for perilous financial positions, on at least two occasions they’ve honoured multiple orders for a model that was mistakenly priced at £0.00 ($0.00) - that kind of altruism could easily lead to a perilous financial position it’s true, but it’s not something they did lightly.

So, basically, what the hell is going on? Fanhome may not be the panacea people think it could be, they’re heavily into the subscription model and thst didn’t really work for Trek when Eaglemoss were doing it! Much as people might want the Titan-A/Ent-G, will they sign up to a running sub to do so? Sure it might also net them, say, the new Stargazer, or the Duderstadt-class, but would they want whatever other obscure shops Eaglemoss never got round to?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yeah, I think I got snookered by a Reddit prankster. Grumble grumble.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Though MR are now saying that DeAgostini have got the new ships licence. They’re disappointed but feel confident their other licences will stand them in good stead.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I think Corgi also has a license to produce some stuff...maybe we'll finally get that Defiant they tooled almost 20 years ago!
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

DeAgastini is the parent company of Fanhome.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :

I decided to get a Franklin because I quite like it. Could be one I end up selling eventually though, I think it’s a midsize and I’m just not mad on them.

Is it just me or does the XL Rocinante from The Expanse look just a bit too fat?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I think it’s a midsize and I’m just not mad on them.
Yeah, it's the SE size.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
So three weeks ago, on 9 August, I placed two orders as part of the day's flash drop. About 2 weeks ago, I received shipping notice for Tthe second, but nothing for the first. Yesterday, after 3 weeks, I received the second order, but still have gotten zero notification for the first. No shipping, no anything except the initial confirmation email.

I shot off an email last night, all "Where is my second order? Why have I gotten no information on it? What are you going to do to get it to me promptly rather than wait yet another 3-4 weeks?"

This morning I received the following:

So sorry for the delay on your order.

It appears the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B stock arrived damaged, so the team have been trying to source replacements. At this moment in time, I couldn't advise how long this would take I'm afraid.

Are you happy to wait for the team to get this sorted, or would you like a refund on the item?


What?? Does that not bear some kind of notice? I replied with:
How are we defining "damaged"? Dented boxes? Broken product? Water damage? Some things may be more acceptable than others.

I'm willing to wait within reason, but considering that it was supposed to be limited stock & that it's been three weeks without any sort of notification or explanation, I'm not exactly sanguine about this. Please keep me informed on updates on this issue. Thank you.

Anyway, I've noticed that MR has really dropped the ball on timely order fulfillment in the past 2½ months. And now this? Come on.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Did you have any of the QMX products in the delayed order?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I did not. It was 3 E-Bs (meant to get two, couldn't change it) & a Xindi-Aquatic cruiser.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
That’s interesting about the B. My order was also late, and I queried, and was told

We are working through a backlog at the moment due to stock arriving later than expected.

Last week's drop was postponed to help us catch up - the team is getting there! We are making sure all stock is in the best condition before shipping out orders, but it shouldn’t be much longer until yours is on the way.

We haven’t forgotten about you, but at this moment in time, I couldn't advise a shipping date I'm afraid.

I received a shipping notification today, three weeks after I placed the order. Let’s see what arrives…

Meanwhile, the Ent-F sold out in less than a minute last night. Annoying.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeah, that's happened to me a ton. Literally in my cart within 45 seconds & already sold out. How many did they have, two?!
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
My last order, including the QMX chair, still hasn't shipped. MR had published that that stock arrived much later than anticipated (the 20th), and it appears it didn't actually arrive until the 24th...they're promising fulfillment of my order within 14 days of the 24th, so, fingers crossed.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Not Eaglemoss, but I've been patronizing an amazing vintage toy store in northern Maryland for the last few months in Westminster. Their entire back wall is Star Trek and I've picked up the Art Asylum Klingon BOP (regular and cloaked); Playmates Klingon BOP; and today scored the Playmates USS Defiant -- all for cheaper than eBay, although certainly higher priced than when they were available at retail.

The Defiant ... what an amazingly detailed model for Playmates (especially compared to their BOP).

