This is topic Attacoma Class in forum Designs, Artwork, & Creativity at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by ziip on :
Here's the USS Tescora ['ra] of the Attacoma Class.

I don't have any time to edit the sketches yet, so here's the first drafts.

Latest sketch
2nd Latest sketch
Under and Back skethes
View of side and 2nd draft of top
First Drawing
Another one (maybe USS Metorro of the Metorro Class)

[This message has been edited by ziip (edited July 24, 1999).]

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Ohh, nice...

I like the Enterprise-E-like saucer markings...

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :

"Oh I keep her locked in the basement and give her a piece of raw meat every hour on the hour. And by raw meat I mean intercourse." *looks at clock* "That reminds me...."
-Nathan McFarlane, on the subject of his "Spanish immigrant girl"

[This message has been edited by Fabrux (edited July 24, 1999).]

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
I've seen these at
They look great, especially that last drawing.

"Calm may work for Locutus of the Borg here,
but I'm freaked out, and I intend to stay that way!"

- Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Ziip, you selected email notification for this topic, but the email address it's being sent to is not valid, causing it to bounce. Please correct this situation. To prevent more bounces, this thread is closed.

(Nice design, BTW)

Charles Capps
Chief Administrator, the solareclipse network
"I do whatever the voices in my head tell me to do."

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