Really tempted by the Art Asylum Enterprise-A but they want $185 for it .... maybe my next trip ....
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Oh ... and Corgi has their TOS and TNG Enterprises listed for order on their websites. I'm assuming these are the same models they released about twenty years ago...
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Was that the one I went to with you?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
No, this one is about an hour drive away from that one!

That one was dirty and disorganized.

This one is clean, well organized, and absolutely incredible.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
OK next time! That other place, it was a bit overwhelming…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Next time for sure -- ! I won't turn down a trip, to be certain.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Just found out they're opening an outlet in Gettysburg -- can you say ROAD TRIP
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
The only person who likes Gettysburg is Larry David.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Reply from MR:


Unfortunately no matter the level of damage, we are not licensed to sell damaged items to customers - this is due to our licensing agreements.

I haven't got a time frame yet, but when I hear something I will get in touch [Smile]

Thanks for your patience,

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
There are apparently Probert Cs in this Friday’s drop. Not sure whether I want one or not. And more Zheng Hes which are on my nice-to-have list. Not many left now I want…
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I have a Probert-C. It's pretty nice.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And then they released it today instead, and by the time I happened to have a look at what was up, just out of interest, all gone. I think they may have split them between today and Friday, but it’s unclear. Their comms, email or on socials, aren’t always great.

Things get trailed, then not released. Or vice versa.

Worst is when they forget to add something to a drop, then do it retrospectively at a time when it’s pure chance whether you see it. That’s happened at least twice and I’ve missed my chance as a result.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I got an email yesterday that the order I've been talking about above finally shipped...but only the one piece that ISN'T an E-B. Of course, I emailed about that; we'll see what they say.

Also, I got one order yesterday, & two today. One of the ones today had a wrong item: ordered a Cheyenne, got a Challenger. Not really too pissed because it's for later sale rather than me, but the $20/£16 difference between the two annoys. Emailed about that saying either send me what I ordered (which you obviously have enough of) or refund the difference. They'll probably do the latter, & I'm sure not paying for an international return.

I think their warehouse guys are the same species of idiot that works in my food vendor for work.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
W00t! Got a Probert C. Just once, I got in in time.

Decided I wasn’t paying £44.99 for a Zheng He. Plus it’s a midsize isn’t it?

I think that’s it, for me. Though I really should get an -A to round off my Enterprises. Though then I’d have to get a -J. And I know it’s daft but I’d like a -F. And a baseline NX-01 (I love my refit even though it’s a midsize). And of course all this assumes that everything else I’ve ordered actually arrives at some point!!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I was wondering if you'd get one; they went fast. Got a Prometheus, nothing else caught my eye for myself or resale.

They fixed my wrong order by simply shipping me the Cheyenne & telling me to keep the Challenger, so there's that. Both are for future sale anyway, as is most of what I been getting lately.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I see Fanhome now have the BYO 1701-D offer up, and YouTube modeller World Of Wayne has started documenting the build again from scratch. He did before, but shortly before Eaglemoss went belly-up, he decided to dismantle his work so far and rebuild it with the electrics and windows done the way he thought would be best. I don’t know if he’s planning that again, but given he said he’d be applying certain mods to the Fanhome BYO Millennium Falcon and he hasn’t here, I’m assuming not.

And it does look fun! But I keep coming back to, it’s the D and it’s not my favourite. And the cost! I didn’t work it out that precisely, but Fanhome’s fulfilment model (31 monthly batches mostly of four stages each, as opposed to Eaglemoss’s of two stages fortnightly) plus shipping, you’re looking at not much change from £1500. Over two and a half years, not TOO bad I guess (as in, I could afford it; many others couldn’t) but… it’s the D.

And if Fanhome judge it a success, might they do more? Let’s imagine they did. What would they do next?

- 1701-null or -A refit
- Voyager
- Cerritos?

None of them appeal. A classic 1701 might, but WHICH? Cage? TOS, most likely - unless they judged that more were likely to be attracted to the DSC/SNW version. Or maybe the Defiant..?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Sorry - had visitors, so posted as far as I’d gotten with my rambling train of thought!

So, I’m not sure what would attract me to the cost and time commitment of a BYO Trek ship. As was already obvious from the original BYO D offering, there is a LOT of repetition in building frame, fitting lights and windows to hull sections, fitting hull to frame, ad infinitum. What ship would avoid that? Voyager might, lower surface area to volume; possibly Defiant also. Less windows in a -null or -refit 1701, but it’s a skinnier ship so high surface area to volume.

And whereas an Akira- or Steamrunner- or Prometheus-class might tempt me, that ain’t gonna happen ever, so pointless wondering really.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
...So, subscription-based model building? That's dumb af.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Well yes, plenty thought so - especially once Eaglemoss went tits-up not even a quarter of the way through the Ent-D build!

But these partwork things keep happening, so they must make money sometimes?

And Fanhome have apparently bought up the remaining stock needed to complete people's builds - suggesting that EM had indeed made all the parts needed...

... Perhaps this is why they failed financially, the outlay to make all that at once can't have been insignificant, especially when their return on investment was going to come at the rate of about £22 per month per subscription over the next two and a half years. And, with the cost of living crisis everywhere, if subscription sign-ups weren't what they needed to be...
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I feel subscription based models are common, particularly for folks with deep wallets and lots of display space. And also, a bit of a phenom I've associated with the U.K.

I'm looking forward to what D'Agastino plans to do with the Trek line. I doubt they'll go as deep as Eaglemoss, although, perhaps EM demonstrated that there is a viable market for some niche vessels.

Does anyone collect anything other than the ship models? I bought Exo-6's Ben Sisko, and have their Quark (shipping any day now), Kira, Saavik (Regula 1), Data (w/ Two Spots), and Kruge on order.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :

As that article says, they’ve long been a feature in the UK - so much part of the cultural fabric (specifically of new year TV when all the other ads are for the January sales) that we’ve long since ceased to register them. I don’t know how popular they are. I presume most of the offers do eventually complete - assuming the publisher doesn’t go bust - so they must have decent reputation.

A lot of the magazine content is often recycled from some book that already exists. Eaglemoss may have done it the other way round, putting their magazine content into their books.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
This week they have the Future (“AGT”) Ent-D coming out, in normal and XL (the latter may be a first). And I’m struck by quite how differing in detail they are. Obviously the XL being larger has more detail, but there are areas on the normal size the third nacelle’s pylon, for example) where they could have included some of that detail but haven’t. And the small has the dorsal phaser strip outlined in red in a way that’s lacking on the XL. And many of the added greeblies (e.g. the structure behind the bridge) are wildly different between the two. It’s enough to put me off getting the small to complete my set, and a quite salutary example of why an XL might be considered the more desirable option!
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Pricing is creeping up, it feels like - in this week’s drop there are a couple things going for £69.99 whereas previously the ceiling (for most ships excepting the gold XLs) has been a maximum of £59.99. Two of the four Inquiry-class variants are also on for £59.99, and I’m not paying that any more than I would pay £44.99 for the Zheng He, and that’s the closest to an onscreen “hero” ship there’s been for the class…
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Just wanted to show off one of two new cabinets I just added. This one houses some of my Eaglemoss (the other one is ENTIRELY Eaglemoss, but I'm still setting it up), most of my action figures (Playmates, Diamond Select, Art Asylum), and a shelf reserved for Exo-6.





Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
The phaser and communicator on the top shelf are both the recent reissues from Playmates; the Phaser Rifle and the Bat'leth are from Factory Entertainment.

And some of you may notice there are two XL Enterprise-Ds ... a former coworker asked me if I'd be interested in buying a memento from her husband, an Enterprise-D he'd gotten Wil Wheaton to sign, so that's what is on the top shelf.

The top shelf is reserved for Exo-6. I do expect that they will eventually expand to take over more shelves. Currently, I have Quark, Kira, Data (the deluxe version), Kruge, and the Regula-One edition Saavik on preorder.

Second shelf has most of my action figures -- Playmates, Diamond Select, and Art Asylum, plus some little vinyl action guys and "Star Trek meets skeletons" which I believe are both from NECA Toys. The little Enterprise - which lights up! - is from some company that does little gift boxes that you often see at bookstores.

The first Eaglemoss Shelf holds most of my Enterprises -- SNW and the Ring Ship are elsewhere -- plus DS9, the Defiant, and the Bajoran solar sail.

The bottom shelf is TOS Movie Themed. Yes, I know the Stargazer doesn't exactly belong, but it's always been a movie-era ship, even if we didn't see it until TNG. And if you were wondering where the Enterprise-A was on the previous shelf ... well, here she be. Really, all I need here are a couple of humpback whales, and maybe a Norwegian whaling vessel parked under the XL BOP.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Zounds! Also, I have that little light-up Enterprise too, it was my Christmas Eve tree present (a family tradition that, now I think about it, had just seen its 33rd iteration - a third of a century?!).
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Sisko seems awfully calm for having a gigantic phaser pointed straight at his junk.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
It has no batteries, so he knows he is safe.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Apparently Fanhome/DeAgostini have a booth at this week's NY Comic Con .......
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Probert C has arrived! So now all I’m waiting for is an E and an Aventine. Might get an A if they appear again (maybe tomorrow?) and the price is right. Likewise an F. And then I think I’m done.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
So I been getting a lot of partial orders lately, things that ship but part of it isn't there. The thing is, a lot of times they offer the other items for sale still well after I've ordered them, & when I contact MR, I get this runaround of "oh, they were damaged & we're trying to secure new stock" or "there was a delay getting the stock to the warehouse" or some other damn thing. I'm starting to feel like I'm being scammed while they sell nonexistent stock.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
It took a while and my purchases arrived in an order that bore no resemblance to the order I, er, ordered them in, but I’m up to date.

And not planning to get any more! There are some I like, but I’m not willing to pay the prices they’re asking (nice to haves, really - like the Mars or Janeway classes - but not at £39.99 each - or any of the Inquiry variants - but not at £44.99 each!). I’m still hoping to net an Ent-F, and might splash out on an Ent-E XL, but failing that, I’m done.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
So, not me dropping $410 on lightcycles so I can have a full set & anotuer one for sale. Got so many boxes of stuff fo future sale in my flat, looks like an Amazon watehouse.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Speaking of Starship models I recently dropped my Bandai Enterprise-A model. It's ludicrous what I would've to spend on Ebay to replace it.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Well, here's Master Replicas fucking up AGAIN. Here's what I just sent

On 27 September 2023, I placed order #77108. Part of this order was two (2) units of the Jim Martin USS Valiant Defiant concept model. Over the months, these have been the last pieces of many delayed orders.

On 19 February, I was informed that these last purchases were finally on their way to me after nearly half a year. Attached is a screenshot of that order confirmation. They were delivered to my home today, 28 February, while I was at work. I have now gotten home & opened the package to find entirely the wrong items.

This was supposed to be a pair of USS Valiant concept models. Instead, I have been sent a pair of USS Reliant concept models.

Please find attached photos of both the incorrect items as well as the packing slip indicating the correct item name.

As stated, it has been 6 months since I ordereed. I have been waiting patiently, & have even seen what I order offered for sale well past when I purchased them. The short of it is: I want my items, please. I will gladly send the incorrectly shipped items back to you (at your coat, of course), but please rectify this situation post-haste.

Thank you.

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
So farewell, then, MR’s Eaglemoss clear-out. Wasn’t tempted by anything still for sale before their EM licence lapsed. The prices didn’t come down at all, for anything.

And now Fanhome have announced their first forays. Some of you… are not going to like it! Larger (7” to 9”) models, with the first releases being…

- The PIC s3 Titan
- The PIC s2 Stargazer
- The SNW s2 Farragut

$64.99 each, $54.99 for subscribers…
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
So, the dumbest ugliest shit. Brilliant move.

I wonder what's going to happen to those tons of Eaglemoss stock that never moved?

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